Quzhou, Qicheng.

Not long after the edict of heaven was sounded, Feilong and Shusheng found Chen Yuan. The Nascent Soul Battle Power Ranking Secret Realm ended late, and the remaining two ended early. Only the Nascent Soul Battle Power Ranking was delayed. A little longer.

"Brother Xiang, we are back."

At a roadside stall in Qicheng, Feilong and the scholar walked straight up to Chen Yuan. Feilong, in particular, stood there with a complex expression and was a little confused as to what to say, but he gritted his teeth and said hoarsely.

"Brother Yuan, I've been thinking about you. I want to resign as the great elder of the Mootian Sect, and just stay in the mountains behind the Mootian Sect from now on. After all, those brown bears need to be fed by someone, and I will be responsible for it from now on. These, as well as Brother Yu, your Yeyue Wolf Demon also needs someone to take care of him. The sect needs such a person, so I think it’s just right.”


Chen Yang raised his head and glanced at Fei Long and the two in front of him before waving his hands: "Sit down and talk. Eat something first. It's early in the morning."

"What's wrong? Are you being bullied outside?"

"You're going to say you're quitting when you come back?"

"No one bullies me," Feilong said cowardly: "I just feel that it is difficult to convince the public with my strength, including my contribution to the sect. Although the scholar's current cultivation level is also low, but with the help of Jindan Tiandao The cultivation pill and the scholar's understanding of the sword's intention can quickly rush forward."

"And I will be completely useless from now on."

"I can no longer practice dual cultivation."

Having said that, Feilong stopped talking nonsense and showed his third entry in front of Chen Siong: "This is one of the three entries I will choose after breaking through the golden elixir."


Chen Yuan looked at the entry "ignoring barriers" in front of him. After a long time, he picked up a piece of dirt cake and put it into his mouth: "It doesn't matter, you can still practice dual cultivation. This will not affect your nine-fold cultivation progress."

"But you will definitely get pregnant every time, whether you are a demon cultivator or a human cultivator."

"Why are you pregnant?"

"I have to raise children! I can't have a lot of children behind me, right?"

"Kill them all."


Feilong fell into silence.


Chen Yuan interrupted Fei Long's thoughts and chuckled: "Since the Great Elder gave it to you, he can't resign unless you die. Don't worry, I will think of a solution for you. There must be a solution. You first talk to The scholar will go to the back mountain of Chaotian Sect for a while."

"Let the scholar chat with you for a while, so as not to feel depressed."

Then he stood up, took Fei Long and the scholar into the small world, and walked towards the outside of Qi City.

He has a very important thing to do now.

That is to turn on the middle-grade Tiandao turntable.

Find a feng shui treasure.

He has returned from the Heavenly Palace, and his third statue has been erected in the Heavenly Palace again. It has to be said that the filters and beauty added by Heaven are a bit too heavy.

The actual picture is——

He stood at the entrance of the alley, holding the Tianji umbrella in both hands, looking at the rising sun on the horizon. It was an ordinary scene.

And the scene in the Heavenly Palace is——

Wearing a black robe, he stood with an indifferent expression in front of a black hole that seemed to swallow up people's hearts. The rays of the morning sun fell on him, causing his face to glow softly.

Facing the sun, facing away from the darkness.

It seems quite sensible.

There is still some residual power of heaven and earth on this statue, and this artistic conception can be faintly felt from it. There are only a few strokes when carving, but it gives people an unusual feeling.

After admiring his three statues in the Tiangong for a while, he looked at other milestone tasks again to see if any of them could be completed soon, and then he lay down at the crack of the Tiangong door and looked outside as usual.

After finding nothing, he left the Heavenly Palace.

Several of the remaining milestones are quite difficult.

For example, one of the milestone tasks was to have a total of 300 billion merit points or 300 billion sin points. Just kidding, he thought that no one in the entire Xuantian Continent might be able to complete this task!

What is the value of 300 billion merit?

When he realized the Dao Yuanying with the twelfth-grade Nascent Soul, he only gained less than 90 billion merit points. If he wanted to collect 300 billion, he had to attain the twelfth-grade Nascent Soul four times in a row. That would be enough. Four times.

The entire Xuantian Continent has not had a single twelfth-grade Nascent Soul for so many years, and now it is necessary to let him go four times.

Even if the merit value of mending the sky can reach hundreds of billions, it will still take three days to mend the sky.

That day is not some mortal thing that can break three times in a row and ask you to repair it.

And the crime value of 300 billion is even more outrageous. He slaughtered an evil state to only add 2.9 billion crime value. If he wanted to have a crime value of 300 billion, I wonder if he could kill the entire Xuantian Continent. Would that be enough?

I'm afraid it's still far from enough.

Chen Yuan looked at his sin value of 2.9 billion on the Tiandao rankings and sighed, feeling a little helpless.

When he entered the seventh level of the golden elixir, he randomly came across an entry called "The Land of Merit and Virtue".


"Name of Entry": Merit and Virtue

"Entry level": yellow.

"Entry Effect": The more sin points you have, the faster your movement speed will be.


The effect is very simple, that is, the more sin points, the faster the movement speed. It can be said that if it can be matched with his 2.9 billion sin points, I don't know how outrageous it will be, and his speed will most likely be stretched to the limit!

In the same realm, no one knows the movement speed faster than him!

Even the Transformation God, if you simply compete with him in physical skills without using other means, you may not be as good as him.


He didn't choose this entry at the time!

At that time, he had never heard of the sin value, and he didn't know where to get this entry. At that time, there was a better entry for him to choose, "Merit Protection". The effect of this entry is very simple. The higher the merit value, the higher the success rate of surviving the thunder tribulation.

At that time, he had nearly 10 billion merit values. Although he would not survive the thunder tribulation for the time being, he still chose this entry.

Now thinking of "Merit Guidi" still feels a little painful in his heart. I hope that he can get this entry randomly in the future, or ask if there are any entry jade slips produced for this entry, but looking at this effect, it is probably known that there will be no entry jade slips produced.

There is a milestone task that is about to be completed.

"Nominated 20 times by the Heavenly Dao Edict".

He has been nominated 15 times now.

Five more times will be enough.

The nomination here does not require you to achieve any amazing achievements, nor does it require you to be the top of the Heavenly Dao rankings. Your name only needs to appear in the Heavenly Dao Edict, no matter what the content of the Heavenly Dao Edict is.

While thinking about random things, Chen Yu turned into a gilded light and shot out to the outskirts of Qicheng.

And at this time——

In Zhongzhou Buddhism.

An old man in a cassock looked at Kongming who was seriously injured and returned. He was silent for a long time before whispering: "Go back and recuperate first, I will take care of the rest."


Although Kongming was seriously injured at this time, he didn't care about it at all. He just looked ashen with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He looked up at the old man in front of him and trembled: "The tenth-grade Yuanying was dug away."

"The thousand-year-old relic is gone too."

Tenth-grade Yuanying.

This is the foundation accumulated by Buddhism over the years, formed for him.

He hadn't used the effect of the tenth-grade Yuanying well, and he hadn't enjoyed it for a few days, but he was directly dug away, along with his Buddhist treasure, the thousand-year-old relic.

He just came down the mountain and returned to the mountain.

He didn't expect to get back so quickly, mainly because Chen Yu used two full-strength attacks from the Spiritualization Stage when they met, leaving no room for him to fight back, and also ignored his exorcism spell. The self-destruction item played a greater role in the ring than he imagined.

Damn it!

Why is there a ring in the Nascent Soul Secret Realm!

If he hadn't been confined to an overly narrow ring, he wouldn't have lost at all. Even if he lost, it would be impossible for his Nascent Soul and relics to be dug out. As long as it was an open small world, he could use countless means.

The full-strength attack of the fifth level of the Spiritualization cultivation could not hit him so easily!


The old man in the cassock nodded, put his palms together, tilted his head and looked towards the direction of Quzhou, and whispered: "I know, I will arrange this matter, you go to the back mountain to recuperate first."

Zhongzhou, Sanchun Tower.

At this time, the heads of several small families in Zhongzhou were gathered in the welcoming pavilion of Sanchun Tower and complained bitterly.

"Young Master, my son followed your sister to win over Chen Chu, but he was killed by Chen Chu and your sister. You must avenge us!"

"Yes, Young Master, our family has always fully supported you. Young Master, you said that you wanted to take advantage of the other top forces to close the mountains and hide from the world, so that Sanchunlou could grow into the next top force in Zhongzhou in the troubled times. We followed you without saying a word."

"Now that someone in our family has died, we can't swallow this breath!"

"No matter what, Chen Chu is just a Yuanying It's only the fifth floor. He relied on the self-destruction entry to sneak attack and kill a god. But as long as the strong ones among the gods are sent to attack, Chen Yu will definitely be defeated! "

"And Chen Yu must have a lot of good things on him along the way. If they can fall into our hands, it can greatly increase our foundation."

"Yes, yes."

Although the heads of these small families were full of sorrow and pain in their words, they did not look too sad. After all, as a family, they don't have much, just many children, and a few children died.

As the heads of the families, they usually have to worry about many things, and they don't have much time for retreat.

For some people who have been retreating for a long time, it is normal for them to not remember that they have a child when they come out of retreat.


The young master of Sanchun Tower, who was sitting in the main seat, leaned on the back of the chair with his eyes slightly drooped. His face looked quite young but angular. At this time, his knuckles were tapping rhythmically on the table.

After a while.

The tapping stopped.

The young master of Sanchun Tower also raised his head with slightly red eyes and glanced at everyone: "Chen Lu killed my sister, she is my only sister, and my hatred for Chen Lu is greater than all of you put together."

"People must be killed!"

"You all call out your ancestors from the closed-door state, and my third master of the late stage of the third floor of the third floor, the "deputy master", will lead the team to personally go and kill Chen Lu!"


The remaining families were slightly stunned, and they all saw the unwillingness in each other's eyes. They obviously didn't want their ancestors to take action. What if Chen Lu self-destructed a few more entries and injured or even killed their ancestors?

The chaotic times are coming, and without the ancestors of the third floor to stabilize the family's fortune, it means no sense of security.

They don't want their ancestors to be injured before the chaotic times come.

But the words have been forced here.

They looked at the red eyes of the young poster and knew that the emotions in the young poster's heart could no longer be suppressed. If they refused at this time, everything would be over, so they could only agree, stand up and retreat away.

After the people from these small families left, the young master of Sanchunlou, who was sitting in the main seat, breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in his chair with a dazed expression.

This should be foolproof.

Let the deputy landlord lead the team and take all the powerful gods from these families in a circle away from Quzhou, so that there will be no direct conflict with Chen Yuan for the time being.

Chen swim.

He was a little unsure about this person. Even if he was led by a late-stage God-Transformation team and a few early-stage God-Transformation troops, with such a luxurious power, he had no confidence at all that he could kill Chen Yuan with this.

Even in my heart I am more inclined to fail.

This kind of proud man is always difficult to kill. He knows it, so he must find a foolproof way to kill him. What does foolproof mean?

That is of course pure realm crushing!

I can't even crush you at the stage of becoming a god, right?


Can a strong man above the God Transformation stage crush you?

The ancestor of their "Sanchun Tower" who is at the peak of god transformation has been preparing for a breakthrough these years, but has not yet waited for the perfect opportunity. The most important thing for Sanchun Tower now is to keep Sanchun Tower as quiet as possible, and wait for his ancestor to go smoothly. After the breakthrough, everything is easy to say.

When the time comes, just crush that Chen Yang to death.

But he was also worried that the gods of these small families would find Chen Yuan by themselves, and finally let Chen Yun follow the clues all the way to him, and then start a battle in the Sanchun Tower, which would eventually affect the ancestor's breakthrough in seclusion, which would be more than worth the gain. .

I had no choice but to ask the deputy landlord to take the avatars of these families for a walk to a place far away from Quzhou.

Not to kill the enemy.

It would be enough to hold back the gods of these small families for the time being. At least for this period of time, the conflicts between the two parties should not intensify anymore and remain in this state. If Sanchunlou did not take the initiative to pursue and kill him, he did not think that Chen Yang would have the guts to take the lead. Sanchun Tower.

Although his sister died, he was very sad.

But people cannot be resurrected, so people should focus on things that can be changed rather than things that cannot be changed.

Quzhou, outside Qicheng, is on a high mountain.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, two people were drinking tea facing the rising sun.

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged with a calm expression in front of a tea table made of fierce wood. His aura controlled a rootless fire brought from beneath the boundless desert of Daxia to make tea.

On the tea tray next to him, there was a little remaining tea leaves.

He used the melted ice of ten thousand years as tea. After cleaning the two teacups, he took out the tea clip and placed a teacup in front of the middle-aged man sitting opposite. He then rolled up his sleeves and held a fair cup to the man in front of him. After the empty glass is half full.

Then he smiled as gently as the spring breeze.

"Try it. The tea produced in my hometown tastes pretty good when used as ration tea."

The middle-aged man in front of me calls himself Ao Tian!

Said he was the leader of the Dragon Clan.

He originally went to this high mountain, thinking that it was the place illuminated by the first ray of purple energy coming from the east, and it must be a geomantic treasure, but he didn't expect that he had just arrived and had not yet had time to turn on the Tiandao Carousel.

This man appeared in front of him.

The cultivation level at the peak of divine transformation is enough to be suffocating, but if this man introduces his identity a little slowly, he will have already retreated into his small world.

Since he belongs to the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan still owes him a favor and should not take action easily.

But even so!

He still inadvertently took out the "meritorious defense order" from the Tiandao ring and stuffed it into the clothes on his abdomen. This ensured that he could activate the meritorious defense order as quickly as possible in case of danger.

You need to establish contact with the storage ring before your spiritual consciousness, take out the "merit defense order" and then activate the merit defense order, which is a quick step.


The man sitting opposite Chen Yuan looked at the tea set with a complex expression and a slight jealousy.

Tea tray, teapot, tea cup, fair cup.

Tea bags, tea needles, tea clips, tea scrapers, tea drains, and tea tubes.

That's called a complete set, and the most outrageous thing is that this set is actually all Tiandao Lingbao and a set of tea sets from Tiandao Lingbao, but he doesn't have one, which makes him suddenly jealous. He kind of wants this tea set from Tiandao Lingbao. .

The collecting nature of the Dragon Clan was once again reflected at this moment.

Then he picked up the tea cup and brought it to his mouth and sniffed it.

Fresh fragrance.

Although the tea is boiling, I can clearly feel a chill. This feeling of ice and fire is quite strange.

Spring water melted by tens of thousands of years of ice is used to make tea. Although I don’t know what kind of tea it is, it must be a good year’s tea.

Then Ao Tian drank half the cup of tea in his hand.

It has a slightly astringent taste in the mouth, a sweet aftertaste, and a very cold taste.

Even though the tea is boiling, there is a chill after the tea enters the stomach. This refreshing chill makes people feel instantly refreshed.


This tea actually contains the power of heaven and earth!

Although it was very weak, he still noticed clearly that this set of tea sets from Tiandao Lingbao was also among the top ones among Tiandao Lingbao!


Ao Tian, ​​a middle-aged man, felt the power of heaven and earth in his mouth, and couldn't help but have a flash of horror in his eyes. It can be said that none of the things in front of him are ordinary, and these things are basically useless.

It doesn't help much either in terms of combat power or cultivation.

But just like this, one can show one's financial resources!

This Chen swim is extraordinary!


As the saying goes, wealth always comes first in the path of spiritual practice. Since Chen Yuan has become famous recently, he will definitely not be short of wealth. From ancient times to the present, no peerless genius has been short of this thing, or Even without this thing, it is impossible to become a peerless genius.

The middle-aged man Ao Tian slowly put down the teacup in his hand.

He looked at the young man in front of him with a complicated expression.

Although I have heard the name Chen Yang for a long time, today is the first time I see him in person.

He was at the peak level of the God Transformation. Chen Yuan was only at the fifth level of Nascent Soul, but when facing him, he didn't even turn on the protective aura. The whole process was quite natural, and he didn't feel like he was facing a superior person at all.

Then this is basically only one possibility!

This is Chen Yuan who is confident that he can survive even if he suddenly becomes violent.


The human race is really a perverted race. They give birth very quickly, and a genius will appear from time to time.

Most races, and no race, are like the human race, where civil wars break out within themselves from time to time, and then they can still maintain a strong population, as if they are dying endlessly.

Oh, yes, there is also a demon clan.

The demon clan is even more magical. They have been divided for many years, and they have been constantly biting each other and having civil wars. However, they can still inherit it well. The dragon clan is so cautious that they are afraid of death, but in the end they are almost exterminated.

Let out a long breath.

Ao Tian didn't think any more, looked at Chen Yuan slightly seriously, and said slowly.

"You saved the black dragon."

"This is a great favor. According to the rules of the Dragon Clan, the Black Dragon has left you a reverse scale. In the future, you can hold this reverse scale and go to the Dragon Clan to put forward any conditions, or the Dragon Clan will send someone to bring a valuable treasure. I’ll trade this piece of reverse scale with you.”

"That's why I'm here today."

Although he has lived long enough and has lived for thousands of years, he has spent almost most of his time on Dragon Island. He has not communicated with humans for a long time, and he is still a little uncomfortable communicating at this time.

He had almost forgotten what the human race's social etiquette was.


"That day, I just drew my sword to help when there was injustice. Heilong was a good boy. It would be a pity to die in the secret realm."

"It's just a little effort."

Chen Yang chuckled and nodded, without saying anything, he took out the inverse scale from his pocket, placed it on the table and pushed it away. He picked up the teacup in front of Ao Tian with a tea clip and thought about it while cleaning it. .

After the teacup is cleaned, push the teacup in front of Ao Tian again.

He poured tea for him from a fair cup and said softly in a calm voice: "It's no problem to exchange for Ni Lin with a treasure of sufficient weight, such as Nascent Soul Tiandao Cultivation Pill, something like this."

The words have not yet finished.

Then Ao Tian's eyes lit up: "My benefactor, do you need the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill? It's simple. Is 1,000 enough?"


Chen Yuan poured the tea for him without shaking his hands and his heart stopped, then sat back on his seat again and continued with an indifferent expression.

"For example, Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill, this kind of thing... is naturally not possible."

Then he looked up at Ao Tian and said casually: "Are you missing the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill?"

"I'm not lacking." Ao Tian shook his head.

"Then do you think I'm lacking?"

Ao Tian thought for a while and shook his head seriously: "My benefactor can practice from the first level of Yuanying to the fifth level of Yuanying in a few days. Naturally, there is no shortage of it. Moreover, he can't do it if he only has the Yuanying Tiandao cultivation pill. To achieve such a fast cultivation speed, the benefactor must have other stronger methods. "

"now it's right."

Chen Yuan chuckled and filled a cup of tea for himself: "Who is a serious person who lacks the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill?"

"Don't worry about Ni Lin. It doesn't matter if there is any reward. I didn't do it that day for reward. The main thing is that the kid Hei Long looks really cute and worth helping."

"No way." Ao Tian shook his head angrily and said, "This child is not obedient at all. It almost makes me mad. I have been told to leave immediately when I reach the secret realm, but this child just is disobedient."

"If I hadn't met your benefactor."

"I can't imagine what will happen."

"It's normal. Children are all skinny when they are young." Chen Yang smiled and drank all the tea in the cup before putting away the Tiandao Lingbao tea set and taking out two jars of spiritual wine again: "Speaking of these days, I also have a lot of troubles. I always want to find someone to have a drink with, but it’s hard to find a confidant.”

"Liquor is such a hard thing to swallow when you drink it alone or when you are forced to drink with people you don't like."

"But when you meet a close friend, a thousand cups is too little."

"Today you and I are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, why don't we have a drink together?"


After hesitating for a moment, Ao Tian finally put his consciousness into the wine and confirmed that it was not poisonous: "Since my benefactor is so elegant, I feel free to accompany him!"

An hour later.

At this time, Ao Tian was already drunk, his eyes were red and he hugged Chen Siong's shoulders. His body was full of alcohol, and his speech was stumbling. There was even some excitement in his voice: "Really, brother."

"You are the only one who understands me all these years."

"No one understands me, no one knows how painful my life has been for thousands of years."

"Those people only know that the Dragon Clan has a long lifespan and strong combat power, but they simply cannot understand what it feels like to watch the Dragon Clan disappear step by step."

“It’s been something that’s been weighing on my chest all these years.”

"But there is no one to communicate with. Brother, do you know what it feels like to have no one to speak the truth to for thousands of years? There are only juniors in the dragon clan, and no one can understand me. Everyone in Xuantian Continent wants to kill me, and I dare not come to Xuantian Continent."

"So many years have passed."

"Brother, I--"

Ao Tian's eyes were red and he patted his chest hard: "Brother, I feel so uncomfortable here!"

"I feel uncomfortable!"

"For thousands of years, only you, my brother, understand me!"

Chen Lu was also out of character at this time. He was also drunk and hugged Ao Tian's shoulders, stuttering and shaking his head. Said: "Brother, I understand you. Others don't understand you, but I do."

"Brother, you have been wronged over the years. It's okay in the future. I am here. If you have any grievances, you can come to me."

"Don't look at me, I am only at the fifth level of the Nascent Soul now."

"When I reach the peak of the Spiritualization in the future, you can come to Xuantian Continent whenever you want. If anyone dares to stop you, I will kill his whole family!"

"Good! Temperament!"

Ao Tian patted Chen Yu's shoulder with excitement, picked up the wine jar in his hand and was about to pour it into his mouth, but found that the wine jar was empty. He threw the empty wine jar aside and took out two jars of spirit wine from the storage ring.

Before the mud was lifted, the fragrance was already fragrant.

The rich spiritual energy that drifted out almost condensed into substance.

Top-grade spirit wine.

"Brother, your tea is really good, but your wine is really not good. Come and drink some of my wine and taste how it tastes."

"Try it!"

Chen Lu generously split the wine jar with one hand, and then held the wine jar and poured it into his mouth. As soon as this sip of wine entered his throat, Chen Lu's drunkenness was slightly dissipated. The rich spiritual energy contained in the spiritual wine.

It actually increased his cultivation progress by 1%.

Damn, this is just a sip of wine.

He immediately gulped down a few more sips, and then put down the wine jar, continued to hug Ao Tian's shoulders, and said drunkenly: "Brother, tell me what the specific situation of your dragon clan is. Isn't the lifespan of the dragon clan at least thousands of years?"

"Why can you fall to the brink of extinction?"

"Is there something unspeakable?"

"Brother, see if there is anything I can help with."

PS: There will be two more chapters later, probably tomorrow morning.

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