The surface of a blazing planet is always covered with a layer of flames, which looks like something eternal and immortal.

A man covered in flames stood in front of the magma.

This is a real star.

From time to time, the lava in this place will emit a few bubbles, and there will be some scenes in the bubbles.

Just as the man was looking at the lava, he suddenly noticed a problem. It seemed that something was about to appear in the lava. Several large bubbles were constantly breaking and overlapping.

This kind of thing is very strange. It looks like someone did it on purpose, but no one knows their race at all. How could they do it on purpose?

Just as the man covered in flames was thinking, another person appeared behind him.

The bodies of their races are almost the same. The only sign that can distinguish their nobility is the strength of the flames.

""Chief, the illusion we set up seems to have been discovered, and they are coming towards us now!" Although the Stars have always been very powerful, they are also weak in disguise.

Although they are all flames, they are easy to extinguish.

So when he heard his men talking about this, the Chief of the Stars showed a thoughtful expression.

"We must not let them get close to us. If we let them get close, all our things will be exposed to the public."

They have lived in this ancient universe for a long time, and they live a hidden life. No one knows that there is a race behind the stars, and no one knows what kind of power the stars are guarding.

But now because of a sudden change, they are exposed to the eyes of the public, which makes him unacceptable, and what is happening now always makes him feel inexplicably tired.

After hearing the order of his chief, the man nodded.

No matter what the matter is, we must keep going.

After that person left, the flame on the chief became stronger.

At this moment, he was staring at the magma underground, as if talking to himself:"We must not let him discover our power. If they find out, we may not be able to appear in this universe again. If we want to protect our people, we still need to continue to hide."

The magma in the distance seemed to echo the words of the patriarch, and several bubbles gurgled and continued to rise.

The star planet is always burning, and the burning direction is always the same.

But this time the star is different.

Yan stopped in front of the star, revealing a thoughtful look. Although the star in front of him was full of flames, the temperature was not scorching, just like the star they went to before.

Looking at Yan's stagnant movements, Star-Lord blinked in some confusion.

"What happened? After my inspection, this should be a real star, but I can't get in."

Even if it was a fake one before, he couldn't get in, let alone this real one.

After hearing Star-Lord's question, Yan slowly turned his head.

"The temperature of this planet is exactly the same as the one just now. How do you judge that this place is a real star?"

Star Lord was stunned for a moment, then took out the instrument in his hand and carefully checked the temperature of the surface of the star, but the result was somewhat unsatisfactory.

The temperature of the surface of this star was also at a relatively low state, and the surrounding flames were also constantly extinguishing.

"It's impossible. My test proves that the man is a real star. How could the flame on his body be extinguished? There should be flames and magma around the star!"

Star-Lord is very confident in his technology. He feels that there is nothing wrong with what he has found, so there must be something wrong. As for where the mistake is, he doesn't quite understand.

And everything that happened in front of him always gave him an inexplicable feeling, as if some things were done intentionally by someone.

But after thinking about it carefully, there is no reason for it to be done intentionally.

Yan looked at Star-Lord deeply, looking at his persistence.

"In that case, let's go in and take a look."

Some of the things that were originally guarding behind the star looked at each other nervously after hearing Yan's words, and even began to tremble. They were very afraid of this group of angels.

They had not been in contact with the outside world for a long time, nor had they been in contact with outsiders. Now that they suddenly saw outsiders, they couldn't help but have a very strange feeling, and they also felt that they would hurt themselves.

"Go back and report to the clan leader!"Before the words fell, the man was knocked away, and Yan appeared in front of them.

Looking at the strange things in front of him, Yan showed a smile hidden under the mask.

Yan finally decided to go into the interior of this star to take a look. After all, the interior of the previous star gave her a lot of surprises, and maybe this one would be the same.

"The only purpose of our entry here is to find the power here. The star itself is a huge power body. We find his clone and take him away."

The power inside the star can even upgrade their system.

This is something Yan has only discovered recently.

These powers can be absorbed by the system, just like upgrading the system. This makes Yan very surprised. Finally, he found something useful.

After hearing Yan's words, Star-Lord showed a strange expression.

"What if this place is also fake? If this place is fake, then I have no way to find the real stars. Their hiding ability is too high. Even I can't see where they are!"The instrument in Star-Lord's hand kept making a dripping sound, as if reminding him that this is a real star.

But after testing the surface temperature, the surface temperature of the star cannot reach this cool level.

In other words, either there is a problem with the instrument or there is a problem with the person making the judgment.

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