After a long time!

Li Shiyi, standing on the deck of the Daojian Sect flying boat, sighed. Now there are two pieces of news.

Good news: Those perverted Tianjiao in Zhongzhou have all withdrawn from the world, and Chen Lu has also broken through to the Yuanying stage, which means that Chen Lu can no longer go to Tianjiao Road, and his competitive pressure is much less.

Bad news: He himself has withdrawn from the world.

Tianjiao Road only has half a year of effort. He deliberately suppressed his cultivation to the peak of Jindan for so long for this Tianjiao Road, just to get a good enough ranking on Tianjiao Road.


As a result, he is now withdrawn from the world, which means that all his efforts during this period have been in vain.

Above the nine heavens, in the Tiangong.

Chen Lu is standing alone in the "Tiangong". A red carpet of unknown material serves as the atrium line, dividing this Tiangong from the middle.

Twelve circular pedestals are neatly placed on both sides of the carpet.

At this time, there are already two circular pedestals with statues more than ten feet high.

And the extra one!

It was the scene where he was standing on the sea wearing a green robe just now.

He stood alone on the sea with his hands behind his back, his body as straight as a pine tree, holding a jade paper fan in his hand. His eyes were full of compassion for the people of the world and his reluctance to see the killing.

The whole statue was filled with a kind taste of caring for the world.

It formed a sharp contrast with the statue opposite with a murderous look on its face.


Chen Yu leaned on the Tianji umbrella and looked up at the statue standing tall, smiling with a satisfied look. This time, Tiandao took a good picture, and it seemed to be a little beautified.

It felt that the temperament exuded by the whole statue was particularly piercing.

And on the circular base below this statue, there were a few lines of small words engraved.


"One of the twelve milestone tasks"

"Possess the twelfth-grade golden elixir and the twelfth-grade Nascent Soul at the same time."

"Completed by: Chen Lu."


For now, he didn't see any special effect of this statue. It seemed that there was no practical effect except for the commemorative significance. However, this Heavenly Palace was a bit interesting. If you encounter a crisis, you can come to the Heavenly Palace instantly, which is equivalent to an additional means of saving your life.

It is a little faster than returning to the small world.

To return to the small world, you need to establish a connection between your spiritual consciousness and the master token in the storage ring. Although the speed of spiritual consciousness is very fast, it still takes this extra process to enter the small world.

To come to the Heavenly Palace, you don't need to establish a connection between your spiritual consciousness and anything. This step is omitted. You can directly come to the Heavenly Palace with a thought.

Chen Lu sat in the same place, looked at the two statues of himself with satisfaction, and laughed again.

Just as he was about to go back.

Suddenly, he heard a sound of footsteps coming from far behind him.


He was slightly startled, holding the Tianji Umbrella in his hand and turning smoothly, his eyes staring straight at the main gate of the Heavenly Palace. The footsteps came from outside the main gate of the Heavenly Palace. Is there someone else here?

His spiritual sense could not penetrate the main gate of the Heavenly Palace.

He could not sense what was in the Heavenly Palace, let alone who was coming. He did look out through the crack of the door last time, but all he saw was nothingness. Nothing else was useful.

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his whole body gradually tensed up. He did not leave the Heavenly Palace immediately. He wanted to see who the person outside the Heavenly Palace was.

Just then——


The gate of the Heavenly Palace, which had not been repaired for a long time, was slowly pushed open. At the same time as the harsh sound was emitted, bursts of dust fell from the door frame.

He only had time to see a figure stepping in under the dazzling light. He could not see the face of the figure at all, and could not even tell whether it was male or female, and even his clothes could not be seen.

And then!

A strong force of heaven and earth surged towards him instantly, forcing him to be transferred out of the Heavenly Palace.

But before leaving, he vaguely saw that the figure seemed to be frozen at the door, and then turned around and fled outside as if he was more frightened than him.


Chen Yu stood high above the sea again, looked down at the raging waves on the sea below, and held his chin with one hand in silence for a long time without speaking.

There are people outside the Heavenly Palace?

This means a lot of things.

He originally thought that the Heavenly Palace was just a separate hidden map, and there was nothing outside the Heavenly Palace, just like a secret realm, there was nothing outside the secret realm.

It's a bit like bubbles in boiling water, these bubbles are independent existences, and have nothing to do with other bubbles.

And the bubbles are separated by nothingness.

But someone pushed the door outside the Heavenly Palace, which means that the Heavenly Palace is not a separate map, but one of the palaces in a larger map, but the twelve milestone tasks of the Heavenly Palace are tasks that no one in Xuantian Continent has been able to complete for so many years.

In other words,

The map of "Heavenly Palace" is considered to be of a relatively high status in Xuantian Continent. Such a high status map is actually just one of the palaces in a large map.


Chen Lu shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he looked at the Tiandao Lingbao tea set in his arms. This is a set of Lingbao, which is composed of multiple Lingbao.

There is a tea tray, a teapot, six teacups, and a fairness cup.

There are even six gentlemen of the tea ceremony!

Tea scoop, tea needle, tea clip, tea scraper, tea strainer, and tea canister.

They are used to hold tea leaves, unclog the spout, pick up teacups, and clean up the residue in the teapot.

In addition!

What's even more outrageous is that there is also a tea pet. This tea pet is completely useless and is just used for decoration.

So many things make up this set of tea set Tiandao Lingbao.

Each small piece is a Tiandao Lingbao, but any one of them is not considered a Tiandao Lingbao when taken out alone. Only when a set is taken out can it be considered a Tiandao Lingbao.

In fact, all the things in it are useless.

For example, the tea clips for picking up tea leaves and the tea needles for unclogging the spout of the teapot, isn't the spiritual energy more useful than this? Do you still need to do it yourself? With a thought, the teapot will naturally be cleaned by the spiritual energy.

But obviously.

The function of the tea set Tiandao Lingbao is to let you do it without moving the spiritual energy.

The power of heaven and earth surges on each small object, and you can sense its extraordinaryness just by looking at it with the naked eye.

And this set of Tiandao Lingbao has only one effect.

"The tea brewed with this set of tea sets will contain the power of heaven and earth."

The power of heaven and earth contained in it is useless. It cannot improve your cultivation, nor can it make you realize the truth, let alone improve your skills or even your life span. The only effect is to make you drink a sip of tea and exclaim, "Wow, there is the power of heaven and earth in it."

No other effects.


Chen Yu looked at the set of Tiandao Lingbao in his hand expressionlessly. He knew that there was an extremely rare type of Lingbao, which was a set of Lingbao. This kind of Lingbao often tested the basic skills of the instrument cultivator.

And the Tiandao Lingbao in his hand was divided into more than a dozen small pieces, and the production process was extremely complicated.


It is so complicated, and it is still a Tiandao Lingbao, and it is so high-end!

The thing created has no effect at all.

This is equivalent to using the best natural materials and treasures in Xuantian Continent, spending a lot of energy, and making a tea set for yourself.

Very good.

This kind of thing is worthy of his "Ten Thousand Years of Ice" and "Ten Thousand Years of Cold Tea".

Although it has no effect, it is also his fifth Heavenly Dao Spiritual Treasure, giving him the second set effect.

His first set effect is.

"The power of releasing the Lightning Induction Technique will be enhanced."

It is more targeted at the Lightning Induction Technique.

Chen Lu calmed down and looked at the second set effect floating in the sky above his dantian.

"The power of releasing the Lightning Induction Technique will be enhanced again."


This time Chen Lu was silent for a longer time. He didn't know why the two set effects of the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Treasure couldn't get along with the Lightning Induction Technique. Did he have to enhance the power of this Force Lightning Induction Technique? Although this is also good, can we have something else?

If you collect eight Heavenly Dao Spiritual Treasures, you can get another one, which is also the last set effect.

He can probably guess what this last set effect is now.

If nothing unexpected happens, it should be that the power of your Lightning Induction Technique will be enhanced again.

He looked at the plain bracelet on his left wrist. This bracelet was bought from a roadside stall when he was in "Dayuan City". After being placed in the Dantian for ten days, it finally washed away the dust and revealed its original appearance, and the effect of the spiritual treasure was also displayed.

Jindan upper-grade earth-level heavenly spiritual treasure.

Heavenly spiritual treasures are all growth spiritual treasures, which will be improved along with the owner's cultivation.

"Heavenly Secret Umbrella" is his life magic weapon.

And the Heavenly Secret Umbrella is now a top-grade golden elixir heaven-level top spiritual treasure. When it was first obtained, it was only a top-grade golden elixir heaven-level top spiritual treasure. As his cultivation level improved, the grade also reached the top grade of golden elixir.

But it has not reached the Nascent Soul. When it reaches the Nascent Soul, some materials are needed to prepare the spiritual treasure for a breakthrough.

"Required materials: 100 medium-grade spirit stones, 20 evil woods, and one Eight Desolate Fruit."


Chen Yu raised his eyebrows. He had all the materials he needed. When he returned to the small world later, he would be able to break through the grade of the Heavenly Secret Umbrella to the lower grade of the Nascent Soul. The Heavenly Secret Umbrella was his natal spirit treasure, and it had formed a set with his other Heavenly Dao spirit treasures.

If the grade of his natal spirit treasure was broken through, the grade of other Heavenly Dao spirit treasures he owned would also be broken through.

This was not difficult.

After roughly cleaning up the harvest this time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially the restored left arm, which made him feel like a young man who had gone through thousands of mountains and rivers and returned. The entry for breaking through to the first level of the Nascent Soul had not been selected yet, but he was not in a hurry for this moment.

After all, it was the first time to draw an entry at the Nascent Soul stage.

He planned to return to Chaotian Sect and find an absolutely safe place to draw an entry after dealing with all the things.

Then Chen Lu turned his head to look at Fei Long who was standing beside him: "Fei Long, I'll let a few Chaotian Sect disciples with Yuanying cultivation follow you later, and you go out to gather information."

"The main content is to see which sects in Quzhou have evil cultivators who usually do bad things."

"There are no sects with the God Transformation stage."

"Then we will visit each of them one by one, eliminate harm for the people, enforce justice on behalf of heaven, and slay demons and monsters."


Fei Long nodded heavily with a serious face.

Just then——

Chen Lu looked at Fei Long with a smile in his eyes: "Oh, have you broken through the Jindan? Has your cultivation increased greatly?"


Seeing that Brother Lu took the initiative to ask him, Fei Long also proudly puffed up his chest. When he was about to talk about the third entry he randomly got, he was suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"Brother Shu!"

The scholar suddenly shot out from the bottom of the sea, panting slightly and saying, "I met a dragon in the sea, a real dragon. I almost caught up with it, but the dragon swung its tail and sent me flying."

"But the other party obviously held back and just repelled me. There was no harm."

"That is to say, there might really be dragons!"

"I have heard of the legend of dragons in Daxia but never seen one. Now I think that legend should have been passed from Xuantian Continent to Daxia. The dragon in the legend looked like this at that time. It was extremely powerful and its meat was quite delicious."


Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the distance. After a moment, he chuckled: "It's okay. If the other party just repelled you, it seems that they have good intentions. We can have a chance to contact them in the future."

He could probably guess what the dragons were doing here.

Originally, the Xiezhou plate was near the sea, and there were countless archipelagos. As a result, these islands and continents were suddenly sunk to the bottom of the sea overnight. If there were dragons in the deep sea, they would definitely come to take a look and see what happened.

Then he looked at the scholar: "Pick a few disciples and Feilong to go out and get some information."


After arranging all this,

Chen Lucai flashed into the Chaotian Sect's small world, took the brown bear back, and left all the Nascent Soul disciples to the scholar. Chaotian Sect now has eight Nascent Soul disciples.

They are all second-grade Nascent Souls.

The rest of the people are not ready to break through, and are waiting for the Sect Master to give them a Nascent Soul body, and then form a second-grade Nascent Soul.

With a second-grade Nascent Soul, both strength and potential will be much stronger.

Although it is not as good as the twelfth-grade Nascent Soul, it is enough to have it, and there is no need to choose!

They are not greedy.

The rest of the disciples were all taken back to Chaotian Sect by him. Last time, he drew twenty Nascent Soul bodies from the Heavenly Dao Turntable, and he could let twenty more disciples break through the Nascent Soul. In this way, Chaotian Sect has a total of twenty-eight Nascent Souls.

Not counting him.

When Feilong comes back from getting the news, he will take these twenty-eight Nascent Souls to eliminate harm for the people. He wants to see which evil sect in Quzhou can stop him!

Sect background?

The heritage passed down for so many years is just waiting for the destined person to take it.

He, Chen Yu, is this destined person!

At that time, a total of 57 disciples were accepted in Daxia Kingdom, 38 of whom were at the peak of the Golden Core Great Perfection. As long as they have the body of the Nascent Soul, these people can break through to the Nascent Soul. , The rest are some of the middle and late Golden Core.

It is difficult for these people to break through to the Nascent Soul in a short time.

After all, the "Golden Core Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill" of Chaotian Sect is not so much that anyone can take it. He can only receive ten a day, and half of them are eaten by scholars.

However, these people all have their own strengths, and cultivation is not too important. They can shine in other places.

Chaotian Sect is now plain.

There are too many combat forces, but many things are not taken care of. For example, Chaotian Sect does not have a maid, which is often inconvenient. He never considered this matter before, but he was seriously injured a few days ago.

When the old man Xingdou took off his clothes and wiped his wounds.

He secretly made up his mind that he would find a group of maids when his injuries healed. He didn't have a problem with Xingdou, but he had a problem with an old man taking off his clothes and wiping his body.

If it was a maid, he could accept it.

Besides, Feilong had also reached the Golden Core stage, and the Golden Core Grade 5 female demons were not enough.

He had to find a female demon with a higher cultivation level for Feilong.

But for a female demon with a high cultivation level, the grade of the "Spirit Forbidden Device" of Chaotian Sect was not enough, so he had to find a Spirit Forbidden Device of a higher grade that could restrain the Nascent Soul.

So busy.

Sitting cross-legged on the peak of the mountain behind Chaotian Sect, Chen Yu sighed helplessly. Why did he feel that he had so many things to do in a day? Couldn't he be given three months, and nothing would happen during these three months.

Could he be allowed to sleep peacefully in Chaotian Sect for three months?

After the four magic lotuses were gone, Chaotian Sect suddenly became much fresher. In addition, the sect had been completely repaired in Daxia, and many green plants were transplanted into the sect. At this time, the sect looked quite presentable.

It must be said that although those brown bears have been staying in the desert, they are quite particular about planting. They transplanted many green plants into the sect, making the sect look green and lush at this time, which is very good.

It’s just that there are too few people.

There are only fifty or sixty people in total. In such a large Chaotian Sect, it is really inconspicuous. There are too few people, so some people have to be captured to make up for the popularity.

He remembered that when he was in "Su City", he seemed to hear the young master of the Su family say that there was a sect that was full of female cultivators, and they could capture all of them as maids.

I forgot what it was called.

First, find out if it is the Hehuan Sect. If it is the Hehuan Sect, forget it. He is still a bit of a germaphobe and does not want the maids who serve him closely to be unclean, although he does not use them.

But you can not use them, but you can’t do without them.

Oh, the woman whose golden elixir I took away seemed to be from this sect, but I forgot her name. It seems that the woman didn't tell him her name either?

Chen Yu shook his head.

Throwing away all the messy thoughts in his mind, he took a deep breath, looked at the two Heavenly Dao turntables in his hand seriously, and murmured.

"I bet you will definitely not give me another 100 Yuanying Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills directly, right?"

What does he need most now?

Of course, it is the Yuanying Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill!

The reason why he can cultivate so fast along the way is because of the Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill, but this thing is extremely difficult to obtain. The higher the grade, the harder it is to obtain the Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill, especially Nascent Soul's.

He said this last time, and five second-grade Nascent Souls were given to him.

I don’t know if it will happen this time.

As the Tiandao Turntable was crushed, a panel wrapped in clouds and mist appeared in front of them.


"Please make a choice in Baixi, choose two out of five."

1: Twenty first-grade Nascent Soul bodies

2: One hundred golden elixirs and heavenly cultivation elixirs.

3: A body of a first-grade god.

4: A random gray entry with no side effects, a chance to choose one from three.

5: 4000 foundation-building heavenly cultivation pills.



Chen Yuan clicked his tongue in slight disappointment. It seemed that good luck would not always favor him. He did not give him the Nascent Soul Tiandao Cultivation Pill. After thinking for a while.

I chose the first and fourth.

The first one allowed him to mock the remaining Dzogchen disciples of Jindan Peak, all of whom had broken through to Nascent Soul.

This time it’s really full of Nascent Souls!

The body of the transformed god is already useless, and there is no need to prepare it for the scholar and others. When they break through to the Nascent Soul, they should be killing the transformed god like a dog. By then, the transformed body of the god will still be easy.

But this gray entry with no side effects made him a little jealous.

He did remember that the gray entries were all extremely effective, and many of them were rule-based, but they often had serious side effects.

for example--

"Name of entry": King of Hell's decree.

"Entry level": gray.

"Entry Effect": You will definitely die in one year, but you will never die within one year.

This extremely rubbish gray entry!

Forcibly shortening life span to one year.

But if this gray entry has no side effects, then the effect is another matter. There will definitely be no death within a year, and there are no side effects, which is really scary.

During the Qi Refining stage, he could often randomly find gray entries, but after reaching the Golden Elixir stage, he basically couldn't randomly find gray entries.

After choosing these two, Chen Yuan did not immediately open the gray entry for choosing one of the three. Instead, he held the last middle-grade Tiandao turntable in his hand, took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"I bet you will definitely give me the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill, right?"

This time, he wasn't going to tell the truth.

Ask for it directly!

Then without hesitation, Dang even crushed the last middle-grade Tiandao turntable in his hand.


A panel wrapped in clouds and mist appeared in mid-air again.


"Please make a choice in Baixi, choose two out of five."

1: Twenty Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills.

2: A random Nascent Soul low-grade spirit treasure.

3: A random Nascent Soul low-grade spell.

4: Randomly teleport to a certain place in Xuantian Continent.

5: Twenty Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills.



Chen Yuan was slightly stunned at first, and then couldn't help but grin. He was already satisfied with the first option, but he didn't expect that the fifth option was also the Nascent Soul Tiandao Cultivation Pill.

Can the same option appear twice?

A total of forty Heavenly Dao cultivation pills.

Satisfied, completely satisfied this time!

This is a good thing, but I don’t know where to get these forty pills when they are used up, and I don’t know if other sects have any information. Anyway, he didn’t see the existence of the Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill in Yuan Sect’s treasure house.

There is not even a foundation-building Heavenly Dao cultivation elixir.

By the way, Yuan Zong's batch of storage rings should have been cracked. It's been more than ten days. I'll take a look when it's done.

A thought came to my mind.

The Nascent Soul, which was spinning above Dantian, suddenly appeared in front of him.

He looked at the entry engraved on Nascent Soul's belly and couldn't help but laugh again.

"Entry name": A frequent visitor to the imperial edict.

"Entry level": green.

"Entry Effect": The rewards obtained from the Heavenly Edict will be doubled each time.

The effect this entry brought to him far exceeded some of the yellow and blue entries.

Although it is only a green entry.

But the effect is really good.

Either the Heavenly Edict has no rewards, but once there are rewards, they are all top-grade good things, such as the Tianjiao's Luck, and this mid-grade Heavenly Dao Carousel. This kind of reward is doubled, and the doubled value is not even redeemable. How many spiritual stones are there?

Although he didn't have many spiritual stones in his pocket along the way.

But if all the things he consumed were converted into spiritual stones, the entire Daxia and the entire Quzhou combined would probably be incomparable. If nothing else, just that ray of unparalleled genius' luck, if he could If he sells it and buys half of Quzhou, he thinks there shouldn't be much problem.

For most people, this entry is absolute garbage among garbage.

It's of no use at all.

At least so far, he has not seen anyone else receive the rewards from the Heavenly Edict except him.

But if it can be listed in the Heavenly Edict frequently, then this entry will be able to exert its full effect.

"Mid-grade Tiandao Carousel" can only be obtained when completing a milestone mission. It can be said to be extremely difficult to obtain. If there were no frequent visitors to the imperial edict, his current knowledge would be much less.

"It's still a pity."

Chen Lu looked at the broken pieces of the Heavenly Dao Wheel on the ground with regret. There are only twelve milestone tasks in Xuantian Continent, and no one has completed such a difficult task for so many years.

He was given a medium-grade Heavenly Dao Wheel.

It’s not that the medium-grade Heavenly Dao Wheel is not good.

I just think that the difficulty of the milestone task should be matched with a better reward.


He thought thoughtfully and didn't speak. Unless this medium-grade Heavenly Dao Wheel is not a real reward, but just a prize, and the real reward is actually the two statues, but he hasn't found any use for it yet.

Go to the Heavenly Palace again tomorrow to see if the person who just entered the Heavenly Palace has left any traces or something like that.

Then he took a deep breath again, threw away all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and prepared to start choosing the three entries that he randomly got for the first time after breaking through the Nascent Soul.


Let's start gambling!

"Dayuan City".

At this time, the sun was in the sky, and the streets were quite lively. From time to time, you can hear the shouting of vendors.

However, the most lively place is still the teahouse.

Almost all the teahouses in Dayuan City are full, and there are no empty seats. Even the outside of the teahouse is crowded inside and outside. Every time the storyteller in the teahouse hits the wooden stick and plays the ending sound of "but".

The crowd is always shocked and shocked.

Every teahouse is like this!

The storytellers in the teahouse originally eat the fate of the gods. Usually, not many people come to listen to their stories. Many times, they can only pick things in the past to talk about, such as the war that almost broke Quzhou thousands of years ago, which is still being talked about now.

If there are no new and fresh events, they can only talk about the old ones, and the events that can be passed down are also long-lasting. Although people have heard it several times, they don’t mind listening to it again.

But once a legendary figure emerges, this legendary figure will become a permanent guest in the storyteller’s mouth!

Until people are tired of listening.

At this time, all the storytellers in the teahouses in Dayuan City are talking about only one person, that is, the "Master of Chaotian Sect"!

"Hey, speaking of the leader of Chaotian Sect, Chen Yu, let me tell you, it is said that this person is the reincarnation of the saint of "Xuantian Sect" a hundred years ago!"

"It is precisely because of the hundreds of billions of merits in the previous life that he can become a peerless genius in this life. You should have seen the thunder punishment in the sky over Xiezhou a few days ago, right? If you go and see now, there are still traces of the heavenly punishment on the earth."

"According to some people with high cultivation, this is because the power of the heavenly punishment is too strong, leaving traces in the world, and these traces will remain for at least hundreds of years before gradually fading away."

"That day-"

"When the leader of Chaotian Sect, Chen Yu, defeated all the geniuses of the evil clan alone in a crushing manner, the three powerful gods of the evil clan suddenly attacked Chen Yu in a despicable and shameless manner, and Chen Yu was seriously injured on the spot! "

"If it were an ordinary person, he would probably have retreated. It is said that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. When a Jindan Tianjiao faces the attack of a powerful god-transforming master, it is already a blessing to be able to survive, so naturally there is no hope. "


"Is Chen Yu an ordinary person? !"

"At that time, Chen Yu was seriously injured and staggered alone in the storm. He walked to the front of more than 100,000 evil tribesmen, looked at the three powerful gods, and said only four words. "

"Guess what the four words were?"

After arousing the emotions of everyone present, the storyteller on the stage slammed the wooden stick, lifted up his skirt, took a step forward, and roared with his eyes wide open and his neck erect.


"The next moment--"


"Tsk. "

Fei Long, who was outside the teahouse, folded his arms and looked at the storyteller inside the teahouse, and couldn't help but sigh: "The storytellers in Xuantian Continent are better than those in Daxia. Look at this storyteller, he can also restore the scene and interpret the expression, which is much more professional than the storytellers in Daxia."

"It's just that..."

"At least 70% of what the storyteller in Daxia says is true."

"Seventy percent of what the storyteller in Xuantian Continent says is false. After knowing the general idea, the rest of the details are all made up by themselves."

"Even the reincarnation of the saint was mentioned. "

The eight Yuanying disciples of Chaotian Sect standing behind Feilong also looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes. This was their first time to set foot on Xuantian Continent. They had been staying in the small world before.

Everything looked fresh at this time.


It's just that the concentration of spiritual energy in the air is not as good as that in Daxia Nanzhou.

The eight of them wore black robes symbolizing the outer disciples of Chaotian Sect. Each of them wore a mask to cover the spiritual sense. Feilong and the scholar wore brown-red robes symbolizing the great elders of Chaotian Sect.

They all had one thing in common.

Each of them had a "Chao" word tattooed on his left chest with white needle and thread.

And at this time.

The people around also noticed this group of people who were obviously different from others. When their eyes fell on the "Chao" word on the chest of this group of people, they were stunned at first, but soon remembered something.


"Are they from ChaoTianZong?!"

Fei Long, who was standing at the front, coughed lightly and said hoarsely without expression after seeing someone noticed them: "Within ten breaths, the actual controller of Dayuan City must come out to see me!"

In the past, they needed to gather intelligence because they were not strong enough. Now, gathering intelligence is much simpler and more brutal. First, find someone who is qualified to talk to ChaoTianZong.


When you have both absolute wisdom and absolute force, no matter what problems you encounter, your absolute wisdom will let you go and fuck him!

As soon as Fei Long finished speaking.

The eight Yuanying disciples standing behind Fei Long stood there with cold faces, and their Yuanying cultivation instantly enveloped the entire Dayuan City.

"Yuan Yuanying, it's a Yuanying strongman!"

"The Yuanying elder of Chaotian Sect is here!"

Under the terrifying Yuanying cultivation, the people who were originally listening to the book around them all dispersed in panic. It is usually difficult to see Yuanying cultivators in Dayuan City show up, but today, I saw eight of them!

Chaotian Sect has a great reputation recently, but that is because the sect master is Chen Yu.

Isn't it said that Chaotian Sect is a sect that only relies on the sect master?

Who dares to say that this sect with eight Yuanying elders is a sect that only relies on the sect master? ! !

ps: There will be two more chapters later. The time difference these two days is a bit chaotic. I will post the typos first and correct them later. Please give me some monthly votes~

I used to get up early, finish writing during the day, and post it regularly in the evening. Now I get up a little late, so I moved the writing time to the evening~

Forgive me, my dears.

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