"The magic of the universe has awakened"

"It is in a small space, and also in the human world"

"Humans try to control it, master it, and use it."

"Unfortunately, there are very few people who can use the secrets of the Cosmic Cube." The one who spoke was an ugly alien with gray wrinkled skin and no mouth. The one who was talking to him was Loki, who had fallen off the Rainbow Bridge not long ago.

Loki was wearing a green cloak of Asgard and had two long horns on his head.

He looked at the leader of the Chitauri civilization in front of him.

"There is an angel civilization protecting the earth. Although there are only a few angels, they are all very strong."

"Angels?" The Chitauri leader didn't quite understand what kind of creatures angels were.

But he still continued to ask,"What kind of strength?"

"Very strong." Loki recalled.

If compared with the Asgardian soldiers' combat power:"One against a thousand!"


The Chitauri leader said disdainfully.

"We have endless soldiers! What are a few angels who can defeat a thousand at once?"

"No matter how powerful they are, I can just pile them up to death!"

"The Chitauri army is endless!"

Loki thought for a moment.

It seemed so.

He was just a Destroyer that was dismantled.

If tens of thousands of Chitauri invaded, wouldn't they be exhausted to death?

Unfortunately, this is the consequence of not knowing the opponent's strength.

From the second generation of angels, the human wave tactics were officially declared useless.

By the third generation, sending out an angel could turn the tide of an entire civilization!

So by then, the expressions of the Chitauri army and Loki would definitely be very"good-looking".

At this time, the leader of the Chitauri civilization handed a scepter to Loki.

"This is the weapon given to you by our leader. If you can conquer the earth, this scepter will be given to you."

"And not only this scepter, but also that planet can belong to you"

"We only need the Cosmic Cube, got it?"

Loki nodded.

He took the scepter.

"When will we invade?"

The Chitauri leader slowly left.

But before leaving, he left a sentence

"Wait until I have organized the army."

That is, about a week later.

Loki will be teleported directly to the Cosmic Cube.......


Late at night the day before Loki was about to transmit the Cosmic Cube.

It was about 3 a.m. at this time.

The entire Sky City was quiet.

Only the stars all over the city illuminated every corner.

If you look at the Sky City from a higher sky at this time.

It is like a fairyland.

The scattered fluorescent lights dotted it.

Make the night of the entire Sky City no longer lonely.

At this time, Luo Hua was sitting on the big bed in the bedroom.

He leaned on the cushion behind him.

His hands kept writing and drawing in the air.

If Kaisha saw it now, she would know that Luo Hua was building the framework of the knowledge treasure house.


A signal was prompted on Luo Hua's system.

It was Liang Bing's communication application.

If Luo Hua fell asleep, this signal would naturally not be seen.

But I didn't sleep at this time.

So Luo Hua answered it.

Liang Bing: {Luo Hua~~You haven't slept yet! } Luo Hua: {Nonsense, who answered your communication when I fell asleep. }

Liang Bing: {Then I will find you now, the new wormhole technology has been studied! }


Luo Hua sat on the bed, looking at the fluorescent courtyard outside the balcony.

It was already three o'clock.

There was no rush to talk about it tomorrow.

But before Luo Hua could say anything,

Liang Bing sent another message. Liang

Bing:"Wang~, you are not afraid that we will be alone together in the dead of night, right?"~?}

Listening to Liang Bing speaking in this slightly ambiguous tone,

Luo Hua smiled contemptuously,"Ha".

Then he replied.

Luo Hua: {If you use the words 'talented scholar and beautiful woman', I think it's better than what you said. Come on, bring some food.}

Liang Bing: {Yes! I have prepared a lot of food.}

You have prepared a lot of food?

Hearing this,

Luo Hua couldn't help but wonder if Liang Bing had chosen this time specifically.

Otherwise, why would she prepare everything?

Since she prepared it, wasn't it intentional?

Luo Hua smiled helplessly.

If she dares to mess around, then I'll deal with her.

After a while, with the sound of quick and small footsteps,

Liang Bing entered Luo Hua's yard with a bunch of snacks in her arms.

Seeing that there was no one in the yard, she happily ran to the bedroom in a hurry.

Bang bang~

Liang Bing didn't have hands to knock on the door because she was holding snacks.

In a hurry, she directly knocked Luo Hua's bedroom door twice with her forehead. But who knew that the door would actually open a small gap.

Liang Bing was delighted.

Could this be the door that Wang left for her?

"Come in, I won't close the door."

Well, I thought too much.

Holding the snacks, she pushed through the door and walked in.

Then she hooked her feet and closed the door again.

Liang Bing walked in.

When she saw Luo Hua sitting on the bed leaning on the cushions, she immediately came out of the dark plane and put down a small table next to Luo Hua's bed.

Then she quickly put the snacks on it and sat on Luo Hua's bed.

Luo Hua:.....

He was just about to get out of bed and go to the rest area.

However, Liang Bing's quick action clearly showed that she didn't want him to get out of bed.

Then she could sit on her bed.

Looking at Liang Bing sitting at his feet,

Luo Hua said helplessly:"Can't you throw your snacks into the dark plane? Why did you carry them all the way here and bang your head against the door?"

"Hehe~" Liang Bing embarrassedly adjusted her messy bangs.

""Leave in a hurry, leave in a hurry."

Hearing Liang Bing say this,

Luo Hua could imagine the scene when Liang Bing heard him ask her to come, she hugged a bunch of snacks in her arms and ran here.

So cute and silly. She only knew how to eat.

Luo Hua stretched out his hand.

Liang Bing immediately handed a bag of snacks to Luo Hua.

After taking it, he opened it.

Luo Hua asked while eating,"What breakthrough has been made in wormhole technology? Let me see it."

Liang Bing was delighted when she heard it.

She stood up quickly.

Then she walked quickly to Luo Hua's waist and sat down.

In other words, Liang Bing was sitting on Luo Hua's right hand side at this time.

But as Liang Bing projected the technical energy as if she was doing her job, what Luo Hua saw at this time was a golden portal opened by energy simulation.

Then it showed that the angel wings that had been upgraded before had the ability to pull wormholes.

Finally, they merged together.

Then Luo Hua saw an angel with a disdainful face flying in the air by energy simulation.

She was only about 15 cm tall, like a figurine.

But then.

Her wings flashed with golden light.

Then the figurine angel teleported from one side to the other!

Seeing this.

Liang Bing's demonstration was over.

Luo Hua watched while eating snacks.

After swallowing the food.

He said with appreciation:"Yes, you should have attached the magic of the portal to the angel's wings."

"For specific details, I guess you engraved the magic of the portal on the technology of the Angel Wings"

"Then the angel only needs to output energy to control the wings to instantly activate the wormhole for teleportation."

"So as long as it is trained, this technology is simply perfect."

Liang Bing heard Luo Hua's analysis.

She opened her eyes wide.

She didn't even show Luo Hua the content of the technology.

Luo Hua analyzed it right away!?

But when she heard Luo Hua say that the technology was perfect,

Liang Bing was immediately delighted and took credit for it:"I'm awesome! This way, angels can travel freely in the universe in the future."

"If you are strong enough, you can travel freely in your physical body without any equipment!"

"Yes."Luo Hua nodded.

With this equipment, there is no need for a space-time jump aircraft.

Every angel can carry things to the dark plane and teleport directly.

And all they need to consider is whether the energy is enough.

But if it is not enough,

Luo Hua will have trouble.

Unless you are mentally exhausted, you can even teleport forever.

Looking at Liang Bing's raised head,

Luo Hua reached out and rubbed it.

Liang Bing was rubbed and said:"Then I will transmit the details to you."

After a while, when Luo Hua received the technology

"Wait a moment, I'll load the technology first."


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【Angel Wings: Wormhole】→【Angel Wings: Spacetime】

【Wings of Space and Time: The wings of space and time have unlimited potential. Not only can they fly at an extremely fast speed, but they are also imprinted with the magic data of the portal. They can do anything from small displacement to large teleportation of galaxies.】

【ps: It is an important step for the angelic civilization to take the universe as its home. With it, distance is no longer an important problem that troubles the development of civilization. 】

After the setting is completed

{Load this technology on all angels}

【Loading completed]

After finishing all these things.

Luo Hua opened his eyes again and saw that���To the cool ice on your face

"Okay, you can try it."

"There's no rush." Knowing that she would have to leave the bedroom if she wanted to try it out, Liang Bing said indifferently,"We can do the experiment during the day. There's no rush now.""

"You are not in a hurry, why do you come to me in the middle of the night!"

Luo Hua was so angry that he grabbed Liang Bing's cheeks.

When you came, you said you were in a hurry in the middle of the night.

When you tried, you said you were not in a hurry.

Can you imagine someone who just got a magic weapon but didn't want to try its power but chose to sleep first?

Liang Bing is like this!

What a ruthless person!


Liang Bing made meaningless mumbling sounds when being grabbed by Luo Hua.

When Luo Hua had enough fun,

Liang Bing rubbed her cheeks and said expectantly:"Can I ask for a small reward like last time?"

After thinking about it, Liang Bing realized that the technology developed this time was indeed very useful.

And it can be regarded as a milestone in angel civilization.

So Luo Hua nodded in agreement.

"It's up to you. As long as it's not too much, I can agree with you."

"How could that be possible? A small reward, a small reward."

Liang Bing stood up happily.

Then she jumped to the left side of Luo Hua's bed.

She lifted the exquisite thin blanket covering Luo Hua's legs and got in immediately.

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