
Just when the man named Zhang Qi was about to say a few more words, Chen Miao, who was standing there with a cane, suddenly snapped his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a blood-red Hell Gatling suddenly lifted into the air, and before Zhang Qi could react, the barrel of the gun was stuffed into his mouth and began to rotate rapidly.

"Chu tu tu tu!!!"

The harsh and mysterious gunfire suddenly rang out in the open space.

A few seconds later.

There was no shouting anymore, only a pool of flesh and blood on the ground and countless bullet casings proving that a murder seemed to have occurred here.


A helpless Chen Miao glanced at it and then looked away. He picked his ears impatiently and said, "This doesn't survive a beating. It breaks when touched. How can I be the chief of the government?"

"It's the Zhang family again."

"I don't know if it's my fate, but why is it that no one in the Zhang family I met is a normal person?"

"I already wanted to kill that one last time. I held back that time, but unexpectedly another one popped out."

"It's true. I originally wanted to save your life, but when I heard you say that you are from the Zhang family, I suddenly couldn't help it."

at this time--

An extremely tragic sound of grief suddenly sounded!

"Little Lord!"

I saw the newly appointed deputy director not far away. When he saw this scene, he suddenly roared with heart-wrenching eyes, then stared at Chen Miao with wide-eyed eyes and rushed over with a ferocious voice. .

"I want you to die!"

"Pay the young master with your life!!!"

I saw a blazing flame suddenly burning on this person's body, and the temperature in the air instantly rose a lot. The air had even begun to distort under the heat wave. The heat wave had already hit before the person arrived.

It's coming fiercely and unstoppably.

After Chen Miao glanced at it, he moved his fingers slightly, and the muzzle of Gatlin's gun suspended in the air turned again, and another shuttle passed by.

It's just that this time, the flash of red on the deputy director not only caused a little damage to him, but also made the flames on his body more intense and powerful.


"Jie Jie Jie Jie!!!"

A ferocious laughter suddenly sounded from the mouth of this living person. In a blink of an eye, the man whose body was ignited with flames rushed in front of Chen Miao, and a large knife made of flames emerged from his hand, and he slashed straight at Chen Miao's head.

"It's a small trick! You must be dumbfounded!"

"Fire-type bullets are ineffective against me! I am a born flame holy body!"

"Suffer death and pay for your life to the young master!"


Chen Miao nodded, and slowly took out the Thompson submachine gun from his arms, then held the Thompson in one hand, aimed at the deputy director who had rushed in front of him, slowly pulled the trigger, and fired again.


The speed of the man's charge suddenly froze in mid-air, and then the whole man didn't even let out a scream. The whole man suddenly turned into flesh and blood and flew in mid-air. Only countless bullets penetrated the man's body and moved towards the distance. He continued to shoot away.

Mu Sha!

"You also know that you are born with a holy body of flame."

Chen Miao took back the Thompson submachine gun and said nonchalantly: "Seeing how brave you are in charging, I almost thought you were born with a holy body that is immune to bullets. It is a pity that there is another brave person missing in this world."

Everyone present was silent and silent, but their eyes were fixed on the two pools of flesh and blood on the ground.

Originally, the ground in Sankui Wasteland was extremely dry and even cracked, but for some reason, these two pools of flesh and blood were placed here, even giving people a refreshing feeling, as if it had rained heavily.



The corners of everyone's mouths were twitching crazily, and they stood there in confusion, some not knowing what to do.

They followed the orders of the Incident Bureau to deal with this random incident.


Before the random event started, the director and the deputy director were the first to die. What should they do next? Whose orders should they follow?

For a time, many people turned their attention to the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau who stood hundreds of meters away, looking at his nose, nose, and heart.

At this time, the highest-ranking person here is the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau. Naturally, they also set their sights on this director. Everyone is waiting for the director's order.


At this moment, the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau, who felt countless eyes focused on him, felt that the veins on his forehead were beating crazily, and his back was covered with cold sweat. He even hoped that he would faint right now.

To escape from it all.

What are you watching him do?

He hid so far away, how did you accurately find him in the crowd?

He was originally standing behind Chen Miao and the others, but when he saw the Gatling floating in the air, he expected that something might be wrong. His many years of front-line experience gave him no hesitation. Just back up quickly.

Until you retreat to a safe zone.

The deputy director is also dead.

Just when he was glad that he had the foresight to withdraw in time, everyone's eyes were focused on him, even Chen Miao's eyes were also focused on him, which meant that he couldn't curse at his mother at this time, otherwise he really wanted to Just curse, what the hell are you looking at me for?

He has heard since he was a child that there is nothing to be afraid of if the sky falls, as tall people will be able to hold it up.

He always thought this sentence made sense.

But he didn't expect that one day all those taller than him would die, and he would become the taller one. He couldn't stand it, how could he stand it.

at this time--

"come over!"

Chen Miao, who was not far away, waved to him and motioned for him to come over. The director of the Law Enforcement Bureau, who was still pretending to be crazy, suddenly squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, but he did not dare to delay and trotted over.

This wasn't the fastest he'd ever run in his life.

But it was indeed the hardest run he had ever run.

He looked at the sky and the ground. The scenes he was accustomed to in daily life were so precious in his eyes at this moment. Only when he was about to leave this world did he realize the beauty of this world.


The director of the Law Enforcement Bureau trotted all the way to Chen Miao, put on an extremely ugly smile on his face, and whispered in an unprecedentedly respectful and humble voice: "Brother Miao, what are your orders?"


Chen Miao shook his head, looked at the two pools of flesh and blood on the ground and said casually: "I don't know much about federal laws. I just want to ask what criminal liability the director and deputy director of the killing incident bureau need to bear."

"Going to jail?"

"Can you save your life by escaping to Broken Jar City?"


The director of the Law Enforcement Bureau took a deep breath with a straight face and said word by word: "Federal law clearly stipulates that anyone who kills a federal government official in public will be sentenced to death immediately without probation."

The words fell.

All the members of the incident bureau and law enforcement bureau around them almost took a step back, fearing that the director of the law enforcement bureau would say the words "Arrest Chen Miao at my command" in the next second.

You can't beat him for sure.

They were just here to work, and they didn't expect to lose their lives so quickly.

Many people have already made up their minds. If the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau really dares to issue this order, they will immediately turn around and run away.

How much do you get per month?

So hard?

Even the hungry monkey looked at this man in surprise: "Is there such a brave man in this world?"

"That's it."

Chen Miao nodded in agreement, and then gently shook his finger. Gatlin inadvertently turned the muzzle of his gun and put it against the director's forehead: "So are you planning to arrest me now?"

"Arrest? What arrest?"

A trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau: "The director and deputy director of the incident bureau died in a random fight and sacrificed their lives for the public. How can they be arrested?"

"Everyone has seen it, everyone can prove it!"

"The director and deputy director of the incident bureau died in the service of the public."


There was a strange flash in Chen Miao's eyes, and he turned his head slightly to look at the director and said thoughtfully: "I'm afraid I won't be able to convince the public. I always feel that it would be safer if there are no survivors."

"Brother Miao!"

The director of the Law Enforcement Bureau suddenly became anxious. His face turned pale and he immediately knelt on the ground and raised his right hand: "I can swear that these two people died in a random incident and had nothing to do with anyone present. relation."

"But two people, or two directors, died in one incident. It sounds a bit unbelievable."

"The new director had just taken office and had no merit. After a random incident occurred, he rushed forward and prepared to seize the merit. However, he soon learned that this incident contained murderous intent. The unprepared director and deputy director sacrificed their lives in the public service and died young. "

"Is it reasonable?"

"Absolutely reasonable, Brother Miao."

The director nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"What about other people? Do they think it's reasonable?"


The sounds converged into sound waves and gathered in the sky above the Sankui Wasteland. Everyone present knelt on the spot and nodded wildly like a chicken pecking at rice. You would definitely not be able to escape if you ran. No one could run faster than a bullet. Especially when Chen Miao intends to silence her.

The best solution at the moment is to forget about this matter, unify the confession, and give a reasonable explanation to the superiors.

In fact, they know it in their hearts.

Those people above are not fools. Such a lame excuse will definitely not fool them, but it is not important. As long as they can save face, then there will be no hostile relationship between Fengtian City Government and Chen Miao.

As for the Zhang family and Chen Miao, that is a private matter between the two families.

It has nothing to do with the federal government.

"Really? Since you all say it's reasonable, then I'll listen to you."

Chen Miao smiled and used his cane to help up the director who was kneeling in front of him: "Get up, it's not a long time to kneel all the time. Let's go and report like this later. You have to keep a close eye on the mouths of these people below. Something happened." I’ll come to you first.”

“Do you want to contribute to saving the dryness of Sankui Wasteland?”

at this time--

The prompt sounded, and the random event "Surge of Crowds" officially arrived.

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