In the inn in Xiaoyu City.

Chen Yu stood in front of the bronze mirror, looking at the familiar panel wrapped in clouds and mist floating above the Dantian in his body.


"My cultivation has increased greatly, and I have officially entered the second level of the Golden Core Stage."

"Please choose from the three random terms below in ten breaths."


"Term Name": Storm.

"Term Level": Blue.

"Term Effect": When you are on the sea or in the rain, the power of your water magic will increase greatly. When you are in a stormy environment with dark clouds and lightning and thunder, the power of your thunder magic will increase greatly.


"Term Name": Self-abandonment and Re-cultivation.

"Term Level": Yellow.

"Term Effect": You will lose all your memories, terms, cultivation, etc., and return to the time and place when you were just born, start all over again, and your lifespan, bone age, etc. will start all over again, and all your injuries and hidden injuries will be restored.


"Term Name": Escape Method.

"Term Level": White.

"Term Effect": When your physical body dies, the speed of your golden elixir will increase dramatically when it escapes from your body.


These three terms are the three terms he randomly got when his cultivation level was upgraded to the second level of golden elixir this time.

No choice.

Chen Yu raised his eyebrows and immediately chose the first term. The first term actually has more restrictions. It has restrictions on the terrain environment. It must be on the sea surface or in thunderstorms to enhance the power of some spells.

It can be said that it is a term that can only be used in certain special circumstances.

But for him.

It is basically a passive term that is activated for a long time.

As long as his "Lightning Attraction Technique" is fully exploded, he can easily mobilize the power of heaven and earth every time, turning the place into a situation of lightning, thunder, storm and rainstorm. This also means that as long as his Lightning Attraction Technique is fully exploded, he will definitely get a bonus.

He feels more and more that the Lightning Attraction Technique is not as good as the exclusive spell of magic cultivators.

The main attack is instant, starting from zero frames.

For the leader of Xianhua Sect, to be honest, the oppressive feeling of the skeleton shadow several dozen feet high behind him is quite strong, and the terrifying pressure makes people feel a little uncomfortable to breathe, but the biggest disadvantage is that the pre-swing is too long.

As a result, the leader of Xianhua Sect died before he could release his ultimate move.

No one is a fool, and will stand there and wait for you to release your ultimate move before fighting you. Moreover, the power of the ordinary lightning-inducing spell, with the blessing of his countless means, has far exceeded the full-strength attack of ordinary cultivators of the same level.

It is a combination of ultimate move and instant.

He feels that this spell can be used for a long time.

As for the second item, it is even more useless to him. His current item group is perfect, the item group that all magic cultivators dream of. Why would he go to self-abandon and rebuild it when he has nothing to do? In fact, he is also a little tempted by the third item.

It can also be regarded as a means of saving his life.

Even if there is a big enemy someday and he cannot defeat him, at least he can escape far away with his golden elixir.

But even if he is tempted, it is useless. He does not have the Heavenly Dao Top Grade Backtracking Talisman now, and he cannot choose the three-choice entry that was abandoned in the Golden Core Stage. He asked the scholar, and the scholar said that the Heavenly Dao Top Grade Backtracking Talisman is quite rare, and occasionally appears at auctions, and the price is also very high.

So he did not ask more.

This thing mainly depends on fate. If fate comes, it will come, and if fate does not come, it will not come.

After tidying up his clothes, Chen Yu strode out of the door, ready to take Feilong and others to stroll around the street. There is no goal, just to stroll around. The sea tribe will invade in the future, and there will be one or two days.

In addition to cultivation, you must also combine work and rest.

Occasionally looking at the scenery is also good for physical and mental health.

He currently practices only two attack spells, one is the Lightning Induction Technique, and the other is the Nine Poisons Soul Technique. The former is the basic spell in the cultivation world, and basically many people know it. The latter is strictly speaking a variant spell suitable for poison cultivation.

Although he calls himself a magic cultivator.

But he has not learned any of the symbolic spells of magic cultivators, which is also quite interesting.

In Xiaoyu City, after wandering around for a while, Chen Yu took Fei Long and others back to the inn to practice again.

Practice hard.

In this way, he finally waited until midnight, and ten Jindan Tiandao cultivation pills arrived again.

Take it!

With Chen Yu's hard work, he finally sat cross-legged on the bed after dawn and exhaled a long breath, looking at the progress of his cultivation above his dantian with satisfaction.


"Cultivation": Jindan Stage 2 (40.2%).


The progress of cultivation has increased by almost half, and he can cultivate to Jindan Stage 3 in another day or two.

Why is he so strong?

When others were wasting time chatting, he was practicing hard; when others were listening to music in the brothel, he was practicing hard; when others were comparing their spiritual treasures, he was practicing hard.

It was because of this perseverance that his strength could be steadily improved step by step.

After reaching the second level of the Golden Core Stage.

A Golden Core Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill can only increase the progress of cultivation by 4%, which is a little lower than the first level of the Golden Core Stage. With the improvement of cultivation, the effect of the Golden Core Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill is also decreasing.

But even so, he is already satisfied.

This speed has far exceeded all the Golden Cores in Daxia. He should be the fastest in cultivation, no one else. After all, few people can eat the Golden Core Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill like candy beans like him.

While swallowing the Jindan Tiandao Cultivation Pill these two days, he was also practicing his mind method, which increased his cultivation progress by another 0.1%.

Today, nothing happened again.

Chen Lu and others went out for a stroll again, ate something, and then returned to the inn to continue their cultivation, preparing to wait for the invasion of the sea tribe tomorrow.

No one came up to provoke him along the way.

Chen Lu was not wearing a mask, and his appearance had long been spread throughout Daxia through the photo stone. Even if he had been practicing in seclusion recently and had not seen Chen Lu's photo stone, he should have known who he was after hearing the discussions of others looking at him.

In this case, he dared to come up to provoke, either his brain was not good, or there must be a conspiracy behind it.

The midnight arrived soon, and the Tiandao Cultivation Pill reward arrived again.

When it was dawn, his cultivation level also reached——


"Cultivation": Jindan Stage 2 (80.2%).


It was dawn.

Chen Lu sat in the inn and looked out the window. Today's sea was not as calm as before. Thick dark clouds covered the entire sea, including the coastal area. The end of the dark clouds was not visible at all.

The light became very dim, and the dark clouds brought great psychological pressure to people, like suffocation.

The strong wind mixed with the fishy smell kept whistling from the depths of the sea.

The waves kept hitting the rocks near the sea, splashing huge water and making rumbling noises. The waves that looked ordinary and powerless could make thunderous sounds when they were pushed against the rock wall.

The waves were getting bigger and bigger.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger.

Although it hadn't rained yet, it looked like a storm was coming.

At this time, there were no mortals in the city. Even those mortals who wanted to make more money and were bolder fled overnight. They were just bold, not fearless. There was a significant difference between the two.

No sea monsters were seen, but everyone knew that sea monsters were about to appear.

A large number of cultivators stood on the cliffs facing the sea, looking down at the surging waves below with serious faces, and tightened their swords.

Chen Lu also leaned on the Tianji umbrella and stood on an unmanned cliff facing the sea. He looked at the seaside calmly, without speaking. It was unknown what he was thinking. Feilong and others stood quietly behind him.

The coastline is not short.

Nearly ten thousand miles.

One-third of the territory in the east of Daxia is facing the sea.

No one knows where the sea tribe will invade, so most cultivators go to the nearest location to the sect and wait patiently for the sea tribe to come ashore.


The waves were getting bigger and bigger. The huge waves hit the rock wall, causing it to tremble slightly. Then, accompanied by a strong wind, a large amount of waves roared from the sea surface, and the sea level suddenly rose sharply.

The waves were getting higher and higher.

Until a wave of nearly ten feet in height came from the air and hit all the monks standing on the cliff!

All the monks were forced to fly away from the cliff and hover in the air. However, the waves continued to rise higher and higher, and even seemed to be about to submerge the coastal cities. This made many people frown slightly, which meant that they could only fight in the air.

And the spiritual energy of the foundation-building period was not enough for them to fight in the air for too long.


After the thunder, a dazzling lightning flashed across the sky, instantly illuminating the dim world. Such a dazzling light caused many people to feel that it was a little darker when they looked around after the lightning passed.

And this lightning seemed to turn on a switch.

Countless lightning bolts began to streak across the sky one after another, and in the thunder and lightning, the whole world became as bright as day.

This scene only lasted for a few breaths, and suddenly there was no lightning. The whole world fell into extreme darkness again under the cover of thousands of dark clouds. After about four or five breaths.

A lightning bolt streaked across the sky again.

All the monks flying in the air with swords suddenly stagnated their breathing. They saw that when the previous wave of waves receded, a large number of sea monsters had landed below at some point, and dense sea monsters covered the entire coastline.

At a glance, you can't even see the end.

They didn't know where the sea monsters came from. They only saw with the residual light of lightning that when the next wave of waves came, these sea creatures disappeared again, but when they appeared again, they had penetrated several feet into the land again.


I don't know which foundation-building monk suddenly roared, accompanied by a sword light shooting down, blowing the horn of the start of the war.

Countless spells and flying swords hovering in the air all smashed down.

Lightning flashed and thunder roared.

Blood splattered everywhere.


Chen Yu did not speak, but his consciousness completely spread out. When his cultivation reached the second level of Jindan, his consciousness range had reached 140 miles.

In his consciousness range, these sea monsters opened a battle line of more than ten miles. The dense sea monsters lined up for ten miles and came ashore from the sea.

I saw those sea monsters.

There were "wolf crabs" with huge bodies and fierce light flashing in their pupils, stepping on the waves and rushing towards the foundation-building cultivators in the air.

There were also "green poisonous octopuses" with several tentacles, sticky all over their bodies, constantly dripping liquid, and spraying green liquid into the air.

There were also "sea demon turtles" that were several feet tall, carrying a huge turtle shell on their backs, with strong defense and not damaged by flying sword attacks.

Countless sea monsters spread over ten miles and quickly advanced inland under the push of the waves.

The Kraken with the ability to fly was already fighting with the monks in the air. The Kraken without the ability to fly also started to fight back with its own long-range attack methods. The Kraken with nothing could use the waves to push deeper inland.

The current situation looks extremely unfavorable to the monks above.

Foundation-building monks do not have the ability to fight in the air for a long time. At this time, if the spiritual energy is exhausted and they fall, and countless sea monsters crawl on them, it will be difficult to come out alive. Therefore, almost all foundation-building monks are extremely cautious when taking action.

I'm afraid that the spiritual energy in my body will be exhausted.

at this time--

"I come."

I saw an extremely powerful golden elixir cultivation coercion that instantly enveloped all the sea monsters below. A middle-aged man with a first-level golden elixir cultivation level and bare hands exuded powerful coercion. He had a cold face and was about to punch. out.

next moment!

The middle-aged man's body suddenly froze in the air, and he looked up at Chen Yuan, who was standing on a cliff that was one-third submerged by the sea water. Just when he was about to take action, Chen Yuan's consciousness locked onto him!

Chen Yang was a little shocked in his heart. He was obviously at the first level of Jindan when he participated in the Tianjiao rankings a few days ago. Why did he reach the second level of Jindan now.

He has seen Chen Yang's methods.

If Chen Hong wants to kill him, even if he is at the first level of the Golden Core, he can easily kill him, let alone the second level of the Golden Core. But he doesn't know, and he has never offended Chen Yang. When the war comes, why does the other party want to kill him? Want to suddenly lock him with your consciousness?

Being locked in by a Dharma cultivator's spiritual consciousness is not a good thing.

Immediately afterwards.

He then saw Chen Yuan walking up to him in the air. He glanced at him first, then at his companion who was also at the first level of Jindan and came with him behind him. He shook his head and said, "Don't take action yet."

Chen Yuan stood high in the sky. Before the two golden elixirs in front of him could speak, he turned his head and looked at the coastline further away and said softly: "The coastline of Daxia is nearly ten thousand miles long. It is impossible for the Hai Clan to just start from this one." Landing everywhere, our luck couldn’t be so good, we just happened to catch it.”

"I am more inclined to believe that the Sea Tribe landed from hundreds of directions at the same time."

"Then based on the death and injury of the Kraken, we can determine which direction has the weakest defensive force, and then gather a large number of Kraken in the place where they think the defensive force is weakest, and launch a general attack."

"My opinion is that you don't need to take action for the time being, and retreat all the way with these foundation-building monks, so that these sea monsters think that our direction is the weakest in defense, and then when the sea monsters are ready to attack our direction with the main force, Then take action and annihilate them in one fell swoop.”

"What do you two think?"


These two middle-aged men of the first level of Jindan looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. They actually wanted to talk about it. Only people of equal strength are called discussions. People like Chen Yuan are called orders. Is there any room for them not to agree?

However, there is indeed nothing wrong with Chen Yang's suggestion.

"The method is good, but..."

One of the middle-aged men hesitated for a long time, then looked down at the dense sea monsters below and said hesitantly: "So far, no golden elixir sea monster has come ashore, but there must be golden elixirs in the sea monsters. If it really attacks us, A general offensive has been launched."

"Maybe there are many golden elixir sirens, can they withstand it?"

"I can handle it."

Chen Yang smiled and said softly.

"That's no problem."

Seeing Chen Hong's confidence, the two middle-aged men also felt confident. After all, the scene of Chen Hong's battle in Tianjiao's Secret Realm was really impressive. With that method, as long as the Siren was not too Strong golden elixir should be fine.


Chen Yang nodded lightly: "Then I'll trouble you two fellow Taoists to retreat with these foundation-building monks and kill as few sea monsters as possible."

Then he took the scholar and others and shot away in the distance.

The two middle-aged men looked at Chen Yang's disappearing figure and looked at each other again. Then a loud voice rang in the ears of all the foundation-building monks: "Everyone, retreat."

Golden elixir monks are a natural superior-subordinate relationship for foundation-building monks.

Even if they are not from the same sect, are not from the same family, or have not even known each other before, as long as the Golden Core monks give orders, generally speaking, the Foundation Establishment monks will abide by them. This is entirely due to their respect for the strong and their fear of death. fear.

At this time, Chen Yuan, with the help of the scholar, had quickly explored along the sea level.

It was exactly as he guessed.

On the coastline of nearly a thousand miles, there are five sea tribes landing. Almost every 200 miles of coastline, a group of sea tribes will land. Moreover, these sea tribes only choose to land in places with cities, and they will not even look at deserted places. .

Every time I pass a battlefield.

Chen Yuan casually threw nearly a thousand thunder-inducing techniques at them. In the natural stormy environment, the power of his thunder-inducing techniques was greatly enhanced again with the newly obtained entry "Storm and Storm".

Every time he strikes casually, he basically clears a large area of ​​Kraken on the battlefield.

Then he didn’t stay much.

He didn't care about the complicated looks cast by the monks on the battlefield, and shot away again into the distance.

His plan is simple.

He is also preparing to kill a large number of monsters to increase the spiritual energy capacity of his Dantian. The coastline is thousands of miles long. It is impossible for him to run back and forth. The scholar's spiritual energy does not support this at all. And if he does not rely on the scholar, his own long-distance escape speed I don't support him doing this either.

Through some means, controlling the sea monsters to launch a general attack somewhere, and then catching them all in one fell swoop is a more suitable plan for him.

That's it.

It took nearly two hours. Under the scholar's flying sword, Chen Lu almost ran all over the coastline. Every time he passed a battlefield, nearly a thousand thunder dragons bombarded it, and each time he could often clear a battlefield in an instant.

At this time, he had returned to "Xiaoyu City".

The flood had long submerged Xiaoyu City, and a large number of dense sea monsters stepped on the waves and crossed Xiaoyu City to go deeper inland.

Under the charge of the sea monsters at the front, a large number of foundation-building monks led by three Jindan monks were retreating step by step at this time, basically only defending and not attacking. The sea monsters in other battlefields only rushed into the inland for four or five miles at most.

And here, the sea monsters have rushed into the inland for nearly twenty miles.

Chen Yu glanced at the sea monsters below. There were obviously more of them than on other battlefields, and a large number of sea monsters continued to emerge from the waves. However, the timing was still not right, and he had not seen the main force of sea monsters.

At this time——

The three Jindan monks also saw Chen Yu and rushed towards him.

The middle-aged man with bare upper body and bare hands who was first locked by Chen Lu's spiritual sense said with a faint excitement: "Senior, is the time right now? A lot of sea monsters have gathered below, several times more than before."

"I asked the group of kids below to control their strength and try not to kill the sea monsters. Just retreat and defend."

Then the middle-aged man pointed to a bald man in a robe beside him and introduced: "Senior, this Taoist fellow came to reinforce after you left. He is also a Jindan level one cultivator, and is a magic cultivator like you."

"I told him about your plan, and he thought it was a good plan, so he joined us."


Chen Lu looked at the bald man in the robe and nodded slightly, saying hello. The robe was obviously a spiritual treasure. The rich spiritual energy fluctuated on the surface of the robe. It was much better than the robe he bought at Wentian Market for two spirit stones.

It seems that he has to get himself a robe.

Then he looked at the densely packed monsters below and shook his head and said, "Wait a little longer, the number is still too small. I have traveled all over the battlefields. According to the number of sea monsters I have observed, the real main attack force must at least be ten times this level."

"Wait a little longer."


The three Jindan naturally had no objection. Only the bald man in the robe looked at Chen Lu with some fanaticism and admiration. Only as a magic cultivator, can you know how strong Chen Lu is!

Even Chen Lu himself didn't know.

He has now become the god in the hearts of all the magic cultivators in Daxia. This is the magic cultivator in their minds!

What is broken at the touch? It's simply slander!

Chen Lu did not continue to stand above the sea monsters, but retreated to a cliff behind, overlooking the dense sea monsters rushing onto the land below, thinking without speaking. This invasion of the sea clan is a great opportunity for him.

Much larger than the invasion of the evil tribe.

The evil tribe is not a monster, but the sea tribe is a legitimate sea monster.

Killing a monster beast will expand his dantian by one centimeter, so as to accommodate more spiritual energy.

His original dantian was 21,000 centimeters.

It was with such a magnificent spiritual energy that far exceeded that of the same level that he created many miracles.

After spending two hours and passing through many battlefields, his dantian has expanded to 60,000 centimeters.

The dantian is a small world in the body, so there is no need to worry about the problem of overflowing due to the dantian being too large.

This means that in just two hours, the spiritual energy capacity in his body has tripled.


When he burst out with all his strength, he could blast out nearly 10,000 thunder dragons at a time, but now when he bursts out with all his strength, he can blast out nearly 30,000 thunder dragons at a time!

In the case of an instantaneous burst, the combat power has been greatly improved.

But in the long-term battle, there was actually no big change. After all, when his spiritual energy was exhausted, it only took ten breaths to activate the arm armor to restore the full spiritual energy. Now that the spiritual energy capacity in his body has increased, it takes a full thirty breaths to restore the slow spiritual energy after activating the arm armor.

Perhaps the speed of the sea tribe gathering a large force on the seabed is much slower than that of the scholar.

They waited for an hour.

Just when they were a little confused about whether this was the main force of the sea monsters, tens of thousands of small seagulls carrying demonic energy suddenly flew towards them on the sea surface.

Then they saw countless sea monsters rushing out from the seabed on the waves. In just a few breaths, the number of sea monsters doubled and suddenly increased.

"It's finally here."

Chen Yu, standing on the edge of the cliff with the Tianji umbrella, looked at the scene in the distance and chuckled. He finally waited for it. When all these sea monsters died, he couldn't imagine how exaggerated his spiritual energy capacity would be.

There is no place in Daxia Kingdom that has such a dense concentration of monsters.

"Everyone retreat, leave enough space for the sea creatures to go ashore."

The divine consciousness entered the minds of the three Jindan cultivators, and then the three Jindan cultivators loudly led the foundation-building cultivators to retreat quickly, leaving the battlefield to Chen Lu.

About an incense stick of time passed.

A large number of sirens have come ashore and are running wildly towards the depths of the inland. The dense sirens are so dense that you can't see the end at a glance. There are sirens flying in the sky, sirens in the sea, and amphibious sirens on land.

Countless seagulls carrying demonic energy rushed towards Chen Chu, and all of them exploded and died before they got close to him.

The number of sirens at this time has more than ten times the number of sirens that came ashore at the beginning, and the number is still increasing. A steady stream of sirens are pouring out from the bottom of the sea.

"Why are there so many sea monsters in the sea?"

Standing on the cliff and overlooking the sea monsters below, he murmured: "I always thought that in Daxia, the place with the most monsters should be the boundless desert. I didn't expect that there are more monsters in the boundless sea."

"This may still be just the vanguard."

The scholar frowned and looked at the monsters below: "So far, I haven't seen a golden elixir sea monster, and the sea monsters with Qi Refining cultivation account for the majority, and only a small part are foundation building cultivation."

"In addition to the large number and fearlessness of death, I don't see any particularly dangerous places."

Perhaps he heard the scholar's words.

The scholar's voice just fell.

Then he saw three golden elixir sea monsters suddenly walking upright and transformed into human forms on the sea surface. They were all naked, holding a spiritual treasure forged by deep-sea black iron with rough forging techniques suitable for monsters.

The cold face and pupils exuded murderous intent, and the shocking golden elixir cultivation shrouded the hearts of every cultivator, and the monstrous demonic energy almost condensed into substance.

Every step he took.

A large number of sea monsters died tragically under the feet of these three Jindan sea monsters.

All of them were at the first level of Jindan cultivation.


Chen Yu frowned slightly as he looked at this scene, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes. Those sea monsters were all his prey, and you just stepped on them to death?

This was also the first time he saw a Jindan sea monster.

No Jindan sea monster was seen on other battlefields, and the entry of the Jindan sea monster basically meant that the sea clan chose this place as the main attack direction.

The plan was initially successful.

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