After hearing Luo Hua's explanation,

Odin thought for a while.

Throughout his long life, he had been fighting and killing for most of the time.

He had always been fighting for Asgard.

Looking back at Luo Hua and his current thoughts, it seemed that Luo Hua had already reached his realm.

This made Odin sigh.


Luo Hua estimated that it was about time to leave.

Since he wanted to develop civilization, he certainly couldn't relax here.

He needed to find a place suitable for his own development and utilization of the system.

"What are you going to do next?"

Odin stroked his beard with a relaxed look on his face.

It was a relief for him to talk about this headache and find a solution.

"Go to the courtyard."After saying that, Luo Hua changed his leg and crossed his legs.

"Atrium?"Odin frowned slightly in confusion.

Atrium is the Earth.

Is it a place suitable for the development of civilization?

Although Odin did not understand, Luo Hua naturally had his reasons for going there.

He thought of a condition that conforms to the myth and can be used immediately.

In layman's terms, it is: spiritual belief energy conversion.

People on Earth already have a belief mentality in mythology.

As long as Luo Hua uses it reasonably, it will be of great help to him.

If the ability of this technology can transform the spirit of having a good impression or belief in angels into the most essential energy, then it is more practical and more effective than dark energy or solar energy.


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【Spiritual belief energy conversion technology: By absorbing the spiritual favor of creatures towards angel civilization and converting it into special belief energy, such as shaping angels, reality creation, super energy, etc.】

【Note: The higher the favorability, the more energy can be converted. 】

At the moment when his train of thought came into focus.

Luo Hua directly mastered this special technology that is half mythical and half scientific.

And the converted energy will be directly stored in his body.

This is the ability of an angel king!

He directly set up the scientific and technological technology of angel civilization!

Luo Hua was a little happy to get the new technology.

He nodded and said to Odin:"Yes, Midgard is an important place for me. Maybe I will settle down there."

Settling down there means telling Odin that Midgard is wanted by Luo Hua or the angel civilization. Midgard will be important in the past and in the future.

But Odin doesn't care about Midgard now.

Odin said:"The resources in Midgard are very scarce. Most of them are ordinary resources, and Thanos will definitely go there."

"If you say that Midgard is yours, there will definitely be disputes between you."

Now it is about 2009 when converted to the earth.

Thanos adopted Gamora in 1987.

That is to say, Thanos's cosmic clearing plan has been started for a long time.

So Odin must know about this.

But Odin's one-third acre of land is here, and Thanos will definitely not come here rashly.

But it will not be like this in Midgard, and Thanos will definitely go there.

Even if Luo Hua goes there to develop now.

It will take about 10 years at the shortest, and no more than a few decades at the slowest.

These times are still too short for the development of a civilization.

It can be said that it is just the infancy that has just started.

Facing Odin's worries, Luo Hua waved his hand easily:"Don't worry, it can be solved."

Seeing the confident Luo Hua, Odin stroked his beard.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that Luo Hua was sure of success.

From the first sight that he was extraordinary to the later belief that he was a civilized king.

Even in the end, Odin himself felt very confident that he was not wrong.

Could this be the charm of a true king?

Just looking at it is convincing enough.

Finally, he picked up a fruit in front of him.

Luo Hua stood up and said,"It's almost time, I have to go too. If I can make it, there is something waiting for me in the atrium."

Since there is the technology of converting spiritual beliefs into energy, then exposure is the next main purpose.

How can the angels be exposed and appear to be high and mighty like gods? It is a technical job.

The current time is almost the time when Tony had an accident, but the exact time is uncertain.

I don't know if he just had an accident or is about to make the armor and rush out.

But no matter what, this node cannot be missed.

Watching Luo Hua stand up, Odin also stood up with the Spear of Eternity in his hand

"How are you going to get to the atrium?"

Luo Hua paused as he was walking towards the gate.

Odin had a bad feeling.

His angel wings had not yet been upgraded to a very high level.

So to travel through time and space, he had to rely on wormholes, folding, or using something ready-made.

That is, the Rainbow Bridge.

"You guys have been storing dark energy for a while, how about you put it into Ragnarok?"

Faced with Luo Hua's proposal,

Odin curled his lips helplessly.

What else can he do? Give it to me........

Standing in the teleportation ball at the end of the Rainbow Bridge.

Only Odin and Heimdall are standing here now.

Heimdall, the guardian, was a little dazed looking at the wings behind Luo Hua.

Because he really couldn't see any information about Luo Hua.

But since Odin has given the order.

Heimdall used his greatsword as a key and inserted it into the hole in the teleportation center.

Then the Rainbow Bridge began to collect energy.

After a while, it reached the teleportation standard.

Looking at Luo Hua, whose feet slowly left the ground with only a slight flap of wings.

Odin reminded him with a slight exhortation:"Don't forget our agreement."

Luo Hua nodded.

Then there was a click.

Heimdall twisted the greatsword.

Luo Hua leaned forward and took the initiative to fly into the teleportation channel.

Target: Atrium (Earth)........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes. This is the first day of updates so far. There should be another chapter in the evening. You can say what you think in the comments section. I will read every one of them.)

(And I will add them to the favorites when I see them, which means I have read all the comments you have posted. If I update, I will guarantee five chapters a day before the release.)

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