I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 230 Nonsensical customs clearance mission.


Chen Miao looked expressionlessly at the darkness under the bed. Although he was not an experienced explorer of secret realms, he had experienced a lot of this kind of thing. Since Xiao He had told them, this village would be... Not peaceful.

It's normal for something to crawl out from under this bed at night.

He actually planned to saw off the four legs of this bed, so that he would feel safer while sleeping, but he thought about it and quickly put an end to this idea. If he did this in the first place, it would most likely make the village chief dislike him even more. he.

It is difficult to recognize him.

But if you don't get approval, it means you can't pass the secret realm and you have to die here.

The village chief became a crucial figure.

Just as Chen Miao was standing there thinking, he heard chatter outside the window. He subconsciously went to the window and pulled up the curtains to look out through the window. It was this look that made him suddenly freeze on the spot.

The room was very tidy.

But there were a lot of dried blood in the gap between the glass and the window frame.

This is not quite right.

The blood stains were in the room. If the room was absolutely safe, then nothing would happen in the room. What do you mean? Could it be that this house was not a safe house, but a room specially designed to kill him?


Chen Miao stood there in deep thought with a gloomy expression without speaking. The position of the village chief in his heart was too unclear now. On the one hand, he had always regarded the village chief as the biggest boss in the village, and on the other hand, he had to find a way to obtain it. The other party’s approval.

He has never seen such a nonsensical customs clearance mission.

He is not required to kill the boss, but he is required to obtain the boss's approval?

But when he thought about it carefully, he felt that if the village chief wanted to kill them, he shouldn't have to go to such trouble and create a room specifically to kill them. There are many ways. Wouldn't it be more convenient to go down with three spears than to use a house to kill them?

At this time, he also saw movement outside the window.

I saw that the man in the tuxedo was at the village chief's house, scooping water from the well and pouring it into the water tank at the village chief's house. While working, he was talking and laughing with the village chief.

It looks like the tuxedo guy is already getting started.

Already thinking of ways to get approval from the village chief.

The feedback given by the village chief seemed to be quite good, and the smile on his face seemed quite kind.


at this time--

The strong man's face suddenly appeared on the glass, and the voice standing outside his house buzzed along the glass: "The main mission is to get us recognized by the village chief. It's not a problem that we haven't gone to the village. The guy in a tuxedo All the pretentious men have gone, do we want to go?"

"I can't stand him either. He's too pretentious and not real at all."

"Although you are not true either,"

"At least you're not pretending."

"When I talk to you, you don't have the feeling of being arrogant and looking down on others. Moreover, you, a low-level transcendent, can remain so calm in a C-level secret realm. You are indeed just as the news said, you are a rising star. .”

"I'm not going."

Chen Miao shook his head, but after a moment of pause, he still kindly reminded: "I always feel that although the task is to get the approval of the village chief, it is definitely not used in this way to please the village chief. If you help the village chief do some work, you can get the village chief's approval." If the director approves, then this C-level secret realm is too much of a joke."

"We need to find out first what kind of people the village chief recognizes."

"Then act accordingly."

"Acting blindly may actually increase negative impression points for yourself."

"What you said makes sense."

The strong man nodded thoughtfully: "But who should we ask about the village chief? Should we ask the villagers? Those villagers look like loyal followers of the village chief, and they will definitely not reveal anything about the village chief. A little bit of privacy from the village chief.”


Suddenly a light burst out of his eyes, and he turned his head to look at Chen Miao, and Chen Miao nodded in response, confirming the other person's idea: "The three people tied to the high platform may give us some clues."


Just leave.

Chen Miao left the house and walked hand in hand with the strong man to walk towards the high platform. However, just a few steps away, several villagers gathered around and said expressionlessly: "It's getting dark soon. It's dangerous outside. Please go back to the house quickly."

"Just stop running around."

It was obvious that they were under house arrest and that this was the only range of activities they were allowed to do.


Chen Miao didn't have much of a reaction. He glanced at the villagers who were gradually surrounding him and tentatively asked casually: "Thank you very much. By the way, I think the village chief has a high prestige in the village. How many years has he been in the position?" The village chief?"

No one answered.

But the eyes of all the villagers gradually turned cold, staring straight at him.

Some villagers have even tightened their grip on the spears in their hands.

Something that is injured in one shot, crippled in two shots, and dead in three shots.

Even Chen Miao couldn't help but twitch his brows when he saw this thing. He felt a little frightened. After slowly taking a few steps back, he showed that he had no ill intentions and was willing to obey.

These villagers gradually dispersed again.

"can not go out."

In front of the house, the strong man said angrily: "Those villagers put us under house arrest. We can't go to the high platform at all, let alone question them. We can't force our way out, right?"

"It doesn't necessarily mean that you can't get out at all."

Chen Miao was silent for a while and then said softly: "Didn't it say that many strange things will happen after nightfall? All the villagers will stay in their houses by then, and there will be no one outside at that time."

"Can't we just go to the high platform at will?"

"At night?"

The strong man's eyelids twitched: "Brother, the villager who sent us here just now told the truth. There will be a lot of weird things happening after nightfall. Try to stay indoors and don't run around."

"Although you can't believe everything he says, based on my experience, this kind of plot advancement that is almost straightforward to tell you is definitely not a joke, it is something that will definitely happen."

"Isn't it too dangerous to go in the middle of the night?"

"How dangerous can it be?"

Chen Miao glanced at the strong man: "Aren't the three people who will be tried tomorrow always tied to the high platform even at night? Will they die? None of the three people who were tied up will die. We Will he definitely die?"


The strong man was hesitant. He naturally knew that what Chen Miao said made sense, but after all, the risks were high. Once something went wrong, it would be doomed. The reason why he chose to cooperate with Chen Miao was not with anyone else.

There is nothing we can do about it.

Chen Miao is his only choice.

How could those two sisters be normal people? The man in the tuxedo looked at him with disgust after learning about his cross-dressing habit. His eyes made him very angry. Only Chen Miao showed no expression, so he could only cooperate with Chen Miao.

ps: There are only 2 chapters today. The one that was blocked yesterday has been modified as much as possible, but Qidian is on holiday, so no one will care about me a year ago.

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