I am Crazy About Money in Football

One hundred and sixty one back to China

Ye Feng really didn't expect such a thing to happen!

Even though he was unhappy with Loew's various unreasonable practices in the national team, he also unanimously admitted that at least Loew's tactical coaching ability is still good!

Did you just leave get out of class like this?

Ye Feng suddenly remembered what the chairman Zwanziger said to himself at the German Cup championship award ceremony.

"The German national team needs a talent like you, we can't live without you!"

suddenly realized.

It turned out that Zwanziger meant something at that time!

Is Loew's dismissal a good thing or a bad thing?

In fact, Ye Feng wanted to say something - it's dawn!

German football has its own traditions. If you can even abandon your own traditions, what is the point of winning the championship?

No matter how strong Loew's tactical literacy is, if he throws away the thing that German football is most proud of, then he is nothing!

In retrospect, Ye Feng felt that the period of Loew's coaching was probably the darkest period in German football.

It's not just the loss of talents, but also the killing of the spiritual level!

If the German team is full of bastards like Podolski, can it still be called a German tank?

Perhaps, hope the moment has just arrived!

Public opinion has already boiled because of Loew's dismissal from get out of class, the various grievances between Loew and Ballack have also been highlighted by the media, and more details of Podolski's slapping incident have also been revealed. The indignant speech was also perfectly restored by the media.

At this time, the fans discovered that so many things had happened within the German team.

The public opinion overwhelmingly began to scold Loew, and Podolski was not spared. The two of them completely turned into street rats, and everyone shouted and beat them.

Ballack's experience aroused another wave of sympathy from the fans, but it was Ye Feng who was even more admirable.

Speak up in team meetings, face the threat of being expelled from the national team without fear, so that he was actually banned by Loew, this is simply a real fighter.

The fans found that they love Ye Feng too much!

It is true that Ballack is the leader of the German team, but don't forget that Ballack's character is actually lacking in leadership.

But Ye Feng is completely different!

Even if his skin color is different, his ability, his character, his dominance and his arrogance determine that he is the most perfect leader.

The German team doesn't have to worry about having no successors!

After Barack, Ye Feng is definitely the most suitable leader.

In him, fans see all the advantages they want to see.

However, at this time, Ye Feng didn't care about the fans' opinions.

He cares more about the German national team's trust in the head coach.

At the end of August, the World Cup qualifiers will start again. Even if the German team has a clear advantage in the group, this can be regarded as the best training opportunity for the new head coach. The German Football Association will definitely decide to appoint a new head coach before then.

If the German Football Association chooses a real famous coach, such as Hitzfeld, such as Magath, then Ye Feng will definitely not have any worries.

Their ability and prestige are enough to allow them to lead the German tanks forward.

But if the German Football Association is stupid again and chooses an unqualified head coach like Loew, it will be difficult for the German tanks to unite.

As for himself, he wasn't worried at all!

No matter who coaches the German national team, it is impossible to ignore yourself!

If you can't make it to the German national team, it's not Ye Feng's loss, but the German national team's loss.

At that time, Ye Feng is still waiting for the German Football Association's statement!

Before, he blocked himself for no reason, but now he says he is recruiting himself?

If there is no explanation, then absolutely not!

Ye Feng's temper is like this, if he is not satisfied, then he doesn't mind never joining the national team at all.

Champions are far less important than respect!


On the plane flying to Huaxia, Ye Feng peeked at Ramona sitting next to him from time to time.

This girl is in great shape!

But Ye Feng still has a bottom line,

You can't touch people who work for you.

Otherwise, it is easy to get into trouble!

"Why do you have to follow me to Huaxia?" Ye Feng asked puzzled: "I've said it all, I don't want to accept any endorsement!"

Before going to China, Ramona told Ye Feng that she would also go to China with Ye Feng to discuss the endorsement.

Ye Feng needs endorsement?


How good it is to honestly compete for money!

Endorsement not only needs to shoot advertisements and photos, but also takes time to stand for the brand owner, which is exhausting!

Anyway, Ye Feng is not short of money, so there is no need to accept any endorsement at all.

But Ramona didn't think so!

"Even if you have your own money-making channels, don't forget that endorsements are not only beneficial to brand owners, but also beneficial to players!"

"The promotion of the brand is actually the promotion of your personal image. Sometimes this is more useful than competitions!"

"And don't forget that in many award selections, brand owners can completely help you get through the relevant links, which will make you get twice the result with half the effort."

"I dare say that without the support of brand owners, even if you reach the level of strength in the future, you will never be able to become the world's footballer!"

Ye Feng nodded and stopped talking.

I have to admit that what Ramona said made sense.

"Okay, you're right, but you must carefully check the screening, the expensive is not the expensive, and the endorsement must not be sloppy." Ye Feng did not forget to tell Ramona, don't just look at the money, give yourself Received a lot of messy endorsements.

Especially in China, he doesn't want to repeat Ronaldo's mistakes!

I have to say that Ronaldo's image in the TV commercials is too sandy!

However, it is said that there is a very good school in Huaxia, which specializes in training excavator technology, and I like excavators very much!

If this school is interested, I can also speak for them!

It doesn't matter if you have more money or less money, the key is hobbies, hobbies!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help laughing.


When the plane landed at the airport, Ye Feng put on a mask on purpose, just for fear of being recognized and causing crowding.

You must know that Ye Feng's popularity in China is not inferior to that of top stars, or even surpassed.

However, because the paparazzi didn't know that Ye Feng would come to Huaxia at this time, there was no chasing and interception, and they got into the car without any danger.

"You said that you are famous in Huaxia Coin Star, why didn't I see it?" Ramona said to Ye Feng with a little disdain.

Ye Feng rolled his eyes, "Can you maintain a little bit of respect for the people who pay you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's been so difficult for you, I shouldn't have exposed you!" Ramona covered her mouth and laughed so hard that her chest rose and fell, making Ye Feng swallow a little bit.

"Tch, find a place to live by yourself, don't disturb me these few days!" Ye Feng managed to look away, and said to Ramona with curled lips.

"You are so ruthless!" Ramona shrugged, and the expression on her face made Ye Feng even more angry.

"Anyway, let me remind you, be careful not to be kidnapped and sold away. When the time comes, you will be sold to a ravine to be the wife of an old bachelor. It will depend on what you will do then!"

Ye Feng deliberately scares Ramona.

But who would have thought that Ramona squeezed her hands together, making a "click" sound, with an excited expression on her face.

"It's been a long time since I played kickboxing, my whole body is itchy!"

Ye Feng:

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