After doing all this, he bent down again and slowly returned to his house, sat on the bench, smoked a dry cigarette, and began to wait patiently. If there were no problems with the timeline, he would still be there at this time. There was an interrogation in the village.

It would still be a few hours before he would enter the house to check if there were any special circumstances.

But because of his unexpected situation, the trajectory of all deeds will change, and all points that can arouse suspicion have been destroyed by him, so there should be no problem now.

He thought to himself.

Clean hoe.

Human flesh in a cauldron.

Weird photos of corpses in the house.

And the diary that records information.

These should be the only important clues. If nothing else goes wrong, after not seeing these clues at the time, I would completely suspect that the panel introduction of this secret realm was misleading him, so I would choose to stay put until 12 hours later.

In this case.

He should be able to successfully complete this secret realm.

Although this secret realm is a little more complicated, fortunately, it can still be cleared smoothly, but I don't know why the old self appears. In a daze, Chen Miao fell asleep leaning on the bench in his wild thoughts.

It's not clear whether this body is old, gets tired easily, or is due to other reasons.

When he wakes up again.

it's getting dark.

The entire village was shrouded in darkness, and the panel showed that he had survived in this secret realm for eleven hours and fifty-five minutes. As long as he survived for five more minutes, the mission would be successfully completed.

But what he saw next when he woke up made him a little dumbfounded.

A strong smell of blood could be smelled in the entire village, with corpses and blood everywhere. It was obvious that the village had just suffered a massacre, and at that time, he was sitting by the well eating barbecue with the hungry monkeys.

It was exactly the same as the picture in his memory.

In their memory, they massacred the entire village half an hour before leaving the secret realm, and then sat by the well eating barbecue while waiting for the secret realm to end and then return.

It's just a little different from what I remember.

At that time, I remembered that I had killed everyone in the village, and now I was sitting by the well, eating barbecue, and looking in his direction from time to time, as if waiting for something.


Chen Miao glanced around with a gloomy expression. He didn't know what happened. He actually fell asleep for nearly ten hours, still in an E-level secret realm. This was so outrageous that he even felt that he was hypnotized.

How could a normal person fall asleep like this in the open air in such a dangerous place, and sleep for such a long time?

He was obviously aware of all the weird things in this village. Logically speaking, he would not have chosen to massacre the village at that time. Why was it that when he woke up, the village was still massacred?

But the next second, his pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw the hoe placed outside the house next door. I don't know when it had become extremely new, as if it had been specially cleaned. But he clearly remembered that he deliberately made the hoe old. Why? Has it been purged again?

Before he could think more.

Not far away, he saw himself taking out the revolver from his arms and walking towards him step by step.

"Damn it!"

Chen Miao cursed angrily in his heart. After looking at the mission panel, he only needed to survive for one more minute to successfully leave the secret realm. Without any hesitation, he turned around and started to run away with all his strength. How could he possibly fight with the fighting power of his body? Better than myself at that time.

He used to carry a revolver and approach the enemy step by step. The reason was very simple. His shooting skills were not accurate and the distance was not close enough. He could not hit anyone at all. However, he never thought that such a simple action would bring such great harm to someone. pressure.

Just like now.

The first time he felt such a strong pressure was from himself.

At a certain moment, he suddenly felt sorry for the people he had killed before. Perhaps those people also faced death under such extreme fear and helpless despair before they died. In the future, try to be more agile when killing people. , don’t scare people.

I wonder if his thinking is too active. While running for his life, his brain is still thinking uncontrollably. This may be his unique superpower.

But someone ran faster than him.

The next second——

He saw the hungry monkey holding a hammer and blocking him with a ferocious expression. To be honest, he had seen the hungry monkey's expression countless times, but never once did it look as oppressive as it does now.


At the last second of the countdown, he successfully completed the task and left the secret realm smoothly.

Before leaving the secret realm, he vaguely saw Hungry Monkey's hammer swinging in the air and smashing down on his Tianling Cap.


Chen Miao woke up suddenly and subconsciously sat on the stone steps aside, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. This time the secret realm felt so strange, like a nightmare.

I guess there is no chance of completing the level perfectly.

This is the first secret realm that he has not cleared perfectly. He has cleared every secret realm in the past perfectly.

After all, he didn't even understand what this secret realm meant, let alone the conditions for perfect passage. It would be strange if he could pass it perfectly. Sitting on the stone steps, he took a few deep breaths in a row without hearing the secret realm settlement panel. when it pops up.

He looked strangely and subconsciously looked at the system notification on his personal panel, trying to see if he had accidentally blocked the notification sound, but just when he looked up, he saw the unusually familiar scenery around him.

A village with only twenty or thirty tile-roofed houses.

What was under his butt was not the stone steps, but the side of the bridge. He returned to the village bridge again, but this time he was no longer an old man sitting in the village smoking, but a chattering man on the village bridge. uncle.


Chen Miao looked down at the clothes he was wearing without expression, then turned to look at his face in the water under the bridge behind him. It was a new body, which was good. At this time, he also saw his secret realm panel.

"Name of the Secret Realm": Bloody Night Cannibal Village.

"Secret Realm Level": E level.

"Introduction to the Secret Realm":

"Secret Mission": Survive for 12 hours.

"Secret Realm Progress": The highest clearance progress of this copy is 0%, and it has not been completely cleared.

"Introduction to the Secret Realm": When night falls over the village, the village will reveal its mysterious side to the outside world.

There was no change, it was exactly the same as when he first came in. This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable, as if he was hallucinating.

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