
The moment he heard the sound, the representative sent by the "Qiuzhi Chamber of Commerce" was slightly startled. He didn't react for a while. He actually heard the sound of gunshots during a big event? Gunner profession?

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a newcomer choose the gunner profession.

But why are there so many gunshots?

It looked a bit like hundreds of guns firing at the same time. Could it be that a certain force sent hundreds of gunmen in?


Even Chen Miao stayed there in a daze, listening to the gunshots in the distance. He hadn't had time to fire yet. Why did someone fire first? And the gunfire sounded very dense.

And at this time——

He received news from Zhou Shen.

"Brother Miao, there are hundreds of gunmen in this big incident. They are organized by the Black Hand Gang and are cleaning up others at designated locations. Brother Miao, be careful."

"how do you know?"

Chen Miao was a little confused.

"Every big event is broadcast live, and people outside can see it. But not everyone can be on the live camera. Only when the big event itself feels that there is a highlight, will it be on camera. So far, Brother Miao, you still have Not on camera."

"Does this mean that people outside can tip off the news?"

"That's right."

"Hundreds of gunmen"

The corner of Chen Miao's mouth twitched slightly. This gangster is also smart. If he wants to get a good enough reward in this special event, the best way is to find a transcendent of more than ten levels and let this transcendent destroy himself. The level was transferred and re-established many times to meet the prerequisites of this major event, and he relied on his super high skill proficiency to crush others.

However, while the cost is high, the crushing force is not that great.

Unless it is a level 30 transcendent who transfers his job and rebuilds his profession, the crushing pressure will be great, but the pants will also be lost.

Although the cost of hundreds of gunmen is also high, the crushing force is not ordinary. The gunman is a strong profession in the early stage. When other professions have not obtained skill books such as control, sprinting, and jumping, the gunman relies on a The gun can indeed be fired without restraint.

Especially when hundreds of gunmen open fire together.

In such a big event where only level 3 and below extraordinary people are allowed to enter, it can indeed have a miraculous effect.

The federal government has raised a lot of gunmen troops, but it is rare to see gunners in the secret realm. The biggest reason is that the gunmen in the secret realm have insufficient ammunition and no follow-up supplies, and the number of people in the secret realm is limited, so one gunman does not play a big role. big.

Big events are different, there is no limit on the number of people.

Although there is still a risk of insufficient ammunition, before the ammunition is exhausted, these hundreds of gunmen gathered together in a mighty manner do feel a bit invincible.

in the forest.

A young man who came on behalf of the Chi family also received news from the outside. He sneered with a cold face: "These hundreds of level 3 gunmen have just been pulled out. This will cost a lot of money. No matter how you look at it, you won't reply." I can’t afford it.”

"Is the Black Hand Gang preparing to become famous?"

Gunners are cheap.

But hundreds of gunmen are not cheap. It will still cost a lot of money to equip these people with enough weapons and bullets. Of course, the biggest expense is where to find these hundreds of people. People must have been ordinary people before. It would have cost a lot of money to find so many people to work for them.

The total amount is at least tens of millions, which also includes hidden costs such as bringing these people to upgrade and gain experience.

The most important thing in this major event is to "get a new city-state effect for your city." But the problem is that no matter who gets the reward, it belongs to Fengtian City. It is not worth paying so much cost. As for the remaining ones, Even if you open all the treasure chests, you may not be able to get your money back.

The Black Hand Gang will definitely lose money this time.

The only explanation is that the Black Hand Gang wants to use this major event to promote its power and expand its influence. It should be that it wants to rush into the rankings and move forward a few steps in the power rankings.

The original tacit understanding between the major forces was to allow their contemporary young people to downgrade themselves to participate in this major event. This would not only have enough pressure to suppress them, but also because the young people's levels were not high, they would not lose too much.

However, when I arrived at the Black Hand Gang, I went straight to get the winner.

Of course, this is also good for him. This kind of intensity can basically guarantee that the winner this time will definitely be Fengtian City. This is enough, just follow it and it's over.

At this time, Chen Miao was directing Yuan Buping and others to dig holes on the spot. Seeing that there were more and more powerful enemies, he had to act as soon as possible. The treasure chests here were quite attractive to him.

It is different from those big forces.

There was nothing in his pocket now.

Everything is very attractive to him. They are all good things and belong to him. No one can touch them.

Originally, he planned to take action later, but since such a powerful enemy had appeared, it meant that he could no longer stop. Soon a deep hole was dug, and Yuan Bu and others jumped in first.

Chen Miao also jumped down.

Immediately afterwards, Thomson appeared outside the pit with only two hands exposed, but his body and head were buried under the pit, so as to avoid being injured by the rebound of bullets as much as possible.

Generally speaking, bullets are more likely to bounce off harder objects, such as concrete floors. The surrounding trees are not too strong. Even if the penetration power of the Thompson submachine gun is not strong, the probability of being bounced is not high. .

But he fired too many bullets. Even if the probability is low, with such a large bullet base, the probability of being triggered is not small.

He chose to play it safe.


A slightly funny scene occurred.

In the middle of the forest, in a pit where many people were hiding, a Thompson submachine gun slowly emerged. This scene was obviously captured by a major event. This scene did not seem normal, but it was also It was broadcast live for the first time.

However, not many people have yet to understand what this scene means.


Gunfire rang out.

Immediately afterwards, he saw countless flames suddenly bursting out from the muzzle of the gun, and tens of thousands of bullets violently shot out of the barrel in an extremely irrational manner, shooting away in all directions.

It's like holding 100 bullets in one mouthful. The barrel of the gun is so small, but I don't know why it can shoot so many bullets at the same time.

Extremely unreasonable.

The scene seemed extremely exaggerated.

The surrounding trees also fell down by their roots immediately. It was impossible for one Thomson bullet to knock down a tree, not even ten, but it couldn't withstand Chen Miao's 20,000 rounds of bullets per second.

Under the F-level skill "Fire Coverage".

Every time he emptied the magazine, 20,000 bullets were fired instantly.

This ordinary attack skill that originally belonged to the gunner profession was like an S-level skill in Chen Miao's hands. He loved the world in his own way and brought a little shock to the world.

At this time, Chen Miao was like a lawnmower, hiding in a deep pit and constantly cleaning the debris around him.


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