Chapter 227 "Great Xia Demon".

Immediately, Chen Yuan had no intention of communicating with this Xuantian Sect saint, and strode into the "Golden House of Merit" in front of him.

An existence that can only be seen with nearly 100 billion merit points.

Nearly 100 billion worth of merit.

This is not a small number, and it does not mean that the higher the cultivation level, the higher the merit value.

The main merit value of the Xuantian Sect Saint comes from the nearly 100 billion merit value of Bu Tian, ​​and the source of his merit value is more complicated. The vision of heaven and earth in the realm of transformation into gods, as well as the vision of heaven and earth when he left Xuantian Continent to complete the twelve milestone tasks, that vision of heaven and earth brought him the highest merit value.

A total of 200 billion merit points!

And in the "Ranking of Merit Value in the Vast Continent", he is also ranked first with more than 400 billion merit value. No one has a higher merit value than him. After all, if you don't have such adventures as Butian, Twelve-grade Nascent Soul, etc. if.

400 billion merit value.

If we calculate it based on doing one good deed per day, our life span should be more than 400 billion years. If we can get one merit value by doing one good deed, living for 400 billion years will almost make up for this merit value.

Of course, the rules for obtaining the merit value of a specific good deed are very complicated and there are many considerations, but some of the most common good deeds are indeed one good deed and one merit value.

And the second in the merit list in the vast continent is the Xuantian Sect saint.

The second place has a merit value of nearly 100 billion, and the third place has only more than 40 billion. Although it is not clear how the third place obtained 40 billion merit points, it is already considered very remarkable among ordinary people.


Unless the sky of the vast continent collapses, there is a chance.

In other words, in the entire vast continent, only he and the Xuantian Sect saint could see this golden house of merit.

It is a bit strange to say that the sky of Xuantian Continent collapsed twice, and even the underworld was shattered, giving people the impression that the entire Xuantian Continent was about to collapse.

Chen Yang didn't think much, he just pushed open the wooden door of the "Golden House of Merit" in front of him. What came into view was a small wooden house. It was really just a small wooden house. There was nothing special about it. From the outside, it looked like this wooden house was big. In fact, this wooden house As big as it is.

A very small house.

At most, more than thirty people can stand side by side, but because there are no extra decorations, it doesn't feel cramped. There is a counter with a half-open pot of spirits on it, and behind the counter is Sitting there was an old woman with white hair who looked quite kind.

This old woman should be the kind old lady mentioned by the Xuantian Sect Saint.


Chen Yuan stood there with a slightly respectful look on his face and saluted. Although he didn't know the identity of this old woman, she was an elder after all. Be humble.

"Don't be so formal, young man."

The old lady sitting behind the counter took a sip of the strong drink in her hand with kind eyes, and then said with a kind smile: "I know, you may think that you have encountered some adventure, or that I am some advanced senior. Or it’s a chance of heaven or something like that.”

"But unfortunately, neither."

"You'd better not have any high expectations."

"But if you are willing to chat with me, an old woman, that would be great."


Chen Yuan did not answer this, but went straight to the point: "I heard that there are eighty-one merit gold houses in the vast continent. By consuming merit points, you can quickly travel to other merit gold houses."

"I wonder if it is possible to travel to meritorious golden houses in other continents?"

The old woman shook her head: "It's usually possible, but hasn't Zhoulu been shackled by the way of heaven recently? Those are the rules of the way of heaven. How can my meritorious golden house break through the shackles of the way of heaven?"

"That's it."

Chen Yuan was slightly disappointed. Originally, he could have sneaked across this way, and then used the method of "permanent expulsion" to expel all the powerful fusions from other states and continents, so that the entire vast continent would be his world. .

This method of his can only be used before the shackles of heaven are gone.

After the shackles of heaven disappear, it will no longer be used.

But soon he asked tentatively: "Isn't this meritorious golden house similar to a heavenly building?"

At first, he thought that this meritorious golden house, like the Heavenly Palace and the Heavenly Palace, belonged to a Heavenly Building or a Heavenly Adventure, but now it seems more like it is privately owned.

"Of course not."

The old woman looked at Chen Yu meaningfully, paused for a long time, and then suddenly laughed: "Let me tell you a story. Thirty thousand years ago, I was a female cultivator at the peak of divine transformation in Xuantian Continent."

"Xuantian Continent.?" Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

"Well, listen to me first."

"Thirty thousand years ago, I had a Taoist companion on the Xuantian Continent, named "Liu Sanqian". We were very loving, almost inseparable, and became a Taoist couple that was envied by everyone. "

"It's rare for us to be able to maintain such pure love at our level of cultivation."

"At that time, my man was also at the peak level of the God Transformation. He was only one step away from breaking through the Void Refining. The peak level of the God Transformation was actually a very good level of cultivation in Xuantian Continent. Although he was not the strongest in the world, he was still the best in the world. It’s time to leave.”

"To put it bluntly or vulgarly, if you were the strongest man in the world, wouldn't you want to fuck all the women in the world?"


Chen Yang silently shook his head: "That's not my ambition."

"But most people will." The old woman sitting behind the counter said in a daze: "Think about it, you can control the life span of almost everyone in the world. Everyone has to look at your face and act. You can do whatever you want. What to do.”


"What's the scene like?"

"You can have all the women in the city serve you, and those who resist will die."

"You can bully any woman or man you like."

"The Xuantian Continent 30,000 years ago was very chaotic. Although I don't know what it is like now, there were many evil demons with such lustful thoughts at that time, because it was an explosive period. During that time, there were many heavenly opportunities. It burst out clearly, maybe because we are here, or maybe because the time is up. "


"In the entire Xuantian Continent, the cultivation level of countless people has begun to skyrocket. In the past, it took several years of hard work to get from the first level of Yuanying to the second level of Yuanying. If we can seize an opportunity at that time, this process can be shortened to a month or even longer. short."

"Although his cultivation level has increased rapidly, his character has not kept up. He does not look like an immortal at all. He is like a demon who suddenly gained powerful power."

"It's crazy."

"Later, my then-husband and I couldn't stand this situation, so my husband and I saw an evil demon and killed another one. The two of us gained a lot of merit points. At that time, it was another version of heaven. In that version of heaven, , killing a person with a sin value can obtain merit points corresponding to the sin value.”

"for example."

The old woman looked at Chen Yuan and said with a smile: "If I had killed you at that time, I would have directly gained 2.9 billion merit points. Especially in that chaotic era, everyone was killing like crazy and red-eyed."

"After that, my husband and I broke through to the realm of refining the void, and were drawn to the vast continent."

"When you break through the Void Refining on Xuantian Continent, you will be pulled by the vast continent. Of course, you can agree or refuse."

"We chose to say yes at that time."

"Later, I had better luck and broke through the integration stage before the deadline was approaching, but he stopped at the peak of refining the void, and flew away to heaven when the deadline was approaching, and I turned myself into the Eighty-one Merit Golden Palace."

"Eternal life in heaven and earth, waiting for his return."

"He has an entry that can resurrect him in a million years. I only need to wait another 980,000 years to wait for him."

"Eternal life?" Chen Yuan frowned slightly. He had many questions in his heart now, but he was more curious about immortality. Can he live forever without becoming an Immortal Emperor?

"Well, it can also be called permanent imprisonment."

The old woman smiled and said: "There are eighty-one Moral Golden Palaces on the entire vast continent. These eighty-one Moral Golden Palaces are a grand formation that I have built based on my lifelong cultivation and accumulated merit."

"These eighty-one meritorious golden palaces will absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at all times to maintain operation, and will be completely invisible in the vast continent. And I can also shuttle among these eighty-one meritorious golden palaces at will. Of course, now It won’t work, at least not until the shackles of Zhoulu disappear.”


Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly and said nothing. After a while, he suddenly laughed: "Did you see that I am someone who mocks the Tianzong?"

"Well, the karma behind you and the Mootian Sect is very serious."

"So, senior, can you tell me about what happened at that time? For example, everyone would travel together as a group."

The message is clear.

This old woman is a disciple of the Mootian Sect from 30,000 years ago. She is also a time traveler. She only uses self-imprisonment to make herself live forever in this world. As long as the spiritual energy on the vast continent does not dry up, this old woman can Always alive.

It was not a short time until the old woman's husband was resurrected 980,000 years later.


The old woman was silent and did not speak immediately, as if she was extracting something from her memory: "I don't know if there are other time travelers here now, but... we were the first batch."

"And it seems that it can only be found on the Xuantian Continent. There is no time traveler on the vast continent."

"According to our speculation at the time, it may be that Xuantian Continent is gradually approaching the edge of fragmentation, just like a world exploding and destroying, and the reason why this situation occurs."

"No specific reason has been found. There are many speculations. For example, Xuantian Continent may be suppressing a terrifying evil demon."

"This evil demon who is about to escape from trouble, in the process of struggling, has caused the world of Xuantian Continent to collapse."

"Every time the Xuantian Continent disintegrates, a group of travelers will descend, roughly like this. You are walking on a glacier, and a crack hundreds of thousands of feet deep suddenly appears under the glacier, and then you fall in, like so."

"And almost all of us in the Chaotian Sect at that time came to Xuantian Continent unintentionally when a rift appeared in the world of Xuantian Continent."

"A lot of things happened later, but we don't know the details because we had already arrived in the vast continent before and could not return to the Xuantian Continent. We only used some means to contact the leader of the Chaotian Sect who was still on the Xuantian Continent. "

"It is said——"

"A most horrific battle broke out."

"Then the leader of Chaotian Sect led the remaining Chaotian Sect disciples and found a rather special small world to hide in. That small world was extremely solid, and it seemed that no space would collapse."

"After that, we lost contact."


Chen Yu stood in the wooden house in silence. This was the first time he faced the Chaotian Sect disciples 30,000 years ago. They brought him a lot of information at that time, but after all, he was locked up here for too long, and he was more clear about many things.

For example, a hundred years ago, the sky of Xuantian Continent collapsed once, and it was repaired by the Saint of Xuantian Sect.

And when he left Xuantian Continent, the sky of Xuantian Continent collapsed again, and he repaired it that time.

In addition, the underworld of Xuantian Continent was originally absolutely separated from the world of the living, but before he left Xuantian Continent, another crack appeared, and this time it slowly healed itself.

From these three points.

In fact, it can be roughly guessed that Xuantian Continent is in a gap that is not safe, or is about to collapse. Any world that is not always falling or sinking is almost gone.

And 30,000 years ago, the leader of the Chaotian Sect took the remaining members and hid in an extremely stable small world. This small world was naturally the Great Xia Kingdom.

In addition.

Before leaving Xuantian Continent, he went to the boundless snow mountain to check. When his spiritual sense was fully open, he could faintly sense the existence of that small world, but the solidity of that small world was extremely outrageous. Not to mention the refining of the void, he even felt that he couldn't break it even in the fusion stage.

All in all, combined with the speculation tens of thousands of years ago, there might be a powerful evil demon sealed under the Xuantian Continent, and this evil demon was struggling violently, causing the Xuantian Continent to gradually fall apart.


The corners of Chen Yu's mouth twitched slightly. Damn it, he now has a lot of reason to suspect that the evil demon was suppressed under the Great Xia Kingdom, and the leader of the Chaotian Sect at that time directly led people to drill in and set up a large formation seal from inside.

What happened next.

Naturally, it was somewhat self-evident. When the evil demon came out, all the people in the Great Xia Kingdom died first.

At this time——

The old woman behind the counter spoke again: "But these are all speculations after all. Since you can come from Xuantian Continent, it means that at least Xuantian Continent has no major problems at this time."


Chen Yu nodded silently. There is no major problem. It's just that the sky fell twice and the underworld leaked once. Everything is under control.

After chatting for a while, they said goodbye.

And when he left this "Golden House of Merit", the Xuantian Sect Saint also disappeared.

It is indeed not an opportunity.

It is simply a permanent retreat place for an old woman, which is not much different from those who were expelled from the small world. The only difference may be that the old woman can still shuttle back and forth in different Golden Houses of Merit and have the opportunity to meet people outside, although the threshold for merit value is higher.

This threshold was not set by the old woman. It was simply that when the old woman used the merit points to build this Merit Golden Palace, she had nearly 100 billion merit points, so only when the merit points reached nearly 100 billion could she see this Merit Golden Palace.

What a pity.

He originally thought that he could go to other states through this Merit Golden Palace, but now it seems that this is impossible.

That's right.

After all, the shackles of the states are the shackles of the way of heaven. There may be people in this world who can break through the shackles of the way of heaven, but it is definitely not something that an old woman who imprisoned herself ten thousand years ago can do.

Chen Yu returned to the flying boat and looked at Fei Long and others. At this time, the leader of the Tianfu Sect had brought the Zhang family ancestor and the owner of the thorny shop.


Chen Yu didn't say much, just casually said that he was leaving, and then he stood alone on the deck of the flying boat and fell into deep thought.

Now think about it again.

The Great Xia Kingdom was more special than he had imagined.

For example, he had never encountered such an opportunity as the Seven-Colored Jade Slip in Xuantian Continent and Haohan Continent. If he had, it was at most a one-day version. On that day, Feizhou in the Great Xia Kingdom was full of evil wood. Although the reason was found on that day, it was because there were a large number of resentful spirits under Feizhou.

But where those large numbers of resentful spirits came from was not cleared, and it was not clear how the deep cave under the resentful spirits was formed.

Including the boundless snow mountain.

Now it seems that he probably has to go back to the Great Xia Kingdom again, but if he wants to go back, he has to use other means. After all, he can't easily return to the Xuantian Continent after coming to the Haohan Continent. Let's see if he can use other means to return to the Xuantian Continent.

If it is assumed that if, then there is really a terrifying evil demon under the Great Xia Kingdom that can break free at any time.

Then he would naturally try his best to return to Daxia Country and let these people move when this evil demon breaks free. After all, many of his old friends, including the families of Chaotian Sect disciples, are still in Daxia Country, and he naturally cannot watch Daxia Country fall like this.

On the deck, Feilong and others didn't know where Chen Yu had just gone. They just looked at each other and didn't say anything.

This trip.

Only Chen Yu, the scholar, and the scholar's younger brother are considered the old team. As for the remaining Chaotian Sect disciples, they are all practicing in the Heavenly Palace.

The leader of the Tianfu Sect, who originally wanted to approach and talk, saw that Chen Yu had no intention of talking, so he shrank back awkwardly, and just glared at the Zhang family ancestor who was shaking like a sieve, signaling him not to make any trouble.

Xuantianzhou, Meinan City, Liu Family Ancestral Hall.

An old man with white beard and red hair was kneeling in the ancestral hall, holding three incense sticks in his hands with a somewhat uneasy look, looking at the tablet placed in the front of the altar, and muttered in a low voice: "Ancestor bless, I hope everything is safe."

And the clan member of this tablet is named "Liu Sanqian".

He didn't know how his ancestor got in touch with Chaotian Sect ten thousand years ago, nor did he know whether his ancestor came from Xuantian Continent. He didn't want to know these things now.

He just wanted to know whether the Chaotian Sect Elder Token in his hand could keep his Liu family safe.

If this really doesn't work.

He, their Liu family can only fight to the death!

Although the Liu family does not have a powerful person who can practice the Void Refining Technique and cannot defeat the Zhang family in Taicheng, it is a family with a long history. It is not that there have been no powerful people who can practice the Void Refining Technique in history. There are still some foundations left. If they really want to fight to the death, the Zhang family in Taicheng will not be much better!

Just then——

Outside the ancestral hall, a woman in a white dress and a veil walked in slowly. She knelt on the ground and also respectfully lit three incense sticks. Then her pupils turned red and she whispered: "Father, if I can keep the Liu family safe, I am willing to devote myself to the ancestor of the Zhang family."

"Don't talk nonsense."

The old man with white beard and red hair shook his head: "Don't say such words. You also know that this is impossible. This is not only your problem, but also the dignity of the entire Liu family."

"Even if I can accept it, the elders and children of the Liu family cannot accept it."

"Instead of going out in the future and being laughed at by others, it is better to fight to the death and at least leave a good reputation."


The old man with white beard and red hair sighed and said nothing. Since he took out the Chaotian Sect token, the group of people from the Zhang family in Taicheng retreated. He naturally knew why the group retreated, of course, to verify the authenticity of his token.

But. He himself was not sure what the token was, so he could only put his hope on fate, hoping that fate would protect him.

On the flying boat.

The ancestor of the Zhang family in Taicheng, who was now an ancestor and had the cultivation level of the initial stage of refining emptiness, was hiding in the corner of the flying boat and shaking like a sieve. If his clansmen saw it, they would definitely be shocked.


Even if someone else came here, it would be the same. All the people on this boat were top figures. The leader of the Tianfu Sect, who could sit in the main seat in the past, was just a guest on this flying boat.

The leader of the Chaotian Sect, standing here alone, could match a strong man in the fusion stage.

What a monster, I don’t know what’s wrong with this world. Why can a person who has just broken through the initial stage of refining emptiness directly kill a strong man in the fusion stage.

At this moment.

He didn't know what he was thinking of, and suddenly he sent a telepathic message to the shopkeeper of the Thorn Shop who was sitting on the ground beside him: "You said that although Sect Master Chen has the power to kill a combined strongman, he is only at the first level of Refining Void after all, and his defense will definitely not be as outrageous as his own attack methods."

"You said that if he was attacked unexpectedly, would Chen Yu be able to react?"

"Even if he could react, he is only at the first level of Refining Void after all, and his defense methods should not be too strong, right?"

As soon as the voice fell.

The Zhang family ancestor saw that the face of the shopkeeper of the Thorn Shop turned pale almost instantly, and then even though his hands were tied behind his back and his feet were tied together, he still tried his best to move in the opposite direction of him.

The Zhang family ancestor also reacted quickly, and his face changed instantly. The voice transmission of low-level cultivators can be intercepted, but he has not been in contact with high-level cultivators for too long, and forgot this for a while.

Then he turned his head with trembling teeth and looked at the people on the deck of the flying boat.

The leader of the Tianfu Sect turned around and looked at him, his pupils full of astonishment, as if he admired his courage.

It's over.

The Zhang family ancestor had this thought in his mind at the first time. Wait, it seems that it's not completely over. After all, Chen Yu is only at the first level of Lianxu cultivation, and he can't intercept his voice transmission. As long as the leader of the Tianfu Sect doesn't tell anyone, everything will be fine.

Just then--

He saw Chen Yu standing on the deck of the flying boat, and turned around and looked at him with a calm face.

Very good.

This time it's completely over.

ps: There will be another chapter tomorrow morning. The typos will be posted first and corrected later. The state has not been good these two days, and the time difference is messed up again. Get back to the state before the beginning of the month~

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