Leaving the President's building,

Lu Dan returned to the Triskelion Building.

In his private office,

Fury called Hill and Coulson over.

He sat in his own chair in the office.

Fury crossed his hands in his arms and turned his head to look at another building outside the French window.

"Director Fury, did the President tell you something important?

Hill saw Fury's expression and knew that he had said something important.

"It may be very important." Fury turned his head and looked at his two most trusted agents.

"He asked me to start the Blue Cube Project."

Coulson frowned when he heard this.

He had heard of this plan, but....It's not a start. This project has been launched a long time ago.

It's just that there has been no results for a long time.

Seeing that they were all silent,

Fury added in a slightly low voice:"But this project was launched a long time ago."

"The President asked me to officially launch the Blue Cube Project."

"That means the previous plans are just preparations, and the real plan...."

"It's just starting."

After a period of silence,

Coulson finally asked,"What's the plan?"

Fury:"Energy weapons plan"......

The next day.

The weather was clear, and wavy white clouds were floating in the sky.

Although the Sky City can simulate the air environment by itself when encountering bad weather.

But when encountering such good weather, it must be better naturally.

However, as long as it is not a bad environment.

There is no need to simulate the environment when it is windy, rainy, or sunny.


He Xi and Alan both came to their own yard.

Not for anything else.

Just because today is the day to create angels.

At this time, He Xi thought that Kaisha and Liang Bing were going to come out and had some expectations.

He had been running secretly for so long.

What expressions would they have when they came out?

Will the two sisters join forces to face the outside world?

After seeing that the time was almost up.

Luo Hua turned around and looked at the two women.

"Okay, I'll go into the house to create them first, you wait outside for a while."

With the nods of He Xi and Alan,

Luo Hua walked into his house.

After creating the angels, they were only covered with a thin layer of gauze.

So it's better not to create in front of others, even if everyone is an angel.

Entering the house, coming to the hall.

Rather than calling it a hall, it's more like an oversized bedroom.

Because his entire bedroom has a study, a rest area, drinks, etc. planned together.

So it's equivalent to an oversized bedroom.

Okay, let's be formal.

Standing on the carpet that fills the bedroom,

Luo Hua's mind is immersed in the system.

【Angel Civilization Creation System】

【Angels: Luo Hua (Angel King), He Xi, Ailan】

【science and technology:.....】

""Creating an angel."

It was the same process as before.

When making this decision,

Luo Hua's mind instantly switched to another space.

There were rolling white clouds under his feet and bright stars above his head.

Looking forward, it was an endless space.

Then the creation of an angel officially began.

Luo Hua closed his eyes and began to simulate the angel in his memory.

Long golden hair, solemn face, confident gestures, and awe-inspiring eyes.

It seemed that seriousness and solemnity were created for her.

Where Kesha is, there are rules.


Luo Hua's I began to imagine another figure in my mind again.

Long black hair, charming face, sometimes a goddess, sometimes crazy, those captivating eyes, playing tricks on you from time to time.

Sometimes she is just like a queen, indeed she has those three solemnities.

But sometimes she seems to have a hole in her brain, and she will tease you from time to time.

You can also say that she is a dice.

Because it is engraved with goddess, queen, crazy woman, foxy woman, girl, and female idiot.

Liang Bing shakes it from time to time.

Whichever it is shaken to becomes that.

But in fact, when it comes to serious things, she is still very serious.


After creating two angels at once,

Luo Hua opened his eyes and began to admire his masterpiece.

At this time, he had only created the soul.

The rest was just about injecting faith energy into it and converting it into reality.

But then Luo Hua discovered that there was still a lot of faith energy left......

Create another one?

There is no such thing as too many angels.

Since we have already created one, why not add one more?

Who should we add?

The one left can't be chosen with high potential.

So we can only find one who can keep Alan company.


Luo Hua thought about it

"Who are the angels who have served the Three Kings for a long time like Alan?"

After thinking for a long time,

Luo Hua suddenly thought of


Kayla was one of the few who followed Kesha.

She was also blonde.

Kayla had the same long blonde hair as Kesha.

But the difference was that

Kesha never tied her long hair up.

But Kayla would simply tie it up at the back.

Then the bangs on her forehead would fall down from both sides of her temples.

Her personality was very similar to Kesha.

Serious and serious.

She would execute the tasks assigned to her very seriously.

Like a little Kesha?

This description is not bad.

During this period of imagination,

Kayla's soul was also created.

Then, after appreciating it for a while,

Luo Hua injected faith energy into them.

"Start creating."

At the moment of giving the order, the energy stored in Luo Hua's body was directly divided into three streams and rushed into the souls of the three angels.

But it was obvious that

Kaisha and Liang Bing absorbed much more faith energy than Kaila.

The two were like black holes.

And Kaila simply absorbed it, exactly the same as Alan.

Could it be that this is the difference between the talents of angels?

It seems so.

After a while, looking at the three angels that were gradually filled with energy and were about to be created,

Luo Hua first withdrew from this space and went to reality to wait.

After a while,

Luo Hua's room was filled with a brilliant light of unknown color.

Then, three figures gradually took shape in front of Luo Hua, as if they were gathered by light.

After a while, they knelt on one leg in front of Luo Hua and opened their eyes at the same time.

Before Luo Hua could say the first word, they seemed to have telepathy.

Just like He Xi and Alan last time, they raised their red lips at the same time and began to speak in the most serious tone:

"My faith comes from Luo Hua, and my wisdom turns into strength! Even if I die, my soul will always protect the King of Angels! For the sake of civilization, I will never back down!"After the words fell, they raised their heads at the same time, looking up at Luo Hua and waiting for instructions.

"All right, get up."

Luo Hua took out three sets of clothes from the dark plane and handed them to the three women.

"From now on, you are welcome to join the big family of angels."

"Although I am your creator, I am also your closest person." As soon as

Luo Hua finished speaking, the three women who stood up nodded in unison.

Then, as if they had discussed it, they took Luo Hua's clothes and simply put them on.

Then they took two steps forward and took the initiative to hug Luo Hua.

Feeling the three warm bodies on his body,

Luo Hua could clearly feel the curves of each of their exquisite bodies.

Among the angels in the angel civilization, which one has a bad figure?

Which one is not beautiful?

No matter which angel it is, their faces and figures are all goddess-level.

What is said here is���God is a real goddess.

Not one of those mortals who have undergone plastic surgery and look like a"goddess".

The goddess of an angel is truly beautiful from the inside out.

Whether it is the face, figure, personality, soul, etc.

After hugging for a while.

Luo Hua took the initiative to push them away gently.

If he didn't take the initiative to push them away.

Who knows how long they would hug each other. They might not let go.

And because of this, Luo Hua seemed to have discovered one thing.

That is, when angels are just born, they are particularly attached to him.

For example, during the time of He Xi.

They can't live without seeing each other for a day.

Although they are still attached now, it is a little better than before. Well, it should be considered better.

After pushing them away gently

"Put on your clothes quickly, don't leave them covered, He Xi and Alan are waiting for you outside."

Luo Hua finished speaking.

After the three girls put on their clothes, they looked up at Luo Hua at the same time.

Kaisha and Liang Bing mean He Xi, they are the closest to each other, but also the most difficult to deal with.

Kaila means Alan, they all know each other and have served the three kings at the same time.


Luo Hua took them out.

But Liang Bing glanced at Luo Hua's room as much as she could before she went out.

It seemed that if she didn't finish looking at it this time, she wouldn't be able to come next time.

Then she followed Luo Hua out.

At this time, He Xi was sitting outside.

When she saw the four people coming out, she stood up.

Liang Bing and Kaisha stood behind Luo Hua on both sides, and Kaila followed Kaisha.

At this time, Liang Bing was slightly tiptoeing and looking at He Xi with interest.

It seemed that she had a lot to say to her.

And Kaisha looked at He Xi with a smile, as if Old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

In addition, Kaila and Alan are also looking at each other.

They also have a lot of things to say.

For a moment.

The angel civilization that already has six angels seemed to be full of vitality in an instant.

When everyone came together.

Luo Hua took them all to the pavilion to sit.

By the way, I forgot to introduce the pavilion.

This is a circular rest building with a pointed roof.

In addition to the only gap for entry and exit.

There is a circle that has been transformed into a reliable sofa for lying and sleeping.

In other words.

This circular pavilion with a diameter of 3-5 meters can sit in a circle except for the gap.

So Luo Hua sat in the main seat opposite the gap of the pavilion.

He Xi sat on his right.

Kaisha sat on his left.

Liang Bing sat next to Kaisha.

Kaila and Alan temporarily sat next to He Xi.

After everyone was seated

"Okay, I will load all the technologies that can be loaded for you."

After that,

Luo Hua began to control the system.

"Loading technology for Angel Keisha:....."

"Equip Angel Liangbing with technology:....."

"Loading Tech for Angel Kayla:....."

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