
He didn't know exactly how much it could reach. After all, there was no dashboard on the Hell Gatling to give him detailed data. He just felt that the speed was not slow and was faster than ordinary cars.

Theoretically speaking, if he faced an ordinary person, he wouldn't even need to shoot, he could kill him with Hell Gatling.

After the period of practice just now, he is almost familiar with how to control the Hell Gatling with his mind, and he should be able to use it to carry people.

The maximum distance controlled by thoughts is within a radius of one thousand meters centered on him, which is two thousand meters in diameter.

This means that as long as the enemy is within a kilometer of him, he can even drop Gatling on the enemy's head at any time, then put the gun mouth into the opponent's mouth and fire. It has a very good effect and has many usage scenarios.

At least there are many more usage scenarios than the original defensive turret.

The defensive turret has very few usage scenarios. This effect is only used in extremely rare cases. In most cases, this effect is useless.


Hungry Monkey stood on the street hesitantly, looking at the Hell Gatling suspended in mid-air in front of him. After looking at each other with Yuan Buping and others, he stepped across it with some grit.

Hell Gatling is not that big.

After Chen Miao and Hungry Monkey crossed over, there was no extra space for the remaining two people, Zhou Shen and Yuan Buping, to get on the bus. However, as the saying goes, the mountain man had his own clever plan. Hungry Monkey held one in each hand and carried two He looked at the collar on the back of his neck and nodded at Chen Miao, indicating that preparations were complete.

Zhou Shen and Yuan Buping could only experience this flight by hanging.

The Hungry Monkey's strength is already quite high at this time, and there is no pressure to carry someone with one hand. The clothes of Zhou Shen and Zhou Shen were also customized by Chen Miao when the "Gravekeeper" force was established, and the quality of the clothes is also excellent. , it will definitely not break so easily.

Safety is pretty safe.

It's just that the experience is naturally not very satisfactory.


Chen Miao was very excited and started his first "Royal Gatling" flight. After a Gatling carried four people and flew into the air, the pedestrians on the road around him finally showed their surprised eyes. He looked somewhat confused at the Hell Gatling, which had no power source but could fly in mid-air.

This scene was photographed by many people and posted on various social platforms such as forums. It also caused a lot of heat for a while.

About half an hour later, Chen Miao, who was tired of playing, casually found a rooftop of a high-rise building and stopped, overlooking the city below. After so long, no police officer from the Law Enforcement Bureau came forward to intercept him.

Didn't even get a warning.

Apparently someone above knew that he was back and informed the people below not to cause trouble for him.

Otherwise, any other person in his situation would definitely be stopped and given a warning. This is illegal use of firearms and illegal flying in the city, causing unrest in social order.

There are so many hats, you can buckle them as you like.


He patted the Hell Gatling floating beside him with some satisfaction. He was very satisfied with the effect. If nothing else happened, this weapon would become one of his commonly used weapons in the future.

He couldn't wait to experiment with the effects of his new weapon.

at this time--

A reminder sounded in the ears of all residents of Fengtian City.

"Ding, the random event 'Surge of Crowds' will appear in Sankui Wasteland in Fengtian City in half an hour."

"All players please be prepared."

"Come and live!"

The moment he heard the prompt, Zhou Shen jumped up almost reflexively and was about to rush downstairs and turn on his watch. But halfway through the rush, he suddenly realized that he had already He is no longer the director of the incident bureau.

This random incident has nothing to do with him anymore.

He left his job.

"Things are different and people are different."

Hungry Monkey patted Zhou Shen on the shoulder with emotion: "Let's go. Although you are no longer the director of the incident bureau, you still have to go to the wild. Brother Miao is just trying out his new weapon."

He understands Brother Miao relatively well.

Brother Miao obviously has a new toy. I guess his hands are itching now. A random event happened to give Brother Miao a chance to try it out. This is simply like being dozed off and someone gave him a pillow. There is nothing more perfect than this. Something?

"By the way, what kind of event is this huge crowd?"

"The name sounds weird."


Zhou Shen searched in his mind for a long time but couldn't find any relevant memories. He immediately turned on his watch and rummaged through the random event manual for a long time before shaking his head: "There is no relevant record. This is the first time this random event has occurred. Wait. After this time is over, there will be corresponding records in the random event manual."

"Generally speaking, random events at the city-state level are basically boss sieges. There are very few random events that are not boss sieges."

"Is there any danger?" Hungry Monkey thought as he held his chin with one hand.

Don't let them put them in just to experiment with new toys, as that would be more than worth the gain.


Zhou Shen shook his head: "Generally speaking, this kind of random event at the city-state level is not difficult, but the time is often very short. Just like this time, it only took 30 minutes from the notification to the start of the random event. It tests a city’s response speed.”

"But in terms of difficulty, it's just that."

"At most, it will cost the Incident Bureau and the Law Enforcement Bureau some manpower. It will definitely have no impact on city residents. At least during my tenure as Director and Deputy Director of the Incident Bureau, there was no problem."


Hungry Monkey nodded solemnly: "Brother Miao was going crazy during that time. Your incident bureau seemed to have no other purpose besides cleaning up the scene. It would be damned if something went wrong."


Zhou Shen opened and closed his mouth slightly, and for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

"Let's go."

Chen Miao stepped onto his Hell Gatling, facing the direction of Sankui Wasteland, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his pupils flashing with anticipation, ready to show off his new toy, and with the function of flying with the sword, he There is one more means of transportation.

During a short distance shuttle.

Hell Gatling is obviously much easier to use than Hell Bus.

The speed of the Hell Bus is actually not very fast. Its main advantage is that it is very concealed. It is absolutely impossible to encounter an ambush on the road, and as long as there is a road, it can be reached.

But with the effect of Sword Flying, the original third effect of Hell Gatling is useless.

"3: 'Reverse Thruster': This Gatling can transform into a mecha suit to fire bullets towards the rear, relying on recoil to allow the player to move at high speeds. The maximum speed can reach 300km/h, but when moving at high speed, it will Fire bullets in the opposite direction.

When the bullets are exhausted, the power will disappear.

And people in the opposite direction will be attacked. "

He originally liked this effect, and he didn't even think about updating it at the time. After all, it was his only means of flying, and the speed could reach 300km/h.

It is a very good choice whether you are traveling or fighting.

But now that he has the sword flying, this effect seems a bit useless. He will refresh this effect later, but he is a little unsure, and he doesn't know if he can give him the remaining 11 effect refresh coupons. Create a good effect yourself.

This thing is so random.

After using it a few times, he no longer had any confidence in himself. It all depends on fate. If he has a dark face, he really has no temper at all.


Chen Miao and his party had already arrived at the Sankui Wasteland first. This was a familiar place. Many things had happened in this wasteland. Standing on this land again, a strong sense of familiarity came to them.


Zhou Shen glanced around and saw that no one from the Law Enforcement Bureau or the Incident Bureau had arrived. He couldn't help but cursed in a low voice with a gloomy face: "Eight minutes have passed and we haven't reached the target point yet. This incident The efficiency of the bureau is really getting worse and worse.”

"As a rapid response part of a city, it is really disappointing that we don't even have this speed of response."


Chen Miao glanced at Zhou Shen but didn't speak. If he remembered correctly, the first random event was when the boss attacked the city. He had almost finished beating the boss before Zhou Shen rushed over with his men.

At that time, Zhou Shen was still the deputy director of a law enforcement bureau.

8 minutes is indeed a bit too demanding to gather people together and rush to the wild quickly.

But he actually understood what Zhou Shen meant.

Zhou Shen probably didn't think there was anything wrong with his words. It was obvious that Zhou Shen wanted to lead the incident bureau and enjoy the feeling of being able to influence the situation rather than staying by his side.

It's not that Zhou Shen has changed, but that Zhou Shen has been like this from the beginning to the end. From the beginning, Zhou Shen took the initiative to contact him for one thing, which was to use his energy to help him move higher.

For such a person, it is very painful to be with him every day.

He took his eyes back from Zhou Shen. What kind of person should be placed in what position? He had already started to send Zhou Shen back to the incident bureau. Zhou Shen was more suitable to stay at work rather than beside him. .

With the passage of time.

The people from the Incident Bureau and the Law Enforcement Bureau quickly arrived and spread out to prepare some armed fortifications. The newly appointed director of the Incident Bureau jogged all the way to Chen Miao and Zhou Shen and whispered respectfully.

"Hello, brother Miao, I am the newly appointed director of the incident bureau. Feel free to call me if you need anything in the future."

"Hello Director Zhou, I have just taken office and am still a bit new to my work. It would be great if I could get Director Zhou's guidance on my first move."

The newly appointed director of the incident bureau is a young man who looks to be in his mid-twenties.

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