At this time in the Angel Building,

Luo Hua had already noticed Tony's arrival.

He just saw that he walked in from the main entrance in an orderly manner.

So he didn't let Alan cut him.

However, Alan still stood beside Luo Hua and asked,"Do you want to chase him away?"

Luo Hua stretched out his index finger and shook it,"Such an interesting thing, why don't you play it first."

At this time downstairs,

Tony looked up at the motionless building.

"Is it that the angel doesn't want to pay attention to me?"

Jarvis:"Sir, it's already now. Unless the angel lets you go, it will be in vain."

Tony thought about it and thought, yes. So he picked up the wooden stick on the ground and shouted towards the building:"I'll do it myself first!"

As he said that, he knocked on the head of his armor twice.

Jarvis:"Sir, are you kidding? The wooden stick didn't even break, and you are wearing the armor now."

This armor is worth 10 billion US dollars.

Although there won't be even a scratch on the wood,

Tony is still used to not hitting it hard.

After Jarvis' reminder,

Tony exerted force, and with a click, the wooden stick broke into two pieces.

But just when Tony thought it was okay , with a whoosh!

A long sword was inserted directly in front of Tony's legs.

Tony was so scared that he moved back.

He looked at the sword in a daze and didn't know what to do.

This is when Jarvis reminded:"Sir, the angel might...I told you to cut yourself with this sword...."


Just chop it hard.

But after thinking about it, Tony suddenly raised his head and asked,"Can I shoot it with the sword? The armor is quite expensive!"




The sound of a falling sword sounded again.

Tony's crotch was directly stabbed with dazzling sparks.

He quickly looked at his second brother.

A deep cut had been made in the crotch of the Mark VI armor!

And the chilly wind was still pouring in!

In addition, the direction of the sword blade was facing him.

Tony knew it without thinking.

The angel wanted him to chop himself with the sword blade.

Damn it, is this angel going too far! Just chop it. Is n't it just that the helmet of the armor is damaged? It's worth a few dollars!

Suddenly , the huge square at the bottom of the Angel Building rang with the sound of iron hammering one after another.

After a while.

Tony , who had chopped his helmet into pieces, chose to take it off.

Tony had chopped the helmet down to the point where it only had the function of talking to Jarvis.

And it looked like it had been gnawed by a dog.

It felt like it had been chopped enough.

Tony looked up at the strong midday sun and asked,"Is it done?!

" Inside the top floor, Luo Hua waved his hand and asked Alan to go down and tell him,"Tell him to chop the armor into pieces before going back.

" All of a sudden, He Xi and Alan both laughed.

Even if they got their swords, it would take a long time to chop up this mortal's body.

Alan held back his laughter, put on a mask, and flew down.

Then he hovered in the middle of Tony's bright sun and said coldly,"The king said that you should chop all the armor into pieces before going back.



Tony squatted down and a surge of blood rushed to his head.

"...Finish it right away."


After giving the order, Alan flew back.

At this time,

Jarvis reminded:"Sir, if you continue to chop at the same speed as before, you will need to chop until tomorrow morning."


The time has come to tonight.

When everyone should rest, they rest.

From time to time, a spark flashed in the square at the bottom of the Angel Building.

Accompanied by a crisp sound.

That's right, it was caused by the collision between metals.

After the agents who had been observing for a day collected the information and passed it to Nick Fury.

Lu Dan and Hill were immediately confused.

What is this for! ?

Although they were confused, why was Coulson not in the Triskelion Building at this time?

That's because he went to Mexico.

And it was still noon in Mexico at this time.

The scorching sun made people feel irritable, not to mention that these agents were still wearing black suits.

Coulson looked at the hammer surrounded by a group of scientific researchers.

Then he looked up at the Hawkeye above and said,"Have you found anything abnormal about this hammer?"

"No." Hawkeye leaned on the railing:"But if you find an angel, it should be able to solve this problem."

"Can't find it." Coulson looked at the hammer silently:"We can't ask the angel to come, unless we pay with this hammer."

"But then there is no point in asking the angels for help. Director Fury gave me the task of understanding this hammer."

"There is nothing we can do about it." Hawkeye stared at the Thor's hammer. He felt that it was something special.

"My intuition tells me that technology can't solve this problem."

"Why?" Coulson was really confused this time.

"Look." Hawkeye gave an example:"Angels came down to earth, hammers fell from the sky, and we couldn't lift them."

"This doesn't seem to have anything to do with science."


That's your intuition...., the explanation was a mess.

At the same time.

Sol, who had just been knocked unconscious, was taken to a restaurant by Jian and his group to eat.

But as soon as he entered the door, he stared at a newspaper in a daze.

Then Sol suddenly reacted, he immediately grabbed the clothes of a person next to him and pointed at Luo Hua's silhouette on the newspaper and said excitedly:

"Where is the Angel Now!?".........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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