"Second Generation Angel Body......"

"Before encountering a nuclear bomb or a bomb of sufficient magnitude, it is the capital that the flesh can use without restraint."

"But correspondingly, normal food on Earth is no longer enough to replenish the energy consumed by this body."

"One punch can break a mountain, one kick can split the ground, and his physical strength is even stronger than that of an ordinary Hulk."

As Luo Hua's angel technology design is improved, a whole set of reasonable settings will slowly emerge.

At this moment, every bone, every blood vessel, every nerve in Luo Hua's body.

Whether it is the internal organs or the brain, whether it is muscle or blood.

His whole body is emitting a light called: [Sublimation]. The visual effect brought by this light makes everyone who sees it feel extremely noble.

It seems that he is undergoing the most glorious transformation.


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【Second Generation Angel Body: Unless facing a nuclear bomb or a missile of sufficient magnitude, the second generation angel body will not be harmed, and the body will not feel tired until the energy is exhausted.】

【Note: But the price is that it consumes an astonishing amount of energy every moment. If it is not replenished enough, it is very likely that the energy will be exhausted and die in a low-level civilization.】

【Current angel technology: first generation angel body, second generation angel body, angel wings, faith energy conversion, eye of insight, micro wormhole transport technology】


As Luo Hua let out a long breath, the light in the room gradually dimmed.

But it did bring about a qualitative improvement.

That is not a little bit.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that a second-generation angel can fight against dozens of first-generation angels at the same time.

And this can only be done if the first-generation angels sacrifice their lives to exhaust the energy of the second-generation angels. What if it is a soldier of an ordinary civilization?


Unless the energy of the second-generation angels is really exhausted, we will kill as many as possible!

The human wave tactics have no effect on the second-generation angels!

Having said that.

Luo Hua looked at his palms, then clenched his fists.

Compared with his previous body.

This surging sense of power is not possessed by the first-generation angel body.

He can even punch through a wall of steel.

Of course, he can't attack with bare hands. He will definitely need weapons in the future.

"But having said that, fortunately there is spiritual belief energy conversion technology, otherwise we would have to rely on the resources of the earth."

"Where can angels replenish the energy needs of the second-generation angel bodies?"


If there is no spiritual belief conversion technology, Luo Hua would not choose to upgrade his body even if he has the second-generation angel body technology.

Otherwise, he will really become the first angel king to"starve to death".

Next, as the days came, the Angel Investment Building was gradually completed in less than a week.

The several-meter-long golden angel hourglass logo on the top of the building is also particularly eye-catching.

No matter from which angle you look at the building, the golden logo seems to be sweeping around with majesty.

People feel admiration at first sight.

Among them

, many people have already associated this logo with angels.

And this project that cost so much manpower to start has long been seen by everyone.

But until the angel investment logo was hoisted by a helicopter, all the comments changed instantly.

Many people who originally believed in angels came to the only road into New Jersey Island and squatted.

They all wanted to know if there were real angels living here.

Besides, this project was officially started at a glance.

Doesn't that mean that it was built for angels?

At the same time,

Tony also got the news from Jarvis in the basement.

"Sir, it is almost certain that the building was built for the angel Luo Hua."

"Now only the exquisite decoration and batches of exquisite decorations are being shipped to New Jersey."

"It is expected that the Angel Investment Building will be officially completed in two days." After hearing Jarvis' words,

Tony trembled his eyebrows and stopped designing the Mark III armor design in his hand.

"Angel Investment Building, no wonder why such a stingy government can build this building regardless of cost"

"In this case, it means that the authorities have already negotiated with Angel Luo Hua, and at least"

"But according to the government's statement, Luo Hua must have done something to convince the US government.

" It must be very difficult to make the US government so easily become a bootlicker.

Tony can now directly say that his Stark Group is just a stronger bull in the eyes of the United States, far from being a threat.

And what he doesn't know is that even if he admits that he is Iron Man in the future, the US government will still not take Tony seriously.

Of course, there is a component of Hydra's mischief, but their attitude can still be seen.

With such a comparison, Tony couldn't help but start thinking.

What did Luo Hua do to make the US government or the SHIELD, which Tony didn't know yet, become such a bootlicker?


(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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