It is Miao Ye’s obsession to wish everyone to be like a dragon.

But subconsciously, in fact, Master Miao has never really lived his own life, and has never done what he wants to do. The price of standing high is that you cannot bow your head. Everyone is staring at you, and you cannot bow your head.

Only the subconscious desire to live one's own life can overcome the obsession in Master Miao's heart that everyone is like a dragon.

No other ideas will work.

The task was difficult and almost impossible, but he had his own way.

After a moment of silence.

Chen Miao took out a few pills from his arms and put them in his hands. He looked up at Master Miao and said with a smile, "Do you want me to take you back to life again?"

"Can I do it?"

Master Miao tilted his head and looked at the pills in Chen Miao's palm: "What are these?"

"AI pill is a pill that allows people to create their own dreams. You should know that, right?"

"I know, but I've never taken it."


Zhou Shen told him last time that the Federation's research and development of AI pills has become more mature. Not only can they be connected online, allowing two people to fall into the same dream, but they can also increase their proficiency in the dream.

But even so.

Even an AI pill can't complete this task panel. There are more than 1,000 tasks given by Meow Master this time, including tasks such as giving birth to children and traveling with children. Just one night's dream is not enough. .

Even in the third level of dreamland, there is not enough time.

You must enter the fourth level of dreamland.

If he enters the fourth level of dreamland, the ratio between the fourth level and the time flow rate in the outside world is 10,000:1. He has at least 20 years to complete these tasks before the hell bus arrives at the station.

Time is enough.

This was the solution he came up with in a desperate situation.

With a hint of determination in her eyes, Chen Miao looked down at the pills in her hand and suddenly laughed softly.

He wasn't sure he would wake up.

But before the end of the world comes, someone has to stand up.

Except for him, no one can stand in this position for him now.

The Jingjiu City Investigation Team in Zhenba City also received the news from Chen Miao immediately and learned of Chen Miao's plan. Everyone jumped up with excitement!

There's a show!

But soon everyone calmed down, and the think tank in Beijing-Kowloon City also contacted Chen Miao immediately.

"Chen Miao, I am the captain of the No. 1 think tank in Jingjiu City. Your plan is very good. We see the possibility of success, but there are some precautions that we must tell you. To make a long story short, you must keep it in mind."

"This plan of yours must enter the fourth level of dreamland to be completed, but"

"As the dream goes deeper into each level, the subjective consciousness of people who take AI pills will gradually weaken, and everything is dominated by the subconscious. Currently, the federation has only collected data on people who have entered the third level of dreams. At first, they still remember that they are dreaming. But as time goes by, the subconscious mind will gradually forget this matter.”

"We haven't collected any data on the fourth level."

"We have made many people enter the fourth level of dreamland, but so far, no one has woken up."

"We speculate that after entering the fourth level of dreamland, you may completely forget that you are dreaming and live in a completely real world, where everything is dominated by your subconscious mind."

"You have to find a way to remember all the more than 1,000 tasks in your heart, and don't forget any of them. As long as you complete all the tasks in your dream, the hell bus will arrive at the station normally, and the cat will not turn into a wraith. Zhenba The city will not be destroyed, and the world will not end."

"And there is a high probability that you will never wake up again."

"But this kind of death will not be painful for you. So far, we have no other way to solve this problem. In order to give you sufficient reward, you can make some demands. No matter what you ask for, the Federation will Just do it."

These remarks were made directly in a group chat on the development chat channel.

Hungry Hou, Yuan Buping, Zhou Shen, the mayor of Zhenba City, even Dr. Gou and others, as well as Mr. Miao’s parents and family are all in this group.

Although these words are a bit cruel, it is indeed the case.

Once you enter the fourth level dream, it is almost impossible to wake up.

This is an inevitable fact.


What everyone is concerned about now is whether Chen Miao can still remember his mission in the fourth level of dreamland?


Chen Miao, who was sitting on the hell bus, looked at the messages in the chat channel with a silent expression and said nothing. Master Miao had many tasks, a total of 1,293, but in fact, they can be summed up in a few words.

Love her.

As long as you love someone, you will definitely do these things over the past few decades.

It's just that he has never loved someone, and he doesn't know if he will forget it.

He looked up at Mr. Meow who was looking at him, forced a smile, and said with a smile: "Wait a minute, I need to smoke a cigarette first, do you mind?"

"do not mind."

Master Miao shook his head obediently, and even licked the corner of his mouth: "I want one too."


At this time, in the chat group, Chen Miao was asking Master Miao's parents for all the information about Master Miao and the important things he had experienced since childhood. Master Miao's father was extremely cooperative.

It's not just because it's at stake whether the world will end.

It is also because of the powerless heartache of a father who sees that his daughter still has so many unfinished regrets after her death.

If Chen Miao can really help his daughter complete these tasks in her dream, he, as a father, will be sincerely happy, at least as if his daughter, who has never been in love, can still have a love after her death.

I don’t know if this is considered a ghost marriage.

There was no room for delay. Every minute of delay at this time meant that the Hell Bus would arrive at the station one second earlier, leaving less time for him to complete the task.

After doing all this.

Chen Miao greedily took the last puff of the cigarette in his hand, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this was the last puff of cigarette in his life. The first time in life is always meaningful, but no one knows his own... When will the last time be.

Then he handed a pill to Master Miao and said softly.

"Let's go, let's take you on a special journey of life."

"hope you will like it."

"This is also my first time. Please forgive me for any unfamiliarity."

Just now——

The Federation has told him how to activate the AI ​​Pill Dream to connect. It is very simple. As long as both parties take the pill at the same time, then have physical contact, and there is no one else in the dream within a radius of ten kilometers.

You can connect automatically.

Theoretically speaking, there is no upper limit to the number of people who can be connected, as long as there is physical contact.

Just hold hands.

They were in a special space. No one within a ten-kilometer radius would be in a dream state. The other guests in the bus were sitting quietly in their seats with their heads lowered without saying a word.

It's like an NPC that has finished its tasks and is on standby.

When Chen Miao held Miao Ye in his arms, sat on the seat, and took the AI ​​pill at the same time, they officially entered the first level of dreamland.

The first level of dreams.

It's chaos here.

There is light, but the source of the light is not visible.

Chen Miao and Miao Ye stood hand in hand in the middle of the void. Miao Ye had a trace of curiosity in his eyes: "Is this a dream?"


Chen Miao nodded and glanced around with a complex expression. This was the first time he had taken AI pills. With a wave of his hand, the scene of the eternal cemetery appeared in front of him. Anything here could be made by him.

He glanced at the familiar corners in the Eternal Cemetery with a little nostalgia, paused for a moment, and then took out two pills again: "This place is not good enough, there is a better place."

The second level of dreams.

The time flow rate here is already 10:1 compared to the outside world, and it is not a void of chaos, but in Fengtian City. Looking at the surrounding buildings, they are still in the north area of ​​the city.

He looked around.

He took out two AI pills again.

The third level of dreams.

It's still Fengtian City, but this time the city is almost the same as Fengtian City.

The cars that keep driving on the road, the vendors shouting, the ten-yuan stores that are open for clearance, and the roadside stalls that are chased by the urban management, the atmosphere of life is very strong, and it is almost the same as in reality.

Chen Miao, who was holding Miao Ye's hand, stood in the middle of the sidewalk and was in a trance for a long time before he remembered that he was dreaming.

And he also has a mission.

He glanced at the curious Mr. Meow next to him. After being silent for a while, he took out two AI pills again.

The fourth level of dreams.

"Hey, wake up!"

"You just asked for leave yesterday. You can't ask for leave today, otherwise you won't have much salary this month!"


Chen Miao rubbed her sleepy eyes and woke up from her sleep. She turned her head and looked at Meow, who was wearing suspender pajamas and shaking her. She was stunned for a moment. Then she suddenly woke up and jumped from the pillow. He took out his cell phone and looked at the time.

He jumped out of bed in an instant and rushed to the bathroom in a hurry.

"It's over, it's over, it's almost eight o'clock, we're almost late."

"That stupid boss wants to deduct my salary again."

While washing his face anxiously, he looked towards Master Meow who was making the bed in the bedroom: "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I've been calling you for a long time, but you're so sleepy!!!"

Meow Master in the bedroom stuck out his little head and said helplessly: "Why can you, old man, sleep like this? Go quickly, be careful on the road, and don't forget to take off tomorrow. You promised to watch a movie with me tonight."

"This is something you promised me a long time ago."

"It's been delayed several times."

"You can't break the contract this time. I'll buy food in advance. Let's have fun and happiness all night long tonight!"

Miaoye's eyes were full of excitement and anticipation, and he clenched his fists and gestured in the air: "Did you hear that?"

"no problem!"

While Chen Miao picked up his briefcase, he quickly stuffed the bread, eggs, and milk on the table into his mouth, and then ran out the door in a vague voice: "I'm leaving to go to work. Please stay safe at home. Don't open the door to strangers."

"I love you, baby, see you tonight."

Chen Miao, who rushed all the way to the gate of the community, suddenly glanced at his wrist subconsciously. For some reason, he always seemed to feel that he didn't wear a watch when he went out, and his wrist felt empty.

But he has never bought a watch?

Why do you feel this way?

He quickly put this idea behind him, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, looked at the time again, and then strode towards the subway station.

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