I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 263 “And it’s the kind that can carry 20,000 rounds of ammunition!!!”

It can be said.

As long as this random event is handled properly, it is unlikely that there will be any bad results.

And Zhang Wanlin, on his own, carefully selected the worst outcome among countless outcomes, and brought countless people who were assimilated into 'Chen Miao' back to the Zhang family's base camp.

"Brother Miao, how many things do you have in your backpack?"

Yuan Buping looked into the distance with some confusion: "It has been 8 hours since the assimilation of the hungry monkeys was completed. It has been 8 hours. Brother Miao, haven't you completed the assimilation?"


Chen Miao nodded, and then a trace of regret appeared in his eyes.

There were more than a dozen things in his backpack. The size of the idle space was huge. It was so big that he threw the container truck he bought at the Eternal Cemetery into it, and it also contained countless ammunition. .

Assimilate slowly.

It's a pity that all the props that are assimilated are limited-time. Otherwise, if all the props in his backpack can be copied, and tens of thousands of copies are made, he will instantly become a famous force in the Federation.

Don’t say anything else.

There were so many limited edition Gatlings, and he didn't know what to do with them.

Coupled with other messy things, it is not much different from invincible.

He originally wanted to create a bug. Since the props will disappear within six hours after death, what if the person who is successfully assimilated does not die? You can imprison it. Will the assimilated props not disappear?

Unfortunately not.

He tried.

If you really try to keep them imprisoned and immortal, the assimilated people will use various methods to commit suicide, even force their upper teeth and lower teeth to collide, and then swallow all the teeth into the trachea.

Stuck himself alive.

These people have 100% control over their body organs. They can easily do things that normal people cannot do, including holding their own breath and suffocating themselves to death.

For a normal person.

Even with special training, it is absolutely impossible to do it. Let yourself hold your breath and suffocate to death, but the assimilated people can do it. In the end, they will still die, and after they die, the props will disappear.

Moreover, these people will basically die of exhaustion within three to five hours after using full firepower.


These people don't care about their injuries, nor their own strength, nor anything else. Anyway, they just deal with all the damage they can do as soon as possible, and then wait to die.

Theoretically, if you were in an extremely safe shelter, you wouldn't even need to worry about these people, because they would all die eventually, in different ways, but they would always die.

And it won't be long.

But I don’t know what kind of damage it can cause before death.

at this time--

"Chu tu tu tu!!!"

The piercing sound of gunshots suddenly rang out in the night sky. The gunshots sounded a bit dull, as if they were ringing in a basement. Hungry Monkey's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the sound: "This is the sound of Brother Miao's Thompson submachine gun." !”

"I'm so familiar!"

“And it’s the kind with 20,000 rounds of ammunition in one shot!!!”

"Brother Miao, how many Thompson bullets do you have in your backpack?"

"Not a single one pretended"

Chen Miao's face gradually became weird. He looked at the "Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group Headquarters" in the distance that suddenly seemed to be a little busy, and murmured: "Thomson's production line is in the magazine. Logically speaking, Thomson Not even a single bullet can be fired."

"Because I remember there was only a production line in Thomson, no bullets, and producing bullets requires star coins."

"That is to say, this assimilation not only assimilates all the props on my body, but also assimilates all the star coins on my body, and they can use the star coins to produce bullets, if you count it that way."

"That's enough. It won't be a problem until the day after tomorrow."

"And it's the kind that doesn't let go when the trigger is pulled."

The next second——

A huge explosion suddenly sounded, and the sky-high flames rushed out from the ground of Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group Headquarters. A basement door seemed to be opened, and then several figures rushed out!

There was a "Hell Gatling" floating around these figures. They did not stay behind and fired wildly at all living targets around them, including buildings. Moreover, these people also held Thompson submachine guns in their arms, with the triggers tightly pressed, shooting. All targets around! !

The bullets with explosive effects glowed with huge flames!

There are also meteor showers falling in the sky!

Every bullet fired by Gatlin was a flare, making the entire Zhang family territory instantly look like daylight. It was so bright that it was not even bright at twelve o'clock at noon. The pure white light was extremely festive.

At the same time, there were countless fireworks shooting into the sky!

Tens of thousands of fireworks shot into the sky, and all the citizens of Jingjiu City saw this unprecedented fireworks that night.


Chen Miao looked at the fireworks that filled the sky, and the corner of his mouth twitched with a little distress. He naturally knew what these fireworks were. They were the 99999 sets of fireworks that he was rewarded when he upgraded his idle space.

He has never been willing to let go.

I didn't see any effect myself.

He didn't expect to be set off by these clones now, but it was a blessing to these clones, otherwise he wouldn't know the effect of setting off 99999 sets of fireworks.

There are 99999 sets in a clone backpack.

There are only three or four clones rushing out now, and more clones will be assimilated soon. It can be expected that there will be at least hundreds of millions of fireworks rushing into the sky tonight, and the smoke this will bring , basically making the Environmental Management Bureau of Beijing-Kowloon City work in vain for a year.

At the same time, more clones of Chen Miao rushed out of the basement, shooting wildly without any scruples, and constantly activating props one after another.

Regardless of whether there are enemies around or not, as long as there are props, they must be activated.

Various disposable props, props that Chen Miao was never willing to use, were activated by these clones without any hesitation.


"Prop Name": Approval of 'a filial son from a poor family'.

"Prop Effect": After activating this prop, a commanding height called 'Morality' will appear under your feet. This commanding height can be raised and lowered as you wish, up to 1,000 meters.

The maximum duration of this high ground pillar is 1 hour.

When you stand at the top of the pillar, you are immune to all attacks and nothing can harm you.


"Item Name": Approval from the 'gravekeeper who has guarded the general's tomb for decades'.

"Prop Effect": After activating this prop, you can fall into a state of suspended animation. In this state of suspended animation, you do not need to breathe, eat, or excrete, and all the body's skills fall into a short-term dormant state.

Lasts up to 1 hour.

And in the state of suspended animation, your consciousness can rise into the sky and you can know what is happening around you. After entering the state of suspended animation, both the curse that is about to take effect and the hatred of the boss will be instantly cleared.

After recovering from the state of suspended animation, any negative buff effects received before the state of suspended animation will be cleared.


"Prop Name": Approved by 'the senior who has been playing suona all his life'.

"Prop effect": This is a special suona. After playing it, all ghosts will give way, respect you, and listen to your orders. The maximum duration is 1 hour.


As several one-time props were activated, the entire "Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group" scene became extremely chaotic and chaotic, and pillars soaring into the sky suddenly rose up.

The height is controlled at about fifty meters.

Those clones of Chen Miao stood on these pillars, bombarding the surroundings. The most terrible thing was that they were still immune to attacks and invincible within an hour while standing on the pillars.

Then you can clearly see several clones pretending to die for an instant, and then they may find that pretending to be dead is of no use, and they wake up again.

Even though they were standing so far away, they could still hear the sound of the suona.

For a moment——

Exploding bullets, a shuttle of 20,000 Thomson bullets, 20,000 bullets converged into one missile, roaring dogs that soared into the sky and finally turned into meteors and fire showers, fireworks all over the sky, pillars soaring into the sky, suonas ringing, etc.

All kinds of messy elements, in an aesthetically pleasing way, forcefully fill the entire Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group headquarters.

It can be seen that the security guards of Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group are very dedicated and respond quickly. Almost immediately, countless extraordinary people came over in a steady stream, ready to solve this unexpected situation.

However, the faster you rush, the faster you die.

What's more, many clones are standing on stone pillars, in an invincible state, and cannot be dealt with at all.


Chen Miao looked at the clones standing on the pillars with a complicated expression. He had an indescribable feeling in his heart. He was reluctant to use such disposable props, but these clones were things he had been reluctant to use. Use without hesitation.

For a moment he felt like he wasn't even free as a clone.

It's like he was a college student studying computer science. He had a girlfriend from the dance department in college. He always took good care of her and felt it was a great honor to hold hands. Until one day he saw her being violently fucked by a college student studying physical education. Kick!

That gym student even fucking stood up and kicked!


This was how he felt in his heart at the moment. The props he was reluctant to use on a daily basis, these clones didn't even bother to see if their props were aimed at people, so they couldn't wait to activate them all. It's very difficult to obtain those props, okay? ?

He used it as something to hold down the bottom of the box.

Bad news, after the destruction of these clones, all his trump cards were exposed, and all his true strength was exposed.

Good news, if nothing else goes wrong, anyone who has seen this scene tonight will probably have a hard time surviving.

Any clone here is much stronger than him.

At least, he didn't dare to be so extravagant.

Not to mention, there are tens of thousands more here.

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