I am cultivating immortality in the chaotic world

Chapter 103 My life span is almost over. I am going to die soon!

"Fat City".

Sitting at the window seat of a teahouse at the end of one of the liveliest streets, Feilong looked at the stove built into the table in front of him, breathing in the air-conditioning and shivering while holding a cup of hot tea: "Isn't the temperature in Feizhou too low?"

"This is the first time I've seen a stove built into a teahouse table."

"No wonder everyone here is fat."

"Anyone who is thinner will probably have a problem with whether they can survive this winter."

"Speaking of which, scholar, why do you have to bring us here? Didn't you say you want to see a big baby? Where is the baby?"


The scholar looked excitedly at the lively street below, pointed at a woman sitting in a sedan, and said with a smile: "This is the second most beautiful woman in Tiandao. You must have never seen it before, but not many people have the opportunity to see Tiandao. The second most beautiful one, don’t you want to see it?”

It was dusk at this time.

The streets were lively and there were sounds of gongs and drums.


Hearing what the scholar said, Feilong suddenly became interested. He stuck his head out and looked out the window. He saw a woman sitting on a red sedan chair, and eight sturdy men were working hard to carry the sedan along the street step by step. Walk hard.

With every step they took, more beads of sweat formed on the foreheads of the eight strong men.

There were also a bunch of people playing gongs and drums behind him, which seemed quite lively.

Like a wedding, the sound came from far to near.

The woman on the sedan was at least as fat as eight or nine women put together. She was slumped on the sedan. Every time the sedan moved forward, you could see the fat overflowing from the woman's body shaking like ocean waves.

No legs, no chest, not even a belly.

All he could see was a smiling head and a big lump of fat.

"What the hell?"

Feilong pointed at the woman outside the window in disbelief and said in shock: "You call this the second most beautiful woman in heaven? Are you sure she is ranked second on the list of Daxia beauties?"

"With such a physique, if you were to kill her, you would be able to provide relief to the whole country. It would be enough for everyone in the Daxia Kingdom to practice meat for three years!"

"Don't say anything else?"

"As long as your thing is not three feet long, do you believe that she is still a virgin even if you have been in the same room for three years?"


Chen Yuan, who was sitting opposite Fei Long, looked speechless and picked up the jade feather fan and patted Fei Long's hand out of the window: "Just speak, don't point fingers."

No matter what the other person looks like, since she is the second most beautiful woman in heaven, there will definitely be no shortage of suitors.

He didn't want another conflict to arise here because of Fei Long's words.

It’s not that I’m worried about not being able to beat him.

But having one less thing is definitely better than one more thing.

"That's an exaggeration."

The scholar shook his head and said: "You don't need three feet, three feet should be enough. It is said that this woman used to be a mortal woman. One day, she saved enough money for potions and broke through to the first level of Qi refining stage, and suddenly she became the second most beautiful woman in heaven." "

"The second most beautiful woman in Heaven at that time became the third most beautiful woman in Heaven because of her appearance."

"That's the strength."

"Then overnight, suitors crowded in front of the house, and it can be regarded as a success."

"It turned out that she was extremely unpopular among the neighbors because she was too fat and ugly. The villagers usually despised her in words. Because she didn't want to go out and hid at home every day, she became fatter and fatter."

"Until she suddenly becomes a beauty from heaven, she turns into a golden phoenix in one day. At this time every day, she has to be carried in a sedan chair and driven around the city while beating gongs and drums."

"And she also needs to find a husband. She said she wants to find a husband who truly loves her and is willing to protect her."

"To put it bluntly."

"What a good person, how can he truly fall in love with a piece of meat?"

"If you want a kiss, you have to use your hands to pull away the fat hanging on your chest, otherwise you won't be able to find the mouth. So even though you have become the second most beautiful woman in heaven, and you must have a lot of glory and wealth, but I just haven’t found the husband I like.”

After hearing what the scholar said, Chen Yuan also became interested in the woman sitting on the sedan outside the window patrolling the street. Although her body shape was indeed a bit exaggerated, her smile was quite gentle.

It's not the kind of smile that a villain would have when he suddenly succeeds.

It's more like a smile that makes you feel happy.

It can be seen that everyone around her seems to be used to it. Basically, not many people look at this woman. However, some outsiders stood on Qingshi Street with surprise and looked at it. It felt quite strange.

"What is the effect of this woman's heavenly beauty?"

Each Tiandao beauty has an exclusive effect. Anyone who is truly loved by a Tiandao beauty will get this effect.

The second most beautiful woman in heaven, the effect must be good.


The scholar was quite gloating and pointed at the few men following the sedan team: "The one on the left wearing a green robe is the true chief disciple of the "Jade Medicine Sect" in the capital, and the middle-aged man with a forced smile in the middle He is the outer elder of the "Purple Moon Palace". "

"And that old man is the third elder of the inner sect of "Yao Wang Mountain". "

"Yaowangshan is also an extremely famous alchemy cultivating sect in Nanzhou. The people behind it are all followers of this heavenly beauty. They look forward to marrying this heavenly beauty home one day."

"Without exception, these sects are alchemy cultivating sects. Among the sects, there are the most alchemy cultivators, and they are all famous for their alchemy cultivation."

"Of course the effect of this heavenly beauty is -"

"Let your husband achieve a 100% success rate in each furnace."

"A simple and crude effect on the beauty of heaven."

"If not, do you think that so many alchemy cultivators who can hardly show off their arrogance when meeting each other on weekdays can chase after them like this? The third elder of the inner sect of "Yao Wang Mountain" used to be quite domineering. You need to bring your own preparations if you want to make alchemy with him. Three pairs of medicinal materials, two pairs belong to him, and if it is a rare elixir, five pairs of medicinal materials need to be prepared. "

"Look at me now, why don't you just put on your old face and follow me?"

"Tsk, I'm even curious as to what this old man can do even if he gets married and goes home. He looks like he's about to die."


Chen Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and a flash of heartbeat flashed through his pupils. The effect of this beauty of heaven is indeed very overbearing. After practicing the normal elixir, it is considered good to have a three-level elixir success rate.

Especially some high-level elixirs.

Don't say it's one piece in that furnace, even if it's only one grain, or even one grain that doesn't make it into the furnace, it's normal.

But if you become the husband of this heavenly beauty.

No matter how difficult you are to refine a high-level elixir, as long as there are no problems with the elixir refining process, you can only get 10% of the elixir in the past, but you can now achieve 100% of the elixir.

This is no ordinary improvement.

It is extremely useful when refining some high-level elixirs.

Of course, if you can't get even one pill, then the 10% effect will definitely not be apparent.

"The effect of this Heavenly Beauty is really good."

Even Chen Yuan, who is not an alchemy cultivator, couldn't help but be moved after hearing the effects of this heavenly beauty. Not to mention those alchemy cultivators, he was probably so excited that he couldn't sleep.

Marrying such a heavenly beauty is equivalent to marrying into a gold mine.


Feilong suddenly thought of something and started to browse up and down the list of beauties from Heaven. He grinned and said, "I'll see if there are any beauties of Heaven who are suitable for Dharma cultivation. I'll see if I can find a wife for Brother Xiang and a wife for us." Sister-in-law."


Feilong's eyes lit up and he found the target: "On the list of beauties of heaven, the sixteenth one has a good effect. The effect of beauties of heaven is to speed up the husband's practice of spells, so that he can have many great powers faster. The magic of perfect state.”


The scholar shook his head: "This one already has a husband, Qu Qi, the young master of the "Qu Family" in the capital. "

"It's okay. The beauty ranked 27th on the list is also very suitable for Dharma cultivation. The effect of the beauty is to speed up the husband's absorption of spiritual energy, so that both replenishing spiritual energy and improving cultivation will be faster."

"No way, this one also has a husband."


"Qu Qi, the young master of the "Qu Family" in the capital. "

"Then the thirty-third one, too."

The scholar silently interrupted: "This one also has a husband."

"You don't want to say it's also Qu Qi, do you?"


"What about the forty-three?"

"Qu Qi."

"The one number eighty-nine must not belong to Qu Qi, right?"

"It's still Qu Qi."


Fei Long looked up at the scholar with an expressionless face: "What do you mean? There are only five heavenly beauties suitable for Dharma cultivation on the list of heavenly beauties, but it turns out that these five people are all from Naquqi?"

"His father is good at naming, right?"

"Can one person marry five beauties of heaven?"


The scholar looked complicated and said: "As long as you are willing and charming enough, you can even marry everyone on the list of beauties of heaven. Na Quqi was originally a Dharma cultivator, and now he is in the early stage of Jindan cultivation. He just made a breakthrough a few days ago. ”

"He is also one of the strong contenders for the top spot in this Tianjiao ranking."

"If Brother Yu wants to participate in this Tianjiao ranking, we can still meet him."

"The "Qu family" is originally a businessman. He doesn't have many things but many spiritual stones. His father gave him the best weapons from his feet to his teeth. He has many defensive spiritual treasures on his body, such as talismans and elixirs. Not to mention medicine, formation disks and so on. "

"In order to marry Qu Qi these five wives, the Qu family spent a large sum of spiritual stones."

"At that time, many people in the capital said that the effects of these five heavenly beauties were not worth so many spiritual stones."

"What do you think the old man from the Qu family said?"

"The old man of the Qu family waved his hand and said disdainfully, no matter how good the spiritual treasure or the powerful spell, Qu Qi can have it, and other magic cultivators can also have it, but the "Beauty of Heaven" is the only one! "

"Qu Qi has it, but others don't have it!"

"This is the eternal gap!"

"An irreparable gap!"


The scholar said silently: "So the capital has created such a miracle. She is also the only one in Daxia who has married five heavenly beauties. In the past few years, the Qu family has also been buying jade slips suitable for Dharma practice."

"It can be said that many people think that Qu Qi is the most popular leader candidate this year."

"No." Feilong said a little confused: "Can someone like this who was created purely by using spiritual stones be considered a genius?"

The scholar looked at Fei Long with a complex expression: "Otherwise, guess what, why is wealth ranked first? Why is love ranked second? Why is law ranked third? Why is land ranked fourth?"

"I have all four of them, and they are all top-notch."

"This kind of person is not a genius. Who is a genius?"

After a few people talked for a while and expressed their feelings about how talented this heavenly beauty husband would be, they got up and left Feicheng and continued towards the boundless ice field.

An hour later, it was already dark, and several people had arrived at the boundless ice field.

At a glance.

The endless ice field and the dry and cracked soil are all frozen together. Just standing here, you can feel the endless cold air blowing against your face, and the sky above the ice field is covered with black clouds that spread millions of miles.

Almost blocked from all sight.

The deeper you go, the darker it gets.

Until it reaches the deepest point, almost falling into a black hole in the universe, all light is absorbed, and you can't see your fingers, and you lose all sense of sense. You can't even tell whether you are standing on land.

The whole person's spirit will gradually collapse as a result.

However, the sword cultivator from the Great Xia Kingdom who was at the peak of his golden elixir cultivation went deep into the boundless ice field and never returned.

"It's right here."

The scholar pointed to the depths of the boundless ice field: "The secret realm of inheritance is at the edge of the boundless ice field. The temperature there is not very low and the light has not been completely swallowed up. It is considered a safe area and there will be no danger."


Chen Yang glanced around and nodded: "Let's get going."

The spiritual energy here was also mixed with biting coldness. The spiritual energy absorbed by the Daoji that was automatically rotating all the time made him feel like his Dantian was about to freeze.

Although I am not sure whether it can be passed on through that method.

But you have to go and take a look.

It's just that he didn't have high expectations. Bai Yi, the former number one sword cultivator in Great Xia, has not obtained the sword cultivating inheritance, and the probability that he can obtain the legal cultivating inheritance is not very high.

"Master Qu."

In the courtyard of the Qu family, Ji Taiping, dressed in white, sat on the Taishi chair and looked at the head of the Qu family on one side, apologetically saying: "Originally, I already had the jade slips with the entry on "Ten-fold Spells", but something happened in the middle. An accident caused the jade slip of the entry to fall into the hands of others. "

"But I have roughly locked in who that person is."

"It's Chen Yuan, the Fufeng City Dharma cultivator who has been quite popular recently."

"It's just that there was a sudden order from the palace, asking me to go to hundreds of countries to quell the war. I have no time to take care of this matter. I can only ask the Qu family master to worry about it. Maybe that boy hasn't crushed the jade slip of the entry and plans to sell it for a good price in the future. Price."

"After all, for a casual cultivator, spiritual stones are the most important thing. For him, the effect of a large amount of spiritual stones must be greater than the entry of "Ten Levels of Spellcasting". "


The head of the Qu family was a bit fat. He cheerfully waved his hand and motioned for his servants to bring a plate with a storage ring lying flat on it: "After all, it is a matter that concerns Quanzi. I naturally take it to heart. Jian Just let the adults take care of themselves and put an end to the chaos.”

"I remember this person."

"Although I couldn't bring back the jade slip of the entry, Sir Sword Master has also bothered for so long. I would like to express my small thanks and ask Sir Sword Master not to refuse."

Ji Taiping, who was sitting on the Taishi's chair, glanced at the storage ring with his spiritual consciousness, and there was a trace of satisfaction in his eyes. He waved his sleeves politely and put the storage ring into his arms, then stood up and bowed: "Then thank you Qu." The head of the family."

"It's a small thing."

The head of the Qu family stood up and sent Ji Taiping to the front door of the Qu family's house with a smile. After watching Ji Taiping go away, he put away his smile and tilted his head calmly to look at the servants on the side: "How is the progress with Qu Qi?"

"The ranking list of geniuses is about to start, haven't you come back yet?"

"Report to the master of the family."

The man in black standing aside whispered: "The news from the Boundless Icefield is that the conditions for the Dharma inheritance assessment are too harsh. We are already on the way back now. The young master plans to wait for the end of the genius rankings before coming back. Get that Dharma inheritance.”


The head of the Qu family frowned: "I spent a lot of money to hire an old monster with peak Jindan cultivation to accompany this kid. Even the Supreme Elder went out to protect the Tao for this purpose. The two golden Accompanied by a peak Dan cultivator, he couldn’t get a Dharma cultivation inheritance?”


The man in black lowered his head and said cautiously: "The secret realm of inheritance has existed for thousands of years. It is not accessible to ordinary people. So far, not a single inheritance has been taken away."

"Young Master has made rapid progress. He has already passed the first three levels. When he goes to the Genius Ranking again, he will definitely be able to pass all the tests and successfully obtain the inheritance of the Dharma."


The head of the Qu family's frown soon relaxed, and he smiled with one hand behind his back: "I have ordered the "Qitian Restaurant" in the capital to deliver several tables of good wine and food to the house, and wait for my son to come back. Have a good father-son talk with him. "

"By the way, I told him that I found another good entry for him that is very suitable for legal practice."

"This time on the Tianjiao rankings, at least get back to the top three."

at this time--

"Hey, Master Qu."

A middle-aged man wearing a robe and red hair stood helplessly at the door of the Qu family's house and looked at the head of the Qu family: "I was planning to let someone notify you, but I didn't expect you to be at the door. That's just right. I have something to talk to." you say."

"Today is truly a double happiness."

The head of the Qu family waved his hands cheerfully and said: "Come here, put the wine on the table. I want to have a good drink with the head of the Qiu family."

"No need to show off."

This middle-aged man with red hair in a gray robe said hoarsely with an unattractive look on his face: "Something unexpected happened. The nine dragon vein stones you ordered, Master Qu, were already mature, but suddenly Xiaoxiao broke in. In the forbidden area of ​​my "Ten Thousand Poison Sect", I dug away all the dragon vein stones including those that were not yet mature. "


The smile on Master Qu's face suddenly froze, and after a moment of silence, he calmly said: "Master Qiu, are you joking?"

"You have to know that this dragon vein stone is the top material for making magic treasures!"

"In order to create a unique Dharma Cultivation Treasure for Quan Zi, our Qu family has acquired all the top materials in the world for forging Dharma Cultivation Treasures, and this Dragon Vein Stone is one of the key ones."

"You don't even have to tell me now?"

"With you in charge of your Ten Thousand Poison Sect, can you break into the forbidden area at will?"

"Or is it that someone has offered a higher price than me, or that you don't want to sell it anymore?"


Sect Leader Qiu sighed and said helplessly: "The good thing is that I, Qiu, always keep my word, but the bad thing is that no one in Daxia can afford a higher price than your Qu family. "

"The forbidden area was indeed broken into by thieves, and the dragon vein stones were also looted."

"I originally kept a dragon vein stone to forge magical weapons for myself, but now I won't keep this one and give it to my nephew."

After saying that, he took out a two-foot-long jade box from his arms and handed it over.


The head of the Qu family looked a little better now. Although one stick is not as good as nine sticks, it is definitely better than none at all. He waved his hand to indicate to his servants to accept the jade box before frowning and saying, "Didn't you catch the thief?"

"The forbidden area of ​​your Ten Thousand Poison Sect shouldn't be that easy to break into, right? Can the opponent escape like this?"


Sect Master Qiu said with heartbroken eyes, "The thief left no trace at all and walked away very neatly. Now I have paid a lot of money to hire people from the "Dao Sect" to help me trace the scene at that time. "

"We'll find out who the thief is soon!

"No matter who the thief is, I will definitely cut him into pieces and let him know what it means to be a poison eater!!!"

"No one in the world can take my things for free!"


The head of the Qu family looked up at Sect Master Qiu expressionlessly: "Would you like me? Come here, bring me a storage ring with a Xuan font."

"Don't dare."

Hearing the Xuanzi storage ring, Sect Master Qiu's face was immediately filled with a smile and he nodded with satisfaction.

It is said that there are more than a dozen shelves in the Qu family's accounting room, filled with storage rings.

Different storage rings contain different amounts of spiritual stones.

From high to low, the order is heaven and earth, black and yellow.

There are a lot of spirit stones in this Xuanzi storage ring. Although a lot of dragon vein stones were lost, some blood was still recovered after all, and when the people from Dao Sect come out with the results, the dragon vein stones may still be recovered. Come.

On the occasion of separation.

The head of the Qu family looked at Sect Master Qiu seriously: "Let the people from Dao Sect hurry up and find the lost dragon vein stone as soon as possible. My son is going to win the top three in the Tianjiao rankings, and then use these The material is used to forge a heavenly spirit treasure that perfectly fits him."

"You know how rare this opportunity is."

"This is a major event that affects the dog's life."

"If you can make it perfect, try to make it perfect. I don't want to leave regrets in Quanzi's heart. Nine dragon vein stones are definitely better than one dragon vein stone. Please worry about this, Master Qiu."

"When the deed is accomplished, I will be grateful!"

"rest assured."

Sect Leader Qiu nodded with the same serious expression and replied: "Qu Qi is also my nephew who I grew up watching. His affairs are my affairs. As an uncle, I will naturally do my best for him."

On the boundless ice field.

On a rather luxurious flying boat, a young man was lying shirtless on a bench. He casually glanced at the ice field outside the flying boat, then opened his mouth slightly and swallowed the peeled grapes handed to him by the maid on the side with her slender jade hands.

He waved his hands impatiently and said, "Drive faster. Staying in this ungrateful place for any longer is a waste of life."

"If it weren't for the old man at home who insisted on me coming here to get some Dharma cultivation inheritance, I wouldn't want to come to this shabby place."


The servants around him nodded in response, pretending not to have heard the disrespectful words from the young master's mouth.

“It’s so boring”

The young man lay shirtless on the bench, looking at the ice fields outside the craft. He had already started to have some fun after returning. There was an aura cover outside the craft, and the temperature inside was constant. No matter how cold the outside world was, it would not affect the inside of the craft.

His name is Qu Qi.

I traveled to this world three years ago.

When he first arrived, he was still very scared. It was a completely strange world, and there were immortals. Would he be killed casually? But he quickly realized that his life was pretty good.

In the eyes of his father, it was the only son who had been stupid for seventeen years and suddenly regained his sanity.

That's a great thing.

She loves him a hundred times. In just three years, he has broken through from his original mortal body to the early stage of the Golden Elixir. He has not even suffered much. Is it tiring to practice?

He didn't even bother to think about what he needed.

Anyway, no matter what he thought of or what he couldn't imagine, he had it.

He had five beauties from heaven that most people would never see in this life, and he didn't even know what he was missing.

He only needs to lie down every day to become a powerful person in the eyes of the world.

It's that simple, no difficulty at all.

"I have to go home and face that old immortal again."

Lying on the bench, Qu Qi murmured in a daze. The most painful thing is that his cheap dad likes to talk to him very much. Every time we meet again, he always seems to want to have a long talk with him to talk about his inner feelings. look like.

But it can be said that he has no feelings for this cheap dad.

Every time he saw the fat face of the other party, he was disgusted.

Just then——

A divine sense came from the sky above the flying boat. It was the great elder of his Qu family.

"A group of people are going deep into the boundless ice field a hundred miles away. It seems that they are heading for the secret realm of inheritance."

"Don't worry about it."

Qu Qi shook his head: "There are always some people in this world who claim to be geniuses and overestimate their abilities. Let's not talk about the distant ones. It is said that the former number one sword cultivator in Daxia, Bai Yi, went there several times, but he didn't get the sword cultivation inheritance, right?"

"Genius is the least valuable thing in this world."

"Some people are born to stand at the top of the world."

"This gap between statuses cannot be made up by hard work."


The great elder of the Qu family, who was at the peak of the Jindan cultivation level above the flying boat, twitched his mouth slightly and didn't speak. He wanted to strangle this damn Qu Qi many times!

Isn't it just a time travel? You are pretending to be your mother!

Just a little luckier, you can't pretend for a day.

But he didn't dare.

Good news, he came here with the peak of Jindan cultivation, almost invincible in the world!

Bad news, his lifespan is almost exhausted, he is almost dead!

Every time he consumes a bit of spiritual energy, it is consuming his remaining lifespan. He even suspects that he came here when his original body was on the verge of death. Although he didn't die after crossing over, he was almost dead.

He is now holding his breath, waiting for someone to achieve the Yuanying Dao, and he can also achieve the Yuanying Dao with the help of the Qu family, so as to extend his lifespan.

He crossed over a month earlier than Qu Qi.

At the beginning, he was in seclusion, and no one could find his abnormality, but he saw Qu Qi's abnormality and his daily mumbling in his eyes, so he naturally saw through it at a glance, but he didn't expose it.

Wait until he achieves the Yuanying Dao in the future!

The first thing is to beat Qu Qi to death!

So that this beast knows that the gap between cultivation levels cannot be made up by the gap in status!

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