At night, sitting on the sofa in the suite,

Luo Hua folded his left leg over his right leg and watched TV with some boredom.

At this time, a news broadcast on TV

{Mr. Stark donated money to the fire organization fund and launched an event for this purpose.

Seeing this, Luo Hua knew where the time had come.

Tony should be painting his armor at this time.

He was unaware of this and was a little annoyed to see Obadiah's unauthorized action.

But because there was no time, he didn't care about the armor and drove the sports car directly over.

After arriving at the party,

Tony handed the key of the sports car to the waiter first.

Then he straightened his collar, mocked Obadiah for a few words, and walked into the hall on the red carpet.

Coming to the bar counter, Tony ordered a drink.

At this time,

Coulson walked up to Tony.

"Mr. Stark."

Tony turned around, put his hands in his pockets and looked at Coulson:"You are...."

"Agent Coulson."

Tony reacted immediately and took the glass from the bartender and said,"Oh, you are the one......"

"Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency." Coulson said it directly for Tony, and then continued:

"I know you're very busy during this time, but we need you to give us a report"

"We still have a lot of questions, and there are a lot of details you might soon forget."

"Including you appeared near the Angel Investment Building at noon today, and it seems that your armor has been upgraded."

"So I suggest we sit down sometime and get this all written down."

"How about meeting in front of Stark Tower in 3 days?"

Obviously, this attitude is completely different from the one when he met Luo Hua.

It can be said that it is a world of difference.

Especially the last sentence, which even carries a half-compulsive determination of time.

But Tony, who was casually scanning the crowd, obviously said casually:

"Okay, no problem, but you really should change your name, it sounds really ugly."

Coulson smiled and replied,"Although I think so, the angels don't have any objections."

"Angel?" Tony suddenly became interested.

He turned his head and looked at Coulson and asked,"Have the agents of your government talked to the angel?"

"There is also the Angel Investment Building in New Jersey. I remember it was the government memorial island of the former Immigration Department."

Faced with Tony's sudden serious question,

Coulson admitted frankly,"Yes, that's right. I was there at the time."

"Then can you tell me some information about Angel?" Tony, holding his glass, showed interest.

He leaned closer to Coulson and whispered,"I promise that only I know it, and I won't tell anyone else.""

"And if we exchange them, we can go out and make a report and talk now."

To be honest.

The value of what Tony said......

Coulson had no interest at all.

Because SHIELD knew that it was impossible to get the Mark Armor.

Anyone with a little bit of brains knew that Tony would definitely not hand over this technology.

And SHIELD's intention was just to get a little understanding of Tony's ability and then keep a case.

So this was not an equal transaction at all.

"I refuse Mr. Stark. The news about the angel must come from Mr. Luo Hua himself."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't do something that would damage the attitudes of both parties."

Hearing Coulson's refusal,

Tony pursed his lips, nodded, and took a sip of wine.

If you don't want to talk about it, then don't talk about it. Since no information can be knocked out, then so be it.

Anyway, he won't tell S.H.I.E.L.D. the specific data of his armor.

Both parties know this.

At the same time, in a town in Mexico,

Banner looked at the Angel Investment Building that was almost completed and fell into a new thinking.

Now the location of the angel has been determined.

In other words, he can go there directly if he wants to. He doesn't have to wait like he thought before.

But.....He still couldn't control himself completely. And the Angel Investment Building was in the crowded downtown area of New York....

What should he do?........................................

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