Facing Kesha's question,

Luo Hua smiled confidently.

"If you have to give it a name, it can be called the Trial of Time and Space."

Kesha thought about it and decided to give it a name.

"An attack with ultra-long-range strikes through time and space?"

"Almost, but one sentence is missing."Luo Hua made a stroke with his left hand.

Two huge silver wings appeared behind the archangel.

Then Luo Hua moved his fingers again.

The archangel slowly flew to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Luo Hua finally gathered energy.

Then he clenched his left hand suddenly.

The archangel also began to raise the greatsword as Luo Hua's palm clenched.

At the same time, the terrifying golden-blue energy began to gather on the sword that was more than ten meters long!

As the energy accumulated more and more, the pressure emanating from the sword became stronger and stronger.

If an ordinary person passed by, he might be directly destroyed by this pressure.

Then a screen with energy gathering opened in front of the three women.

The content on the screen was exactly around the solar system.

At this time, because of the pull of Hengxin, a huge meteorite flew into the solar system.

At this time, on the path of the meteorite, a golden-blue space-time crack opened.

Then, the archangel on the earth swung it violently.

A huge sword hundreds of meters in size suddenly appeared in the space-time crack of the solar system and chopped it down violently!


The universe was silent.

But the meteorite was split in two and flew out.

In the Sky City, Luo Hua waved his hand.

The archangel returned to his side and shrunk to 1 meter in size.

Then he retracted his arm.

The archangel also disappeared from reality and was preserved in the dark plane. After being stunned for a few seconds,

Liang Bing immediately reacted and said,"So handsome!"~~~!!!"

Luo Hua almost laughed out loud at Liang Bing's delayed reaction.

Is your network stuck?

Luo Hua waved his hand and took the three girls to the lounge chairs on the lawn to lie down.

Originally, there was only one lounge chair for Luo Hua.

But Liang Bing immediately made another one and put it here after seeing it.

As a result, He Xi and Kaisha also made one after seeing it.

In the end, there were 4 lounge chairs in a circle on the lawn.

Then there was a small table between every two lounge chairs.

There was also a large table in the middle for other things.

The four people lay lazily. Here.

It is actually related to the technology that Luo Hua will create later.

"You guys lie down for a while, and you will be able to experience the power of your new abilities soon."

After saying that,

Luo Hua immersed himself in the system.

{The spiritual network, or the mind network, is the magical force that brings together the souls of the entire civilization.}

{When faced with attacks on the mind, heart, soul, etc., the other party will be facing an entire civilization.}

{And in every aspect, the mind network has more help}

{Such as astral projection, mental shock, mental confusion, soul annihilation and other abilities}


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【Star Network: If the souls of angels are compared to the shining stars in the universe, then the power of the entire civilization is like the star network of the Milky Way galaxy.】

【It enhances the power of every angel's spirit, heart, and soul to the utmost.】

【And it also connects the hearts of every angel together】

【Even in death, we will never be separated. 】

At the moment of creation, every angel felt an extraordinary feeling in his heart!

Even if you close your eyes, you can feel the existence of the fiery soul in the heart of every angel.

At the same time, every angel also felt that his heart seemed to be sublimated.

This is a magical experience.

It was as if he had no body.

Then, in the star network world that belongs only to angels, and also in the real world, an illusory figure flew out from Luo Hua's body.

That's right.

This is the gathering of consciousness.

That is, astral projection.

At this level, Luo Hua can see that the consciousness of Liang Bing, Kaisha, and He Xi are"lying" in their bodies.

And their real bodies are also closing their eyes.

Suddenly, when Kaisha and Liang Bing were not"awake",

He Xi's consciousness body suddenly moved its long eyelashes.

Then she slowly opened her azure eyes.

She sat up from her body.

Then she saw Liang Bing on the left and Kaisha opposite.

And finally saw Luo Hua

"This is our consciousness."Luo Hua looked at He Xi and explained.

He Xi looked at her hands.

She stretched out her two index fingers and wanted to touch them to confirm whether they could touch each other.

But after seeing this, Luo Hua walked straight forward and pinched her cheek.

He Xi, whose cheek was pinched, finally reacted.

She immediately rubbed it and asked curiously:"Wang, why can our consciousness touch?"

"This depends on the willingness and strength of consciousness of both parties."

Luo Hua and He Xi sat on a recliner.

He Xi made room for Luo Hua.

Then Luo Hua continued to explain:

"If you don't want me to touch you, then we won't touch if I don't mind."

"But there is another condition, if my consciousness is strong"

"In that case, even if you don't want to be touched by me, it will be useless unless you withdraw your spiritual projection."

In other words, the significance of both parties is only established under a peaceful situation.

If one party is unwilling, the scene will immediately proceed to the level of competing in the intensity of consciousness.

After hearing this, He Xi reached out and took Luo Hua's palm.

Then he squeezed it and put it on his lap to feel it.

Seeing He Xi's curiosity here,

Luo Hua grabbed He Xi's left hand.

Then he pinched her chin with his right hand and slowly turned her head.

Unlike Kaisha,

He Xi's eyes were shy and eager to try.

And Liang Bing and Kaisha were still adapting.


When Luo Hua bit her,

He Xi's waist softened and she fell down.

As time passed, in the real world at this time

, although it was an extremely quiet scene, He Xi's face lying on the recliner became more and more rosy.

And her slender and jade-like long legs unconsciously closed together.

After a long time, in the conscious world, until Liang Bing muttered in her sleep,

Luo Hua let go of his hands that were pressing on both sides of He Xi's ears. He looked at He Xi who was constantly exhaling.

Her eyes, which seemed to be filled with lake water, turned away as her master turned his head.

For some reason,

He Xi was particularly shy when Luo Hua looked into her eyes when she was shy.

Luo Hua had already discovered this.

He stood up and returned to his seat.

Luo Hua waited for Liang Bing and Kaisha to wake up.

After a while, when the boss and Kaisha sat up from the body together, they also saw He Xi wiping the corners of her mouth and sitting up again.

She wiped the corners of her mouth to prevent the two of them from seeing the sparkling water.

Of course.

They didn't know that He Xi had sat up again.

But Kaisha was a little confused.

Why did she have to wipe the corners of her mouth when she woke up from the state of a conscious body?

She suddenly thought of how she looked last time.

But He Xi also said that he woke up at the same time as her.


Luo Hua clapped her hands.

Then she repeated to them the conscious world that she had just explained to He Xi.

The three women stood up.

They looked at the original body that was still lying in the real world.

Liang Bing asked curiously:"After the consciousness gathers, the original body can no longer move?"

"Not really."

Luo Hua denied:"If your consciousness is strong, the body and consciousness can be controlled together."

"But that would require at least the body of a fourth-generation angel."

"And it also requires special technology."

Luo Hua can now control the main body at the same time.

But that's because he is the host and has the Mind Gem.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to control multiple bodies at the same time.

Multitasking calculation problems and multi-controlling clones are two different things.

The gap is too big.

The girls nodded.

Then they tried other abilities.

But Luo Hua returned directly.

Then he stood up from the chair and said:"Your current spiritual projection is only one of the abilities of the Star Network."

"It is mainly about strengthening the spirit, mind and soul."

"For example, now you encounter a creature with a relatively ordinary spirit."

"As long as they are shocked even a little bit, they will faint, and in serious cases, their consciousness may dissipate directly."

But in fact, the Star Network has another ability.

It can ensure that all angels' consciousness will consume energy and be preserved after logging into the Star Network.

Even without a physical body, the consciousness can continue to survive through this mode.

This can also be regarded as a way to preserve the soul.

Luo Hua would not let his angels disappear easily. If they really died, he would definitely resurrect them.

This is not a statement of cherishing life.

This is his guarantee to his subordinates as a king.


He Xi, Liang Bing and Kai Yu also withdrew from the state of spiritual projection.

And they were also a little tired.

Because it was the first time to log in to the Star Network, the Star Network would extract a little of their spirit as the login device for the"account password".

So it was normal for them to do this.

Luo Hua looked at their state

"Okay, that's all for today, you all go back and have some rest."

"In a few days, it will be time for us to welcome the new generation."

The three girls' eyes lit up.

With the new generation, it will be much more fun.

"Isn't it interesting to bully the newbies?

They nodded.

Then they bowed to Luo Hua and walked away.

But when they reached the door, He Xi looked at Luo Hua sideways and blinked her bright blue eyes.

"Wang~, do you want to enjoy the all-night chat you just awarded me today?~?"

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