"You have successfully passed the third level."


This voice appeared in Chen Yuan's mind, which also meant that he had successfully passed the third level of the Dharma cultivation inheritance.

There are five levels in total for the inheritance of Dharma cultivation.

At this time, he has passed three levels and is only left with the last two levels to obtain the Dharma Cultivation Inheritance.


Chen Yuan took a deep breath with a tough and serious look on his face, preparing to face this unknown fourth level. He had a hunch that this would be the closest he would get to acquiring the inheritance of Dharma cultivation.

The first three levels have passed.

In the next two levels, you have to clear them even if you have all your cards, otherwise this trip will be in vain.


Feilong was lying on the rocking chair at the gate of Mootian Sect, a little bored, with dogtail grass in his mouth. He looked at the chaos above his head and said in a daze: "Is it so time-consuming to cultivate and inherit the law? Brother Yang hasn't come out yet."

"There are only five days left before the Tianjiao ranking list opens."

"If Brother Yu is delayed any longer, he may really have to wait for next year's genius rankings."

"Actually, I think it's good to wait until next year. By then, Brother Yang will definitely have the golden elixir. No matter which genius or something, it will definitely be no problem for Brother Yang, what do you think?"

He turned his head and looked at the scholar brother, trying to get a response.

Since the last time the scholar touched the sword bone, he has been eating, drinking, and eating anywhere near the sword bone for the past few days. He is as if he is crazy. From time to time, he talks about enlightenment, so this is what he said. .

I don’t know what exactly I realized.

So the scholar brother was the only one left to chat with him, but this guy was really boring and didn't talk at all. No matter how he tried to find a topic, he just didn't talk.


Fei Long suddenly remembered something, turned sideways on his chair and looked at his scholar brother and asked curiously: "We have been together for so long, and I still don't know your name?"

"What do you call you?"

However, as expected, the response to him was still the silence of the scholar brother.


Feilong lay helplessly on the rocking chair again and said to himself: "Forget it, forget it if you don't want to say it. Actually, I don't really want to know your name. I'm just curious about one thing right now."


"You sit in the position of Grand Master of Great Xia, and you also have the term "nonsense". What kind of lie will you weave to deceive the world? "

"This lie must have been agreed upon by many people, and even some extremely high-level monks have recognized it."

"Then what consensus in Daxia is worthy of this big lie?"

"For example, Daxia is not actually a prison? Is the sword cultivator with peak Jindan cultivation who was sent out to investigate actually exist? No, not many people know about this news, and it is not spread widely enough."

"Is there anything that is widely spread?"

Feilong was enjoying himself lying on the rocking chair, chewing the dogtail grass in his mouth and lost in thought. There were no monsters or female cultivators here, and he could not improve his cultivation, so he could only think here.

at this time--


The scholar brother, who was sitting beside him like a gourd, suddenly spoke in a low voice: "For example, Daxia Kingdom has no national teacher at all."


Fei Long rolled his eyes at the scholar brother in annoyance: "Great Xia Kingdom"

But soon he was stunned in place again, got up and sat on the rocking chair and thought, this is indeed a big lie. Everyone in the world knows that Daxia has a national preceptor, but in fact there is no national preceptor in Daxia. A lie?

After thinking seriously for a long time, he suddenly slapped his forehead and lay down on the rocking chair again.

"never mind."

"Let's leave these issues to Brother Yu to think about. We might as well think about what to eat for dinner."

"I want some noodles."


Feilong immediately stood up and walked towards the Mootian Sect and said excitedly: "Don't tell me yet, I am good at making noodles, wait for me!"

"The fourth level is breaking into the heart."

"A qualified Dharma practitioner can have the determination to stand up again even if he hits rock bottom."

"You will lose all memory and return to the lowest level of mortals in the world of immortality. When you break through to the first level of foundation construction within one year in the dreamland, you can successfully pass the level."


The sound resounded in his mind for a moment.

Chen Yang, who was sitting cross-legged on the sea holding the spiritual stone to recover his spiritual energy, before he could say anything else, his eyes suddenly became distracted and he fell down, lying flat on the sea.

The old man with the immortal spirit standing in mid-air looked at Chen Yuan with neither sadness nor joy.

There are many opportunities in one's life.

No golden elixir cultivator who has climbed up from the bottom dares to say with certainty that even if he had to start over again, he would still be able to practice to the golden elixir stage. There are too many opportunities along the way.

Any golden elixir monk who has climbed up from the bottom has not gone through countless adventures before reaching where he is now.


If we had it to do over again, how many people would be able to reach this position again.

The old man stood silent in mid-air and did not speak. He just looked quietly down at Chen Yuan lying on the sea. It could be seen that Chen Yuan was not like the previous intruder. He had no family background and no power.

No one told him how to break through.

No one prepared the treasures corresponding to the levels for him.

Just rely on your own adventures from your youth, and then successfully break through the first three levels. But if you were asked to return to a mortal again, would you still be able to stand up?

Having said that——

He waved his hand, and the scene that Chen Yu had experienced in his dream suddenly appeared in the air and was displayed at a fast speed.

He didn't know what adventures Chen Yu had experienced before, but it didn't affect his desire to see how Chen Yu would perform in his dream again.


The old man looked at the picture, and Chen Yu, who was sweating and chopping wood, nodded with appreciation. At this time, Chen Yu had been chopping wood in his dream for 29 days and was saving money for his first potion.

This little kid is still quite down-to-earth.

Unlike the last challenger, who lost all his memories after entering the dream, went to the government and awakened a useless entry. The first thing he did was to beg on the street. I don't know what the challenger had experienced to choose to be a beggar as soon as he lost his memory.

However, at this moment——

Chen Yu, who had been chopping wood for 29 days in the picture, suddenly threw away the axe in his hand and shouted angrily.

"If you want to get ahead, chopping wood will never work!"

"If you want to get rich, chop people first!"

Then he picked up an axe and walked towards the local bullies not far away.


On the 30th day in the dream, Chen Lu successfully entered the first level of Qi Refining and awakened the white entry "People with Lack of Heaven".

Then he gathered all the beggars without parents in the small county town together to form a mobile gang. When he found the local bullies who were alone, he rushed up and killed them for half a year.

Chen Lu has already reached the fifth level of Qi Refining.

Then he went into the secret realm alone, learned the skills, and his strength increased greatly. After coming out of the secret realm, he went to find those bullies who he couldn't beat before, and then day after day, if he could beat them, he would kill them today, and if he couldn't beat them, he would run away first and kill them when he could beat them.

The combat experience was also increasing rapidly.

Until the sixth month, Chen Lu was trapped in the siege, and he poked his eyes out on the spot. His five senses increased fivefold, his combat power was greatly enhanced, and he broke out of the siege.

He barely survived after begging for some healing pills from the little beggars he raised. After recovering from his injuries for more than ten days, he immediately plunged into the newly opened Tiandao Secret Realm.

When he came out, he had already reached the eighth level of Qi Refining.

Holding a spiritual treasure.

His strength increased again. He cleaned up all the bullies nearby with a grim smile, and then took the little beggars under his name to a larger city not far away, and then continued to find the bullies in this city one by one.

Those who could beat them were killed on the spot.

Those who could not be beaten were recorded in a small notebook and killed later.

Just like that -

Every day, he was either fighting or on the way to fight. At the end of the twelfth month in the dream, Chen Yu in the dream finally achieved the foundation of Taoism. With a grim smile, he picked up a big knife and rushed towards the bullies who had been unable to beat them before, striding forward without stopping.

"Did you succeed in passing the level?"

Chen Yu, who was lying on the sea, woke up slowly. He glanced around and remembered where he was. All the things he had just experienced quickly passed through his mind, as if everything was vivid in his mind.

After reading all of this again, Chen Lu laughed, stood up and looked up at the old man standing in the air: "Senior, I should have passed this level, right?"


The old man looked at Chen Lu with a complicated expression and asked softly: "In the dream, why didn't you go to the government to awaken the entry? The awakening entry in the government is free, why bother to chop wood?"


Chen Lu scratched the back of his head and whispered: "If you awaken to the evil cultivation or magic cultivation entry, won't you be killed on the spot?"

"Since you can calm down and chop wood for 29 days, it means that you are not a person who can't stand your temper. If so, why did you resolutely give up chopping wood on the 30th day and turn to chop people?"

"No, I wanted to chop people the next day, but I felt that I might not be able to beat others, so I practiced chopping wood for a month, so that I could chop people with ease later."

The old man was silent for a long time and didn't speak again, just waved his hand lightly.

He always felt that today's emotional fluctuations were more than those of the previous decades combined. Was it because he was old? Why did his heart feel so easily disturbed?


"You have successfully passed the fourth level."


After confirming that he had successfully passed the fourth level, Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he did not dare to delay for a moment. He sat cross-legged on the spot, took out a handful of Qi-boosting pills from his arms and stuffed them into his mouth and chewed them.

At the same time, he quickly absorbed the spiritual energy scattered in the spiritual stones around him.

The spiritual energy in his Taoist foundation had long been consumed in the third level.

This place cannot absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

He can only quickly restore the spiritual stones through spiritual stones and Qi-boosting pills. Although he does not know what the content of the fifth level is, it is always right to quickly restore the spiritual energy.

But perhaps the old man also saw that he had no spiritual energy in his body at present, and did not announce the content of the fifth level immediately, but waited until he had replenished the spiritual energy before his lips trembled slightly, and a familiar voice appeared in his mind.


"The fifth level, breaking the forbidden zone."

"To obtain the inheritance of the Dharma cultivator, you need to pass five levels, and this level is the last one."

"After passing this level, you can obtain the inheritance of the Dharma cultivator."

"After a cup of tea, 10,000 puppets will attack you together. Among these puppets, there are formation cultivators, Dharma cultivators, and physical cultivators. You need to survive for half an hour under the siege of 10,000 puppets with the same cultivation level as you."



After receiving the content of the fifth level, Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed to be similar to the third level. His spiritual energy has now been fully restored, and he can do it again!

And this is the fifth level.

There are no restrictions on his "shrinking the ground into an inch" and "slippery hands", so there is more room for him to display.

However, after a cup of tea, he was fully prepared. When the ten thousand puppets emerged from the bottom of the sea again, the sea under his feet was calm, and it didn't look like there were puppets at all.

Chen Yuan looked up at the old guard standing in mid-air with some doubts.

For some reason, after the fifth level was opened, the old gatekeeper did not disappear like in the previous levels, but still stood in mid-air. At this time, he saw the doubt in Chen Hong's eyes and said without sadness or joy.

"The puppet is gone, you destroyed it."

"I will replace the puppet in this level. I will suppress my cultivation to the sixth level of foundation building. It will be the same as yours. As long as you can survive for half an hour, you will pass the level."

Say it.

The old man's cultivation level began to decline until he maintained the sixth level of foundation building cultivation level.

"Are you ready? I want it."

Before the old man could finish his words!


Chen Yuan pointed at the old man and launched an attack with a red face.

"Thunder-inducing Jue"!

"Nine Poison Soul Method"!

"Double Casting"!

"Tenfold casting"!

"The power of concentration"!

"The aura is compelling"!

The method that had been used once just now was used again.


Golden light flashed slightly under the old man's feet, and his body appeared dozens of feet away and easily avoided this wave of attacks. However, when he saw those thunder dragons once again drawing a strange arc in the air and rushing towards him, he frowned slightly. Tiaowei asked in surprise: "The foundation is locked by divine consciousness?"

But he wasn't too panicked.

Golden light kept flashing under his feet, and after teleporting dozens of times in a row, those attacks dissipated in mid-air without the follow-up blessing.

"Although the method is good, that's it."

The old man put his hands behind his back, turned around and looked at the thunder dragons that were gradually dissipating in the air and chuckled: "This is indeed a bit bullying you. After all, this "Golden Light Escape" is not a spell that Foundation Establishment monks can master. It is a bit of a win against you. Without force. "

"This is already your strongest attack method."

"But there's no way."

"Who asked you to destroy all my puppets? I have to go into battle myself."

"Remember, little baby, there is no absolute fairness in this world. Even if I suppress my cultivation to the sixth level of foundation building, you still have no chance to beat me."

"Let's try again next time."

"Besides, as a Dharma cultivator, it is very reasonable for you to be able to "Escape with Golden Light". Who told you not to be able to do so? "

However, the old man guarding the gate glanced at the sea below but could not see Chen Yang's figure. He subconsciously felt uneasy. The golden light flashed under his feet and his body appeared dozens of feet away.

I saw——

Chen Yuan was sitting on the shoulder of a golden elixir first-level monk. He looked at him with a gentle smile and showed his teeth: "It's okay. It's understandable. As a Dharma cultivator, you can use the body of "Golden Light Escape". The law is absolutely normal. "

"But as a Dharma cultivator, it's reasonable to summon some resentful spirits, right?"

"What do you think?"


The old man guarding the gate remained expressionless and silent. His eyelids twitched inconspicuously. After a long time, he said hoarsely: "I forgot to tell you. Normally, the ten thousand puppets in the fifth level will be reunited at the last moment. For a big increase.”

"So, based on your sixth-level cultivation, the strongest opponent you will encounter at the last moment should be a second-level golden elixir puppet."

"The puppet has been destroyed by you."

"Just reluctantly let me go into battle."

The words fell.

The aura of the old man guarding the gate began to rise rapidly until it stopped at the second level of Jindan. The rich and majestic spiritual energy continued to exude frightening power around his body. He approached Chen Yuan step by step and stayed at the same position three feet away. laughed.

"Since you are a Dharma cultivator, it makes sense to summon resentful spirits."

Next breath——

The entire sea surface suddenly surged with countless sea dragons that were made of sea water and roared ferociously in the air with terrifying power. They kept circling behind the old man guarding the gate. This single blow was enough to completely destroy the golden elixir layer beneath Chen Yuan. Wraith.

Not even a scum is left.

"Then as a Dharma cultivator, I know a few tricks. Isn't it too much to play with some sea dragons?"

"Why don't you try again now?"

The old man guarding the gate looked at Chen Yuan with a half-smile.

"No problem."

Chen Yuan's smile became even gentler. With a wave of his hand, two panels wrapped in clouds and mist reappeared in mid-air, including the two entries "Self-destruction Entry" and "Heavenly Man".

"You know how to use sea dragons. As a cultivator, it's reasonable for me to know how to self-explode some entries, right?"

"How about we try again now?"


The old man guarding the gate looked at the two entries above Chen Yuan's head, "Self-destruction entry" and "Heaven's missing person" and remained silent without speaking. These two entries are the most powerful when combined together to unleash the full power of the sixth level of the Golden Core. The power of a single blow.

His current cultivation level is only at the second level of Jindan, so naturally he cannot withstand it.


The old man laughed again: "Sorry, little friend, I forgot to tell you again. Normally speaking, the combined puppet at the end of the fifth level still has a violent period, and its cultivation level will increase significantly again during the violent period."

"Based on your cultivation level at the sixth level of Foundation Establishment, it is probably equivalent to your cultivation level at the fourth level of Golden Core."


"How's this going?"

As the words fell, the old man guarding the gate suddenly raised his cultivation to the fourth level of Jindan, and an even more terrifying aura surged out of his body without concealment, and then he stroked his white beard with great pride.

"It's stable now. With my fourth-level Jindan cultivation and body protection spells, I can completely withstand your sixth-level Jindan self-explosion. Although I will be injured, it will be easy to capture you even if it is like this?"

"My friend, it's a little short after all."

"What a pity."


The smile on Chen Yu's face, who was sitting on the shoulder of the first-level Jindan ghost, became more gentle, and with a wave of his hand, five panels wrapped in clouds and mist appeared in the air again.

"The posture of alchemy", "Every grass and tree", "The wind of revival", "Slippery and unreserved", "Step by step".

"I forgot to mention that I have more than just that one entry that can self-destruct."


"Would you like to take a look at that little gadget on the sea?"

Chen Lu pointed to the sea.

There was a formation plate placed steadily on the sea.

"The Fiery Seven Killings Formation Plate."

"It can be activated at any time."

"When the formation is completed, it can kill a fifth-level Jindan cultivator."

This was the little gadget he got from the owner of Wentian Market at that time, and it is just right for use now.

Chen Lu showed his teeth and smiled gently at the old gatekeeper: "So, may I ask, senior, besides fusion and berserk, what other methods does your puppet have this time?"

"Why don't you try to have a child?"

"After the berserk, regenerating a puppet of the sixth level of Jindan is also very reasonable for a magic cultivator."


The corner of the mouth of the immortal gatekeeper twitched slightly, looking at the several entries wrapped in clouds above Chen Lu's head, the first level of Jindan resentful spirit sitting under his butt, and the array plate on the sea that can be activated at any time.

He also looked at Chen Lu's sixth level of foundation building.

And his own fourth level of Jindan.

This is almost a realm, even with his thick skin, he couldn't help but feel his old face flushed at this time, waved his hand and pretended to be calm: "Nonsense, how can a puppet give birth to a child?"

"The violent fusion is the limit."

"Do you think the so-called violent fusion of puppets is all made up by me to scare you?"

"Of course I dare not."

"Forget it."

The old man waved his hand unhappily: "Congratulations, you passed the level, you have passed the fifth level, as a magic cultivator, what a mess of tricks are you hiding."

"Thank you, senior."

A trace of excitement and joy flashed across Chen Yu's face.

Before he came, he didn't expect that this magic cultivator inheritance could actually pass the level successfully. This is a magic cultivator inheritance that no one has been able to pass for thousands of years. Is it so easy to pass it?

Why does it feel like it's not very difficult.

At least it's much simpler than he imagined. If it's just this difficult, it doesn't feel like no one has passed the level successfully for thousands of years.

Before entering, the voice in his mind told him that the difficulty of the level would change according to his cultivation level. If he was a Jindan cultivator, he didn't know how much more difficult the level would be.

At least for now.

He felt that if he changed to a foundation-building cultivator, as long as he had his "Dantian expansion (only)", "Summoning ghosts", "Step by step", "Slippery", "Power of concentration" and other terms, and prepared a Jindan ghost in advance, and prepared a formation plate that could kill Jindan level 5.

He could also pass the level easily.

At present, he didn't know what this magic cultivator inheritance had, and the scholar also said that he didn't know what the inheritance had.

Let alone this magic cultivator inheritance, even if there was nothing, only the two methods of "Golden Light Escape" and "Transformation into Dragon" were passed on to him, it would be enough for him, and he was not greedy.

What he lacked most at the moment was body skills. Although he already had a body skill and a term that could replace the body skill, both of them were random and a bit too unstable. He needed a body skill with higher stability.

At this time——

The familiar voice entered his mind again.


"You have successfully passed the fifth level."

"You have passed all levels and successfully obtained the inheritance of the Dharma Cultivator."


ps: The typos will be posted first and corrected later. It's the 15th. Those who have guaranteed monthly tickets can vote. Thank you!

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