I am cultivating immortality in the chaotic world

Chapter 236: Chaotian Sect will not produce unknown people! (1w)


Xiao Yue whispered: "Master, you know what happened. At that time, Chen Yu slapped me. There was nothing soft and sticky."

"This reputation cannot be borrowed."

July Cat, who was curled up by the stove and taking a nap, heard Xiao Yue's voice and subconsciously opened his eyes. A flash of surprise flashed in his fox pupils. When did Xiao Yue suddenly become clear about himself?

In fact, it was completely predictable that Zhang Kui's formation shop business would plummet.

The main reason was that the effect that Chen Yu brought to Dao Zong was too exaggerated!

Two factors.

First, Chen Yu's reputation has been loud enough recently and his experience is legendary enough.

Second, Dao Zong also has the strength to open such a large stall, and the productivity can keep up.

If one of them is missing, this thing will not work.

This is how they used to live. Isn't this a spokesperson? And an exclusive spokesperson with extremely terrifying influence. It's not surprising that this effect is brought about. It's just too normal.

They didn't think about going to Dao Zong to purchase goods, but... no one was interested in their orders. Dao Zong didn't accept their mosquito-sized orders. They sold them to a certain force in their area, and then they took the goods from this force.

Although the price will be a little higher, there is still some profit, but the problem is that even if they go with this force, they can't get the goods. There are too many forces robbing the goods.


Xiaoyue played with a formation plate in her hand with emotion: "Tell me, who can refuse this thing? You only need a medium-grade spirit stone."

Originally, the most popular formation plate sold by Dao Zong was the lower-grade foundation formation plate, "Three-party Yunyi", a defensive formation plate.

But some time ago, Dao Sect broke the record by releasing a low-grade Qi Refining Array Plate. Yes, even a Qi Refining Array Plate was released. This Array Plate had no effect. It was a small rectangular plate, like a hand-held device.

A line of small characters was engraved on the surface of the Array Plate.

"I wish you a safe return - Chen Yu of Chaotian Sect."

There was also the logo of Dao Sect in the lower left corner. This Array Plate could not activate anything when spiritual energy flowed into it. It had no defensive effect, nor spiritual energy effect. It could only emit a small white smoke, which was very quiet, just like farting.

But after all, it still had some effect, so it could still be called an Array Plate, not a stone brick.

Once this thing was released!

It completely ignited the madness of the entire Xuantianzhou!

It's just a middle-grade spirit stone. Even ordinary cultivators in Xuantianzhou who are in the Qi Refining and Foundation Building stages can easily afford it. Who wouldn't want to seek comfort and keep themselves safe before going down to the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm? Who is Chen Lu? He has created countless miracles and has been at the peak all the way. To be blessed by such a person, he only wants a middle-grade spirit stone.

Is it expensive?

It's really good value for money, isn't it! ! !

And this little thing feels good to play with. The more I play with it in my hands, the more I feel lucky. I also feel that I seem to have received Chen Lu's blessing.

"It's really good."

Xiaoyue couldn't put it down and played with the array plate in her hand. She had finally snatched it. It was hard to buy. She had to increase the price to buy it. The original price was one middle-grade spirit stone. She increased the price to 30 middle-grade spirit stones to buy one.


July Cat, curled up by the stove, twitched her lips slightly, but didn't speak. She suddenly felt that the Dao Sect leader was simply a marketing genius. Was there someone behind the scenes pushing him?

It was outrageous.

Cultivators always valued practical effects, and basically there were no luxury goods.

And Dao Sect was able to sell a useless thing at such a high price, and it also caused a scramble. This was already a historic event in the entire Xuantianzhou.

How could a native of the cultivation world have such a set of marketing methods.

And at this time.

In the reception hall of Dao Sect, the Dao Sect leader looked at the young man in front of him with a flushed face and excitedly said: "Sir, it's a hit, it's a total hit!"

"This batch of "Lu Family Formation Plates" sold a full 1 million copies!"

"1 million copies! ”

The factory price of a lower-grade Qi-refining array plate with Chen Lu’s blessing words printed on it to the downstream channel dealers is half a middle-grade spirit stone. One million copies means a full 500,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

The total cost of this batch of array plates is only 10,000 middle-grade spirit stones, which means that after deducting all costs, the gross profit can be 450,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

The reason why they sold 1 million copies is not that they can only sell 1 million copies, but that they only made 1 million copies.

Now there are still a large number of orders floating towards them like snowflakes.

Before this, as the leader of the Dao Sect, he had never imagined that there would be such an array plate as the lower-grade Qi-refining, and even more so I never imagined that this kind of rubbish array plate could make nearly 500,000 middle-grade spirit stones. This world is crazy.

The young man in front of him was Liu Zide, a chores disciple of Chaotian Sect.

Before Chaotian Sect went into seclusion, they informed the leader of Tianfu Sect of the location of their seclusion, saying that they could contact him at any time if they had any questions. They were not in a deadly seclusion, but a few days ago, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

The low-grade foundation-building array plate "Three-party Yunyi" sold so well, just because it was the cheapest array plate. Those people didn't really want to buy the array plate, but just wanted to buy something related to Chen Yu.

In this case

Then can he create a special array plate product about Chen Lu? Then engrave Chen Lu's blessing quotations on it, and then reduce the cost to the extreme, and simplify the selling points to the limit.

But this felt a bit offensive to the senior after all, and he was a little undecided in his heart, so he asked the leader of the Tianfu Sect to take him and 100,000 medium-grade spirit stones as a gift to find the senior at the Bai family ruins and tell him about his ideas.

He vaguely remembered.

At that time, the senior was silent for a long time, and then he said expressionlessly, "Talent."

He was a little unsure whether these two words were commendatory or derogatory, but then the senior sent him a person, the young man in front of him, Liu Zide, and said that he would let this young man assist him and let him do it freely.

At that time, he was still a little unclear about the senior's thoughts. After all, he was just a chores disciple of Chaotian Sect. What's the use of chores? Isn't that just hard labor? But.

Soon, Liu Zide let him know what it meant that Chaotian Sect would not produce unknown people!

This guy is a fucking talent, no, a great talent!

The entire process of this "Lu Family Formation Plate" was basically controlled by Liu Zide. The profit from a low-grade Qi Refining Formation Plate is higher than the profit from selling the Void Refining Formation Plate. This is simply an incredible existence. This is something they had never dared to imagine before. Logically, this is totally unreasonable.

"Sir, there is a question I don't understand. Why do you ask us to stop making this array?"

"Even if we make another 2 million copies, I think we can sell them."

"Don't worry."

After taking a deep breath, Liu Zide looked at the leader of the Dao Sect in front of him and said softly, "Since the leader has sent me to assist you, I will definitely give you the best answer."

"Do you know the real value of this array we sell?"

"First, the name."

"The first point is Chen Yu's name and the leader's value, so that those who buy this array will feel that the leader is with them."

"Second, momentum."

"What we sell is a kind of topic of conversation. People need topics of conversation, and this array can just become a kind of topic of conversation. Everyone hopes to be the one who is noticed in their small team, and this array can just have this effect."

"I What we need to do now is to limit the purchase, so that the market reaches a point where supply exceeds demand, so that everyone discusses this array plate, and the popularity of this array plate in the secondary market reaches an extremely high level. "

"Only when people cannot get it will they yearn for it, so purchase restrictions are necessary."

"Men will always like women who they cannot get, not because those women are so beautiful, but simply because they cannot get it, people will always subconsciously beautify what they do not have in their hearts."

"Not only should we limit the purchase."

"We will also send people to the secondary market to continuously purchase at high prices and drive up the resale price."

"Then we will start making the second batch of array plates. The second batch of array plates will have new quotes, such as "Efforts may not necessarily lead to miracles, but without efforts, there will definitely be no miracles - Chen Lu of Chaotian Sect.""

"This batch of array plates should not be too many, 200,000 copies are enough, and ten rare array plates will be placed in these 200,000 array plates."

"The words on these ten rare array plates will change from white to green, and the selling price will also be one medium-grade spirit stone. ”

“.” The Dao Sect leader murmured in shock with a dazed look on his face: "I seem to understand what you mean. You mean, these ten rare array plates with different words and colors will be snatched up at high prices?"


“But. Just the words and colors have changed, without any actual effect, will they really be snatched up at high prices?"

“Yes, because it represents specialness. When everyone in Xuantianzhou knows the existence of this array plate and is eager to get an ordinary array plate, you get a rare array plate, which represents strength, financial resources, and face."

“What if there is none?"

“Then we will send people to stimulate the market with high prices."

“Is that enough?"

“Not enough, we also need to find someone with enough status and let him show off his rare array plate in public, so that the cultivators below can feel that what they are pursuing is very elegant, and even the powerful cultivators of the Refining Void are showing off their rare array plates. "

Liu Zide said quietly with a calm face: "Gaining a sense of recognition will make them more accepting of the price of the array plate, and even think that the price of the array plate is too low."

"The most important thing is-"

"Do you imagine that a Qi Refining cultivator or a Foundation Building cultivator may have some kind of connection with a Void Refining cultivator on weekdays? Impossible, they can't even imagine how a Void Refining cultivator lives, and this array plate can greatly shorten the distance between the two of them, and the market will be even more crazy about this array plate. "

"At this time, it is still limited in quantity and purchase. "

"This is what the second batch of goods is going to do. The first batch of goods is to open up the market, and the second batch of goods provides added value and creates a scarce heat to take advantage of the concept. The 400,000 spirit stones that Dao Zong just earned cannot be kept, and all must be thrown in. "

"If you want to use the reputation of the sect master to become the first array cultivation sect in the vast continent, you must have the spirit of burning your boats. "

"Start to publicize the miracles of the Sect Master throughout Xuantian Province. Most people only know the stories of the Sect Master after he entered the realm of Lianxu, and know nothing about the miracles created by the Sect Master on Xuantian Continent. These must be actively publicized."

"We must create a miracle benchmark."

"Publicize it. I want to see that the storytellers of the entire Xuantian Province can be unified and consistent the next day and tell stories according to my script."

"Create a few more benchmark models."

"For example, a very famous courtesan in a brothel declared to the public that she would not marry anyone other than Chen Yu in this life."

"Another comparison."

He spoke eloquently for half an hour.

The Dao Sect leader, who was originally at a loss, stood there for several breaths with dry mouth after hearing this, and then murmured in shock: "Sir, are we still selling array plates here?"

"Of course not."

Liu Zide took a sip of herbal tea, moistened his lips, and casually said: "A low-grade array plate for refining qi? Did you make it?"


The Dao Sect leader took a deep breath, then stood up and saluted, bowed respectfully and said: "Sir, you are so talented, everything depends on your guidance."

Then he began to breathe faster and strode out of the reception hall.

It's crazy.

This man is actually a errand disciple of Chaotian Sect. Are there any ordinary people in Chaotian Sect? Why can a errand disciple crush him directly?

Not in terms of cultivation, but in terms of thinking and courage to do things.

He thought he was very courageous, using the sect's heritage of thousands of years to gamble on a possibility, but he didn't expect that Liu Zide was even more terrifying. He didn't consider the profit at all, and spent all the profits on publicity.

This is extremely terrifying. Not every sect is willing to casually take out hundreds of thousands of medium-grade spirit stones for publicity.

Damn it.

Why doesn't their Dao Sect have such a great talent? Where did the senior win over such a great talent? Usually, he has never heard of Liu Zide in Chaotian Sect. He even went to find the leader of Tianfu Sect.

The leader of Tianfu Sect knows Chaotian Sect best, but he also said that he has never seen Liu Zide, and he has never even heard of this name. He is really an unknown errand disciple.

The result is such a person.

Let him see what it means to play around with the world even if his cultivation is weak!


In the reception hall, Liu Zide, who was sitting at the tea table, drank the cold tea in his hand. The dryness of his mouth caused by talking all the time was slightly relieved. He looked at the back of the leader of Dao Sect and didn't say anything, but his expression gradually became dazed.

He was one of the earliest people with Chen Yu.

Of course, not as early as Fei Long and others.

But he was also one of the people who came out of Daxia Kingdom. His cultivation was much weaker. So far, he has not cultivated with the main disciples of Chaotian Sect. But he also gave up. After all, his talent points were not in this area.

He is only in the early stage of Jindan cultivation now, and this is still with the support of Chaotian Sect. Otherwise, he would probably still be in the foundation building stage.

It's enough to have enough cultivation.

All his talent points were in "side door and left path", and Chen Yu officially valued this point when he pulled him into Chaotian Sect. In Daxia Kingdom, he relied on his own means to plunder a lot of opportunities for Chen Yu in the "reputation value ranking list".

It can even be said that

He has a large part of the credit for Chen Lu's fortune. If he hadn't plundered a large number of foundation-building heavenly cultivation pills on the "Reputation Ranking", it's not that Chen Lu wouldn't have reached his current position, but the speed might have been a little slower.

Later, he helped Chen Lu plunder a large number of evil woods on the flying boat, and this batch of evil woods also allowed Chen Lu to use it to repair the sky in Xuantian Continent and obtain hundreds of billions of merit points!

These are all his resumes and his credits.

However, after leaving Daxia Kingdom, he has never had a place to use his skills. He has never had a chance to take action in the entire Xuantian Continent. There is no place to use him, and Brother Lu has pushed all the way!

And now.

Finally, he has ushered in his own stage again!

The entire Xuantian State and even the vast continent are his stage!

He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He didn't hope to get any reward after making meritorious service. After all, it didn't make any sense to give him spiritual stones or spiritual treasures. His cultivation was limited here, and it was enough to be able to improve his cultivation by following the Chaotian Sect.

He just wanted a chance to show off.

Otherwise, staying in the Chaotian Sect would be really stressful. Doing nothing all day would give people a very painful feeling. Seeing everyone busy and hard practicing on weekdays, only he had nothing to do, which was very tormenting.

He enjoyed what he was doing now. This was what he should do. You can't let a shepherd go to farm. He will be unhappy. He is not the material for cultivation at all.

More than 30 days passed.

At this time, it had been about 80 days since the Chaotian Sect closed its doors. Chen Yu had not appeared in Xuantian Continent for a long time, but the whole Xuantian Province was now full of Chen Yu's reputation.

And it was the kind that resounded through the world!


In the Heavenly Palace, Chen Yu, who was sitting cross-legged on the Xuantian throne, looked at the flying sword with a letter tied to it resting on his palm, and remained silent for a long time. This was Liu Zide sending a letter through the flying sword, reporting to him everything that had happened in the past few days.

It arrived a few days ago, but it was always in the hands of the brown bear who was responsible for guarding the spirit gathering array. After he regained consciousness, the brown bear was handed to him.

He also learned from this letter what was going on in Xuantian Prefecture these days.

Liu Zide, the leader of Dao Sect, these two people are really a perfect partner.

Liu Zide's partner that day was Mr. Wang from Daxia Kingdom. The two of them worked well together, but after all, Mr. Wang had a lot of worries about doing things, which made Liu Zide a little bit unable to let go. After following him, he began to be completely liberated.

With the leader of the Dao Sect, he completely let himself go. After all, he is too busy on weekdays and does not have much time to devote to Liu Zide. There is no way around this. He has many things to worry about, and it is impossible for him to take care of the Xiaotian Sect. Everyone, every disciple.

Especially in the Xuantian Continent, there is nothing that can be used for Liu Zide, and he has even gradually forgotten this person. If the leader of the Dao Sect had not come to him and reminded him of this person, he might not have remembered the Mootian Sect. There is also a talented person named Liu Zide.

Here, to be honest, he is a bit left out.

But it was different when I went to Daozong. He was the guest of Daozong. The master of Daozong almost listened to Liu Zide, and he also liked stud, which was completely in line with Liu Zide's style of play. When the two met, it was a direct fight. Increase the fire.

Let’s just talk about the results.

In the past few dozen days, the Dao Sect's net profit reached 8 million mid-grade spiritual stones. Of course, nearly 5 million mid-grade spiritual stones were smashed, which was used to recruit disciples dozens of times to expand production capacity, and use Come to train shopkeepers who can establish themselves in other states in the future, expand Chen Yang's influence, etc.

The current price of a rare purple low-grade Qi Refining Formation Disk on the secondary market has reached 600 mid-grade spiritual stones.

Very outrageous.

A completely useless formation plate can be sold for such a terrifying price. This is another miracle in the world of immortality.

Daozong gave him these low-grade Qi refining array plates with his blessings engraved on them.

From low to high.

They are classified in order as white, green, yellow, blue, purple, red, gold, pink and colorful.

The higher they go, the rarer they become. The effects are the same, but the colors of the words on the array plate are different.

And he also knew Daozong's plan, and also knew why Daozong had used almost most of its profits to expand production capacity despite overflowing production capacity. Daozong was preparing to radiate the entire vast continent.

For this reason, a large amount of spiritual stones were used to train disciples and store talents. As soon as the shackles of the state and land were removed, they quickly spread across the entire vast continent and lurked, waiting for him to win the only king, and then explode completely!

A pretty crazy plan.

To be honest, seeing that amount of spiritual stone consumption made him feel a little distressed.

Do these people know clearly? 30,000 spirit stones are enough for the entire Chaotian Sect and everyone there to practice for a whole day. You just use 30,000 spirit stones to throw them into the water. ?


After Chen Yuan took a deep breath, he remained silent and did not speak.

How to say it.

He suddenly felt that he might not really be suitable for making money. He patrolled the sky for three days, killed so many people, and gave away so many fruit baskets. He only managed to make less than 8 million middle-grade spiritual stones, including him. There were nearly 2 million spiritual stones.


This Taoist sect just used his reputation to turn some completely useless junk formation disks into a profit of 8 million mid-grade spiritual stones in a few dozen days.

What the fuck!

He took action in person, and it was not as good as others making money through his reputation.

He used to think that robbing was the fastest way to make money, but now he felt that he had to change his mind. Just robbing the top forces was of no use. Xuantian State was so vast, and there were countless monks in it.

There are as many monks as there are stars in the world. The total number of spiritual stones in their hands is not much more than that of the top forces. The only way to earn spiritual stones is from these people.

However, he couldn't do this.

If he was asked to earn spiritual stones from low-level monks, he really didn't know what to do. He couldn't just say, "Who do you want to kill? Give me the spiritual stones and I'll kill them for you, right?"

But Liu Zide was particularly good at doing this kind of thing.

This may really be a specialization in the art industry.

Then he shook his head and suddenly laughed. He was originally worried about what he would do if the batch of spiritual stones were used up and he would not be able to practice enough. Now it seems that there is no need to worry at all. With the money-making machine "Dao Zong" here, he should not be short of spiritual stones. of.

The most important thing is

Daozong is very sensible. He doesn't need to say anything at all. He believes that Daozong will send it over by himself.

He likes the master of Dao Sect.

If everyone was as sensible and courageous as the leader of the Dao Sect, he wouldn't have to worry about not having enough spiritual stones every day.

The most important Dao Sect leader also thinks that the plan of the Only King is very good, and he will be able to earn more spiritual stones from it in the future.

"What a pity."

Chen Yuan suddenly shook his head with regret. The vast continent is a second-level continent, and there are twelve first-level continents that belong to it. Xuantian Continent is one of them. It would be great if he could go to other lower-level continents.

His pink entry is "Famous". The more people who know his name, the faster he will practice.

If everyone in these eleven continents knew his name, his cultivation speed would definitely be greatly increased!

If it were him, he really didn't know how to let more people know his name without the edict of Heaven, but it would be different if there were Dao Sect Master and Liu Zide. He completely believed it. These two people have the means to make him famous in a short period of time.


He was thinking thoughtfully without speaking. He was already considering whether to be recruited by the Dao Sect. He felt that this sect was very suitable for his external propaganda team, which was dedicated to making a name for him.

Let his cultivation progress skyrocket!

And in addition, if you encounter any public opinion war in the future, you can also use it. As long as you reserve things like talent, you may never need it, but if you need it by chance, That day will be the ultimate victory!

You can take them to the Third-Rank Continent together.

He didn't know if there was a third-level continent, nor had he heard any relevant information, but he knew that the integration stage was not the end of the road to immortality, so there must be a higher-level world waiting for him to explore.

When the time comes, he will take his external publicity team to explore this high-end continent.

What kind of hero is he who fights alone?

Then Chen Yuan shook his head and stopped thinking about it. At this time, about 80 days had passed since he was in seclusion. The reason why he woke up was that he had made another breakthrough in his cultivation——


"Cultivation": Fourth level of virtual refining (0.1%).


Refined to the fourth level!

It was the middle stage of the Void Refining, and he finally left the early stage of the Void Refining. He felt that the spiritual energy in his Dantian became more powerful, and the Nascent Soul also became stronger. He had not yet forged his "external body".

There are two main methods of attack in Lianxu.

One is the "refining realm" and the other is the "external body".

Forging the outer body requires consuming a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. By satisfying different heavenly materials and earthly treasures, one can create one's own outer body. The grades are also from the first to the twelfth grade.

The first level is the weakest and the twelfth level is the strongest.

But whether it is the first level or the twelfth level, the combat power of the body is the same. A body without emotions has its own seven levels of combat power. It cannot use its own entries and can only use spiritual energy to attack.

Controlled by divine consciousness.

It can perform some simple tasks from a distance. Many sects like to use it to protect the road or explore and stand up for those below. It is a very useful attack method against subordinates.

No one has ever used it on him. After all, this thing is not meant to be used in battles at the same level.

The level of "Outer Body" does not affect combat power, it only affects one point, that is, if you can break through the fusion, it will affect the level of your "Fusion Killing Move".

If you have a first-level body, your "combined killing move" can only be reduced to a first-level one.

And so on.

The twelve-level body outside the body is the twelve-level combined killing move.

The combined killing move is also the most powerful attack method for monks in the combined stage. It is precisely because of this that many of Xuantianzhou's "external body" for practicing the void are at the first or second level, and they are not even willing to upgrade to the third level, feeling that A waste of natural resources.

after all

Many people clearly know that unless they really have a great opportunity from heaven, they will never be able to get together.

As long as there is no chance of fusion, it means that no matter how high your level is, your outer body is meaningless.

It has no impact on your combat power at all. The only meaning may be to waste more of your natural resources. Unless you are really confident and feel that you will definitely be able to break through to integration in the future, then you can naturally create a body with a high enough level. body.

And if you want to break through the body, the outer body is also a must.

When breaking through the union.

Three-in-one is required.

That is, the main body, the outer body, and the Nascent Soul, three in one!

He understood this in advance. The main Nascent Soul was integrated with the main body, but the baby Nascent Soul could continue to stay in the Dantian, ensuring that after he broke through the integration, he could also open multiple realms of virtual refining at the same time.

It’s not because the Nascent Soul is integrated into one that it cannot open multiple realms at the same time.

So if it's possible.

He actually wanted to let his Nascent Soul unite to give birth to more cubs before breaking through the fusion. After all, there would be no chance of having cubs in the future, so it was considered out of print.


Time waits for no one.

Only when the twelve thrones are completely secured, will the shackles of heaven and earth between the states and continents be lifted. And if you want to secure a throne, you need to satisfy the talent of sitting on the throne for a full year.

That is to say.

At the very least, in one or two years, the shackles of heaven and earth will be lifted.

If he is slow, it may be three or four years ago. All this is unknown. He does not know the status of the struggle for the throne in other states and continents. The rotation of thrones in different states and continents is an edict from the regional state and continent, not the way of heaven that covers the entire vast continent. edict.

He is different, he is the first, has a benchmark, and naturally announces it with the decree of heaven.

And he must enter the integration stage before the shackles of Zhou and Lu are lifted.


With his cultivation, it would be too difficult and ups and downs for him to win the title of the sole king among all the peak warriors.

But as long as it's integrated, it'll be fine.

By his means.

Once you get into one, you become invincible!

Time is very tight, but the good news is that he originally planned to wait for this batch of spirit stones to be used up, and then go out and find ways to find training resources. Now that he has Daozong, he can practice with peace of mind, without worrying about the spirit stones. .


He still couldn't help but replied a letter to Liu Zide, asking Liu Zide to take it easy while burning money. He could understand it, and he didn't want to interfere too much. After all, this was not his strong point. Liu Zide must have his own ideas.

If you want the people below to do things, you must give them enough rights and trust.

But, Liu Zide burned too damn fast!

He felt really distressed. Although the spiritual stone he was burning was the Dao Sect's spiritual stone, in his heart, he felt that it was the same as his own spiritual stone. He also specifically asked the letter to be burned after reading it, and not to let the leader of the Dao Sect see it, otherwise he would feel It's still a bit embarrassing, as if he had planned to get Daozong's spiritual stone early, just waiting for Daozong to give him the spiritual stone.

A bit disappointing.

He, Chen Yuan, sometimes needs a little face.

Then he took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on Xuantian's throne, and began to continue to practice mental methods and hard training. This opportunity to choose an entry was still useless to him. He had already saved it twice.

He only needs to accumulate one more time, and he can collect it three times, and then exchange it for a chance to draw the "Premium Entry".

And by combining "A wisp of pride's luck" and "God's hand" with him, he has a high probability of drawing a top-quality entry that perfectly suits him!

Simply perfect!


The entire Heavenly Palace fell into silence again, with clouds and mist lingering. Everyone was practicing hard. From time to time, someone would suddenly get up and walk out of the palace, and then the sound of rumbling thunder tribulations could be heard outside the Heavenly Palace.

"That's great."

The Brown Bear Young Patriarch, who was standing aside with a willow branch and a cassock, looked at the scene in front of him and sighed with emotion. He didn't know why, but seeing the Mootian Sect getting better and better, he still felt a sense of pride.

While I am proud that I am also a member of the Chao Tian Sect, I am proud that I made that clear decision in Daxia Kingdom, and I am even more proud that I now have the responsibility of adding spirit stones to the Spirit Gathering Array.

It seems like an inconspicuous position.

But he loved it.

After all, he was working for the Mootian Sect, which made his connection with the Mootian Sect even closer, so even if it was just such a small matter, he could still practice, as long as he woke up once a day, basically There won't be any problems.

He still stayed by the side without sleep every day, not daring to delay at all.

Occasionally, he also served as a messenger, such as when the leader of the Sky Ax Sect came to visit with the leader of the Dao Sect.

as well as

He touched the storage ring in his arms, and the smile on his lips became more intense. It had to be said that the master of the Dao Sect knew what was going on, and was generous, giving him a full 1,000 middle-grade spiritual stones.

It's not of much use if he wants the spirit stone. After all, he stays in the Chaotian Sect all day long and has no use for the spirit stone.

But it made him feel respected.

So when these two people came to visit, the sect master was practicing, but he still cautiously approached and called softly to the side.


The young brown bear patriarch patted his belly with a satisfied expression. He put one hand behind his back and paced back and forth at the gate of the Heavenly Palace with a willow branch in hand. He looked up into the distance from time to time. He was still vaguely expecting someone to come visit him again.

This was one of the few opportunities for him to show his face, and he showed his face with dignity.

Xuantianzhou, within Daozong.

The leader of the Tianaxe Sect looked at the leader of the Dao Sect in front of him with red eyes and said word by word: "Tell me honestly, what exactly did you do? It is obvious that I have the best relationship with the Chaotian Sect, and I am also the No. 1 in the entire Xuantian State. A force that has obtained the token of Chaotian Sect, I also led the way for my seniors.”

"Why. In the end, all the benefits belong to you?"

Apart from getting the Mocking Sky Sect token, he didn't get any substantial benefits, but he's noticed the Dao Sect's drastic measures in recent days, and he's almost making crazy money from the Lingshi!

I don't know how many forces are going crazy with envy.

If it were not known that Dao Zong was covered by the Chao Tian Sect, no one would know how many forces had joined forces to attack Dao Zong. In the face of huge wealth, who could not be red-eyed.

Anyway, he was red.


Thinking of this, the leader of the Sky Ax Sect suddenly felt aggrieved in his heart. He felt his throat was a little sore and choked up: "Take me some soup, too. You were the senior I introduced to you that day. Otherwise, would you have had the opportunity you have now?"

He was so sad.

The reason why he tried so hard to persuade his old friend for so long that day was simply because he didn't want his old friend to die impulsively at the hands of his seniors.

At that time, I never imagined that the situation would get out of control to the extent it has now.

If I had known better then, I wouldn't have advised you, you might as well have died.

"You really deserve to die, you do!"

The leader of the Sky Ax Sect became more and more angry as he thought about it. He couldn't help but slapped the table and got up angrily. He pointed at the nose of the leader of the Dao Sect and cursed: "How come you can get up? How in the hell are you like me? You are obviously the best." You followed the seniors first, so why are all the benefits yours?"

"You're making a lot of money from the fucking spiritual stones now. You don't make as much from the spiritual stone mines!"

"I don't care!"

"If you don't take me to drink soup today, I will hang myself in your Taoist sect. Think about how my senior will react when he finds out that I hanged himself in your sect!"

"You can figure it out yourself!"


In the reception hall, the head of the Dao Sect sighed helplessly, and then pressed his hands in the air: "Sit down first, look at you, I haven't finished this sip of tea, and your mood has changed three times. ”

"You are the leader of a sect, not an actor, how can you change your face so quickly."

"Besides, we have been friends for so many years, don't you want me to get better?"

"I hope so!"

The leader of the Tianfu Sect sat back in the chair, his face ugly and painful, and he said hoarsely: "But it's enough for you to get better, why can you be so good, now the cultivators of the entire Xuantianzhou are like crazy, rushing to buy your garbage array plate!"

"Tell me the truth, did you poison the array plate, the kind that can psychedelic people's minds, Lost your mind?"


The Dao Sect leader couldn't help but grinned when he heard this: "What are you saying? Wasn't it you who persuaded me to go and arrange it in Dao Sect that day?"

"But I didn't persuade you to arrange 1.5 million spiritual stones!!!"

The Tianfu Sect leader covered his chest with some pain and said word by word: "I shouldn't have taken you to the Heavenly Palace to ask for an audience with the senior. You... Why are you so good!"

"You're going to piss me off to death!"

"You are so immoral and incompetent. Why did you get up!"

PS: I'll post the typos first and correct them later. Please give me some monthly tickets~

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