Chapter 2 "Da Sunflower Men's Clinic".


Chen Miao lowered his head and looked at the business card in his hand. In addition to the words "Da Sunflower Men's Clinic" in extra-large fonts, there was also a middle-aged man wearing a white coat with a face that looked a little greasy.

There is also his own watch communication number next to it.

He has had a fairly good advantage since he was a child, and his memory is relatively good.

Of course, it's not as exaggerated as hyperamnesia, and he can't forget everything he sees, but as long as he remembers things seriously, he can basically not forget them in a short time. If he doesn't tell the whole Fengtian City these seven days We’ve finished running, at least we’ve run through this area.

I still remember all the road signs on the streets so I won’t have trouble finding my way.

As for the man following him.

Called Hungry Monkey.

I met a laborer a few days ago. He usually doesn't have any serious work. He basically does odd jobs, the kind that means he can eat well and go hungry.

When he first crossed this world, he was a typical gangster.

I have no household registration, no identity, even my clothes were borrowed in the dead of night, and I don’t even have a watch. I can’t integrate into this society normally. Eating is a problem, but how can I say that, a living person can still be choked by urine? die?

He picked a lunch time and went to the entrance of a chain fast food restaurant next to an office building. He picked up a receipt that had been discarded casually in the trash can at the door, and then strode into the chain fast food restaurant with the receipt.

The employee claimed that he had just bought a donburi here, but there were bugs in the rice and asked to make a new one.

that's all.

He got a green pepper shredded pork rice bowl.

And this scene was watched by the bored monkey squatting at the door. At that moment, the monkey seemed to have discovered a new world, and decided on the spot to try the same trick, but the same trick was performed at the same time. It's a bit inappropriate to use it twice in a home store.

The hungry monkey thinks he is very smart.

Have some brains.

Then he picked up a small ticket from the door of a couple's noodle shop nearby, rushed in, and yelled that there were bugs in the noodles, and was immediately kicked out by the boss angrily.

A hungry monkey knows he has some brains, but not much.

Chen Miao, who was squatting on the street enjoying a bowl of rice, bumped into the hungry monkey who had been thrown out with a face full of grievance and confusion. At that moment, he even saw tears in the monkey's eyes.

Since then, Hungry Monkey has been following him, saying he wants to learn this skill from his apprentice.

Why can you succeed but he can't?

He didn't refuse, and the hungry monkey has been following him since then.

It is indeed much more convenient to do things with someone. As the saying goes, if you don't lead a team, you will be exhausted here in your life.


Chen Miao stopped at the door of a clinic that looked a little shabby. It was a front room in an old-fashioned community with two floors. The decoration looked a little shabby, but it was clean and dust-free.

It can be seen that the owner of this store cares about the appearance of his clinic.

There is a sign hanging above it.

"Da Kuihua Men's Clinic".

It's just that the word "big" in the first one was obviously covered with oilcloth at the back, and it was obviously not this word at first.

There seemed to be no other employees in this clinic. There was only a doctor in a white coat sitting in the shop. When he saw Chen Miao and the two people stopping at the door, his eyes suddenly shone brightly and he strode out, holding Chen Miao's hand tightly with both hands. His right hand kept shaking up and down, and his cheeks were filled with a smile of seeing a fat sheep.

"You are Chen Miao, right?"

"I heard from the people below you that you are here to experience life. Rent my clinic for a day to experience what it's like to open a clinic, right?"

"I have made an agreement with your men."

"From tonight to tomorrow night, all sales in the store belong to me, and you also need to pay me 3,000 credits as rental fees, right?"


Chen Miao walked into the clinic and glanced around the inside of the clinic. There was a familiar smell of disinfectant in the air. Although it was simple, it was still clean. Then she looked at the greasy middle-aged man in front of her and whispered softly.

"After deducting your operating costs and normal profits for the day, the remaining turnover belongs to me."

"For example, if your store gives a patient a bottle of intravenous drip, the usual charge is 50, and if the patient spends 100 credits to inject this bottle of intravenous drip today, then 50 of the 100 credits are yours, and the remaining 50 are mine. .”

"Can you understand me?"

"Can, can, can!"

This greasy middle-aged man looked at Chen Miao happily as if he were watching a fool, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and the corners of his mouth could not be controlled and almost reached the ears.

This is equivalent to him making enough money tomorrow and earning an extra 3,000 in rental fees.

Where can I find such a good thing?

It sounds complicated, but in fact, the premium is to be given to Chen Miao. This is pure bullshit. The clinic is not a hospital, and the prices are clear. If the price quoted here is too high, walk a few steps and go to the clinic next door.

What kind of serious illness can come to the clinic, and why can't I walk a few more steps?

If it were so easy to pay a premium, he wouldn't be so miserable that he can't even pay next month's rent.


Chen Miao nodded lightly, then sat on a chair in the clinic and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him: "Are you the boss? Where is the doctor?"

"That's me. I'm the only one in my clinic. I cover everything."

"Are you alone?"

Chen Miao frowned slightly and glanced outside the room: "Isn't the sign at your door saying open 24 hours a day? How can you open 24 hours alone?"

"I sleep on the counter at night. When a patient comes, I knock on the counter twice and I wake up."


Chen Miao was slightly silent and did not speak. He was really desperate. This kind of person has not made any money, which further proves that when the market lacks demand, no matter how hard the content producers try, it will be of no avail.

Efforts cannot change life.

This sentence is not entirely true. At least if you work too hard, your life will be shortened. From a certain perspective, it can be regarded as changing your life.

For example, this clinic is in a situation where there is too little market demand and it is not the first choice when there is demand.

The solution is of course to prescribe the right medicine.

There are roughly two types of manufacturing market demand. The first is to create hard demand, which is done directly in nearby communities through some small means, such as making small moves on anti-theft door handles, or flyers on elevator buttons, etc., thereby greatly improving the surrounding area. The probability of a person getting sick from a cold.

Isn’t this hard demand coming?

The second is to create soft demand, which is more troublesome. It basically involves promoting to nearby residents that drinking some anti-inflammatory medicine before autumn can effectively prevent colds and illnesses, etc., or co-branding cold medicine and coffee across borders, etc. , creating social needs, filial piety to the elderly, love for girlfriends and other needs through public opinion, but this method of operation is not suitable for a clinic whose customer base is limited to nearby communities and seems to be about to close down.

It is also a clinic that specializes in men's medicine.

It is more troublesome to operate.

But this has nothing to do with him. He is not here to be a strategist and give advice, but to make some extra money and leave.

"Long story short."

After Chen Miao paused for a moment, he continued: "How much does a skin resection cost here?"

"Second brother Pi?"


"Around 800-4,000. Different surgical methods have different prices."

"I am responsible for going out to take orders. When a customer comes, you are responsible for the operation. No matter how much the customer pays, you only take your own share of the cost and profit. Anything in excess is my profit. Do you understand?"


The middle-aged man in a white coat in front of him nodded heavily, and said with a serious face: "Don't worry, no matter how much more you earn, I will never be jealous. I have been as calm as water since I was a child, and I don't care much about money. Big desire.”

"Opening a clinic is just for the love of saving lives and helping the wounded."

As he said this, the villain in his heart was so excited that he couldn't help laughing loudly. He still paid a damn premium. Who do you think you are? The price of this thing is so transparent. If you quote such a high price, what fool would agree to it?

"What do you call it?"

Chen Miao took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms and gave two cigarettes to the hungry monkey. He lit another cigarette and put it in his mouth. After taking a puff, he looked at the burning cigarette in his hand with emotion. The smoke is a bit light.

The main reason is that there is no benefit group.

He gets a headache from smoking.

"Just call me Doctor Gou."

"Where's your full name?"

"My full name is Doctor Gou. My parents wanted me to be a doctor when I grew up."

Chen Miao raised his head and glanced at the smiling middle-aged man in front of him, paused for a long time and chuckled: "Good name, okay, then let's start tonight and continue until this point tomorrow, no problem, right?" ?”

"no problem."

After seeing Dr. Gou's agreement, Chen Miao looked at the hungry monkey and waved, "Go and get the flyers from the stall next to you and change all the prices on them to 128."

"A skin cut only costs 128 credits."

“When handing out leaflets to passers-by, you must be sincere.”

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