If the stone was tattered before, now this stone has become very colorful. There is a special light flowing on the whole stone, and the color of the light seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

Everything that happened before his eyes made Star-Lord feel unreal.

And everything that happened next made Star-Lord's unreality even more unreal. The tattered stone turned into the appearance of a little boy. The little boy's eyes are completely white, which is the opposite of Mantis's.

The animal that was originally following Yan made a shrill cry as soon as it saw the little boy appear. Star-Lord heard that the cry was full of fear.

After the Holy Star Stone changed into its original shape, it snorted coldly and glared at the animal.

"You are such a useless bastard. It's useless even if I ask you to go out and protect me. Aren't their strength just a little bit stronger? You are so scared that you even run away from the battlefield. I don't want to be friends with you anymore!"

Sheng Xingshi didn't move his feet when he spoke, because he was afraid that if he moved, Yan would directly attack and strangle him in the cage, so now he only dared to say it.

"The power in you is very special, I want it."Yan didn't mean to beat around the bush and directly expressed his thoughts. Sheng Xingshi looked at Yan and knew that he was not joking. He couldn't help but get more scared. If Yan wanted the power he had, wouldn't he die directly?

Perhaps he saw what Sheng Xingshi was thinking, Yan frowned.

"You don't have to worry that I will hurt you. Since you have already condensed into a solid entity, it proves that it is not easy for you to practice. I will let you live in peace, but the power in your body must be available to me at any time."

In fact, it was the first time that Yan saw that a stone could condense into a solid entity, just like it had been cultivated into a spirit.

After hearing Yan's explanation, Shengxingshi was finally relieved, but after being relieved, he had a new question. Who is this person in front of him? Why does he have such powerful energy, and his energy looks very strange.

After coming to this planet, Yan's second gain may be a pet, and the second gain is seeing the strange scene of a stone turning into a person.

This is not an illusion, but it seems that it can become like this by itself.

Yan thinks the current phenomenon is very interesting, and it would be better if it can be studied.

"Are there other abilities on your planet? When I first entered here, I felt that the energy here was very complicated, as if many things were intertwined together. If you tell me, I can go and have a look."

Sheng Xingshi wanted to escape, but after trying several times, there was no result. He was also very afraid of Yan, fearing that Yan would tear him into pieces if he was unhappy.

So when he heard Yan say this, Sheng Xingshi was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head.

"I have lived here for so long, and I have never seen anything else, nor have I felt any other power. Is it possible that your judgment is wrong?"

Yan has always believed in his own judgment. This planet must have other powers, but the Holy Star Stone in front of him said that there is no other power, which makes him feel a little weird.

Through the system's detection, the entire planet is covered by a huge circle, but Yan cannot detect what power this circle has. It can only explain the current situation through distribution.

"Since we have already got the things in the treasure map, can we leave now? We still have many places to go?"

Although Star-Lord was very surprised when he saw that the Holy Star Stone could turn into a human state, his adaptability was pretty good and he quickly regained his normal expression.

Hearing Star-Lord's question, Yan shook his head. He felt that there must be other things here, and he must study it thoroughly.

So in the next second, Yan's figure appeared at the entrance of a cave. This cave entrance was different from the one he had seen before. This cave entrance was downward, like a path to the center of the earth.

"If I were you, I would never go to that place. It is very dangerous. I have never been there since I came to this planet. There are flames everywhere and many things that can melt people. I almost got burned to death there."

When speaking, Sheng Xingshi's tone was full of fear. He did not lie to Yan. That place was very dangerous. He felt that it was dangerous to a certain extent, so he could not help but remind Yan when he wanted to go down.

Hearing what Sheng Xingshi said, Yan raised his eyebrows.

The expression hidden under the mask smiled.

"I always like challenges.

After saying this, Yan jumped directly into the cave, and several angels following Yan also jumped in. As they continued to descend, Yan felt the rising temperature around him, but this temperature was still bearable and there was nothing special about it.

After jumping down again, Yan asked Star-Lord to wait for him up there, because Star-Lord's own ability was not too strong. If he really encountered some flames and magma when he went down, Star-Lord and his group would most likely be the first to turn into ashes.

Saint Star Stone felt the heat around him with fear and trepidation. He had never gone down to such a deep place, and he was very afraid that he would turn into ashes.

However, when he couldn't bear it any more, he found that a layer of light circle was covering his body. Looking up, he could see the power constantly transmitted from Yan's palms. It turned out that Yan was protecting her.

For a moment, Saint Star Stone didn't know what to say, but he had already sensed Yan's kindness.

"If the power you sensed before is here, then I can only say sorry, because I have never included this place in my perception range, because this place is too strange, so strange that I don’t want to come here for the second time."

And this second time, I was forced to come in. Hearing the words of the Holy Star Stone, Yan nodded slightly.

During the fall, Yan sensed that the power around here was indeed magical.

If you can bring these things back, you can definitely forge very powerful weapons. After all, weapons are always better in quantity.

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