I am cultivating immortality in the chaotic world

Chapter 238: Premium items, rising step by step!


In the secret room of "Taiping Mansion" in Pingxi Prefecture, the white-haired old man took a deep breath, and after gradually calming down his irritable emotions, he murmured: "There will always be a way to go when you reach the mountain. There is at least one year before the competition for the only king begins."

"Don't worry."

"Don't worry."

"There will definitely be a chance."

He is now regretting his life, but he can't do anything about it. The life span of the fusion period itself is about 10,000 years, not to mention that he has the entry of life thinner than paper.


"Entry name": Life thinner than paper.

"Entry level": Green.

"Entry effect": You can throw a token every month. If the token faces up, you will increase your life by one year and double the power of the spell, and vice versa.


During that time, under the effect of the "Fairy's First Night" entry, he can almost add two years of life every month. Under the effect of the free man entry, any random entry will get double effect, whether it is amplification or weakening.

During that time, his life span skyrocketed.

He even learned a special method of refining the void, which consumes life but can greatly increase the speed of cultivation. After all, his life span is enough for him. Twelve times a year, each time increases his life span by two years, and each year can increase his life span by 24 years.

One hundred years is 2,400 years of life, which is almost a perpetual motion machine.

However, this entry is not an active entry, and there is no physical token. At a certain time every month, a token will pop out of the dantian, and then he can choose to throw it out. If he does not throw it out, then after waiting for a hundred breaths, the token will be thrown out automatically.

In other words.

This entry is a completely passive entry, and most of the entries that can randomly change combat power are passive entries.

In these years, he basically increased his life span by one-third and weakened his life span by two-thirds. Because his life span was endless in the past few years, he used it a little recklessly, resulting in his life span not being enough now.

Only more than 3,000 years of life span.

And the mental method that was originally used to consume life was also replaced by him. He could afford it before, but now he can't use it at all.


In the secret room.

After the white-haired old man sighed helplessly, he sat on the chair again with a sad face, thinking about the solution. How to let King Pingxi go without taking his life? This has become the most important topic he needs to figure out during this period.

The research time is still short.

Only one year.

Just like that--

In Xuantianzhou.

As time flies, more than 120 days have passed since the "Chaotian Sect" closed its doors. Finally, on this day, Chen Yu, who had been sitting cross-legged on the Xuantian throne for a long time with his eyes closed, opened his eyes again and exhaled a long breath.


Chen Yu exhaled lightly and looked at the cultivation panel above his dantian.


"Cultivation": Fifth level of Lianxu (0.2%).


The cultivation level finally broke through again. The time spent from the fourth level of Refining Void to the fifth level of Refining Void was a little longer than the time spent from the third level of Refining Void to the fourth level of Refining Void, and the spiritual stones consumed were also slightly more.

At this moment, his aura was majestic and rich, including the pressure and physical strength, which had been improved to a certain extent, and his combat power had also improved a lot.

Dharma cultivators do not cultivate physical strength.

Unlike physical cultivators.

But with the improvement of cultivation, even if he did not cultivate physical strength, his physical strength would increase a little when he broke through and passed the heavenly tribulation. Although it did not increase much, it still increased a little.

If he, who was at the fifth level of Refining Void, fought against himself at the first level of Refining Void, if he did not use any special means, he would definitely win, but of course he would not win much. After all, from the first level of Refining Void to the fifth level of Refining Void, although his combat power was improved, it did not form a crushing level.

With this breakthrough.

He has accumulated enough opportunities to choose three entries, and these three opportunities can just combine into one opportunity to choose one of the three entries.

Then he did not hesitate.

He took a deep breath and immediately activated the "God's Hand" entry and "A Wisp of Earth Pride's Luck". The "God's Hand" entry can make the random entries in the three-choice entry closely related to what he wants in his heart.

And what he thinks about is still the speed of cultivation!

Combat power? He has enough!

He has enough means to increase his combat power. What's more, even if he adds more combat power now, if he does not break through the fusion and has no fusion killer move, his combat power will not have a qualitative change. At his level of cultivation, the fastest way to increase combat power is to improve the progress of cultivation. The combat power of each major realm is a qualitative crushing.

Then when he breaks through the fusion with the twelfth-grade "body outside the body" and learns the twelfth-grade "fusion killer move", he can once again reach the fusion and then be invincible. This is the route he should take!

At this time, trying to increase the power of the Lightning Attraction Technique would be putting the cart before the horse.

As for defense, it was indeed his weakness, but in most cases, he had no chance to defend. As long as the combat power was full, he had no chance to defend. Compared with the speed of cultivation, it was not a high priority.

After confirming what he thought in his heart.

Then, he looked at the panel floating above his dantian.


"My cultivation has greatly increased, and I have officially entered the fifth level of Void Refining."

"You have a total of three opportunities to choose one of the three entries. The three opportunities will be automatically combined into one, turning into one opportunity to choose one of the three entries for the 'Exquisite' entry."

"Please choose from the three random entries below, Baixi."


"Name of the entry": Step by step, rise to the top (top grade).

"Entry level": red.

"Entry Effect": Your cultivation speed will double every one year, triple every two years, up to a maximum of 1,000 times.

"Premium Effect": The effect and upper limit are doubled.


"Name of Entry": Overlooking the World (Exquisite).

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": Your cultivation progress is only 80%.

"Premium Effect": reduced to 60%.


"Name of Entry": Double Cultivation of the Ultimate Product (Excellent Product).

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": You will obtain these six entries: 'Power of Nine Bulls', 'Power of Nine Yin', 'Double Cultivation of Destiny', 'Swashbuckling Saint', 'Flowers and Candles in the Bridal Room', and 'I Will Not Marry You'.

"Premium Effect": The six entries you obtain will all be premium entries!



Chen Yuan slowly closed his eyes, sat cross-legged on Xuantian's throne, and took several deep breaths before gradually calming down the excitement in his heart.

Won the jackpot! ! !

Real jackpot!

Under the effect of the two treasure entries of God's Hand and a wisp of pride's luck, these three entries were the best randomly selected entries among the three entries in his life.

Although it is not a colorful entry.

But if used properly, the effect is not weaker than the colorful entries, or even better than the colorful entries!

Perhaps he felt that ten breaths was not enough for him to think, so this time the time to choose an entry was extended to a hundred breaths. A hundred breaths was enough time to make a choice in a leisurely manner. For these three premium entries, he even There is no need to choose at all, just choose one with your eyes closed and the effect will not be weak.


Except for the third entry.

This was his first random entry, and he directly randomly selected a fixed entry group. It was equivalent to selecting one entry, and six more entries were added directly. Moreover, it was the only set of entries that had a linkage effect with each other. This was already It's a big opportunity.

"The power of nine oxen" + "the power of nine yins" + "double cultivation of destiny".

He knows the effects and linkage effects of these three entries. Together, these three entries can allow him to gain 18 times the cultivation progress during dual cultivation. Although he has never seen the latter three entries, he does not know them either. What effect it has, but it is conceivable that it should be matched. These six entries can greatly increase the cultivation progress he obtains during dual cultivation.

However, although the effect was good, the path he took was a little off.

Then only the first entry and the second entry are considered.

The first entry.

The red entry is, "Step by step (higher level)".

This is the second red entry he has seen. So far, he only has one red entry. This is the second red entry he has seen. The effect can be said to be extremely abnormal.

The cultivation speed will double every year, that is, after 100 years, the cultivation speed will increase 100 times, and after 1,000 years, it will be 1,000 times.

The effect of the ultimate product is that the amplification effect and upper limit will be doubled.

That is, after 1,000 years, the cultivation speed will increase by 2,000 times.

A cultivation speed of 2000 times is far higher than his current cultivation speed. His current cultivation speed is probably more than 100 times, and the cultivation speed this entry can give him is far higher than his current cultivation speed.

The only flaw is that it is not a quick entry, and the timeline is a bit long.

It would take at least 50 years to increase the cultivation speed to a considerable 100 times, which is not much different from his current cultivation speed increase.

For the general refining body, one hundred or one thousand years is not a very long time. A few more times of closing the death barrier will almost pass. This is a force that will become stronger and stronger as time goes by. Entry, after a thousand years, the cultivation speed brought by this entry will reach an extremely terrifying 2000 times!

What is the concept of 2000 times? !

One year of your hard work is equivalent to 2,000 years of hard work for an ordinary person!

As long as you practice enough, there are no dangers, and the level of your mental skills is high enough to allow you to absorb such a huge amount of spiritual energy at once, then you can step from the level of refining the void to the level of refining the void in less than a year. Peak, easy.

It's an extremely scary number.

But the flaws are also obvious, and it will take time for this entry to exert its strongest effect after thousands of years.

What he lacks most now is actually time.

He needs enough time to break through to the integration stage when the battle for the "One King" comes. It will only take two or three years at most before the battle for the One King comes. At that time, he will compete with the other eleven states. The strongest men in Lu started a fierce fight!

There simply wasn't enough time left for him, and he couldn't wait for the entry "Step by Step (Zhenpin)" to fully exert its effect.

The choice left to him——

There is only the second entry "Overlooking the World (Exquisite)", which makes his cultivation progress in each small realm only 60%. This is the simplest and most direct way to increase his cultivation speed.

Directly cutting the cultivation progress almost in half.

This increased cultivation speed is immeasurable. Not only the progress of cultivation in the Refining Void Stage is almost cut in half, but also in the Fusion Stage and even the later stages. This is an entry with strong effects in both the early and late stages.

Especially in the late stage.

When it takes thousands or tens of thousands of years to break through a small realm, this entry can exert the greatest effect and directly reduce it by half.


Chen Lu took a long breath again. After thinking for a while between the two entries "Overlooking the World" and "Step by Step", he looked at the third entry. He had already made up his mind to choose the entry "Overlooking the World".

However, he still had a chance to re-screen.

See if he could re-screen a better one.


With the consumption of 100,000 merit points, the third entry on the panel wrapped in clouds and mist began to slowly blur, and in the blink of an eye, the third entry reappeared.


"Entry Name": Inorganic Man (Premium).

[Entry Level]: Red.

[Entry Effect]: You can freely travel to the lower continents with the shackles of the Heavenly Dao.

[Precious Effect]: Every time you go to a new continent, your cultivation speed will increase by 10 times.



Chen Yu's mouth opened slowly and subconsciously, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes. This entry is also very powerful!

It is also a red entry.

You can freely travel to the lower continents with the shackles of the Heavenly Dao, which means that as long as he wants, he can return to the "Xuantian Continent" at any time, and there are eleven lower continents in the vast continent, and he can go to all these eleven lower continents.

Every time you go to a new continent, the cultivation speed will increase by 10 times. If you go to all these 11 new continents, the total will be 110 times!

This is given directly!

It does not take any time, and you don't need to wait for hundreds of years. As long as he chooses this entry now, he will be able to receive 110 times the cultivation speed tomorrow, which completely meets his current time-sensitive need to quickly cultivate to the fusion stage.

The most important thing is——

This entry can be completely linked with his pink entry "Famous"!

Eleven new continents mean a large number of creatures. As long as all the creatures in these eleven continents have heard of his name, his cultivation speed will increase significantly again, or soar!

Of course.

Without the Heavenly Dao Edict, it is very difficult to let so many creatures in a new continent hear your name. After all, even a lower-level continent like Xuantian Continent has an extremely vast area.

But he just happens to have two professional marketing talents!

Liu Zide, who planned the "Nine Bulls Castration Live Feast", "Reputation Level 3 Short Dramas", "Lu Family Array Plate High Price Hype" and other exciting events + the gambling nature is fearless, the brain is average but the main focus is to listen to advice, although he is a native cultivator, he has traffic thinking!

These two people can be said to be a match made in heaven!

One person handles the overall situation, and one person handles trivial matters. With the two of them working together, even if it is a completely unfamiliar lower-level continent, he believes that these two people can spread his name throughout this unfamiliar lower-level continent in a short time!

He doesn't care what means are used.

He only cares about the result.

This "Inorganic Person (Zhenpin)" entry will be more suitable for him than the previous two entries.

Without any hesitation.

Chen Yu immediately chose this entry, and did not practice again at the first time, but sent a voice transmission to contact Liu Zide, the leader of Dao Sect, and the leader of Tianfu Sect, and ordered them to rush to the Heavenly Palace as quickly as possible to discuss major matters!

After making this decision.

Chen Yu, who was sitting cross-legged on the Xuantian throne, suddenly looked at the group of Chaotian Sect disciples who were practicing below, and chuckled in a trance.

The original dilemma.

Suddenly, he was revived overnight. He suddenly felt that it was a wise choice for him to leave three chances to choose one of the three entries and use the God's Hand and a trace of the luck of the earth's pride to choose the most suitable entry for him.

A quarter of an hour later.

Outside the Heavenly Palace.

Liu Zide, the leader of the Dao Sect, and the leader of the Tianfu Sect, who had already rushed to the outside of the White House, stood respectfully in front of Chen Yu with awe in their eyes. However, in a place where no one could see, a trace of horror flashed in the eyes of the leader of the Tianfu Sect.

He could feel that the senior's cultivation had reached the fifth level of the Refining Void, and because the realm had not been consolidated, he could faintly feel the pressure released.


It has only been more than a hundred days? !

In just more than a hundred days, the senior's cultivation level has gone from the first level of the Refining Void to the fifth level of the Refining Void? Did the senior fly up? Or did the senior have some kind of modifier or something, and he could easily change his cultivation level to the fifth level of the Refining Void with just a flick of his finger?

In the entire vast continent, how can there be such a fast cultivation speed!

He practiced from the first level of Refining Void to the fifth level of Refining Void. He remembered that it took him hundreds of years or even nearly a thousand years. Apart from other things, the resources for practicing from the first level of Refining Void to the fifth level of Refining Void were not a small amount. It took a long time to save them.

Although he was shocked in his heart, his face showed no expression, because he felt that the senior had important things to tell him today, so it was not appropriate to flatter him. Flattering also depended on the timing.


Chen Yu stood there in silence for a long while before looking at Liu Zide and the others and whispered, "I have a task for you. Everyone knows that the vast continent is a second-grade continent, and there are eleven lower-grade first-grade continents."

"I want you to publicize my existence in the other eleven continents except Xuantian Continent."

"No matter what means you use, I need to let enough people in the other eleven lower-grade continents know my name as quickly as possible in a short period of time."

"Can you do it?"


The leader of Dao Sect hesitated and did not answer immediately. He did not ask how it was possible to go to the lower-grade continent at will when there were shackles of the Heavenly Dao. Since the senior said so, there must be a senior's means. He just had other concerns.

"Senior, what about the Dao Sect business of Xuantian Sect? With the help of Mr. Liu Zide, all the plans have been successful. We have been receiving a large amount of spiritual stones. If we stand up at this time, it is very likely that the business will collapse in an instant."

"No problem."

Chen Yu said calmly, "Thank you for your hard work during this period. Let the leader of Tianfu Sect take over this matter. Liu Zide, please keep some countermeasures and make them into a treasure bag. In the next three days, you two will conduct all-round emergency training for the leader of Tianfu Sect."

"After that, you two will take your confidants and set off to other places. The matter of the lower continent, Xuantianzhou, will be left to the leader of the Tianfu Sect to handle. "

"You three are all working for me."

"As long as I become an immortal emperor, the three of you will naturally rise in the future. Try to take some of the losses lightly. Of course, Tianfu Sect leader, you should also find a way to make up for Dao Sect leader. The specific matters are for you to discuss. "

"Go back and deal with it now."

"Come back here in three days and you can set off."

"Understood!" A trace of ecstasy flashed in the eyes of the Tianfu Sect leader, but he quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart and said with a faint trembling voice.

"Yes, Sect Leader."

Liu Zide was a little excited. This meant that it was time for him to show his skills again. He had been frozen in Xuantian Continent for so long. He thought it would be difficult for him to perform on the stage in the future. Unexpectedly, there were so many stages suddenly.

Spread the reputation of Brother Lu as much as possible?

Fuck, isn't that just creating an Internet celebrity?!

What did he do in his previous life? He was a small boss of MCN. He was very good at creating Internet celebrities and topics that left a lasting impression. He was a professional!

Especially when Brother Lu's deeds were very influential and he had a lot of spiritual stones as bargaining chips, if he didn't do it well, he would be beheaded!

After Liu Zide and his three men left.

Chen Lucai stood alone outside the Heavenly Palace. After standing on the edge of the cliff for a long time, he took out the oval stone that had been with him for a long time in the small world, placed it on the edge of the cliff, and sat cross-legged on it again.

Feeling the long-lost cold and warm, these two completely conflicting words can be fully displayed on this jade-made oval stone.

He hasn't practiced on this stone for a long time.

After all, he used a ray of "Emperor's Luck" to create the "Xuantian Throne", which is the throne composed of golden lightning arcs. Sitting on it will not only increase the power of spells, but also gain 10 times the practice speed.

So he has been practicing on the Xuantian throne for a long time recently.

He has been pushing himself hard these days.

He doesn't plan to rush these three days.

Take a rest.

By the way, consolidate his cultivation level. His current level is a little unstable. He sits cross-legged on the oval stone below him, looking at the horizon in a trance, which reminds him of the time in Daxia.

That time has countless memories of him.

He has now reached the "Fifth Level of Refining Void". If he returns to Daxia at this moment, he can kill all the people in Daxia with his coercion without taking any action. However, he still misses Daxia and his old friends all the time.

After a long time, he chuckled and shook his head without speaking.

He doesn't know when he can go back to Daxia to talk to his old friends. Maybe when his cultivation reaches the fusion level, he should be able to break the ban outside Daxia.

Next, he just needs to wait.

After three days of rest, Liu Zide and others will be dealt with after three days. He will send these people to other lower continents, and then he can start his practice again.

Although the plan of making money from spiritual stones in Xuantianzhou is also very important, it has a lower priority than his practice speed. After all, the practice speed is the most important, which is directly related to whether he can break through to the fusion stage as soon as possible.

Of course, a large number of spiritual stones are also crucial.

Otherwise, even if he practices faster, there will not be enough practice resources for him to practice.

So he will set aside three days for several people to hand over and minimize the loss as much as possible, so that he can take care of both ends while minimizing the loss.

There are still not enough people.

If there are more compound talents like Liu Zide, he will be much more relaxed.

Xuantianzhou, Dao Sect reception hall.


The leader of Dao Sect sat on the chair with an ugly and gloomy face and said nothing. At this time, his mood was suppressed to a certain extent. He is a person who is difficult to get angry. This is caused by his personality, but at this moment he is still a little angry.

It seems that he has done a great deed, not only for the entire Dao Sect, but also for the seniors, and he can also eat well.

At this critical moment.

A beast came out to take over the whole thing, and he didn't have a bad temper. This person was designated by the seniors.

What the hell is going on!

At this time-

Although the leader of the Tianfu Sect, who was standing aside with tea, was extremely excited, he still pretended to be a little embarrassed and said: "Well, Brother Zhang, I didn't expect this matter to develop like this. After all, this is your sect, but this is designated by the seniors personally, and I can't do anything about it."

"Let's do this."

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, I promise you that I will never touch the spiritual stone that belongs to Dao Sect. I will only drink some soup."

"What do you think?"


The leader of the Dao Sect did not speak, and continued to be silent with an ugly face. There is definitely no room for maneuver in this matter. After all, it was designated by the seniors personally. He was just in a bad mood. He still had to hand over normally after a while.

Seeing that no matter how he promised, the Dao Sect leader couldn't calm down, the Tianfu Sect leader gritted his teeth and said word by word: "When you come back, I won't hinder you and my sister's relationship anymore, you two can fall in love freely! How about it?"


The Dao Sect leader, who was originally sad, suddenly brightened his eyes and said subconsciously: "Are you serious?"

"Really, a gentleman's word is as good as a horse!"


The Dao Sect leader took a deep breath, then slammed the table, and said in a voice trembling with excitement: "Hurry up and bring the Xuantianzhou sand table. I only know the general idea. The details still need to be told to you by the master."

Liu Zide, who was sitting next to him, just pricked up his ears slightly. When he didn't hear what he wanted to hear, he was a little disappointed and sighed, but he continued to explain professionally.

"Currently, it has been planned to the first"

The drowsy voice slowly sounded in the room, but the eyes of the Tianfu Sect leader became brighter and brighter.

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