I am cultivating immortality in the chaotic world

Chapter 246 The mysterious Buddha guards the house, and the family is harmonious and prosperous!


Chen Yuan probably glanced at all the comment display areas under his entry. There was not much useful information, and few people were willing to share their unique understanding of this entry to the public.

Maybe, in some corner that no one cares about, a young man from a certain family branch gradually makes a name for himself again by relying on this entry.

The world is too big.

There are changes all the time, and in every corner, there are different people fighting for their dreams.

For now.

The communication effect of this entry comment display area is not very good, but he believes that Tiandao will not come up with something completely useless. It is very likely that this entry comment display area will be the next Tiandao version change. forward-looking version.

It's a pity.

The colorful entry does not have a comment display area, otherwise he would like to take a look at the comment display area under the entry "Jie Jie Gao" to see what other people who own this entry have to say about this entry.

Chen Yuan shook his head and said nothing more, as for the other contents in the Tiandao version changes just now.

for example--

The newly added "Human Immortal Cave", "Earth Immortal Mount", and "Celestial Immortal Realm" are added.

These are things that have nothing to do with him, and he cannot use or reach them.

However, the newly added "series entries" are somewhat related to him. Series entries are considered a special level, or a group of entries.

Each series of entries can range from two levels to more than ten levels.

After you obtain a series of entries, you need to upgrade the entry to the full level step by step by consuming resources and other means. Each time you upgrade, the power of the entry will increase significantly until it reaches the full level. At the next level, the power reaches its maximum.

This is also the first entry that can be upgraded.

This is the so-called series of entries.

The series of entries itself belongs to a special level, so there is no distinction between white, green and other levels. The specific effect of upgrading to the full level will be worthy of the materials and training resources you consume. This will have to wait until you reach the full level. It will become clear after you reach the full level.

As for the newly added "series entry Tiandao Secret Realm".

It is a kind of secret realm of heaven and earth that has a chance of producing a series of entries. Because the way of heaven has just changed, the chance of producing a series of entries in this kind of secret realm of heaven will be much higher at the beginning. In the words of his previous life, it is a version benefit.

The above is all the content included in this Tiandao change of "Full Grade Continent". The most important change is the addition of a new series of entries and the addition of an entry comment display area.


Chen Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and did not speak. Since a series of entries can be added, is it possible that there are other levels on the colorful entries?

Or will other levels of entries be added in the future?

After all, the entry level information was obtained from the Great Xia Kingdom. The Great Xia Kingdom is not even a first-level continent, but can barely be regarded as a prison in the first-level continent.


Although it is not even high-grade, in such a corner, there are jade slips with colorful entries, and even the "only" entry in the entire mainland is born.

It does feel a little out of place, giving people a very weird feeling.

It feels like you are a scholar in a remote corner who studied hard for ten years, and then step by step you finally reached the pinnacle of power, only to find out in a daze before you could enjoy the joy of success.

An extremely rare treasure here, it is used as a footrest in my village.

It is this sense of gap that gives people an extremely strong sense of unreality.


After Chen Yuan took a deep breath, he shook his head and did not speak again. Instead, he sent a message to the leader of the Sky Ax Sect, telling him that if a series of entries about the secret realm of Heavenly Dao were opened in Xuantian Prefecture recently, send him a message.

Then he turned his mind around and continued to practice.

The target is the ninth level of virtual refining!

The spirit stones are still completely enough, enough for him to reach the peak of Void Refining, and there is still a lot left, and then he begins to prepare to break through the fusion to face the battle for the "only king"!

Daxia Kingdom.

The Lord of Feicheng stood on the boundless ice field with an ugly expression, looking into the boundless ice field. The endless cold air mixed with ice slag rushed towards his face. That is to say, his cultivation level has now reached the peak of the Golden Core. But any ordinary person, at this time, directly You have to be frozen here.

It has been about two or three years since the Imperial Master left.

So far, there is still no news from the Imperial Master.

The "Seventh Prince" who left Daxia Kingdom some time ago does not know how it is developing outside. He naturally knows that there is a natural chasm between Daxia Kingdom and Xuantian Continent that is difficult to break, both from the inside and outside. Insurmountable.


At this time, he really wanted to contact the Imperial Preceptor and tell him about the recent situation in the Great Xia Kingdom. The sky of the Great Xia Kingdom had collapsed!

Feizhou was originally a place with a strong aura, and the Imperial Master also lived in Feizhou for a long time. However, in recent days, everyone in Feizhou has withdrawn from Feizhou. The endless cold air poured in from the boundless ice field. After Feizhou, the temperature in Feizhou suddenly dropped at an extremely fast rate.

It is completely unsuitable for human survival.

All animals and plants have also lost their vitality.

Originally, two or three years ago, all the "evil trees" in Feizhou had been bought up, but a few days ago, the boundaries of Feizhou were suddenly covered with evil trees. They were countless times denser than before, and they could be stepped on even if they were stepped on. To four or five evil trees.

The entire territory of Feizhou is covered with a thick layer of fierce trees.

"The evil wood" has only one effect, that is, it can resist the cold when burning. At this time, he has ordered his men to use the evil wood to build a wooden wall at the edge of the boundary between Feizhou and the boundless ice field, and burn it, thus Ensure that the cold air is blocked to the boundless ice field as much as possible.

If this cold air is not blocked by anything, it will cross Feizhou and go all the way north, and there are no high mountains in the south of Daxia. At that time, everyone in Daxia will have no choice but to retreat to the north, handing over this rich land in the south. Give in.

"I said, old fat man."

The Lord of Feiyu City, who was standing aside, looked at the depths of the boundless ice field with an ugly expression: "The temperature will not drop so sharply for no reason. We seem to have forgotten one thing, that is, even the national master is just A sword cultivator puppet was detected deep in the boundless ice field, but there was no specific detection of what was at the end of the boundless ice field. "

"How can I put it this way, does the boundless ice field look like this? Do you think there is some terrifying monster trying to break free from the seal from the depths of the boundless ice field?"

He originally guarded Haizhou and was once a close confidant of the Imperial Preceptor. He was personally awarded the plaque of "The Strongest City Lord" by the Imperial Preceptor. However, the Boundless Icefield was in urgent need and he was temporarily assigned here to be responsible for guarding the Boundless Icefield.

"Not sure."

The Lord of Feicheng shook his head and then fell into silence. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "When we used to follow the Imperial Preceptor, the Imperial Preceptor would fall silent every time he encountered a problem, and then he would think of a solution after the silence."

"For a long time, I have thought that people can think of solutions quickly by staying silent when faced with problems, but now it seems that I can't think of anything except anxiety."

"Soldiers will come to block me, water will come to cover me, and monsters will come to cover me. I am waiting to die."

"There is no solution, just wait."

The cold weather is already a bit difficult for them to withstand now, not to mention the unknown existence that may appear after the cold weather. To put it bluntly, the current situation in Daxia is very worrying, so the people are quite optimistic about this and think that it is nothing. It's just that the temperature has cooled down a bit, but people like them know that this time is very likely to be the catastrophe of the Great Xia Kingdom!

Just then——

A heavenly edict suddenly resounded throughout the Great Xia Kingdom!


"Tiandao Edict": Inspired by the Heavenly Dao, Xia Xundao, the head of the Xia family in Jingzhou, Daxia, stepped into the Nascent Soul Avenue with peerless perseverance and became the first genius to break through the Nascent Soul in the history of Daxia!

Such feats are the first in the history books!

Grant him "a ray of luck as a genius" and "a ray of luck as a genius", and hope that all people will follow this principle.


The moment this heavenly edict sounded, the Feiyu City City Lord and the Feicheng City Lord both froze in disbelief. I don't know how much time passed before the Feiyu City City Lord murmured in a daze.

"Old fat man."

"Do you think I listened to you? Xia Xundao? Isn't that the current emperor?"

"Has he broken through to the Nascent Soul?"

"How is it possible? Daxia is not bound by the Nascent Soul, and it will never be possible to break through the Nascent Soul. Only by defeating the sword cultivator puppets of any Nascent Soul cultivation in the southeast, northwest and northwest with the peak of Jindan cultivation can one go to Xuantian Continent and Are you trying to break through Yuanying?”

As he spoke, he subconsciously worked his mind. The next moment, his body suddenly froze in place, and his lips trembled slightly.

"Old Fatty, try it. Why do I feel like the shackles of the Nascent Soul have disappeared?"

He has long been at the peak of Jindan cultivation, but he has never been able to break through Nascent Soul. Whenever he is about to break through, there is always an insurmountable shackle blocking his way. Over the years, Daxia Kingdom has countless talented people. If you are stuck at the peak of the Golden Core, you can only wait for death in despair.

He has always been like this,

But after the Heavenly Edict resounded, he tried it and found that the shackles suddenly disappeared, which meant that he could break through the Nascent Soul at any time as long as he was ready!


The Lord of Feicheng City on the side also nodded with shock, and then said hoarsely with a complex expression: "I finally understand that the Imperial Master had promised to take me out of Daxia Kingdom that day, but he left me behind at the last moment. Now I see. Come on, it must be the Imperial Master who did something outside to free us from the shackles of Daxia."

"In this way, as long as we practice hard, one day we can use our own strength to go to Xuantian Continent and fight side by side with the national master!"

The two looked at each other and saw the blazing flames suddenly burning in each other's eyes!

Daxia Kingdom, "Yuncheng", is not far from Fufeng City where Chen Yuan started his family. In this small city, there is a small family, the "Wang Family", which was not inconspicuous at first, but later, with some opportunities, it directly became the "Wang Family". Yuncheng's largest family!

With the current strength of the Wang family, it is enough to settle in the big city of "Fufeng City" and become one of the strongest families in Fufeng City. However, the Wang family still chooses to sit in Yuncheng. In his words, he is nostalgic.

And at this time——

In the courtyard of the Wang family in Yuncheng, the master of the Wang family is kneeling in the ancestral hall in his courtyard, holding three sticks of incense in his hand and looking up expressionlessly at the incense stand on the altar table.

He was an orphan and started from scratch. He followed the example of wealthy people and made it this way, but there was no one in the family tree. He was the first.

At present, the altar table is empty, there is not a single tablet, there is only a mysterious Buddha.

If he dies, he's the only one.

The Great Xia Kingdom has changed a lot recently, especially when the Heavenly Dao Edict sounded just now, he knew that things were going to change. In fact, the temperature of the boundless ice field suddenly dropped a few days ago, and many evil trees suddenly grew in Feizhou. This news did not attract much attention and was discussed a lot, but no one knew what it meant.

He knew.

He had worked for Chen Lu with Liu Zide, the Wang family's worshiper, and knew that Chen Lu had bought a large number of evil trees at a high price and almost cleared out the evil trees in Feizhou. He didn't know what the evil wood was, but he knew that it was worth a lot of money.

So these days, he basically did one thing, that is, to secretly buy some evil trees.

No, it can't be said to be bought.

Because no one is selling this thing now, as long as you are willing, you can just pick up the evil wood on the ground. He just sent some people to secretly pick up some evil wood on the edge of Feizhou, in small quantities and multiple times, so that even if they are discovered, they can use the excuse that the weather is too cold to pick up some evil wood to burn for warmth, so as not to be too conspicuous.

It’s not that he is worried that someone will come to rob his evil wood after this matter is exposed.

He is simply worried that if everyone knows the value of the evil wood and picks up the evil wood, then without the evil wood as protection, the cold air on the boundless ice field will sweep across the entire southern part of Daxia, and then countless people will have to leave their homes, which is a big sin.

That day in Feizhou.

When delivering the goods to Chen Lu for the last time, Chen Lu took away his offering Liu Zide and said that if he wanted, he could take him away. He was actually very tempted at the time. If possible, who doesn’t want to see the outside world.


He held back.

It was not because of anything else, but because there was an opportunity in the Wang family of Yuncheng that he had been waiting for for a long time, and it was about to appear in the world. After waiting for so many years, if he didn't see what this opportunity was with his own eyes, he would not rest in peace.

An orphan, starting from scratch.

It sounds very inspiring, but if there were no variables, as an orphan, the possibility of begging for food with dirty hands would be higher.

And his variable.

It was——

The strange Buddha on the altar.

The round-faced and big-bellied Buddha statue, but the eyeballs were oozing with blood, showing a very gentle but somewhat creepy smile, with the left palm flat, and the right palm playing with a string of Buddha beads. The Buddha string in his hand was also made by human eyes. Although they were all fake, they looked lifelike and real.

This was what he dug out from the ground when he was poor and about to starve to death. He thought it was an old thing and wanted to take it to the market to sell, but accidentally a drop of his blood fell on this statue, and his life changed dramatically!

The effect of this strange Buddha statue is very simple. As long as you sacrifice some flesh and blood, you can get anything.

For example, spirit stones, entries, information, etc.

But this flesh and blood can only be his own flesh and blood.

When he picked up this strange Buddha, the drop of blood that he accidentally dropped not only completed the recognition of the master, but also completed the first sacrifice for him. A fragrant roast chicken appeared on the ground out of thin air. That was the most delicious time he ate.

And this time.

The master of the Wang family, who was kneeling on the futon, took a deep breath, and then carefully took out a blood-stained and dried ox that he had carefully wrapped in his arms, stood up and put it in the left palm of the strange Buddha.

This ox was the one he chopped off in Fufeng City a few years ago. He had been carefully keeping it for this moment.

The next moment——

The ox in the left palm of the strange Buddha suddenly disappeared slowly and was absorbed.


The beads wrapped in the hands of the strange Buddha suddenly began to flash red light, and then a panel wrapped in clouds suddenly appeared in the house.

He had tested it before, and only he could see this panel, and no one else could see it.

And after he recognized this strange Buddha statue as his master, only he could see it, and others could not see it or touch it.


"The 27th wish."

"With his flesh and blood, I will fulfill his wish and give him a body of the Nascent Soul!"



The master of the Wang family, who was kneeling on the futon, breathed a sigh of satisfaction. With this body of the Nascent Soul, he could form a golden elixir of good quality, so that when he breaks through the golden elixir in the future, his foundation will not be weak.

This strange Buddha statue is his confidence, and it is also the reason why he is unwilling to leave the Wang family in Yuncheng.

At first, this strange Buddha was not as big as it is now, but for some reason, as he made more wishes, the size of this strange Buddha began to gradually increase, and became heavier and heavier. He couldn't move it at all, so he could only stay in Yuncheng, there was no other way.

He had to guard his Yuncheng.

Even Liu Zide didn't know that in fact, his greatest confidence had always been his strange Buddha. The reason why he could stage a feast of nine cows in "Fufeng City" that day was simply because he exchanged a ray of human pride from the strange Buddha, which increased his luck in a short period of time, but it was not exchanged for chopping cows.

Every time he made a wish, a bracelet in the hands of the strange Buddha would light up.

A total of 31.

A few more times, the bracelets in the hands of this strange Buddha will be all lit up. He had a very strong feeling in his heart, that is, when all the Buddha beads were lit up, there was a great opportunity waiting for him!

This great opportunity is stronger than all the opportunities in the world!


Mr. Wang didn't notice at all. There seemed to be a hint of ferocity and pain in the eyes of the strange Buddha on the altar table, and this ferocity and pain became more and more intense as the number of ferocious trees buried in the cellar in the backyard continued to increase!

The master of the Wang family, who was kneeling on the ground, respectfully placed the three sticks of incense on the incense stand in front of the mysterious Buddha before he stood up and left the ancestral hall.

The ancestral hall has no windows and is blocked on all sides. There is only a small door. This small door became tightly closed after the Wang family left.

The entire ancestral hall suddenly fell into a dark silence.

Only the three scarlet incense heads flickered like breathing in the darkness until they slowly burned out.

Third-grade continent, Qitian continent.

A young man in rich clothes was sitting quietly on a chair. After listening to the report from the maid kneeling beside him, he waved his hand and then looked at the horizon with a calm expression.

Not good news.

"Pingxi Continent" was wiped out.

The Vast Continent is the lower continent of the Qitian Continent, and the Pingxi Continent is the lower continent of the Vast Continent. Because the Pingxi Continent was wiped out, the Vast Continent will also be annihilated in ten thousand years.

And when the vast continent was annihilated, Qitian Continent had to follow suit.

Fortunately, there is only one lower continent brought by the vast continent to be wiped out, and the time is still ten thousand years, which is enough. If there are two lower continents brought by the vast continent to be wiped out, then this time will be greatly shortened.


After a long time, the young man picked up the wine on the table next to him and brought it to his mouth, taking a sip.

A very common scene.

But if this scene falls in the eyes of others, it is enough to give them nightmares for a lifetime, except for this ordinary-looking young man, whose cheeks are covered with eyes, hundreds of them, each eye They all have compound eyes, which are much smaller than ordinary people's eyes. They look densely packed and extremely scary.

Not only that.

Including the neck, the arms falling outside, and the vaguely visible chest, they are all densely covered with eyes.

"Qitian Continent", a polluted continent.

In this world, there are countless continents, and some of these continents are quite special. One of these categories is the polluted continent. The so-called polluted continent means that the entries have been restricted.

Only one type of entry will be produced, for example, only evil cultivation entries will be produced, only magic cultivation entries will be produced, only dual cultivation entries will be produced, etc.

And this kind of existence that only produces a single type of entries often creates some rather chaotic continents.

And their Qitian Continent.

Only one type of entry will be produced, and that is the entry that causes changes in the body. The higher the cultivation level and the stronger the monk, the less human he looks. A combined cultivation level like him looks pretty good from a distance. It is extremely rare to be able to maintain a normal human form and not be weak in combat power.

He didn't want that either.

But... there is no way.

If he wanted to go to a higher-level continent and keep himself away from the danger of world collapse as much as possible, he could only improve his cultivation as quickly as possible. What's more, he had already become accustomed to it over the years.

After all, everyone around him was like this, and it had been like this for tens of thousands of years. He could only learn from history books that the continent was polluted by chaos 30,000 years ago.

Thirty thousand years ago.

Qitian Continent is still normal, but one day, something unexpected happened. Qitian Continent will only produce one kind of entry, which is the entry that causes the body to undergo mutation, whether it is to break through the big realm randomly The entries that you get, or the jade slips that you get from the secret realm of heaven, are only of this type, and there are no other types.

"Chen Yang."

After a long time, the young man shook the wine glass in his hand, with a smile on his lips. He heard that a peerless genius had emerged from the vast continent of the lower continent. He powerfully entered the vast continent from the first-level continent with the twelfth-grade golden elixir and the twelfth-grade Nascent Soul. Not long ago, the outer body of the twelfth-grade refining virtual body was created.

Really strong.

Even if he were placed in the Qitian Continent, he would still be an extremely evil genius. Looking at his posture, it would probably take him a few hundred years to reach the Qitian Continent.


The existence of this kind of perfect body and high cultivation is simply a great tonic, something I haven't tasted for a long time.

Originally, a few years ago, I could still taste the taste of perfect flesh.

But I don't know since when, the people from these lower continents seem to have learned to be smart. It has been a long time since anyone has broken through the limit of cultivation and came to Qitian Continent, which makes him not full for a long time.

It's very uncomfortable.

Surely such a genius would not be able to shrink in the vast continent, right?

He himself is a genius, so he knows the temperament of this kind of genius best. Even if he knows that there is a crisis ahead, he still has to give it a try. After all, the journey has been smooth, so how can he believe in the so-called forbidden land among mortals.

This is what the saying goes, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, one goes to the tiger mountains.

It is said that there are three realms when looking at mountains and seas.

There are also three realms when facing a crisis.

The first step is to walk on the mountain with tigers despite knowing that there are tigers in the mountains. This is recklessness.

The second step is to be cautious if you know there is a tiger in the mountain and stop walking.

The third level is to stride forward knowing that there is a tiger in the mountain. This is courage!

Most of the geniuses think they are at the third level when facing a crisis, but in fact they are only at the first level. There is no peerless genius in this world. No matter how evil a genius is, he will be eclipsed after seeing a more terrifying existence one day. He will know that he has been struggling in a fish pond. Compared with the real genius, the light that shines on him is not as bright as the moonlight.

It is like candlelight meeting moonlight.

It is time to let the genius of this lower continent see what a real evil genius is. For some reason, this kind of crushing genius, when seeing the unbelievable and unwillingness in the eyes of the opponent, always makes him feel happy and extremely happy.

Once the twelfth-grade body breaks through the fusion, it must get the twelfth-grade fusion killer move.

The top-level fusion killer move of the Heavenly Dao is not weak, and it is almost invincible at the same level, even if it is a battle of higher level.

It is indeed not weak.

It's just that

The young man sitting on the throne, with a smile on his face, shook his wine glass, his eyes full of amusement. It's just not clear whether this person who came from the first-grade continent knows that the top level of the Heavenly Dao is not the limit?

He is a 15th-grade combined killing move!

Another month has passed.

This time, the cultivation took a little longer. Chen Yu, who was sitting cross-legged on the Xuantian throne, slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and looked at the cultivation progress panel above his dantian.


"Cultivation": Refining Void Level 9 (0%).


Refining Void Level 9.

As long as the cultivation progress is maxed out, it will be the real peak of Refining Void.

The cultivation process always feels that time passes very quickly. It feels like more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.


After Chen Yu stood up and took a deep breath, he stretched his muscles and bones and prepared to start selecting the entries after this major realm breakthrough. This was also the last time he selected entries in the Refining Void period.

Select entries next time.

It's a matter of the fusion period.

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