"Wait a minute."

"Sanchunlou" the ancestor's eyes narrowed slightly, with a cold look in his eyes: "I finally got out of seclusion, so I have to ask my old friends to come and see me."

"Didn't you just say that Chen Yuan is a prodigy who has suddenly become famous in Xuantian Continent? He has the combat power to kill the peak of the Nascent Soul at the fifth level of the Nascent Soul, and he also takes the top spot in the ranking of the Nascent Soul's combat power. In return, he is one of the most famous geniuses in Xuantian Continent. When the golden elixir reaches its peak, it will kill the evil clan."

"The record is not weak."

"Why don't we organize a "Killing and Swimming Banquet" and call all my old friends over to get together. "

A flash of understanding flashed in the young building master's eyes, and he nodded immediately: "What the ancestor said is absolutely true, I will give the order right now."

The Ancestor's meaning is very obvious. He finally got out of seclusion. Although he did not break through to the Void Refining stage, he was still halfway through refining the Void Realm. He had to let everyone see his strength.

Otherwise, wouldn’t this barrier be closed in vain?

By the way, let’s promote the reputation of Sanchun Tower.

Although Chen Yuan's strength is not strong, he cannot resist his famous reputation. If he can kill Chen Yuan in front of everyone, he can indeed use Chen Yuan's reputation to make "Sanchun Tower" famous.

I have to say that the older generation is very considerate.

Things that can only bring 10% benefit originally can get 130% benefit with a little modification.


The ancestor nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that I am right to choose you as the young landlord. Your brain is flexible enough. You can go down and take care of this matter. The banquet will be tonight. I will set up the formation first."


Zhongzhou, a small family, the "Cao Family".

At this time, the old man and the young man were frowning in deep thought without speaking.

Cao is a very niche surname, but just as something that is 90% unlikely to happen, there is still a slight chance of it happening, and this surname does exist.

And it's even doing well.

The strongest person in the "Cao family" is the head of the Cao family, who has reached the middle stage of divine transformation.

Although it is a small and unknown family in Zhongzhou and seems a bit inconspicuous in front of various forces, he is the only one in the Cao family who can become a god.

But if placed in a place like Xiajiuzhou or Shangjiuzhou, the strongest person in the God Transformation Stage can already suppress a world, just like the strongest person in Quzhou is only in the early stage of God Transformation, not even in the middle stage of God Transformation.

If the "Cao family" is willing to go to Quzhou, then it will be the most powerful force in Quzhou.

At this time, the atmosphere in the study room in the courtyard of "Cao's Family" seemed quite depressing.


After a long time, it was the young man who was the first to frown and said, "Didn't you always tell me not to report Chen Yuan's traces even if I find them? You'd better hide in the family during this period and don't go anywhere?"

"but now"

"Sanchunlou invited us to attend the "Killing Banquet" tonight. We want to behead Chen Swimming as an appetizer before midnight tonight. "

"So sure, it seems that Sanchunlou has captured Chen Yuan alive and will be able to behead him easily before midnight tonight."

"Father, didn't you say that Chen Yuan is unpredictable? Now it seems that he has fallen into trouble."

"No no no"

After the middle-aged man took a deep breath, he looked up at his son with a serious face: "I ask you, if you are a twelfth-grade golden elixir or a twelfth-grade Nascent Soul, when you break through to the gods, will you be the deepest?" What is your obsession?”

"Yes." The young man frowned and thought, and then said thoughtfully: "Is it the twelfth-level god-forming realm?"

"That's right!"

The head of the Cao family slammed the table and said in a deep voice: "It is the realm of the twelfth-level god transformation. A genius who has come all the way with the perfect level of golden elixir and Yuanying. When he breaks through to the god transformation, the first thing he considers is It must be the realm of twelfth-level god transformation!”

"This is the inertia of human thinking."

"But Chen Hong is a casual cultivator and his resources are definitely not enough. What should we do at this time?"

"Of course we'll start with plundering. Maybe the Sanchunlou Patriarch has been kidnapped by Chen Xuan at this time, and he'll send out news to lure us over, and then we can catch them all in one fell swoop!"

"Although the ancestor of Sanchunlou broke through to the half-step Void Refining Realm after he came out of seclusion, he crushed Chen Yuan to a great realm, and almost entered the Xuantian Invincible Realm."


The head of the Cao family murmured in a daze: "That is the twelfth-grade Nascent Soul, an existence that has not existed in the Xuantian Continent for tens of thousands of years. Do you believe that such a person can die like this so easily?"

"Yes, I don't know how a person at the peak of Nascent Soul can be held hostage for half a step to practice."

"But I also don't know how a casual cultivator can forge a twelfth-grade golden elixir and form a twelfth-grade Nascent Soul. Anything that happens to such a person is beyond our imagination and is normal!"

"So according to my speculation, this "Killing Banquet" is a trap set by Chen Swim! "

"The purpose is to catch us all, and did you find that "Sanchun Tower" did not invite the top forces in Zhongzhou this time? It was only small families like us who were invited. We usually have no contact with Sanchun Tower, why did they invite us inexplicably? ? "

"It means that Chen Yuan's strength can only annex small families like ours at present, and he cannot provoke the top forces in Zhongzhou for the time being."


The head of the Cao family looked at the products in the merit store and said meaningfully: "Have you seen those rare-level deity realms? Each one is worth 20 billion merit points."

"Everyone in Xuantian Continent can't afford it, but only one person can afford it, and that's Chen Yuan."

"For a person of this level, do you believe he will die like this tonight?"

"The only thing that's dead is the number of people who went to the banquet."

The young man lowered his head and pondered for a long time before looking up at his father and giving him a thumbs up. He said seriously, "Father is indeed an old man in the world. He thinks about problems from a different perspective. Do you mean we should just refuse?"

"That won't work either."

The head of the Cao family shook his head and said, "I'm just guessing. Maybe Sanchunlou has really captured Chen Lu alive and is going to kill him in public tonight. If we refuse now, Sanchunlou will inevitably settle accounts with our Cao family in the future."

"Let's agree first, and then on the way Walk slowly, don't rush. If Sanchunlou really killed Chen Lu in public, we can say that we were delayed on the way. If there is an accident, it will not involve us. "

"No matter how the situation develops."

"It will always be harmless to our Cao family."


The young man was completely convinced at this time, and said with emotion: "Father can lead the Cao family from a small family in Shangjiuzhou all the way to Zhongzhou, which is really worthy of the reputation."


Being praised by his son, the head of the Cao family couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Dragon Island, on the highest mountain.

Ao Tianzheng looked at Chen Lu with a serious expression: "Brother, the plan seems to have gone wrong. Isn't our plan to wait for the war and strife to start in Xuantian Continent, and then sneakily take advantage of the chaos to rob?"

"But now the human race, the demon race, and the demon race are all very stable."

"There is no sign of war in these three powerful races in Xuantian Continent, and they don't look like they are going to fight at all."

"How should we deal with it?"


Chen Lu held his chin with one hand and thought for a long time before he said softly: "Wait another day and see. If there is still no action after tonight, we will take the initiative to attack."

"Start with some weak forces first . "


Ao Tian nodded heavily, looking a little anxious: "This batch of dragon cubs will be born soon, I have to prepare the resources for them to break through the God Transformation."

"By the way--"

Ao Tian suddenly thought of something and hesitated: "Didn't you tell me last time that you met the Vast Continent after the Sky Repair was over? I felt familiar with this name when I heard it. "

"I looked through the ancient books of the Dragon Clan these days, and there really is this name."

"But the ancient books of the Dragon Clan cannot be understood by outsiders, only the Dragon Clan can understand them. I copied down some relevant information. Take a look and see if it is useful."

After Ao Tian left.

Chen Yu flipped through the information that Ao Tian copied in his hand. There was no too important information. Basically, the first generation of the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan came from the Vast Continent.

Tens of thousands of years ago.

And it seems that he is a prisoner of the Dragon Clan.

After a few glances, he didn't think much, but was just thinking about how to complete the remaining milestone tasks. Among these twelve milestone tasks, one milestone task is the most difficult.

"Unify Xuantian".

And what counts as unifying Xuantian? It means that all forces, big or small, whether they are sects, families, or cities, etc.

The words "under the jurisdiction of Chaotian Sect" must be engraved in many conspicuous places.

Including various races such as demons and monsters.

As long as it reaches more than 95% coverage, it is considered to unify Xuantian. This milestone task is the most difficult one among them.

You must know that there are countless forces in Xuantian Continent. Even if he really has the strength to suppress the entire Xuantian Continent, it is quite difficult to do this even if all the disciples of Chaotian Sect are sent out to do this door to door.

Or give an order and let all forces do it. The forces below can report each other. If any surrounding forces fail to do it, they will be rewarded heavily, and then slaughter this force.


Maybe there is a better way.

When the numerator is difficult to solve, the denominator can be solved.

As long as all the forces of Xuantian Continent were slaughtered, only a few forces would be left, and then these forces would be made to submit to Chaotian Sect. Wouldn't it be easy to "unify Xuantian"?

He shook his head without thinking too much. The remaining milestone tasks were being slowly advanced step by step, but it would take about two or three years to complete them all.

By that time, the dragon clan had already given birth to several batches of dragon cubs.

His Nascent Soul had also given birth to many cubs.

Then he looked at the "Sin Value Store".

The things in the "Sin Value Store" can be said to be completely different from those in the "Merit Value Store".

There is also a God Transformation Domain.

For example -

"One Thought of Heaven and Earth".

The rare God Transformation Domain has only one effect, that is, all the creatures that died in the domain will be transformed into vitality and absorbed by itself.

Even including spiritual trees and spiritual herbs.

He was also very tempted by this domain.

The price is just a bit outrageous. 20 billion sin points, he can't afford it in his lifetime. He slaughtered an evil state to get 2.9 billion sin points, which is still considered a bonus for exterminating a clan. Otherwise, just killing so many people would not reach 2.9 billion sin points.

It is much more difficult to obtain sin points than merit points.

20 billion sin points means he has to slaughter seven or eight evil states to get so many sin points.


He gave up this field temporarily. Suddenly, he felt that this field was not worth 20 billion sin points. After all, it was just a field for killing monsters to recover health.

That's it.

It is far inferior to his "Infinite Spiritual Energy" and "Three Thousand Thunders."

After tonight, if there is still no movement from the human race and the demon race, he will take the initiative to attack. Isn't it the demon race that always tries to sow discord at this time? Why didn't they react this time?


Xuantian Continent, Demon State.

"How is it?"

In a palace in the core city of Demon State, a middle-aged man sitting on the highest chair looked at his only son below and said with a little complacency.

"It has been three days, and neither the human race nor the demon race has come to attack us."

"It seems that our strategy has been effective. A few days ago, we announced to the public that no matter which of the human race and the demon race attacks us, we will unconditionally surrender to the other side."

"The strength of the human race and the demon race is not much different. At this time, our demon race can just play the role of the final word."

"Hmm" The young demon standing below was silent with an expressionless face.

"So now we have to send troops to the dwarfs and eliminate all these damn dwarf monsters. Son, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Hmm" The young demon standing below continued to be silent with an expressionless face.

"Very good!"

The middle-aged man looked at his favorite generals around him, nodded with satisfaction, and then stood up and said loudly: "Then this chaotic world will be officially opened by our demon clan!"

"Call all the clan members above the Jindan cultivation level to join the war!"

"Completely exterminate the dwarf clan and plunder the racial luck of the dwarf clan to enhance the strength of our demon clan!"

"Everything is for the demon clan!!"


In the hall, a group of strong men with demon horns on their heads, with fanatical faces, placed their right hands on their left chests and shouted: "Ulla!!!"


The young demon clan nodded silently again, then crossed the fanatical crowd, returned to his study, sat in the study, and looked out the window blankly.

He was born into a prominent family.

He is the only son of the demon clan leader. The demon clan is a large clan in Xuantian Continent. It can be said that he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. In this way, he cultivated smoothly to the transformation of the gods.

Moreover, he had obtained the eighth-grade divine transformation realm that was coveted by outsiders with almost no effort.

The eighth-grade divine transformation realm "Demon Destruction" made him almost invincible among his peers.

Logically speaking, his life was destined to be brilliant.


Something went wrong.

The demons in history have always been cautious, but everything has changed since his father took the position of the patriarch.

His patriarch is a crazy war criminal.

In his father's eyes, the demons should bring fear to others, and that's what they are called.

If you stay at home every day and dare not go anywhere, you are called the rabbit tribe, not the demons.

What is fear?

It means that I would rather die than bite you.

Although he did not agree with this idea, he had to say that his father's fanatical thoughts were very contagious, and soon infected a group of old demons after he took office.

Especially since the demons have been quite depressed in recent years, in this case, his father's thoughts can be said to be perfectly in line with the needs of the demons.


He looked down at the small jade ball on the desk.

He had always had a big secret deep in his inner breath, which he had not told anyone, and that was this small jade ball.

The young demon sat in the study and looked around. After confirming that there was no sign of damage to the soundproof array, he looked at the small jade ball and whispered.

"Senior, is the Chaotian Sect really so terrifying?"

The small jade ball in his hand contained a wisp of demon soul that had been floating in the Xuantian Continent for tens of thousands of years. The reason why he could grow so fast was because this wisp of soul taught him a lot.

In the eyes of outsiders, he had achieved his current achievements without any effort.

But in fact, only he knew.

A lot of credits were due to this wisp of demon elder soul.

As soon as the voice fell——

A wisp of soul suddenly floated out of the small jade ball on the table, and a demon shadow floated on the desk, looking at the figure of the young demon in the study with a trance and said complicatedly.

"Over tens of thousands of years, the demons have really changed a lot, and they dare to take the initiative to start the first battle."

"Chaotian Sect."

"It has been too long, even if there are still scattered records in ancient books, people nowadays still cannot fully understand the horror of Chaotian Sect back then."

"Millions of sword cultivators, wherever they pass, they are like locusts, leaving no grass alive!"

"When hundreds of sword cultivators in the spirit form their domains, it is like the end of the world. That is the real first force in Xuantian Continent, and no one in the world can stop it!"

"In the end, it was only with the joint efforts of many forces of the human race, the demon race, and the evil race that Chaotian Sect was eradicated. But I didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, Chaotian Sect would revive again. Moreover, the current leader is more talented than the leader of Chaotian Sect at that time. "

"It's just not clear whether there was an accident in the inheritance, and the sword cultivator became a magic cultivator."

"That battle was so dark!"

"The Chaotian Sect joined forces with the Dragon Clan to fight against the human race, the demon race and the evil race of Xuantian Continent!"

"The final outcome was that the human race and the demon race won a tragic victory, the evil race suffered the most, the Chaotian Sect was completely declared extinct, and the dragon race was almost extinct. It was precisely because of this battle that even though the evil race has been passed down to this day, the human race has not sent masters to destroy the evil race, and the occasional friction below does not care about it. "

"What did the demon race do in that battle?" The young demon frowned and asked.

"Good question. "

The phantom of the demon senior in the study said silently: "The demons are naturally hiding, otherwise what else could they do? The grudge against the dwarfs was also forged at that time."

"Everyone is hiding underground, so naturally there will be conflicts."

"But I went to visit that battle. I swear, I just wanted to visit, and then I died. Fortunately, I had some background and did not die completely. I placed a ray of my remaining soul on this little jade ball. As long as you Help me find materials to form a body, and I can be resurrected again.”

"Because I witnessed that battle with my own eyes, I may be the person on the Xuantian Continent who is most aware of the terror of the Chaotic Sky Sect."

"Although the demons have not escaped from the world, at least they have only launched a war against the dwarfs and have not provoked the Mocking Sky Sect. Then everything is still under control."

"As long as I don't offend the Mocking Sky Sect, I can accept it."

The young demon was silent for a long time before asking: "Since the Mocking Sky Sect is so strong, can't the demon clan take refuge in the Mocking Sky Sect?"


The demon senior Xuying sneered: "Goodbye, although the Chaotian Sect is powerful, the Dragon Clan, the former allies of the Chaotian Sect, is no different from the extermination clan at this time."

"It's scary to be the enemy of the Chaotian Sect, but it's not much better to be the ally of the Chaotian Sect."

"It's safest not to interfere."

Xuantian Continent, Zhongzhou.

It was already night.

The "Sanchun Tower" is now brightly lit, and many guests are arriving one after another. A large formation has been set up in the mountain behind the Sanchun Tower, ready to force Chen Yang to come at any time.


The head of the Wen family in Zhongzhou looked at the young building master who was standing at the entrance of Sanchun Building. He clasped his fists with a smile and admired: "Young building master is indeed a young talent. Chen Yang has been arrogant in Xuantian Continent for some time, and there has been no one." It can be cured, but I didn't expect that Sanchun Tower would directly hold a "killing and swimming banquet" tonight. "

"Killing and swimming is not the main purpose."

The young master of Sanchun Building looked at the old man in front of him who had cultivated in the late stage of spiritual transformation, and said calmly, neither humble nor arrogant: "It's just an ant with Nascent Soul cultivation. I killed it easily. The main purpose of tonight is that the ancestor came out of seclusion and wanted to reminisce with all his friends. Ichiban.”

"Hahahaha, easy to talk about."

Guests one after another stepped into the gate of Sanchun Tower carrying congratulatory gifts.

So lively.

And dozens of miles away.

The head of the "Su Family" in Quzhou also looked in the direction of Sanchun Tower with a complicated expression. He really didn't expect that Chen Yuan would be captured alive like this.

Before the troubled times came, he fled to Zhongzhou with his whole family.

After all, there is only one Avatar in Quzhou, which is too dangerous. There are so many powerful people in Zhongzhou, so even if a war breaks out, there is still a sense of security.

In the early stage of his transformation, he could be king in Quzhou, but in Zhongzhou, he seemed a bit inconspicuous.


After a long while, he still let out a long sigh. There was nothing he could do about it. The ancestor of Sanchunlou was at the peak of his spiritual cultivation. Although he wanted to save Chen Yuan, there was nothing he could do.

"Is there really nothing we can do?"

The young master of the Su family on the side said unbearably: "How about we go to the ancestors of Sanchun Tower to beg for mercy? Father, didn't you give gifts to Sanchun Tower a few days ago? They also accepted them."

"No chance."

The head of the Su family sighed and shook his head helplessly: "Chen Yuan is still young and energetic after all. He didn't listen to me that day. I told him not to kill those people."

"That's the biological sister of the young master of Sanchun Tower."

"He doesn't listen to me."

"Chen Yang has such a tough temper that he can't bear any loss. I knew at that time that Chen Yang would get angry sooner or later because of his personality. Look, isn't disaster coming now?"

"Fortunately, I was decisive and immediately went to Sanchunlou to apologize and show that this incident had nothing to do with our Quzhou Su family. Otherwise, there might be a "Kill Su Banquet" tomorrow night. "

"Chen Yuan will never understand that enduring humiliation and burden for a moment is not cowardice. Only by bending down can one straighten up again. Unfortunately, he will never have the chance to understand this truth in his life."

"I hope he can understand it in his next life."

"But after all, we had a friendship, so let's bid him farewell here. After midnight, we can offer a few sticks of incense in the air, which is worthy of the friendship we had when we fought side by side in Xiezhou."

Zhongzhou, the Gate of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"Master, you are the best. You are at the peak of God Transformation. Although the Ten Thousand Beast Sect is not a top force, it is not weaker than the Sanchun Tower. There must be a way, right?"

Xiaoyue, who was dressed in white, was holding on to the clothes of the old man in front of her pitifully and praying.

"Please, Master."

"It's not easy for my disciple to find such a beloved person. Master, you don't want to watch your beloved one die like this, right?"


The old man looked at the disciple in front of him who kept pleading with him, and after a long time he let out a long sigh: "The ancestor of Sanchunlou has just broken through the half-step of void cultivation, and his strength is not weak. His reputation as a "killer and swimmer" has already been spread. "

"To stop him at this time is equivalent to asking them to eat back the spit they spat out. How could Sanchun Tower agree? Not only will they not be able to save Chen Yuan, but they will also create a formidable enemy for the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect."

But just when the old man was about to say something, he saw the pitiful look in his disciple's eyes and finally sighed softly: "It's okay, master will take you to Sanchun Tower tonight to try, but I can't guarantee whether it will work or not."

Xiaoyue suddenly smiled and said, "I knew Master was the best."


The nine-tailed fox huddled in a corner rolled his eyes and said nothing. Does Chen Yuan need you to rescue him? The moment the merit store opened, she went to see it.

Most people flip through it from top to bottom. The products at the top require the least merit points. She scrolled directly to the bottom to look at it.

There are two tokens in the merit store that are limited to one, one is the "merit attack order" and the other is the "merit defense order".

Although it was bought by someone in an instant and disappeared directly into the merit store.

But she quickly noticed that it goes without saying who bought it. There was only one person in Xuantian Continent who had enough merit to buy these two tokens at once.


When others were still considering whether to kill Swim or save Swim.

She was already waiting to die.

With nearly 10 billion merit points, the entire evil state can be destroyed.

With a merit value of nearly 200 billion, it is easy to destroy the entire Central Continent without any pressure.

Whether she stayed at the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate or went to Sanchun Tower, it was a dead end, so she felt that the conversation between the two people had no meaning at all, and it made no difference whether she went or not.

It would be better to stay where you are and wait to die than to make one more trip, at least it would be easier.

This kind of life is really interesting. Every day we are either dying or waiting to die.

Dragon Island, on the mountain peak.

It was already dark at this time, and the sky was dotted with stars when I first entered the room.

Chen Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, looked at the totems of "Infinite Spiritual Energy" and "Three Thousand Thunderbolts" in the realm of divine transformation in his hands. He could only stare at them eagerly. He had not yet broken through to divine transformation and could not comprehend them for the time being.

He planned to go to Xuantian Continent tomorrow, find a suitable place next to Sanchun Tower, and then start to survive the thunder tribulation. Just like Ao Tian said, after all, it was a thunder tribulation triggered by 2.9 billion sin points and the twelfth-grade Nascent Soul. The calamity cannot be wasted.

But just then——

He suddenly felt an extremely powerful suction coming towards him, and the suction was getting stronger rapidly.

Then a space crack appeared in front of him. He even followed the space crack and saw the middle-aged man standing in the open space opposite and sneering at him.

Forced traction?

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then his expression gradually turned weird again, because he saw this middle-aged man wearing a robe with the words "Sanchun Tower" embroidered on it.

That what.

Are you sure you, Sanchunlou, want to drag him there by force?

Then, almost immediately, when the suction force was not enough to pull him in, his consciousness quickly enveloped the entire Dragon Island.

"Stop practicing!"

"Copycat, prepare to fight!"

"Ao Tian, ​​come quickly!"

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