This scene was extremely inconspicuous in the entire chaotic battlefield, and almost no one noticed it.

But Chen Lu happened to notice this scene.

Although Jindan could not take action, and the evil tribe here could not beat him, he was used to making a decision before taking action, so he did not join the battlefield immediately, and this observation happened to let him see this scene.

The dozen or so evil tribes ran towards the evil wood with excitement.

Fighting each other all the way.


A wounded evil tribe took the evil wood and put it into his storage ring immediately. He roared and did not continue to rush, but turned around and ran wildly towards the depths of the boundless ice field.

It looked like he was going to be a deserter.

And the other evil tribes who passed by him around, no one paid attention to this person, and they all raised their butcher knives and roared fiercely and continued to rush towards the Feizhou monks in front!

"Hold on, hold on!!!"

At the edge of the boundless ice field, the great elder of the "Tianlang Sect" could not take action due to the rules of heaven, and he stood there motionless and could not move at all. He could only turn around and look at the disciples fighting in front of him, his neck veins bulging and he shouted: "Kill these ghosts!!"

"Follow me."

Chen Yu's eyes were fixed on the evil tribe who picked up the evil wood and turned to the depths of the ice field, and he patted the scholar's shoulder to signal him to follow.

Golden light shot out.

Flying over the battlefield, their speed was too fast, causing the chaotic battlefield below to react before they had already jumped over the battlefield, standing high in the sky and looking down at the evil tribe below who was running wildly against the crowd with an excited face.

The evil tribe went upstream all the way, ignoring the tribesmen who were rushing forward beside them.

After running wildly for about three incense sticks, this place was only half an incense stick away from the inheritance secret realm.

Chen Yu's pupils shrank suddenly. He originally thought that the evil tribe was only the one he had just seen, but in the depths of the boundless ice field, a light circle with a diameter of one hundred feet was spread flat on the ground of the boundless ice field.

At this time, a steady stream of evil tribes emerged from the light circle.

After each evil tribe emerged from the light circle with an expectant and ferocious look, holding a butcher knife, they rushed forward and gathered together.

And that light circle.

It was composed of 1024 meteorites.

The stars that fell from the sky to the ground, most of the meteorites fell to the side, only these 1024 meteorites, distributed in a huge circle, like some kind of formation, fell neatly into the depths of the ground.

Those meteorites continued to emit strange light, and a white light connected all the meteorites together, and finally formed this white light circle similar to a huge teleportation formation.

As for that——

The evil tribe member holding the evil wood was jogging to the side of the light circle with an excited and flushed face. Then, without any hesitation, he flew into the air with his sword and fell straight into the hundred-foot light circle.

But just when this evil tribe member was about to fall into the light circle.


Dozens of thunder dragons appeared above this evil tribe member without any signs. The whole person's body was blown to pieces. A large amount of broken meat fell into the light circle. With a faint white light flashing, it disappeared instantly.

Died on the spot.

Only the storage ring containing the evil wood also fell into the light circle, and disappeared together with the broken meat.

And this movement also attracted the attention of many evil tribe members below.


For a while, countless evil tribe members roared and flew into the sky with their swords, ready to come to surround and kill Chen Lu. Chen Lu looked at this scene and did not take action immediately. He just frowned slightly and took the storage ring with the evil wood given to him by Sect Master Zhao.

All of them were scattered in the air far away.

The moment thousands of evil trees appeared.

He could even feel that the breathing of the evil tribes below stopped for a moment, and then the evil tribes below suddenly burst into extremely terrifying and excited roars. Everyone almost gave up the target of Chen Yu instantly, and all flew in the air towards the thousands of evil trees!

Like mice seeing cheese.

Instantly lost their minds.

Even hundreds of evil tribes have started fighting in the air, and the butcher knife hits the head of the same tribe without mercy, and a large amount of tofu brain-like things mixed with blood are scattered in the air.

All the evil tribes have red eyes at this time, completely losing their minds, and only the evil trees scattered in the air are in their eyes.


Chen Yu frowned and looked at the scene below, completely confirming his thoughts in his heart, and waved his right hand again. Thousands of spiritual energy turned into silk and rolled up all the evil trees in the air around him and placed them in the small world.

Then he did not take action.

Instead, he and the scholar turned into gilded light and disappeared here.

The evil tribes below looked at the suddenly disappeared evil wood, and roared in the direction where the scholar left with ferocious and angry faces, but it was impossible for them to catch up with the scholar at their speed.

But it seemed as if they were sure of something.

The emotions of these evil tribes became even more excited, and they raised their butcher knives and ran towards Feizhou with ferocious and excited expectation!

Back to the edge of the boundless ice field.

Chen Yu carefully observed the battlefield again. The war had been going on for quite some time, but there were not many deaths in Feizhou monks. It was not that the Feizhou monks were too strong, but the evil tribes had no intention of fighting.

Those evil tribes seemed to have only one goal, that is, to bypass these hard bones of Feizhou monks and kill into Feizhou.

So as to snatch a large number of evil wood.

Yes, evil wood.

From all the signs, it can be clearly judged that in Feizhou, this kind of evil wood, which is not seen everywhere but is not worth much, seems to be an extremely rare treasure in the eyes of those evil tribes.

"Brother Lu."

Fei Long, who was standing aside, had a complicated expression and hesitated to say: "Did you feel the hundred-foot light circle just now?"


Chen Lu nodded lightly, indicating that he understood what Fei Long meant. Those evil tribes seemed to come here specifically for the evil wood, and the white light circle was a teleportation array set up by the evil tribe across a very long distance.

The evil tribe that first grabbed the evil wood ran towards the light circle with the evil wood in his arms, and seemed to be ready to go home.

It was like a mouse that stole nectarines and ran to its own nest.

Of course.

In the end, he was not able to successfully return home. The last moment of his life was dozens of thunder dragons.

This feeling is a bit like... a bit like their Great Xia country imprisoned in the center by the four forbidden areas, like a treasure land protected by formations, and those evil tribes broke into the treasure land to rob the treasures.

It gave him such a feeling.

His spiritual sense once again swept the fierce wood piled up like a small mountain in the small world. He really didn't expect that this inconspicuous thing in Feizhou could be a treasure?

But they didn't find a way to use it, so they just burned it to keep warm?

If this thing is really a treasure, then who can the fierce wood that was burned before go to for justice? Isn't that a waste of natural resources?

He knew that the other conditions and thresholds of the tenth-grade golden elixir were extremely rare, so why were the two heavenly materials and earthly treasures needed in the end ordinary things? This fierce wood is not an ordinary thing, then the even rarer "Eight Desolate Fruit" known as the useless fruit must also be a heavyweight heavenly material and earthly treasure.

It's just that they don't know the goods.

Unfortunately, the Eight Desolate Fruit that Feilong entrusted "Tianxia Pavilion" to buy has not been received yet, otherwise he could take it out now to test the reaction of these evil tribes.

Then Chen Yu looked at the nine evil tribes standing in the air not far from Wubian, carrying the strong pressure of the peak of Jindan. This time, the evil tribe invaded only the boundless ice field, and there were nine Jindan peak evil tribes leading the team.

If the other three places, the boundless desert, the boundless sea, and the boundless snow mountain, were also led by nine Jindan peak evil tribes.

That would be thirty-six Jindan peak evil tribes.

Under the rules of heaven, the nine Jindan peak evil tribes standing in the air could not even move, and could only stand in the air and watch the battle silently without being able to take action.

"Damn it"

Chen Lu always felt that he seemed to have vaguely seen through the restrictions of Daxia. These peak Jindan were different from those in Daxia. Those in Daxia were all about to die, old, and didn't even dare to consume spiritual energy. Every time they attacked, they paid the price of their remaining life.

But these peak Jindan of the evil clan didn't have any old age, and it was obvious that they still had a long life.

The combat power was much stronger than that of the peak Jindan of Daxia.

Since this evil clan had 36 peak Jindan in their prime, there must be Yuanying in their clan, but the reason why they didn't send Yuanying to lead the team was probably because the other party knew that Yuanying was not allowed in Daxia.

So they sent these 36 peak Jindan, who were the absolute ceiling of combat power in Daxia.

But who would have thought

Just after landing and before they could make any move, the Heavenly Dao directly patched them up. A Heavenly Dao edict did not allow people with Jindan cultivation or above to make a move, which directly stunned the thirty-six Jindan peak evil clans and made them stand on the spot as punishment.

It is said that the Heavenly Dao is ruthless and has no self-awareness.


The patch was made so timely that it does not look like it has no awareness.

Or is this a hidden rule?


Chen Yu shook his head and did not speak. He slowly stepped forward and prepared to make a move.

At this time, the situation was roughly clear, and there was no need to observe it any further. What needed to be done now was to kill all these evil clans, and then after the evil clan invasion ended, they would buy up the evil wood and eight waste fruits in Feizhou.

If the Great Xia Cage was broken in the future.

These two natural treasures would be the greatest wealth he had accumulated. As for whether the Great Xia Cage could be broken, it was not up to him. He suddenly felt that he understood the Great Xia State Master a little bit. No one wanted to stay in prison all the time.

But he also felt that this thing looked more like a protection than a cage. If there were no cages, let alone a Yuanying, they would have trampled the Great Xia Kingdom.

Chen Yu stood there and took a long breath, then stepped on the sword and flew in the air. At the moment he flew in the air, countless evil tribes below bombarded him.

All kinds of attacks hit him.

This is why everyone fights on land. It’s not that they can’t fly, but flying in the air is too conspicuous and easy to be focused.

Chen Yu glanced at the overwhelming attack and immediately retreated to the small world. After three breaths, he reappeared in the distance. This time it was his turn, and the foundation of the Heavenly Dao above the Dantian began to rotate rapidly!

The majestic spiritual energy in his body began to surge rapidly!

The next moment——

Thousands of thunder dragons appeared around him out of thin air and bombarded the center of the evil cultivators below!

At the same time, nearly 10,000 green demonic fires were like stars falling from the sky, shrouding the evil monks below. Except for the two golden elixir vengeful spirits of Ning Taiping and his guardian, all the other demons collected during this period were on his body. All the resentful spirits were sent into the demon fire by him.

With the resentful spirits as fuel, those green demonic fires burned even more vigorously, exuding an extremely permeable aura. They could not be extinguished when they fell on them, and they could only let the demonic fires spread and burn on their bodies.

with full force.

In just a moment, the spiritual energy in his body was exhausted.

No matter how much spiritual energy he has, he can't withstand his use like this.

The evil monks below also suffered numerous casualties under this attack.

Although his spiritual energy was exhausted, Chen Yuan had no intention of entering the small world to restore his spiritual energy. There was no golden elixir here, or in other words, if there was a golden elixir, he could not take action. He could teleport in the air at will without any worries.

There is no need to worry about teleporting to an attack that he cannot withstand.

"Feizhou monks, all stay back!"

Suspended in mid-air, Chen Yang, who had exhausted his spiritual energy, glanced at the Feizhou monks who were fighting with the evil monks not far away. After a loud shout, the spiritual energy poured into his throat, and then the spiritual energy poured into his arm armor. In an instant, hundreds of people The tip of a needle pierced into his body.

next moment!

His whole body began to teleport erratically and frequently in the air, and the spiritual energy in his body returned to 30% in almost one breath.

He did not wait for all the spiritual energy to be recovered before taking action, but directly smashed nearly a thousand thunder dragons and thousands of green demonic fires out again. When the spiritual energy recovered, he used a little.

The evil tribe that died in his hands turned into resentful spirits and came behind him, and he immediately threw them into the demon fire, making the demon fire burn more vigorously and become more powerful.


A scene like this appeared over the battlefield.

Chen Yuan, whose body turned into a gleaming light and kept teleporting over the battlefield, could not be caught with the naked eye, while the thunder dragons in the sky and the green demonic fire like stars falling to the ground were overwhelmingly scattered on the battlefield below.

For a time, the evil tribe suffered countless casualties. Many people flew into the sky to intercept and kill Chen Yang. However, they could not find Chen Yang's location at all. After countless human monks roared incomprehensibly, the evil tribe finally reacted. , without aiming, everyone launched indiscriminate attacks towards their heads.

However, there are only a very small number of evil monks still remaining at this time.

The organized indiscriminate spell attacks could not pose much threat to Chen Yuan at all. Occasionally, one or two spells hit Chen Yuan, and even the protective aura could not be broken.

After all, he, Chen Yuan, is also at the ninth level of foundation building.

Even without relying on the entries.

His cultivation alone is enough to crush most of the people below.

"It's like mowing grass."

Feilong, who had already stood far away, looked at the scene in the distance with great shock. This was the first time he saw Brother Yu's full firepower. The thunder dragons and green demonic fires in the sky seemed endless. generally.

The last wave of Brontosaurus hasn't landed yet, but the new wave of Brontosaurus is already in place.

At a glance.

Countless thunder dragons mixed with purple-blue thunder arcs densely filled the entire sky, and the power they brought was even far greater than that in the early stage of the Golden Core.

The few remaining evil tribes on the ground have begun to flee in all directions. It's not that no one wants Yu Kong to escape, but Yu Kong dies faster. But no matter how they flee, they can't escape Chen Yuan's attack range.

It can be seen that Brother Yu didn't use his spiritual consciousness to focus on it at all. He just took a look at where the evil clan was, and then blasted thousands of thunder dragons. There was no need to aim at all. There was no way that there would be one on the ground that had been baptized by the thunder dragon. The evil tribe lives on.

Chen Yuan's cultivation level is at the ninth level of foundation building. The thunder-inducing technique he used with all his strength is enhanced by the power of terms such as "powerful spiritual energy" and "power of concentration", plus what he learned in the inheritance of law cultivation. Spirit control means.

The power of this thunder-inducing technique, it is no exaggeration to say, is already the ceiling for the power of the thunder-inducing technique released by foundation-building cultivation!

Just one strike of the lightning-inducing technique would force monks of the same level to retreat.

Thousands of them were smashed down, and they were still mixed with real and virtual elements. No one could bear it.

Those evil tribes could only look in despair at the overwhelming thunder dragons smashing down above their heads.

"It's really an exaggeration."

The scholar standing next to Fei Long twitched his mouth slightly. This was more than an exaggeration. When he was building the ninth level of cultivation, he had the foundation of heaven, had a pink entry, and was extremely talented in swordsmanship.

At that time, he was already absolutely invincible at his level.

No one at the ninth level of Foundation Establishment could beat him. He even attacked and killed an enemy when he had just broken through the golden elixir!

That was a leapfrog battle, a battle across a large realm. Even the golden elixir that had just broken through was still a golden elixir. He could attack and kill the golden elixir at the ninth level of foundation building. This was something he could brag about for a long time. That is, with that With only one golden elixir, he successfully entered the golden elixir stage with the second-grade golden elixir.


After seeing what he saw before him, he knew that there was no such thing as absolute invincibility. It was just that you had never seen anyone who was truly invincible at the same level.

Brother Yang was also at the ninth level of foundation building at this time, but if he had met Brother Yang at the ninth level of foundation building, Brother Yang would have no problem beating him hundreds of times by himself.


The scholar remained silent with a complex expression. He felt that the blow was a bit too great. He was obviously an absolutely invincible existence at the same level, but even a being like him could be crushed so much by Brother Yang at the same level of cultivation. This It was somewhat unacceptable to him.

Crushing is normal.

But is it too much?

He once thought that he was a peerless genius, and the world also said so. But after seeing this scene, he felt that there should be a level above the peerless genius in the future, and that was the world-destroying genius.

That's outrageous.

"But that's okay." The scholar suddenly laughed with emotion on his face. He and Brother Yang were not opposites. Although it felt like a big blow, the stronger Brother Yang became, his strength and status would definitely rise.

He didn't need to ask for anything.

When Brother Yu reaches Yuan Ying's enlightenment, isn't it possible that something will leak out from between his fingers that he never thought he could have before?

For example, this sword bone allowed him to stand like a normal person again.

Fei Long glanced at the scholar and instantly understood why the scholar was laughing. He couldn't help but laugh too. Who would have thought that the most correct decision in his life was to say those four words in Fufeng City.

"Fellow Taoist, stay."

Tsk, what was I thinking at that time, how could I just find such a thick thigh for myself in the crowd.


The Lord of Feicheng City, who was standing there unable to move, and who was still surviving the disaster, was looking at Chen Yuan not far away who looked like a god and demon slaying the world, and the thunder dragons in the sky murmured with shock on his face.

"Who invaded whom?"

There is still an invasion of evil clan here, it looks like Chen Yuan has invaded.

An unknown person came over and took a look, and must have thought that the evil clan was the victim, and that Chen Yuan was a devil who killed the world. He was obviously just building a ninth-level cultivation base, so why could his methods be so exaggerated.

The power of each thunder dragon far exceeds the power that can be released by the ninth-level monks of the foundation building.

And not together.

With a wave of his hand, he could generate thousands of them, and the spiritual energy in his body seemed to be endless. The thunder dragons in the sky kept smashing downwards from the air as if they were free of charge.

"Leading Thunder Jue".

It was obviously just an extremely common spell, but in Chen Yang's hands, it transformed directly into a world-destroying thunder dragon.

"Did the Imperial Master even expect this?"

The Lord of Feicheng looked thoughtfully at Chen Yuan, who was surrounded by tens of thousands of thunder dragons not far away.

Thirty years ago.

The Master of the State predicted that there would be a disaster in the boundless ice field, and hereby ordered him to come and guard Feicheng. He is a seventh-level Jindan cultivator and has the highest level of combat power in Daxia. After the invasion of the evil tribe, he rushed to Boundless Icefield came up, and was dumbfounded when they discovered that the enemy was an evil tribe with the peak cultivation level of the Nine Golden Cores.

Before he could speak, he was slapped into the ground.

At that time, he was still wondering whether the Imperial Master had not expected this, but soon the edict of heaven was sounded, not allowing Jin Dan to take action, and then Chen Yuan stepped in and started the massacre.

He originally thought that the Imperial Master sent him because he valued his cultivation, but it turned out that he valued his character.

If a narrow-minded city lord were to guard it, he might go to kill Chen Yuan today, so that when the evil tribe invaded, no one would be able to come out again, and thus the lives of Feizhou would be devastated?

Has the Imperial Master already reached this point? So many layers?

As expected of a national master!

The boundless desert, the boundless snow-capped mountains, and the boundless sea, these three places are also facing the invasion of evil tribes.

But I don’t know why.

Perhaps because they received some news, all the evil tribes in these three places disappeared without a trace in just half an hour. The foundation-building monks sent out to check only saw fragments of meteorites scattered on the ground, without any evil spirits. clan.

At this time, he was in a cave somewhere.

A Nascent Soul, exuding a terrifying aura of cultivation, was looking excitedly at a blood-stained ominous tree in his hand. Due to his excessive emotion, the spiritual energy fluctuations on his body even began to move violently and uncontrollably.

The cave is brownish red in color and looks extremely empty at first glance.

At this time, in the center of the cave, there were four huge apertures slowly rotating, three of which had gradually shrunk.

Only one aperture is still rotating, and the narrator is still standing with a large number of evil people, who are pouring a large number of spiritual stones into this aperture as if for free to maintain the normal operation of this aperture.


at this time--

This Nascent Soul turned its head to look at the evil warriors who had withdrawn from the other three circles of light. It pointed excitedly at the still rotating circle of light below, raised the Fierce Wood in its hand high, and roared angrily.

"Hoo, ho, ho!!!"

When the evil warriors below who had just withdrawn from the other three apertures heard this, veins in their eyes and necks suddenly popped out, and the eight pairs of eyes on their chests blinked continuously, and then they all rushed towards the remaining aperture.

Hundreds of thousands of evil warriors jumped into the circle of light one after another, and then disappeared into the cave.

And now, on the boundless ice field.

Chen Yuan had already slaughtered all the evil warriors who were rushing at the front, and had blocked the sky outside the hundred-foot aperture deep in the boundless ice field. He aimed at the aperture below and began to continuously bombard with spells. Although the thunder dragons and countless green demonic fires in the sky could not Through the white aperture.

But the evil clan below who had just emerged from the white circle of light had turned into minced meat and disappeared into the circle of light again before they could even see their surroundings clearly.

Not even a body could be left behind.


Fei Long, who stood in mid-air and looked down at the white halo of light, said with emotion on his face: "Brother Yang just blocked the birth point and killed him. I don't know what the current situation is in the other three places."

A large number of evil tribes kept popping up from the white halo, but what they saw when they first emerged were thunder dragons all over the sky.

The aperture of a hundred feet is not big even if it is said to be big.

But it happened to be within Chen Yuan's attack range.

"The troops may have been withdrawn."

The scholar looked at the "Tiandao Evil Killing Ranking" and frowned: "The number of enemies killed by many people on the ranking has not changed for a long time. There are only two possibilities for this to happen."

"One is that when people die, the number of enemies killed will naturally not change."

"But it's impossible for so many people to die, and even if so many people die, there will definitely be new people to come up. In addition, according to the past rules of the Tiandao rankings, people will automatically be removed from the rankings when they die. ”

"Then there is only the second possibility, which is that all the evil tribes that invaded from the other three places have withdrawn, and as expected, they all came to the boundless ice field in the south. Didn't you see that there are a large number of evil tribes emerging every moment in the white circle? , the number is obviously much higher than before.”

"This evil invasion"

"It's very possible that he just came here for the Fierce Tree."

"After they discovered that the Fierce Tree was in the Boundless Ice Field, they withdrew from the other three locations and concentrated all their forces on the Boundless Ice Field, preparing to plunder more Fierce Tree."

"It's just unfortunate."

The scholar raised his head and glanced at Chen Swim, who was suspended in the sky above the hundred-foot aperture and surrounded by tens of thousands of thunder dragons. He murmured, "Brother Swim happens to be in the boundless ice field."

In that hundred-foot-long aperture, a large number of evil clans appeared every moment.

But no one can step out of the hundred-foot aperture.

As soon as they appeared, they turned into minced meat and disappeared into the circle of light.

What is certain now is——

This hundred-foot aperture is a large teleportation array that links the boundless ice field to another place they don't know. However, they tried throwing other things like stones into it and found that it didn't work at all.

Many experiments were done.

Wraiths can't get in.

Humans can't get in, and neither can monsters. Only evil tribes and the weapon storage rings they carry can pass through.

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