At this moment, the SHIELD's onlookers,

Tony's gaze, and the shouts of the crowd were all intertwined.

Under the gaze of thousands of people around,

Luo Hua's wings gently flapped, and his body slowly rose up without moving.

The moonlight spread from behind him, as if he was a god descending from heaven.

He held a javelin-like projectile in Luo Hua's hand.

This was just something he had brought with him using the micro-wormhole technology just now.

It just happened to be useful at this moment.

Iron Monger, who was kneeling on the ground and unable to move, saw that something was wrong.

Obadiah inside hurriedly opened the hatch on Iron Monger's chest and wanted to jump out.

But at the moment he opened the hatch.


A white smoke passed by.

Then, the sound of piercing tofu that everyone thought of in their minds sounded.

But in fact, it didn't happen.

Because the speed was too fast.

Obadiah looked like he was sitting in the hatch of the armor.

He leaned back as a whole, and the javelin-like object passed through his forehead and was nailed to the ground behind him.

His hands drooped limply at his sides.

At this moment, Obadiah looked up at the sky like a pilgrim.

Sincere and sincere.

Clean and neat.


The crowd erupted in enthusiastic cheers.

After everything was done, Luo Hua waved his holy wings in the air, looked around at the people, and then flew away.

He was an angel who had just punished the devil.

All this seemed so sacred and mythical.

"The angel seemed to look at me! He really looked at me!"

"Are you dreaming? He clearly looked at me!"

At this time,

Pepper finally arrived here. When he saw Tony, he ran over to find him.

After a while, because there were too many people to see clearly,

Pepper looked at the crowd and asked in confusion:"Where is Obadiah?"

Tony raised his hand and pointed to the center of the crowd.

Pepper looked over and finally saw Obadiah lying on his back in Iron Monger after squinting his eyes.

But judging from the javelin sticking out of his forehead,

Pepper knew that he was probably dead.

"Was it an angel who did it?" Pepper asked

"Yes." Tony nodded:"A....Holy Judgment."

Pepper turned her head and looked at Tony in confusion.

Tony looked at her and said,"There are videos around. You will know when you watch it again."

At this time, Jarvis suddenly reminded

"Sir, I'm sorry to bother you. If you don't take off your armor, you will most likely be shipped back."

""Fuck!" Tony reacted immediately. He hurriedly walked aside and prepared to go home.

If he really ran out of energy, he would really be transported back in the armor!

On the other hand, the three people who witnessed the whole process in S.H.I.E.L.D. finally came to their senses.

Hill and Fury looked at Coulson.

What they meant was that both of us were right.

Coulson nodded helplessly, then took out the intercom and began to give orders:

"All agents commanded their people to evacuate the crowd and clean up the scene. We must ensure that there is no secondary impact here."

When all this is over,

Luo Hua has already flown to the top of his building.

Feeling the rapidly increasing energy of faith in his body, it is a very satisfying feeling.

Moreover, this is only the first part he has obtained just now.

After the video goes viral and the Internet ferments violently, it will only take two or three days.

The energy of faith conversion will definitely surge in Luo Hua's body like a tsunami.

"I'm really looking forward to it."

Sitting on the bench, Luo Hua was lost in thought as he looked at the starry sky in the universe.

A person's days are finally coming to an end.

By then, the energy he has accumulated can at least create the first angel.

And some technologies can be put on the agenda as soon as possible for research.

For example, the upgrade of the wings of time and space.

Luo Hua remembered that after the upgrade, the wings would sprint past like a phantom in an instant.

If it is upgraded to a higher level, it can be as unpredictable as traveling through a wormhole.

There are also eyes of insight, and divine body technology, etc.

These are all research that can be carried out.

For example, Luo Hua was not satisfied with this building.

What would it be like for angels to live in a building?

Creatures that should have made their homes between nebulae actually have to live on the continental plates?

At least they have to live in the subspace orbit, okay?

Then can the sky city be put on the agenda?

Thinking of this,

Luo Hua slowly closed his eyes and began to plan for the future.

No matter how many plans there are, you have to take it slow, right?......

Time passed slowly day by day.

The video of Luo Hua judging Obadiah like a god was spread all over the Internet.

The number of views of just one video reached billions!

Then after the investigation by S.H.I.E.L.D., the weapons sold by Obadiah and other crimes were made public.

As a result, the heated discussions that were originally on the side of the angels were like a fire encountering a strong wind and ignited again!

At this moment,

Luo Hua, who had been sitting on the roof of the Angel Building for three days, finally stood up.

He walked to the lawn in the center of the roof without saying a word.

Along the way, although he didn't speak, the waving of his wings expressed his feelings at the moment.

The second angel is finally going to be born.........................................

(Woo, woo, woo, I know I update slowly, but that’s because of my work and rest schedule. 56,000 words in 7 days, that’s an average of 8,000 words a day.)

(Okay, I won’t quibble anymore. I admit my mistake. Now that my work and rest schedule has been fixed, then...)

(Starting from tomorrow! Five updates a day! If I can’t do that, I’ll dress up as a woman and show you guys! I say! Even Jesus can’t let me update less!) ps: There will be another update in the evening

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