Finally, he looked at the time on his watch.

Fury reminded Tony:"Your father was great, but he said he was trapped by the times."

"I will send you all the information that SHIELD knows about your father later."

"And your father also said that the things he wanted to leave for you are all in this box."

With that, Fury stood up from the recliner and walked out.

But halfway through, he remembered something and turned back to Tony and said proudly:

"One more thing, if you really can't find a solution, then I suggest you come and ask for my help in person."

"Then I can borrow the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. to suggest that you contact the Angel King."

"Believe me, they definitely have a way, but whether they can cure you is another question."

"And I can only guarantee that we can contact each other once at most, I can't guarantee a meeting"

"Because even I can't see him now."

Since that meeting in the tower,

Fury really understood it. If he wants to meet Luo Hua in person again in the future,.....

That's too difficult.

"Bullshit, what are you talking about."Tony looked at Fury who was showing off and said disdainfully:

"Do you think you are the only one who knows an angel? You should know that I also met an angel in the past, and he mercifully saved me!"

"Oh, is that true?" Fury turned around and walked back while looking at Tony and said,"Then try again? See if the angel can save you?"

Tony was speechless.

No one can guarantee this.

And Tony also realized that he was not a good person in the past....people....

Now hemp...It's just so-so.

If you count his desperate donation, it barely makes up for his mistakes.

Fury came to meet Tony earlier than the plot.

It's all because of the angels.

If it was before, they would still care about a series of problems such as whether Tony would go crazy if he couldn't recover.

But now they don't have to.

Because of the angels, no matter how bad the bad guys are, even the bad guys with heinous crimes, SHIELD believes that they will be scared when they see the angels.

Do you know about Judgment?....

At this time in the Angel Building.

Although Luo Hua knew that there were only two days left before Tony's birthday party, it had nothing to do with him.

He was still busy calculating the technology for designing the Sky City, and his brain was running so fast just on the amount of calculations.

If this were digitalized and compared with a computer, it would be able to beat the server.


Thinking of this, Luo Hua seemed to suddenly remember something.


Angels have a technology that is the same as computers.

And it was a technology that almost all Angels had to have installed at that time.

【Dark Matter Computer】But there is a problem if you want to install the dark matter computer.....It seems that it can be solved.

Thinking of this, Luo Hua looked at He Xi:"We should be able to develop a dark matter computer."

"Dark matter computer?" He Xi stopped the research and development in his hands and turned to look at Luo Hua in confusion:"Really? This is still very far away from us, right?"

"It seems that the dark matter computer can only be developed and installed at least in the God-making civilization."

Although He Xi said so, she still looked at Luo Hua with hope.

Because the improvement that the dark matter computer will bring to them is too great!

It is a multi-faceted huge improvement in both combat and research and development!

If the full-system energy projection technology is compared to improving research and development efficiency by 10 times, then the dark matter computer can improve combat and research and development by more than a hundred times at the same time!

Of course, this also depends on the amount of computing.

"You see, if you want to install a dark matter computer, then three conditions are necessary."

As he said this, Luo Hua sat forward and explained to He Xi and Alan:

"First: Genetic Manipulation System"

"Second: Energy required by the system"

"Third: Algorithms required by the system"

"So, what do you think we are lacking now?"

The principle of the dark matter computer is very simple.

The first system refers to a complete framework, which is also the most important part.

The second energy is even simpler. It is the same as the energy consumed by angels when they use their abilities in daily life, such as the Eye of Insight. The second algorithm is a set of manipulation programs and calculation methods, such as the binary and processing methods of computers.

Facing Luo Hua's question.

He Xi and Alan looked at each other, and then said without hesitation:"Gene manipulation system!"


Luo Hua snapped his fingers at them:"That's right, why is it called a gene manipulation system? It's because this is a technology that only a god-making civilization can have."

"It requires completely deciphering the genetic code and installing a system in the gene."

"The amount of analysis required to completely decipher the genes requires at least the construction of a central system called the Knowledge Treasure House."

After hearing Luo Hua say this, He Xi and Alan felt a little depressed.

The creation of a god civilization and the Knowledge Treasure House are still too far away.

Seeing that the two women were in a bad mood, Luo Hua smiled mysteriously.

"However, I have thought of another method, which can bypass the problem of deciphering genes and directly transfer the system to genes."!?

As soon as these words came out, He Xi and Alan opened their beautiful eyes.

They were really curious.

This technology can be circumvented!?.........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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