From a certain perspective, this can be regarded as living as long as heaven.

Wang Jiu sighed and said no more. After all, there was nothing he could do. Although there was an entry on immortality, which allowed him to have an unlimited lifespan, it was of no other use.

Before facing this kind of crisis, all he could do was wait.

Wait for someone to solve this matter, or wait for death.

The price of unlimited lifespan is that his cultivation is forever fixed in the Qi Refining Period. Although there is no way to increase his cultivation, it is not completely without benefits.

At least his combat power is unstoppable at this level.

Among other things, unlimited lifespan means that it can use some life-consuming spells, and these spells often have one thing in common, which means they are extremely powerful.

Whether it is an escape spell or an offensive spell, its power will become huge when life is consumed at any cost.

So far, he has not met an opponent.

Of course, this is under the premise of being of the same cultivation level as him.

Xuantianzhou, Yuncheng.

This is a cloudless city, with not a single cloud visible all year round.

"It's over."

Zhang Kui said with an ugly face: "This time I am completely ruined. I don't know what happened. The world seems to be destroyed suddenly."

"Do you know any way to solve this problem?"

"Solve the problem."

The leader of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect said angrily: "What can be solved? This world will not be destroyed until ten thousand years. We will be dead by then. Why do we care about this?"

"The lifespan of the combined stage is only 10,000 years. Do you think we can still break through to the combined stage?"

"Even if we are lucky enough to break through the integration stage, what can we do? Just wait until death."

The July cat lying under the table curled his lips and said nothing.

Waiting to die?

She was familiar with this and knew it professionally.

However, she felt that things would not be that simple. If Chen Yuan was going to attack her, she felt that she really should wait for death. After all, she had died in Chen Yuan's hands many times, and she felt familiar with it.

But now the problem is that the world is going to end.

Then she felt that this matter was different. She had strong confidence in Chen Yang. She felt that Chen Yang could solve this problem. This was a kind of unfounded confidence. Maybe this confidence came from one thing.

That means she has witnessed Chen swim step by step.

She has witnessed all this since Chen Yuan was still in the early stages of foundation building, when she was still in the Great Xia Kingdom.

Accompanying Chen Yang step by step until now.

Although Chen Yuan didn't know her at all, or even her name at all. After all, although she had met Chen Yuan many times, theoretically speaking, Chen Yuan didn't seem to know her existence at all.

Every time Chen Yuan killed her, he didn't kill her just for the sake of killing her. He killed her casually, which was not much easier than killing a chicken.

It is precisely because she has accompanied Chen Yuan almost all the way that she has more trust in Chen Yuan. Others may not be able to, but Chen Yuan is definitely fine.

And what the master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect said was right.

Compared with dying in the destruction of the world ten thousand years from now, I always feel that the possibility of dying in Chen Yuan's hands is greater.


The July Cat lying under the table stretched out and meowed subconsciously like a cat.

It was this subconscious voice that made Xiaoyue, the true disciple of Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, who was sitting aside, make a sound of surprise, and then she put her head under the table and said with confusion on her face: "Did you just meow or something like that?" Sound?"

"Aren't you a fox?"

"Why does the cat meow?"


July Cat rolled her eyes and said nothing. She found a comfortable position and fell asleep. In fact, she really wanted to say that foxes have many kinds of sounds. Even a normal fox does not make the same meowing sound. How weird is it worth?


Her body was speechless, and she had no choice but to shut up.

At this time, Chen Yang, who had been awakened from his cultivation state, sat cross-legged on the Xuantian throne with a serious face, looking at a small table in front of him, thinking deeply and not speaking for a long time.

He probably guessed what the world was like.

A little more serious than he thought.

There are 12 first-grade continents under a second-grade continent. Although he doesn't know what the third-grade continent is like, he can probably guess that there should be 12 second-grade continents under a third-grade continent.

The third-grade continent is likely to have a fourth-grade continent, a fifth-grade continent, or even a sixth-grade continent.

The whole world is like a building block.

The bottom layer collapsed, and the one above would collapse immediately. He didn't know how many first-grade continents there were in the world.

After all, if we count there are fourth-grade continents, fifth-grade continents, sixth-grade continents, and even seventh- and eighth-grade continents, the number of first-grade continents must be endless.

He is now in the vast continent, so he learned about the destruction of Pingxi Continent from the Heavenly Edict, but he doesn't know whether other first-class continents have been destroyed. This is beyond his scope.

That is to say——

As long as enough first-grade continents are destroyed, these "first-grade continents" as pillars will be completely unable to hold on, causing all second-grade continents to collapse together, followed by third-grade, fourth-grade, and layer-by-layer high-grade continents. They all collapsed and destroyed one after another like building blocks.


Chen Yu looked expressionlessly at the hill of building blocks on the table in front of him, which he had arranged rhythmically. After taking away several building blocks from the bottom layer in succession, the whole hill suddenly collapsed.


The world he was in was not just the vast continent, but the whole world, which was a pyramid structure!

The higher you go, the richer the spiritual energy, the more opportunities, the higher the upper limit of combat power, and the closer you are to the road to becoming an immortal.

But in fact!

It is not the high-quality continent that supports this world, but the low-quality continent. As long as the low-quality continents are destroyed one after another, no matter how strong the high-quality continents are and how many opportunities they have, they will still be unable to resist and follow their own continent into annihilation when they lose their pillars.

The low-quality continent is much more important and contributes much more to this world.

And he can guess this kind of thing, so those people on the high-quality continent should not only be able to guess it, but also be able to see it completely and put it into action.

For example

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly he felt a little regretful. It seemed that he had killed the Saintess of Xuantian Sect too early!!

At that time, he clearly felt that there must be some secrets about this person. This Saintess who had gained 100 billion merit points by mending the sky a hundred years ago, was so young and had low cultivation, why would she have a connection with the disciples of Chaotian Sect 30,000 years ago.

There must be something fishy here.

But at that time, he just thought it was a bloody plot of reincarnation and a third party intervening in the original wife, and did not think deeply about it. After all, the Saintess of Xuantian Sect seemed to be the original wife from the beginning, and the old woman in the Merit Golden House was just a third party and so on.

It's just that it seems now.

This Saintess of Xuantian Sect seems to have traveled down from the Gaopin Continent. Maybe it's a clone, maybe it's a possession, and other means that he doesn't know, and the purpose is to repair the broken sky of Xuantian Continent, so as to prevent the collapse and destruction of Xuantian Continent.

Since those people from the high-quality continent know the importance of the low-quality continent, they will definitely find a way to come to the low-quality continent to repair or prolong the collapse of the low-quality continent as much as possible.


He didn't kill the saint of Xuantian Sect, but exiled her. At that time, the saint of Xuantian Sect took out a merit attack order from her arms. He was a little bit nervous. He actually had the idea of ​​interrogating her. Although this idea was not strong, it was indeed a little bit.

However, after seeing the saint of Xuantian Sect take out the merit attack order from her arms, he suddenly didn't have this idea, and this idea also disappeared immediately. He immediately activated the entry and exiled the saint of Xuantian Sect to that unknown small world.

But being exiled to that small world is actually no different from being dead. He doesn't know if others can go to that small world, or if the people in this small world can get out. Anyway, he has tried it. Now he wants to go to those small worlds again, and he himself can't do it.

Suppose --

Suppose, the Saintess of Xuantian Sect was really sent by Gaopin Continent to repair the "Sky Cave" of Xuantian Continent.

Then the question is.

Why didn't anyone come to repair the second "Sky Cave" of Xuantian Continent?

Almost a month has passed, and no one has come to repair it. In the end, he went to repair it.

And why didn't anyone repair the "Sky Cave" on Pingxi Continent?

It is probably because there are not enough people in Gaopin Continent, and there are too many first-grade continents. As the saying goes, a defeat is like a mountain collapsing. There are so many first-grade continents that have Sky Caves all the time, and those people on Gaopin Continent are really too busy.

Of course.

These are all his guesses. No one knows whether it is true or not, but the underworld and the world of the living should never meet each other. This is an iron rule. Otherwise, if someone can travel back and forth between the underworld and the world of the living, wouldn't the whole world be in chaos?


On Xuantian Continent, the world of the living and the underworld will have gaps due to collisions, which is enough to show that at least the space of the entire Xuantian Continent is no longer very stable, and a "sky cave" may occur again at any time.

The sky cave can only be filled with evil wood.

The evil wood on Xuantian Continent is quite rare, especially after being snapped up a hundred years ago, it has become even rarer.

The most evil wood he encountered in his life was when he was in Feizhou, Daxia.


After a long time.

Chen Yu shook his head and didn't say much, but continued to enter the state of cultivation. No matter what this world becomes, at least one thing can be confirmed, that is, only when his cultivation is high enough, can he have more tolerance.

And this world.

At present, he feels that the pyramid iceberg standing on a vast sea is slowly melting with the increase in temperature. When the bottom layer begins to melt completely, the upper layer should also collapse.

Practice first.

In this chaotic world, only cultivation is your confidence.

He sat cross-legged on the Xuantian throne again, and began to practice today, aiming for the eighth level of Lianxu, moving forward! ! !

"My hometown is gone???"

In the backyard of Taiping Mansion in Pingxi Prefecture, a white-haired old man stood in the middle of the courtyard with a shocked and unbelievable face. He couldn't believe the Heavenly Dao edict ringing in his ears. He was just excited that he was favored by the immortal again, and the long-lost red entry was back. As a result, not long after, he received this Heavenly Dao edict.

Pingxi Continent is one of the twelve lower continents of the vast continent.

He had just returned from Pingxi Continent.

I had just had dinner with the descendants of my parents. Although I didn’t establish too deep a relationship, they were the descendants of my parents after all, and they could be considered my brothers. At this time, when I heard the news of the death of my relatives, It's also a bit sad.

With a long sigh, he sat in the rocking chair helplessly.

Since this matter has already happened, there is no big solution. He can only leave it like this. In addition to being able to burn a few more sticks of incense, he is glad that he came back early, otherwise he would have to follow Pingxi Continent. Burial.


The white-haired old man's complexion gradually became strange. Those people on Pingxi Continent were the descendants of his father's generation. In other words, if there were no problems with his father, the group of people on Pingxi Continent should also They belong to the descendants of their ancestors.

But why did the two fairies say that he was the only one left in his ancestral lineage?

He's definitely fine.

He was recognized by two fairies. So the reason why the family in Pingxi Continent was not recognized by the fairies might have happened to his mother?


He hurriedly shook his head and did not dare to think too much or continue to think about it. Death is a big deal. His parents have been dead for many years. At this time, there is no need to reveal what happened back then. No matter what happened, it will be over. It should pass with the passage of time.

The destruction of Pingxi Continent has a big impact on the entire vast continent, but the biggest impact is on "Pingxi Prefecture". After all, Pingxi Prefecture corresponds to Pingxi Continent. In previous years, if someone on Pingxi Continent had a breakthrough in cultivation, He was also willing to go to the vast continent and landed directly on Pingxi Prefecture.

Although the response is not small.

Many people feel sad about the death of rabbits and foxes. Even if they have never met anyone on Pingxi Continent, they still feel sad when they hear about the destruction of Pingxi Continent.


Many people have even forgotten about Chen Si's "Twelve-grade Tiandao body and outer body" for a while.

In this way, time blinked, and nearly a month passed.

The day of the decisive battle with the "One King" is getting closer.

And in a small, closed and unknown world above Xuantian State.


Mr. Qi was sitting in the corner of this small world in a daze and confusion. He had just woken up.

To be honest, he hasn't felt sleepy or slept for a long time since his cultivation broke through to Refining the Void. A few hours ago, he suddenly felt very sleepy, perhaps because of the depletion of spiritual energy in his body. Because of this, he always feels sleepy these days.

In extreme boredom, loneliness and despair, his spirit was almost on the verge of collapse.

But today——

He was going to find something to do for himself.

The next moment!

His Xu Lianxu clone suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air. His body was translucent and milky white, with no nose or cheeks, like a faceless man.

This is his Lianxu clone.

It is exactly the same size as him and shares his spiritual energy. At this time, his spiritual energy has been exhausted. Naturally, this virtual refining clone has no spiritual energy to use and has no fighting power at all. But for him at this time, fighting There's no use in doing things like force.

What he needs now is fun!

This place is completely isolated from the vast continent. He can't hear the Heavenly Edict ringing on the vast continent at all, and has no idea what is happening outside. He only sees Mr. Qi getting up from the ground with some difficulty, and then walking step by step towards his Lianxu clone. .

The Lianxu clone did not resist.

The Lianxu clone had no consciousness of its own, and just stood there quietly until he was knocked down by Mr. Qi, and then allowed his calves to be held up by Mr. Qi's shoulders.

There are many people in this world, and many things have happened.

Force yourself to refining the void.

He didn't know if this had ever happened on the vast continent, or if anyone had done this before. But at this moment, Mr. Qi, who was breathing heavily, only had one thought in his mind, and that was that it felt... a little exciting.

There is an outrageous experience of raping oneself.

to be honest.

If the Lianxu clone is not a faceless person, but not only has the same body shape, but also has the same face, then it may be better to experience it, or it would be nice if the face of the Lianxu clone can be changed freely.

Think of this.

Mr. Qi's eyes turned slightly red, and he gritted his teeth and continued. It was all Chen Yang's fault! !

If it weren't for Chen Si, he would not be in this situation at all. He even began to humiliate his own Void Refining Clone. His Void Refining Clone was a ninth-level one. When he goes out one day, he will definitely cut Chen Si into pieces. Duan, otherwise it will be difficult to understand the hatred in his heart!

But don't tell me, it's pretty tight.

It’s all Chen Yang’s fault!


at this time.

Xuantianzhou, in the Heavenly Palace, Chen Yuanchang, who was sitting cross-legged on the Xuantian throne, exhaled a breath of turbid air, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the cultivation panel above his Dantian——


"Cultivation": Eighth level of virtual refining (0%).


His cultivation finally broke through again, and he has reached the eighth level of Void Refining. At this time, his "external body" is ready. He only needs to wait for his cultivation to break through to the peak of Void Refining, and then he can start preparing for the breakthrough to the integration stage. .

He really wanted to see what entries he could draw during the integration period, and

What will be included in the Zhenpin entries during the integration period?

So far.

The premium entries have basically been determined, and are just enhanced versions of ordinary entries, so theoretically speaking, the colorful entries should also have corresponding premium versions.

for example--

The colorful entries are as high as the top quality.


Ultimate product effect: The randomly obtained entries after breaking through each small realm are all premium entries.


Although he has never seen it, he has roughly imagined the effect. It is so good, it is perfect.

It would be great if we could give him a high-end version of Jiejie Gao.

He didn't think much more, but looked at the panel that was wrapped in clouds and mist floating above Dantian, preparing to select the entries obtained through this cultivation breakthrough.


"My cultivation has greatly increased, and I have officially entered the eighth level of Void Refining."

"Please choose from the three random entries below, Baixi."


"Entry name": Freeze time.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": The duration of all your summons can be extended to one hundred years.


"Entry name": Herds of cattle and horses.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": The summoned object you summon through the entry will randomly obtain an arbitrary entry among the entries you own.


"Name of Entry": Purple Qi.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": The effects of all your purple entries will be doubled, but except for the purple entries, the effects of all other levels of entries will be greatly weakened.



Chen Yuan looked at the three entries in front of him, raised his brows slightly, and said nothing.

Give him two entries about summoned objects at once.

Entries about summoned objects are actually relatively rare. For example, his "ant with a hammer" belongs to the entry for summoned objects and can summon an ant.

for example

Chen Yuan lowered his head and looked at the little ant lying there quietly in his hand. It was completely black, like a statue. In theory, this ant was completely obeying his orders.

However, it was only limited to the situation where he ordered the attack.

In addition, he could order the ant to drop the hammer, or give the ant a different weapon, etc. These operations were impossible to achieve.

He could only give a few orders to the ant, which was to let the ant attach itself to someone like a ghost, and then hit the enemy's head with the hammer in his hand, attacking like a tickle, unless it was aimed at those with Qi refining skills. Mortals, otherwise there would be basically no casualties.

But it’s understandable. After all, the name of this entry is called Ant Carrying a Hammer. If the ants throw away the hammer, the entry should be renamed.

Such an entry is actually a purple entry, perhaps simply because this entry has too many rules and effects.

For example, this ant will never die according to various rules.

During the days when he was consolidating his cultivation level, he tried to discover other ways of playing this ant. For example, compressing the thunder-inducing technique into a small thunder ball allowed the ant to rush in front of the enemy at an extremely fast speed, thereby achieving the effect of long-range bombing. .

The experiment was successful.

Indeed it can be so.

He did not let the ant specifically attack someone, but let the ant run thousands of miles away. After all, once he ordered to attack someone, he could not give any more orders to the ant until the person died.

Although it is effective, how can I put it? The reason why the power of his Thunder Drawing Technique is exaggerated is that in addition to the fact that the power of a single target of the Thunder Drawing Technique has been increased to a terrifying level, there is also a bigger factor, that is, in the field of "Infinite Spiritual Energy" , his thunder-inducing art was like the tide, hitting it in waves.

After being compressed into a thunderball, it can only be used in one wave.


He also tried to let the little ant carry a few more thunderballs, and it didn't work. He put hundreds of small thunderballs on the little ant, which looked like the follicles of the apple snail. Although it was not pink, it was purple. Blue is also quite charming and cute, but the target is a little too conspicuous.

I feel that the gameplay developed is relatively ordinary. He mainly wanted to take advantage of the characteristics of "ants" that they are absolutely immortal and cannot be destroyed, and turned them into their own scouts and defensive shields.

If you go to explore a dangerous forbidden area in the future, you can let this ant rush to the front to explore the situation.

He also gave this ant a special name.

It's called "little ant".

So far, he only has one entry about summoned objects. The first entry, "Time Freeze," was naturally eliminated by him. His summoned object entry has no time limit on summoned objects and can always exist.

And maybe if he dies, the little ant will live. After all, the entry doesn't say that if he dies, the little ant will die with him.

The first entry is completely useless.

It’s the name Bai Blind. Time has frozen, and this entry feels a bit unworthy of the name.

The second entry is "herds of cattle and horses."


Chen Yuan hesitated slightly. To be honest, he wanted to choose this entry so that his summons could randomly get an entry among all his entries, and he didn't have a weak entry.

In addition, ants will never die.

I feel that as long as you don't randomly go to the entry about the vision of heaven and earth after death and the burial, any other entry can play a great role, and it is very likely that a monster-level existence will be born!

after all.

The characteristic of never dying, even if you add any random entry, it will seem very abnormal.


Chen Lu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of gambling flashed in his pupils. If this ant can randomly get his colorful entry "Step by Step", it will be abnormal, which means that it is completely useless.

After all, the cultivation of his ant's summoned creature is fixed at the Qi Refining Stage, and there will be no breakthrough in cultivation. In the case of no breakthrough in cultivation, the entry of step by step is completely meaningless.


If he can randomly get other entries about "summoned creatures" in the future, then let his summoned creature share a random entry, he thinks he can create a lot of monsters.

This entry is actually quite suitable for him.

It's not because he has an entry about summoned creatures, but the entries he can share with summoned creatures are a little abnormal, and any one of them is a bit outrageous.

"Herds of cattle and horses".

Chen Yu focused his eyes on the second entry and had almost made up his mind to choose this entry. As for the third entry, he completely ruled it out. To be honest, he had quite a few purple entries.

This entry could give his purple entries a good amplification effect, but his other entries were also very important, even green or even white ones. The entry should be considered in the entry group, not just the entry level. The effect of matching each other is much stronger than that of only purple entries.

He did not hesitate.

He immediately activated the entry "Fortune is Coming" and re-screened the third entry. As the third entry on the panel slowly blurred and became clear again.


When he saw the third re-screened entry clearly, Chen Yu's mouth slowly opened wide, and he was silent in a daze, not knowing how to evaluate it for a while.

It's not too strong.

It's too weird.

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