Facing Agent Coulson's sincere answer,

Luo Hua nodded and turned on the [Eye of Insight] to observe the building briefly.

At this time,

Coulson proposed again:"Does SHIELD need to be responsible for the recruitment of angel investors in the building?"

"We will strictly screen employee qualifications to ensure that each employee has the correct background."


"No." Luo Hua waved his hand to interrupt Coulson's words:"Angel Investment Building is not planning to recruit people. This is just a toy for future angels to practice."

Make money? Money?

Angels don't care about these things.

To be honest, with the brains of angels, they can easily make a lot of money on the Internet during the little gap in study.

Yes, it's just by playing.

So is it necessary to recruit people? At that time, we will have to deal with other problems. That's called looking for trouble.


Before Coulson could think of what to write.

Luo Hua, who had just opened the [Eye of Insight], seemed to have analyzed some other interesting information.

He opened the [Eye of Insight] again.

Luo Hua rolled his eyes and looked in the direction of Stark Tower.

Sure enough, someone had already taken action.

After closing the Eye of Insight.

Luo Hua looked at Coulson who was still trying to get close to him and said:"Go back, something interesting will happen tonight."


Coulson raised his eyebrows and opened his eyelids.

It was obvious that it was very good to know something in advance.

But he obviously wanted to ask more.

However, since it was Luo Hua who said it, Coulson nodded and went back.


Judging from the direction Luo Hua looked at just now.

In addition to the recent events, such as......

Yesterday, Stark drove his armor to Afghanistan to quell the war.

So as long as we focus on the reconnaissance direction, we should be able to get the news in advance.

Thinking of this,

Coulson took out his agent's mobile phone and called Lu Dan while driving the helicopter.

The angels said it was interesting news.

It must be a big deal for them.

It was noon.

After walking around the Angel Investment Building, Luo Hua sat steadily on the largest table in the top office area.

Just now, he waved his hand and dismantled all the hundreds of floors of stairs in the building.

Since he doesn't plan to have employees, there is no point in keeping this building.

And if you want to see him in the future, you can either fly up or climb up.

At this time,

Luo Hua suddenly received an email from SHIELD on the email account he created on the Internet.

{Coulson}: Mr. Angel, I'm sorry to bother you. General Thaddeus Ross wants to see you, but since he is a member of the Ministry of Martial Arts, we can't stop him and we don't know his purpose. I'm really sorry. He should be here soon.


This email from Coulson made Luo Hua quite curious.

Want to see me? It's quite interesting. I hope he has a correct mind.

After Luo Hua finished reading this email.

A jeep slowly drove up to the Angel Investment Building.

The driver of the jeep was General Ross's assistant.

And in the back seat were two soldiers.

But they didn't have guns. It wasn't that they didn't bring them, but they were forcibly detained by the SHIELD agent before entering the island.

This is the only thing SHIELD can do.

Get off the jeep.

General Ross's assistant looked up at the building that was built in a few days in front of him.

It is not only towering above the clouds, but also slightly majestic.

But looking at the empty hall in the building.

The assistant led people in directly.

Anyway, the people from SHIELD said that the angel is here.

But after entering the hall.

The elevator that no longer exists made them dumbfounded.

Looking at the hundreds of storeys tall building, the assistant took out a piece of paper from his chest, wrote down a few words and handed it to the two soldiers behind him.

He also handed them a special medical instrument with a white red cross.

"Go up and tell the angel what's on the note. I'll be waiting for you down there."


Back in the car, the assistant leaned on the hood of the jeep and looked at the building in front of him.

Then he called General Ross and asked,"Can we really get the blood of angels? Is this too much for him?"....."

That's too bullying. The assistant didn't finish the sentence.

For a mythical angel, you directly ask for blood for biochemical research.

Isn't that just a slap in the face?

At this time, at a certain military base.

Ross shook the newspaper in his hand and said uncomfortably:"This is the United States. The guys from SHIELD treat him as a mythical creature and lick him. I am not..."

"After all, maybe he is just a thing created by a biological experiment."

"Wasn't the big green guy we had before also created by accident?"

"In comparison, I can't see any special abilities of angels other than flying."

"Is it just to look good?"

"Anyway, no matter if he is a mythologist or a biological researcher, as long as we get the blood, we will know everything.

His assistant looked at the building in front of him and wanted to say something to Ross.

But she moved her lips and closed them again.

In short, she had a bad feeling.........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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