After Luo Hua's communication,

He Xi, Kai Sha, and Liang Bing arrived here in a short while.

Luo Hua looked at them and waved his hand to open the interface of the Rubik's Cube system for them.

"I don't need to say much about the types of magic, because it is not easy to classify, and some of them are even vaguely defined."

"But on the other hand, there are some magics that are easier to define."

In front of the five angels,

Luo Hua quickly selected the useful ones.

"Portals, mirror space, kaleidoscope, infinite space, etc. are all time and space magic."

"So these are mainly analyzed by Liang Bing"

""Okay." Liang Bing nodded.

He also became serious.

Then Luo Hua said:"Air knife, energy explosion, internal pressure impact, space cutting, magic energy weapons are all offensive."

"So these are mainly for Kesha to analyze"

"Yes." Kaisha nodded.


Luo Hua looked at He Xi and said,"Leave the various magic such as illusion, out-of-body experience, invisibility, astral projection and protective shield to He Xi."

"He Xi, your magic research may be more complicated and diversified."

"So the Sky City project can be put on hold for now, that's enough for now."

"Yes. He Xi nodded.


Luo Hua looked at Kayla and Alan over there.

Obviously, Alan was a little sleepy at this time and nodded his head.

So Luo Hua said:"You can study the remaining magic that you are interested in."

"When the time comes, apply the analyzed magic to the technology and upload it to any of them for inspection."

"Yes." x2

Seeing Alan's uncontrollable eyelids,

Luo Hua smiled and said,"Okay, Alan, thank you for your hard work. You and Kayla can go back and rest first."

"Wish you a sweet dream"

"ah~?"Alan was a little confused.

Kaila cleared her mind, pulled Alan's sleeve, saluted Luo Hua, and then walked out.

Alan reacted and quickly saluted Luo Hua and walked out.

After Alan and Kaila went to rest.

Liang Bing sat outside, so he stood up and poured tea for everyone.

Then he took out snacks from the dark plane and put them on the table.

Luo Hua reached out and took one and put it in his mouth.

But he laughed while eating.

"Are we considered to be eating delicious food behind Alan and Kayla's back?"


Kaisha and Hexi couldn't help laughing.

Liang Bing said,"It's okay, I'll give them some when the time comes."


Luo Hua drank tea, ate snacks, leaned on the cushions and looked at the three women around him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, you should have read the information about the Infinity Stones."

Thinking of the information about the Infinity Stones that Luo Hua had passed to them, the three girls nodded at the same time.

"What if I tell you that there will be three Infinity Stones on Earth at the same time in the near future?"

"And there is one which is also within easy reach on Earth, which means there are four."!


He Xi, Kaisha, and Liang Bing all opened their eyes wide.

Liang Bing couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise:"Four!?"

They just learned about the Infinity Stones.

At the beginning of the universe, a total of 6 Infinity Stones exploded.

They are space, time, reality, power, mind, and soul.

The corresponding colors are: blue, green, red, purple, yellow, and orange.

And I won't go into details about the huge capabilities corresponding to each gem.

They have just seen it in Luo Hua's information.

He Xi asked curiously on the right side of Luo Hua:"Which four?"

"Space, mind, time, reality."

When Luo Hua finished talking about these four gems, Kaisha couldn't help asking,"Where are they?"

For no other reason.

It was because these gems seemed too powerful to them after they saw them.

If their Angel King got them, the Angel Civilization would become extremely powerful overnight!

"The Space Gem is in the hands of that boiled egg"

"The Mind Gem still needs to wait for a great man to bring it over."

"The Time Stone is actually in the Ancient One, but she still wants to pass it on to Steve Strange"

"As for the Reality Gem, after a while, its space node will be refreshed in an abandoned building on Earth.

After listening to Luo Hua's explanation,

Liang Bing finally reacted.

"So this is why Gu Yi said today that he couldn’t see the king’s future?"

"She has the Time Stone and can see the future, but after Wang got the Space Stone, Gu Yi could no longer see."

"In other words, the king will get the Space Stone soon! ?"

"Yes."Luo Hua nodded.

He was determined to get the Space Stone!

Then he would also get the Reality Stone and the Mind Stone!

As for the Time Stone.

Although Luo Hua does not need it for the time being.

But after a period of time, maybe 1-2 years, or maybe several years.

By then, if Ancient One and Steve Strange, Doctor Strange, do not take the initiative to offer it, then don't blame him, the King of Angels, for being ruthless.

Not needing it now does not mean not needing it in the future.

Because Luo Hua wants all the gems!

Not leaving any behind!

At this time.

Kesha thought for a long time and asked,"With the Space Stone, can we build a supercomputer?"

Kesha thought very comprehensively.

The Space Stone is the same as what Luo Hua said last time.

If you need space, there is space; if you need energy, there is energy. This is the perfect place to build a treasure house of knowledge.

"Yes." Luo Hua nodded directly.

"So next I will build the framework of the knowledge base"

"Then after obtaining the space gem, our knowledge treasure house can be officially activated!"

At this moment,

Kesha and the other two girls began to imagine how terrifying the computing capacity would be at that time.

If the last upgrade from the second generation to the third generation was just an upgrade from a computer to a server, and the third generation equipped with a dark matter computer was an upgrade from a server to a supercomputer, then this time the upgrade of the knowledge treasure house is...


It is far more terrifying than upgrading countless servers to supercomputers.

You know, the knowledge treasure house can calculate into the future with full firepower!

Yes! That's right! Calculate the future!

Although the calculation options are single, it is equivalent to a pseudo-time gem!

However, the usage of the knowledge treasure house is much more powerful than the time gem.

By then, the combat power of the angels will increase by who knows how many times!

Liang Bing heard that Luo Hua's space gem was going to do this.

She asked with interest,"What about the mind gem?"

Since the Space Gem has a plan, she can't let her king have no plans for other gems.

That's impossible.

Even He Xi nodded beside her.

The people she knew were prepared for everything and would never do anything unprepared.


Luo Hua nodded:"The ability of the Mind Gem can strengthen the spirit. The first thing I plan to do after getting it is to strengthen you all."

"Next, I plan to use the Mind Stone to build a spiritual network that will cover the universe in the future."

"If you don't have a physical body, you can even survive in it, in another way of life."!

This time, the three women opened their eyes wide again.

Because they knew what this meant.

As long as Luo Hua didn't die, they could live in another state even if they fell!

And this is just the most basic ability!

Then Luo Hua added:"If all the angel spiritual networks are linked together"

"Then our spirit is so strong that it is unimaginable"

"We will be integrated in every sense, and no one can shake us."

Well~ this time.

When Luo Hua said this.

He Xi's jade hand that was drinking tea trembled, and almost overturned the teacup.

Kaisha's eyes suddenly became dazed, but she forced herself to change back.

Only the shameless Liang Bing gave him a coquettish glance in return.

Knowing that his last sentence was ambiguous.

Luo Hua didn't care, anyway, they were all his angels.

Isn't it fun to tease them?

After laughing.

Luo Hua continued:"So the spirit gem is also a great help to us after we have it in our hands."

"If we are right, our spiritual power will be close to the peak level of the universe."

"But it is not clear whether it is the first, because there are other powerful creatures"

"For example, Dormammu, his spiritual power is a dimension and all believers."

Dormamu is indeed at the top level.

But its limitations are also great.

First of all, invading other dimensions requires summoning or sacrifice.

And even then, it cannot completely descend.

It can only occupy through clones or believers before invading in full.


If Luo Hua guessed correctly, those gods with various abilities must have strong spiritual energy.

���Like Ego.

He is Star-Lord's father and also a member of the Celestials.

His ability is to control the power of the mind and materialize it to erode and occupy planets.

In Guardians of the Galaxy, he almost succeeded in occupying the Earth.

But Star-Lord killed him.

However, Luo Hua's plan is that the angel civilization will capture various Celestials in the future to study their abilities.

Then analyze their abilities and apply them to themselves.

So what is this called?

This is called the"Celestial Hunting Plan."


He Xi came to her senses.

She looked at Luo Hua's handsome face again and asked curiously,"Isn't there a reality gem at the end?"

"Wang, what are you going to do with this? Its energy seems a bit dreamy."

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