I am cultivating immortality in the chaotic world

Chapter 240 Entry name: Ant carrying a hammer.

Chapter 240 Entry name: "Ant carrying a hammer".


On the undisturbed Qingfeng Peak, in the Tiangong, all the disciples of the Mootian Sect were practicing silently, and Chen Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the Xuantian throne, was also slowly practicing with his eyes closed and using his mental techniques.

Along with the speed of cultivation, it was greatly increased by more than 100 times.

The speed at which he absorbed spiritual energy became more and more violent.

At his current cultivation speed, it is impossible for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to satisfy him. Even the cave heaven treasure land with rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth cannot satisfy him. Only the best spiritual gathering array that is fully activated and frequently replaced can satisfy him. The progress of cultivation.

The number of spiritual stones consumed every day has risen to more than 50,000!

The young brown bear patriarch wearing a cassock beside him was adding spirit stones to the spirit gathering array more frequently.

"That's great."

He held a willow branch and stood at the entrance of the Heavenly Palace, like a conscientious security guard. He looked behind him at the group of people practicing cross-legged under the twelve huge statues, and said with a dazed look on his face.

For some reason, every time I see everyone practicing together, I always feel a sense of prosperity.

And in the corner.

His own people are also cultivating crazily there, and the speed is actually pretty good. His people are generally in the foundation building stage and the golden elixir stage. Although this kind of cultivation is low, it is completely useless in the Mootian Sect and can hardly be used as a weapon. Combat power, after all, even transforming gods and refining the void can be used as combat power. It's not that they are too weak, but that the sect leader is too strong.

However, low-level cultivation is better because the progress of cultivation is shorter. With such a strong spiritual energy and the increase in cultivation speed, it is really spending a small amount of money to do big things. The spiritual energy absorbed is very small, but the improvement of the cultivation level is not slow at all.


He sat down at the entrance of the Heavenly Palace, looking at the horizon. No one would visit him next. He sat on the ground, leaning against the Heavenly Palace, looking dazed and speechless.

It's just that under the rising sun, he felt a little groggy. From time to time, his head drooped unconsciously, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dull. When no one spoke, it was the scorching sun, which made his whole fur feel warm. It was really good. Good for sleeping.

Of course, he will not forget his responsibilities. Even if he takes a nap, he will add enough spirit stones to the spirit gathering array as soon as possible so that the spirit gathering array can maintain normal operation.

And just when Xuantianzhou was completely on the right track.

"Pingxi Continent".

Liu Zide and others, who had just arrived and found the nearest city nearby, were gathering in a courtyard to carry out this plan.

"Old plan?"

Dao Zong advocated Qing Dynasty and said excitedly: "We have brought a lot of spiritual stones and so many people. We will try our best to bribe all the storytellers within this period of time, and then let them tell the stories. Just the miracles encountered in the growth history of the seniors.”

In Xuantian State, this is what they do.

After all, any past events of our predecessors are naturally disseminable and eye-catching when told about them.


Liu Zide shook his head calmly: "This plan does not apply to Pingxi Continent. If you sleep with a woman, then you will be interested in this woman's past, and you will ask about this woman's previous love history."

"But you will never have any emotions about a passerby's past love history."

"This is called "correlation"! "

"Only if there is a character who has a "strong correlation" with you, you will be curious about his past and his experience. For example, the woman you are sleeping with is an extremely promiscuous but virginal woman, so you will wonder You know what kind of story created such a character, but you will never care about the story of the woman who just passed you by. "


"The most fundamental reason why those people in Xuantian Province stopped to listen to the stories of those storytellers is because the sect master has taken the lead in having an extremely sensational influence in Xuantian State."

"For example, he won the Xuantian throne as soon as he landed, started the battle for the twelve thrones, and was blocked in the Heavenly Palace by dozens of powerful Void Refiners, attracting the attention of countless people."

"Furthermore, the sect master is a peerless talent who has completed the twelve milestone missions in the lower continent. In addition, with the twelve-grade golden elixir, the twelve-grade Yuanying, and the ninety-nine heavenly tribulations of refining the void, he can break through the refining of the void. He is invincible in refining the void and can easily kill dozens of powerful ones in the refining of the void."

"In a short period of time, several edicts from heaven have made the sect master famous, and so on."

"Through these deeds, the sect master has become famous throughout Xuantian Prefecture and even the entire vast continent in a short period of time. At this time, if you send storytellers to tell the sect master's deeds, everyone will be very interested, and they will learn from the sect master. They feel a charm of personality, because these people want to know what happened to the sect leader along the way to get him to where he is now, and whether they can copy or imitate him. "

"And the sect master's fame is called his "relevance" with everyone in Xuantian State, and only then can he arouse their curiosity. "

"On Pingxi Continent, no one here has ever heard of the sect master's name. At this time, storytellers are sent to forcefully promote the sect master's story. It is like a loft in the sky or a mirror, and it is difficult to attract people's attention. It’s also difficult for most people to remember the sect leader’s name in a short time.”

"I understand." The leader of the Dao Sect sitting aside nodded in realization, and then sighed with emotion: "So our first step should be to strengthen the "strong correlation" between these people and their predecessors, right? ? "

"You all listen, and learn more from sir."

"But sir, how can we enhance the strong correlation between these people and their predecessors?"


Liu Zide shook his head again: "We only have one month, and the Pingxi Continent is so vast. If we want to do this within a month and let as many people as possible remember the name of the sect master, we don't have time to do it." These are thin.”

"Severe illnesses require strong medicine."

"The sect leader only has three demands."

"First, quickly."

"Second, as many people as possible know the name of the sect leader."

"So I'm going to try a hard drug."

"For example?" The leader of the Dao Sect asked again in confusion. This time he really couldn't understand. What does strong medicine mean?

But he soon learned what strong medicine was.

Five days later!

In almost half of the cities in Pingxi Continent, all the storytellers stood in the middle of the city and shouted the same lines.

"Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan, there is a man named Chen Yuan!"

"Hey, Chen Yang, hey, Chen Yang!"


On the street, the leader of the Dao Sect sitting in the teahouse looked at the storyteller who was standing on the street and shouting hysterically with an expressionless face. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

He finally knew what rough and strong medicine meant.

The main theme is simple and crude.

Isn’t it about becoming famous? Since you are famous, all those fancy stories are useless. Just being famous is enough. Directly brainwashing your name by repeating it will be engraved into your mind like a virus.

He had taken care of everything so that no one would interfere with these storytellers.

But it's not the kind of management of seniors, but the literal management based on his cultivation.

"Is this really okay?"

The leader of the Dao Sect had a complicated expression and said, "I feel a little stretched."

He actually didn't want to question his husband's decision, but his decision seemed a bit childish no matter how he looked at it.

Liu Zide sighed and said nothing. There was nothing he could do. After all, the time was indeed too short, and he could not use other methods. In practice, the efficiency of making a good name is much slower than making a bad name. many.

A good reputation never goes out, but a bad reputation spreads thousands of miles.

But he was a little afraid to tell some stories for the sect leader that would affect his reputation too much. When there was not enough time, he could only use this more crude method.

But now this more crude method does seem a bit nonsense, but after all, it has only been five days, and there are still more than twenty days, there is still a certain room for error, since the sect master has given him the power to make his own decisions.


In this world, just try to make a name for yourself.

Anyway, there are eleven states and continents in total, so there’s no problem in giving it a try.

Then Liu Zide turned his head and looked at the leader of Dao Sect and said quietly: "It's a bit stretched. By the way, your cultivation should be able to completely crush everyone on this continent, right?"

"Of course." The leader of the Dao Sect nodded with some pride. After all, he was also the leader of Xuantian State's top force. Naturally, he could still crush these natives on the First-Rank Continent with his strength.


Liu Zide nodded and then said softly: "Then let's start the robbery. Time is running out. Let's start the robbery as soon as possible and directly rob all the forces in Pingxi Continent in the name of the sect leader "Chen Yang". "

"Some sects that are not discerning will be killed."

"Then let some storytellers publicize Chen Yang's atrocities, try this."

His methods at the beginning were indeed quite rough, but the effect was mediocre. The main reason was that Chen Yuan had never been heard of in this continent, which made his efficiency much lower. Since he could not gain a good reputation, then Just create a bad reputation.

Don't worry about so many things.

Go ahead and grab it!

"Robbing?" The leader of the Dao Sect was stunned for a moment, then scratched the back of his head and couldn't help but grinned: "Sir, I understand."


Another dozen days passed.

Chen Yuan slowly opened his eyes, sat cross-legged on the Xuantian throne, and looked down at the disciples of the Chaotian Sect who were practicing in the Tiangong. After taking a long breath, he stopped practicing.

Breakthrough again.

Refined to the sixth level.

The speed is much faster than he imagined. Originally, he planned to break through to the peak of Xu Refining within a year. Now it seems that this timeline will be greatly shortened to half a year or more. He has enough time to build his own twelfth grade. "Outside the body".

His "outer body" grade must be the twelfth grade. There is no doubt about this. No matter what the materials are, he will try his best to get them together. He has been of the highest grade of Heavenly Dao along the way. It is impossible. Get an eleventh or tenth grade or something on the "external body", that will force him to develop obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Although the level of the outer body does not affect the combat power very much, it directly affects the level of the "Fusion Killing Move" learned after breaking through the fusion, which affects the combat power.

It still directly affects combat effectiveness.

After hesitating for a while, he felt that he had better give up the opportunity to choose an entry from the three options for the time being. After using it, he was very satisfied with the last entry of "Inorganic Man (Exquisite)", no matter it was The effect of the entry itself, the ultimate product effect, and the linkage effect with other entries are all good.

However, individual entries are not weak either.

After he activated "A ray of luck for the local pride" last time, his plan was to go to the "Tian Temple" to draw a prize from the prize pools to see if he could draw anything convenient, but at that time, because he drew a It was extremely suitable for his Zhenpin entry. When he was a little excited, he forgot about it.


Although I forgot about it, I didn't lose much. After all, the rewards in that prize pool were a bit sloppy.

Hmm. I’ll remember that next time.

"How about another purple entry for "God's Hand"? "

Chen Yuan muttered casually in his heart. If he was given this entry again, he would break through the seventh, eighth, and ninth levels of Void Refining. These three opportunities would just give him the opportunity to choose one of the three high-grade entries.

That would be perfect.

Now you can choose a Zhenpin entry that perfectly suits you.


He himself shook his head and laughed somewhat self-deprecatingly. That was too outrageous. If it happened again, he would really doubt whether he was really cheating? He has come up with the term "God's Hand" twice in a row. He can't come up with it a third time, right?

He came here three times in a row. Although this entry has no effect on improving combat power, it is the best auxiliary entry. Of course, this is for him, and it may not be as effective for others.

After all, every time he breaks through a small realm, he can have the opportunity to choose one of the three entries. Others only have this opportunity when they break through a big realm. Choosing this entry is almost equivalent to giving up one of the three choices. A chance.

Whether it is a loss or a profit is difficult to evaluate.

Afterwards, he shook his head and stopped thinking about this. Instead, he looked at the panel wrapped in clouds and mist above his dantian to see what words he randomly found this time.


"My cultivation has greatly increased, and I have officially entered the sixth level of Void Refining."

"Please choose from the three random entries below, Baixi."


"Entry name": Ant carrying a hammer.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry effect": You will summon an ant that will never die, never be destroyed, will definitely obey your orders, is in the Qi refining stage, obeys your orders and is carrying a small hammer. When you summon this ant, the ant will keep flying towards the enemy at an extremely fast speed, ignoring any shackles, restrictions, and formations. After crawling on the enemy, it will start to hit the enemy with a small hammer. head until the enemy is dead.


"Entry name": a sure hit.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": The speed of all spells you release will be weakened by 99%, but as long as it is locked by your consciousness, your spells will definitely hit the enemy and ignore all formations, shackles, etc.


"Name of the entry": bridal chamber flowers and candles.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry effect": You need to have the entry "Nine Ox Power" as a female, or the "Nine Yin Power" entry as a male, and then you can practice dual cultivation with yourself, and The cultivation progress obtained through dual cultivation will be increased by 3 times. If you have the two entries of "Nine Ox Power" + "Nine Yin Power" at the same time, you will gain 27 times the cultivation progress by practicing dual cultivation.


These three entries are the entries he obtained after breaking through the sixth level of Void Refining.


Chen Yuan couldn't help but frown slightly. Sure enough, after there was no such entry as "God's Hand", such entries about monsters and monsters popped up again. He could probably understand the pain of most monks.

After finally breaking through a big realm, I looked full of hope at the three-choice entries I got when I broke through the big realm. As a result, some entries about monsters and monsters randomly appeared. Not only did I have to choose the one that suits me as much as possible, but also You have to find a way to match this entry with an entry group.

It's a bit difficult.

It's a good thing that he has the colorful entry "higher and higher". Even if the random entry doesn't work one time, at worst, it can be done next time, but it will be a little difficult for others. This wait may take decades or even decades. Hundreds of years ago.

First is the first entry.

"An ant with a hammer."

A total of seven words, this is the entry with the most names he has encountered, and it is also very straightforward.

He didn't expect that the effect of a purple entry would be to summon an ant with Qi-refining skills. Although this ant would never die, which sounded cool, it couldn't hide that this ant was only Qi-refining skills. fact.

So what if I catch up with the enemy with a hammer, let alone the Refining Void God, even if it is the Nascent Soul, this ant will not be able to cause any harm to the Nascent Soul even if it knocks for a hundred years.

There is no way to break the defense.

The only effect may be to make this Nascent Soul feel irritable and unable to practice stably. After all, it is quite annoying for anyone to have an ant on top of their head banging on your head while practicing.

in other words.

This entry is meant to disgust people, especially in the later stages, when everyone is practicing the Mahayana and even the Immortal Emperor, and they are in seclusion for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. During these tens of thousands of years, there has always been someone The ants are knocking around on your head. I won’t tell you whether it’s annoying or not.

It was a bit indecent to be seen when leaving seclusion, and he ignored all the shackles and prohibition formations, making it impossible to hide even if he wanted to.

Perhaps it is because of this that this entry is a purple entry. At least he thinks that this entry should have little linkage effect with other entries.

Forget it!

He will never choose this entry. It is too rubbish.

The second entry "Must Hit" is a spell entry. The effect and disadvantages are very obvious.

It is similar to the first entry. Both are disgusting entries. With this entry, you can activate a large number of spells from a distance and then turn around and run.

The remaining spells will slowly shoot towards the enemy at an extremely slow speed.

Of course, it will definitely not hit.

But if the enemy goes back to practice and retreat after chasing him in vain, there is a high possibility that he will suddenly find a group of thunder dragons coming towards him while practicing.


It seems that this entry is not very useful, at least it is not suitable for him. His "Lightning Attraction" is mainly a zero-frame start, absolutely instant. For him, this entry has almost no advantages, all disadvantages.

As for the last entry, let alone.

The dual cultivation entry was not for him at all. The probability of a woman obtaining the "Nine Bulls' Strength" entry was extremely small, but even a small probability was not impossible. For the dual cultivation entry, it seemed that "Nine Bulls' Strength" was a basic entry, the basic entry of all entry groups.

And if he remembered correctly, there was no entry jade slip for this entry, which meant that it was completely up to fate.

It was a pity. It seemed that it would be difficult for Daxia to have any dual cultivation holy bodies in the future. After all, after Liu Zide planned the live broadcast in Daxia that day, many people with the Nine Bulls' Strength were recruited by the sect and started gambling with the root of self-destruction.

Chen Lu shook his head and said nothing more.

Instead, he silently consumed 100,000 merit points and started to randomly select the third entry. He had already made a decision in his heart. No matter how rubbish the re-screened entry was, as long as it was slightly in line with him, he would choose this entry. After all, he had no choice.

This time his luck was not very good.

Maybe his luck ran out last time.


On the panel wrapped in clouds, the third entry began to slowly become blurred, and a new entry quickly emerged.


"Entry name": Red spider lily.

"Entry level": Purple.

"Entry effect": A red spider lily will grow in your dantian. At the beginning of each month, this red spider lily will randomly wither or bloom. If it withers, your cultivation speed will be reduced to 10% and your spell power will be reduced to 10%. If it blooms, your cultivation speed will increase by 9 times and your spell power will also increase by 9 times.



Chen Yu was expressionless and silent for a long time.

Fortunately, since breaking through to the fifth level of refining emptiness, the time to select entries has increased from ten breaths to a hundred breaths, giving him enough time to slowly choose, so he is not in a hurry.

He had already made up his mind. As long as the re-screened entry was only slightly suitable for him, he would choose this entry.

But he didn't expect that it was not only not suitable for him at all, but also useless.

This entry might be very useful to some people. Once the red spider lily blooms in that month, it will really increase not only the cultivation speed, but also the power of spells by 9 times.

The power of spells increased by 9 times, what a concept.

This is equivalent to breaking through several small realms directly. This is an extremely exaggerated existence. Even if we only talk about the power of spells, the power of spells activated by a ninth-level refining void may not exceed the power of spells activated by the first-level refining void, reaching a gap of nine times.

Of course, what is said here is that other means are not considered.

Just consider the gap brought by cultivation and the majestic spiritual energy.

And this entry can directly increase the power of spells by nine times, which is indeed a bit outrageous. As long as the flowers bloom in that month, it will be a matter of killing people and Buddhas.

But for him.

It is completely useless. He avoids all random combat power entries. Compared with the sometimes god and sometimes ghost, he hopes that his combat power can be kept in a stable enough range, which will make him feel more secure, without having to worry about whether he will encounter a crisis that he has to face when he is at his weakest.

These four entries are the entries he obtained from this breakthrough in cultivation.

There was a long silence.

Chen Lu sighed lightly and chose the first entry "Ant with a Hammer". Although these four entries are useless to him, after all, this first entry at least has no disadvantages to him, and the remaining three entries still have great disadvantages to him.

After confirming this entry.

Chen Lu, who was sitting cross-legged on the Xuantian throne, had a thought, and soon-

I saw a small ant holding a small silver hammer and a serious face appeared in his palm. This was a very strange feeling. He could feel a sense of seriousness from the facial expression of this ant.

Standing very straight.

There was a sense of tension that if you stand there, you will be a soldier.


Chen Lu looked at the little ant in his hand, raised his eyebrows and flashed a trace of surprise in his eyes, because he found that although the effect of this entry was extremely insignificant, it was an extremely rare facial activation method when activated.

In other words, he doesn't need to lock the enemy with his spiritual sense.

He only needs to know the face and name of the enemy, and then he can let the little ant in his hand fly towards the enemy, and then use the little hammer in his hand to hit the enemy's head hard until the enemy dies, otherwise he will not give up.

He has heard of this kind of entry in Xuantian Continent, but he has never encountered it. At first, he was very careful and tried not to show his face and not let his face be seen by others, so as not to be activated by others in the air.

But since he later had the "Nascent Soul Defense", an entry that can help him resist the rule killing, he breathed a sigh of relief and never covered his face again.

However, although he was on guard, he had never encountered this entry.

Unexpectedly, an entry that he didn't care about was accidentally obtained, which turned out to be this way of urging.

"Not bad."

Chen Yu chuckled and stretched out his fingers to play with the little ant in his hand. Although the effect was useless, it must be said that the urging method was a bit interesting.


It can't be said that it is completely useless.

He played with it and thought thoughtfully without speaking. After all, it has the relatively buggy attributes of "never die" and "ignore any shackles". Maybe if there is an entry that can amplify your summons, you can turn this little ant into a highly defensive shield?

He has never seen an entry that can be linked with his summons, but he guessed that there might be one. After all, there are too many entries and it is difficult to count them all.

And, maybe in some secret realms or forbidden areas, you can use the attribute of this ant ignoring any shackles to release it to explore the way, or to pass on messages?

Not bad.

Chen Yu thought thoughtfully, poked the small hammer in the palm of the ant's hand, didn't say much, but had a new idea.

ps: typos are posted first and corrected later, please give me some monthly votes~

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