Chapter 206 "I found him."

Chen Miao did not speak, but looked at the kind-looking old man in front of him expressionlessly. After a moment of pause, he said word by word: "The mayor is dead, will you, the deputy mayor, take over?"

"have no idea."

The old man shook his head: "I know what you are thinking in your heart, but it has nothing to do with me. In fact, I have always been the mayor's employee. Every time we have a meeting to discuss, I will put forward a completely opposite proposal to the mayor. This is all I made an agreement with the mayor."

"This way people who are going against the mayor will gather around me."

"Their power will be used to my advantage and thereby manipulated by the mayor."

"Obvious polarization is better than not knowing which side some people are on. It is much easier to manage. I have no reason or any means to kill a mayor who is in an absolutely safe shelter three thousand meters underground." ."

"He did commit suicide."

"Relevant personnel from Jingjiu City have gone to investigate. A mayor-level figure died suddenly. This is not a trivial matter. Jingjiu City will definitely get to the bottom of it. Before the matter is settled, it is impossible for me to take over. I went to see the scene immediately, and what I can confirm is that the mayor committed suicide."


The old man paused for a moment before hesitating and said: "Have you ever seen anyone who commits suicide? No matter what the reason is, most of them will struggle when they commit suicide, and they will leave traces in many places, such as Moments, diaries, etc. wait."

"And there will also be many abnormal symptoms, such as consuming much more cigarettes than usual before committing suicide, drinking alcohol, tears on the face, etc."

"But based on my observation of the scene, the mayor left no traces before committing suicide. The ashtray on the table was no different from the usual cigarette intake. The mayor was even watching a movie before committing suicide. The movie paused to Halfway through, under what circumstances would the movie be paused?”

"Is it right to go to the bathroom?"

"That's right."

"The mayor is like this. Halfway through the movie, he suddenly paused the movie, then climbed to the bathroom, found a rope and hung himself in the living room. The whole process was full of weirdness, and it didn't look like the mayor's subjective intention at all. It’s like being possessed by a ghost.”

The old man said this with a somewhat ugly look on his face: "The incident bureau went to test it at that time. There were no magnetic field fluctuations left after the incident, and there were no births of any taboo objects."

"So. So far, we have absolutely no idea why the mayor committed suicide."

"I only know that the last order he gave before committing suicide was for me to go to Poguan City to find a psychiatrist named Zhang Liu, and then come to Zhenba City to provide you with psychological counseling."

Chen Miao was keenly aware of the loopholes in the old man's words: "I entered the hell bus in Fengtian City. Are you sure the mayor's order is for you to come to Zhenba City to provide me with psychological counseling."

"Yes, these are the exact words. I have been waiting in Zhenba City for a long time."


He nodded and did not speak again. Although the mayor did not tell him about the deputy mayor in advance, the words of the old man in front of him did not seem to be false. If he ruled out that this person was an old fox and could completely hide his emotions, then the mayor might Did he really commit suicide?


Why did the mayor commit suicide inexplicably?

Could it be that he thinks he will fail and the world is doomed to end? Rather than die in the end of the world, why not end his life in a dignified manner?


Although he didn't have much contact with the mayor, he roughly understood what kind of person the mayor was. Even if the end of the world really came, he would still have to live until the last moment to see with his own eyes what the end of the world was. Such a person.

It is impossible for such a person to commit suicide!

He glanced at the chat box with the mayor, but there was no valid information. The last few messages the mayor sent him were all speculations about the big event "The Sea of ​​Misery in the World" before he entered the dream.

These are all normal exchanges.


Chen Miao suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and he seemed to notice something strange.

"That's all I know. The Federation has never experienced the 'sea of ​​suffering on earth'. Everything is unknown."

"Everyone in the Federation is groping for the fixed event of 'Sea of ​​Misery on Earth', but what is certain is that the major event of 'Sea of ​​Misery on Earth' has not really ended. The hundreds of thousands of people who died are not the end, but should be just the beginning."

"Now that many hell buses have been discovered, fixed events have begun. The Federation has not seen a few hell buses in the past few decades. Today, we have seen enough."

"They are sending people to Zhenba City now. You must remember not to let Master Meow turn into a wraith, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable."


This was the last conversation between him and the mayor. He was sitting on the Hell Bus at that time, and Miao Ye had not yet boarded the bus. However, under his intentional observation, he discovered that there was an obvious hidden word after these paragraphs.

The first word of each sentence is "I found him."

Is this a coincidence, or is it a message the mayor wants to send?

I found him. Who did I find?

If there is really such important information that must be passed on, why not pass it to others but to him? He believed that he was not that capable, and he didn't even know what this sentence meant or what its use was.

But the mayor's sudden and bizarre suicide was probably because he discovered something he shouldn't have discovered and was forced to die?

This way of death was actually quite familiar to him.

Some time ago at the Eternal Cemetery, more than a dozen people committed suicide with a dagger at the same time. At that time, those people looked like what the deputy mayor said. They suddenly began to commit suicide inexplicably, and their attacks were extremely clean and neat.

But the deputy mayor said there were no taboo objects at the site.


Chen Miao shook his head and did not intend to think about this matter again. After he returned, he would see if he could apply to visit the shelter and maybe he would find something.

And at this time——

The mayor of Fengtian City is sitting in a space with white walls on all sides. The walls are covered with various monitoring screens. On each screen is a real-time picture of a corner of the Blue Star Federation. Among them are There is a scene of Deputy Mayor Chen Miao and others standing next to the barbecue stall and chatting.


The mayor looked down at his hands in confusion, then looked up at Chen Miao's figure on one of the screens.

At this time, a hoarse mechanical sound came from his ears.

"You are really awesome. If you are asked to monitor this planet, you will help me awaken my consciousness, right?"

"All payroll deductions, you're fired."

The mayor's throat rolled slightly, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. He didn't know what to say for a moment. All the memories in his mind had been restored, just like what he had guessed on Blue Star.

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