I am cultivating immortality in the chaotic world

Chapter 253: The first level of heavenly tribulation, the heaven-killing thunder tribulation!


Just as everyone was still discussing at the entrance of the Heavenly Palace, a deafening thunder suddenly resounded throughout the world. The roar of the explosion was so loud that some mortals with insufficient cultivation would suddenly freeze in their brains just by hearing this thunder!

This is the wrath of the heavenly tribulation!

The anger born from the heart for this man who has been provoking him!


Without any pause, a pale white lightning that could be clearly seen from a thousand miles away suddenly enveloped Chen Yu in the distant sky. The power of this thunder tribulation is rare in the world. This is the most powerful thunder tribulation on the vast continent, no one else!

The power of this thunder tribulation is far greater than all the thunder tribulations that can be encountered in the fusion period.

If the previous thunder tribulation was just an appetizer, then this time it is really a hard dish!

"Damn it!"

The leader of the Tianfu Sect, who was standing at the entrance of the Heavenly Palace, looked at the thunder tribulation that cut through the sky in the distance with fear in his eyes. The power that leaked out alone made him feel extremely scared.

This fear was not at the level of cultivation.

It was at the level of quality.

It was like a mortal being thrown into the deep sea in the night, with no land or people around him. The sea surface in the distance merged with the sky and the earth. He could only smell the fishy smell of the sea and the sound of waves hitting his ears.

The whole deep sea seemed to have turned into a terrifying monster, wanting to swallow you whole.

There was no hope of survival.

It seemed that there was only one way to die.

It was this kind of despair. He was looking at the thunder tribulation in the distant sky now, and he felt this way in his heart. It was an extreme despair that left no room for resistance!

At this moment——

A figure suddenly rushed towards them. A closer look revealed that it was the senior, but at this moment the senior looked quite embarrassed, with tattered clothes and scars all over his body. He looked bloody and was obviously seriously injured.


The leader of the Tianfu Sect looked up and saw the heavenly tribulation rushing towards the direction of the Heavenly Palace, and the terrifying and majestic power of heaven and earth approaching rapidly. He said in a trembling voice with fear and despair: "How can I help you?"

The situation began to deteriorate.

It was obvious that the senior could not withstand this heavenly tribulation. This was only the first thunder tribulation, but there were at least nine combined heavenly tribulations, which meant that there were at least eight thunder tribulations to come, and the power of each thunder tribulation was higher than the first one.

The senior was so seriously injured in just the first thunder tribulation. It is conceivable that the senior would basically not be able to withstand the next eight thunder tribulations. In other words, he would definitely die!

The senior was going to die here.

However, the senior suddenly shot towards them. This move would make them be judged as protectors by the calamity cloud. How could they survive this level of heavenly calamity with Chen Lu? They would die here.

He wanted to run away almost immediately.

But out of trust in the senior, he still suppressed the fear in his heart. Even though his legs were shaking like sieves, he still did not take a step back. Instead, he stood in place and looked at the senior to see if he could help him.

After all, according to his understanding of the senior's character, the senior was not the kind of person who knew he would die and then dragged others to be buried with him. Since the senior came to find them, it meant that they must be useful.


Chen Lu, covered in blood, turned into a stream of light and shot to the gate of the Heavenly Palace. After landing, he glanced at a few people casually, and then waved his sleeves to sweep away the Demon Suppression Tower located in the center of the Heavenly Palace. Then, without stopping at all, he left the Heavenly Palace again and shot towards the distance!

The calamity cloud also quickly followed Chen Lu's direction!


Fei Long, who had infinite trust in Chen Lu just now, looked at the thunder calamity in the sky and the bloody Chen Lu who left. After a long expressionless silence, he took out a cowhide book from his arms, licked his fingers and began to turn the pages.

"Let me check if the soul will be annihilated if you die in the calamity. Let's see if we have a chance to continue our relationship in the underworld."

"By the way-"

"Why don't we plan ahead and take some old acquaintances with us? For example, the leader of the Tianfu Sect, so that Brother Lu won't feel lonely in the underworld because he has no acquaintances."


The leader of the Tianfu Sect standing aside had no idea of ​​taking over the conversation at this time. He was already restless and looking at the calamity cloud covering the sky and the earth. He didn't know why the senior suddenly ran back and took away the Demon Suppression Tower. Is there any explanation for this?

He was originally at the peak of the Refining Void Realm, and had been preparing to break through the fusion to face the fusion heavenly tribulation, so he had a better understanding of the power of the fusion heavenly tribulation, and the power of the fusion heavenly tribulation that Chen Yu had experienced was already seriously beyond the standard!

If the power of the fusion heavenly tribulation after breaking through the fusion of ordinary Refining Void Realm peak cultivation is 1.

Then the power of the fusion heavenly tribulation that the senior is experiencing now is at least 10, a full 10 times difference, which is still his conservative estimate, because it is difficult for him to determine the specific number of times the difference.


At this time, Chen Yu, who was suspended in the sky, looked up at the calamity cloud above his head. At this time, the dark calamity cloud had locked him firmly, and was brewing the second thunder tribulation. He looked down at the thousands of wounds on his body, sighed lightly, and did not speak.

His current injuries looked quite scary. His clothes were riddled with holes, and there were thousands of wounds on the surface of his body, as if he had been beaten alive.


Although the injuries looked quite serious, they were actually minor skin injuries that did not affect any muscles or bones, and did not affect movement or life safety. They just looked a little scary.

It was far inferior to the injury he suffered in Xiezhou in the past. That was the serious injury. He even fainted for ten days afterwards.

It's far from that level this time.

It just hurts a little.

After wiping away the blood from a wound on his cheek with his fingers, he suddenly put it to his mouth and sipped it out of curiosity. It tasted salty, like rust. After losing so much blood, how many treasures of heaven and earth would he have to eat after this? Make it up.

This was the first time he had seen the power contained in the lightning tribulation just now.

Whether it was the Thunder Tribulation of Nirvana or the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation of Refining the Void, they all seemed a bit insignificant in front of the thunder tribulation just now. The most important thing is that the thunder tribulation just now was not only a thunder tribulation, but also included Catastrophe by the wind!

He relied on the term "merit and virtue to protect the body" to block the lightning tribulation. With hundreds of billions of merit points as the basis, he still blocked the thunder tribulation. It was just that his body was numb all the time, but that wind He had no choice but to resist!

Relying on his own body-protecting spiritual energy, he also has several body-protecting spiritual treasures.


The mixed wind tribulation was also extremely powerful. His dozens of layers of protective spiritual energy were shattered almost instantly, and all his protective spiritual treasures were also shattered!

He doesn't have many body-protecting spiritual treasures, except for the "Tianji Umbrella".

And just now he didn't use the Tianji Umbrella. With the power of the Heavenly Tribulation just now, he was a little worried that the Tianji Umbrella given to him would be broken into pieces. This umbrella has been with him for a long time, and it is still a growth spiritual treasure, both in terms of emotion and value. Thinking about it, he didn't want to use this umbrella as a consumable to break through the catastrophe.


Over the years, he has hoarded enough treasures, including a large number of body-protecting spiritual treasures. Although the grade is low, and they are not natal spiritual treasures, and they are not recognized as masters and cannot exert their full power, they can still be used to resist natural disasters.

The first wave just now damaged dozens of his spiritual treasures.

Just then!

There was no time to think too much, and a deafening roar suddenly sounded from the sky and the earth again. Then I saw the power of the heaven and the earth in the calamity cloud gathering quickly. The second sky thunder had already gathered and was ready to strike down again!

There was a full hundred breaths between the first thunder tribulation and the second thunder tribulation!

From this, we can see the terror of the thunder tribulation. The longer the interval, the more time the thunder tribulation spends on improving its power.


Chen Yuan raised his head and looked at the flashing thunder arc above the calamity cloud. He could feel that the power of this thunder calamity was far greater than the first one. After taking a deep breath, he did not hesitate at all.

The fourteenth level Void Refining Domain "Infinite Spiritual Energy" is opened!

The fourteenth level Void Refining Domain "Three Thousand Thunders" is activated!

The fourteenth-level virtual refining domain "Snow Grows Everything" is opened!

Immediately afterwards, three circles of light quickly spread out around Chen Yuan, but it wasn't over yet!

The "Spell Amplification" of the 14th level Void Refining Domain is open!

The "Physical Amplification" of the 14th-grade Void Refining Domain is opened!

The two newly emerged circles of light were once again centered on Chen Yuan and spread rapidly around him. He originally had three realms of transformation, but he also had two "Orders of the Domain of Divine Transformation", which allowed him to have two more realms of transformation. field.

It's just that he hasn't been able to use it.

He was ready to see if he could encounter a better field, but when a thunderstorm fell, he knew that he might have encountered the biggest challenge in his life, and there was no room for error so he could wait slowly.

There was no hesitation immediately and he redeemed these two fields immediately.

One is used to increase the strength of spells, and the other is used to increase the strength of the physical body. It can be redeemed in the merit store, and the exchange price is one billion.

The price is relatively cheap, much cheaper than the prices in his three fields. It is mainly a basic functional field. It does not have too many fancy effects. It is very simple. One increases the power of spells, and the other increases physical strength. It meets his current needs and he has no need for anything else.

I saw under the calamity cloud——

Chen Yuan circled around the five fourteenth-level realms without stopping at all, using all his strength to activate the Demon Suppression Tower in his hand, and soon a dying Void Refining cultivator was released.

This monk was one of the group of people who came to the Heavenly Palace to besiege him when he first came to the vast continent.

He placed several people in the Demon Suppressing Tower at that time. With the activation of the Demon Suppressing Tower, the creatures in the Demon Suppressing Tower will be slowly refined, thereby increasing the cultivation speed of the creatures near the Demon Suppressing Tower!

And it just comes in handy at this time.

Fortunately, these people are able to endure it. A year has passed, and they have not yet been refined. There is still a breath left, which can be used to help him overcome the catastrophe. This catastrophe is also a pressure for him. It is huge, and all available means must be used.


It has to be said that this monk who was released is also a hard-tongued person. He has been refined for half a year, and his body is almost finished refining. His mouth is still hard. As soon as he was released, he faced him immediately. Chen Yuan cursed weakly and with hatred in his eyes.

But soon, the monk realized something, and suddenly looked up to the top of his head. What caught his eye was the black calamity cloud covering the entire world, and the extremely terrifying pressure. Under this pressure He couldn't even breathe.

This fear from the bottom of his heart made him want to escape urgently.

But fortunately, the cultivator was not afraid for too long.

The next moment——

He saw countless heavenly thunders rushing into the cultivator instantly, but it was not a heavenly tribulation, but a thunder-inducing spell!

Then Chen Yu, who was suspended in the air, was suddenly wrapped in a thick white shield. This white shield was different from the protective aura. It was a layer of white, and the thickness of the white shield was also ten feet wide!

One foot is about three meters, and ten feet is thirty meters wide.

A white shield that was thirty meters thick enveloped Chen Yu's entire body. Looking from the horizon, only a round ball as thick as snow could be seen, and Chen Yu's figure could no longer be seen at all.

At this moment!


The second heavenly tribulation slammed towards him, and this time it was still mainly thunder tribulation, mixed with wind tribulation!

After a few breaths,

The white shield on Chen Lu's body had been completely destroyed, and his injuries became more serious, with countless more hair-thin wounds on his body.

"Damn it."

After taking a deep breath, he felt the stinging pain on his body, couldn't help but take a breath of cool air, then took out a handful of healing pills and swallowed them, cursing inwardly.

The plan went wrong a little.

He had an entry called "Ten Ten Ten Ten", which was a special red entry attached to the Heavenly Dao entry group "Big Nine". The effect was that for an enemy of the same cultivation level, the overflow damage after a fatal blow would be converted into a white shield to protect his safety, and the white shield would dissipate after a hundred breaths.

Although it was not clear why this entry was named this way, the entry name and the effect seemed to have no connection at all.

But his initial idea.

That he had the entry "Merit Body Protection", which could withstand the thunder tribulation, and then use this white shield to resist the "wind tribulation", so that he could even survive the entire heavenly tribulation without any damage.

It was a good idea, but it was a bit difficult to implement.

The thunder tribulation and the wind tribulation came almost at the same time, and his "merit protection" could only reduce the damage caused by the thunder tribulation when the thunder tribulation struck him, which meant that the thunder tribulation would first strike his white shield, and only after completely destroying his white shield would it fall on him.

The idea of ​​using the white shield to resist the wind tribulation failed.

The wind tribulation and the thunder tribulation did not come at the same time, one after the other, the thunder tribulation came first, and the wind tribulation came later, but the process in between was very short, less than a breath of time, and it required very precise control of accuracy!

Very soon.

After a hundred breaths, the third thunder tribulation came.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

This time Chen Yu learned to be smart and released another refining cultivator from the demon-suppressing tower, but he did not blast him to death immediately, but protected him under his body, and pinched the thunder-inducing art in his hand, ready to go!

In the moment after the thunder tribulation landed, the refining cultivator in his arms was blasted to death, and the white shield suddenly surged out, blocking the wind tribulation following the thunder tribulation!

This time it was perfectly achieved.

The white shield did not completely block the wind tribulation, but when the white shield shattered, the remaining wind tribulation had almost no effect on him.


Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his lips. Relying on this method, he survived three thunder tribulations in a row, and the sixth thunder tribulation was already brewing in the tribulation cloud!

In the fifth thunder tribulation just now, there was not only a wind tribulation, but also a fire tribulation!

And these three times also exhausted all the refining cultivators in his demon-suppressing tower. After that, he could no longer use the "ten ten ten ten" term as a means of overcoming the thunder tribulation, and there were no consumables.

In fact, even if there were consumables, it would be useless. The strength of his white shield was basically fixed, but the power of the thunder tribulation and wind tribulation did gradually increase. The wind tribulation and fire tribulation mixed in the fifth thunder tribulation, the white shield basically did not block much.


He has other means.

For example -


"Term name": body method conversion.

[Term Level]: Purple.

[Term Effect]: You can activate the ‘Melee State’. During this period, you cannot use any spells, and your physical strength will be greatly enhanced. The specific enhancement depends on your comprehensive spell strength. The stronger your spell power, the higher the grade of your Nascent Soul, and the more spiritual energy in your Dantian, the higher the degree of physical strength enhancement! -

Just then.


The thunder sounded again throughout the world, and Chen Yu did not stop at all. He immediately activated this term. His physical strength increased greatly under the effect of this term.

I have to sigh.

In terms of surviving thunder tribulation, the advantage of physical cultivation is higher than that of magic cultivation. After all, the body is strong and can resist more.

With the greatly enhanced physical strength, he easily survived the sixth heavenly tribulation. The mixed wind and fire tribulations did not cause him too much damage. Everything was still within the controllable range.


At the entrance of the Heavenly Palace, Fei Long, holding a cowhide book, looked up at the distant horizon in a daze, listening to the rumbling thunder and the heavenly tribulation that cut through the entire world, and muttered: "It seems... It seems that the problem is not very big?"

The thunder tribulation that just struck was the sixth thunder tribulation.

Originally, he thought that Brother Shu might not be able to survive this thunder tribulation. After all, it was only the first thunder tribulation, and Brother Shu was seriously injured. As a result, he had already resisted the sixth thunder tribulation.

Look at this posture.

If this combined heavenly tribulation only has nine thunder tribulations, then it seems that it should not be a big problem for Brother Shu.


The scholar who had been standing aside and crossed his arms with a calm face said: "It should be fine. Although the combined thunder tribulation is terrible, it doesn't seem to cause much harm to Brother Shu. The injuries on Brother Shu just now are basically some superficial injuries. They just look scary, but in fact there is no real injury."


The leader of the Tianfu Sect on the side also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. After confirming that there was no problem, he was secretly happy in his heart. This can be regarded as a show of loyalty, right? In such a difficult time for the senior, he did not retreat or escape, but stayed here all the time. Can't this be called loyalty?

What he wanted was very simple.

He wanted to go to the third-grade continent to see how people in higher-grade continents live, to see if the third-grade continent would have more opportunities, to see if the spiritual energy of the third-grade continent would be more concentrated, and to see if there were any new things in the third-grade continent that he had not seen.

But he knew himself.

Although he was already an absolute strong man in the Vast Continent, with the peak of the Refining Void cultivation, no one dared to say that he was weak wherever he went. As long as he didn't provoke those very few people, he could basically walk sideways in the Vast Continent.

But even so, he knew in his heart that if there was no help from a noble person, it would be difficult for him to visit the third-grade continent in his lifetime.

So he had been doing things for the senior for free, and in fact, he had only one purpose, that is, he wanted to take the senior's ride and visit a higher-grade continent. Only the fact that the Vast Continent would be reduced to ashes ten thousand years later was not so urgent for him.

After all, his life span would not reach that time.

He didn't have any descendants.

As for the Heavenly Axe Sect. It was hard to say whether the Heavenly Axe Sect would still exist ten thousand years later. Ten thousand years was too long, and too many unknown things would happen during this period. Maybe tomorrow another lower-level continent would be reduced to ashes, causing the destruction of the Vast Continent to be greatly advanced.

At this moment——

The seventh thunder tribulation roared down again!

The eighth thunder tribulation followed closely!

Then it was brewed again for hundreds of breaths, longer than any previous interval. The whole world almost stopped for a moment. There was only dazzling white light in front of all living beings within a radius of ten thousand miles, and nothing else!

A thunder tribulation with more power than the previous eight thunder tribulations combined blasted down from the tribulation cloud towards the figure in the sky!


Feilong and others almost held their breath at the same time, and used all their protective aura to drive them, looking at the distant horizon with anxiety and uneasiness. They were already full of confidence just now, but this ninth thunder tribulation completely destroyed their self-confidence!

Starting from the first thunder tribulation, the power of this thunder tribulation far exceeded the normal combined thunder tribulation, which was extremely terrifying!

And the power of this ninth thunder tribulation was more terrifying than the power of the previous eight thunder tribulations combined, and its power can be imagined.

And they also watched it with their own eyes.

The figure that was originally suspended in the sky far away, after this thunder tribulation, had disappeared between heaven and earth. It seemed extremely empty in the storm, and no one was seen. Brother Shu was gone!

Just then——

A Heavenly Dao Edict resounded throughout the world! -

"Heavenly Dao Edict": Heavenly Dao induction, in Xuantianzhou of the vast continent, the human cultivator Chaotian Sect Master, Heavenly Dao Saint, Heavenly Dao Evil, Human Race Patron God, Peerless Tianjiao Chen Shu, the King of Xuantian, successfully survived the first-grade thunder tribulation "Heaven Killing Thunder Tribulation" at the peak of Lianxu cultivation with amazing means!

He is the first Tianjiao in the history of the vast continent to survive the "Heaven Killing Thunder Tribulation"!

He is given a ray of peerless Tianjiao's luck, a ray of Heavenly Dao's luck, and a limited-time one-year edition of random seven-color entries. I hope that the people will take this as an example.


At the same time as hearing this Heavenly Dao Edict sounded.

The originally nervous Fei Long let out a long breath, but soon realized something. While he and Ao Tian turned into gilded light and shot towards the direction of Brother Shu's thunder tribulation, he looked at Ao Tian and others beside him and asked in confusion: "What's going on? Is there a mistake in the grade? This level of thunder tribulation, you told me it's only a first-grade thunder tribulation?"

"What is the annihilation thunder tribulation?"

"The annihilation thunder tribulation has no grade."

Ao Tian, ​​who was also shooting towards Brother Shu, was shocked, and his face was complicated. He said hoarsely in the wind: "In the inheritance of the dragon clan, there are records of this part of information, such as the one-nine thunder tribulation, the nine-nine thunder tribulation, and the annihilation thunder tribulation."

"They are all heavenly tribulations without grades."

"From weak to strong, they are naturally the one-nine thunder tribulation, the nine-nine thunder tribulation, and the annihilation thunder tribulation. The thunder tribulations with names are also called the one-nine thunder tribulation, the nine-nine thunder tribulation, and the annihilation thunder tribulation. The power of the catastrophe is definitely stronger than the nine-nine thunder tribulation and the one-nine thunder tribulation. "

"The reason why Brother Shu's nine-nine thunder tribulation of Lianxu is stronger than the annihilation thunder tribulation is mainly because of the difference in cultivation. The annihilation thunder tribulation is what Brother Shu experienced when he broke through the spirit transformation. Under the same cultivation level, the power of the annihilation thunder tribulation is definitely stronger than the nine-nine thunder tribulation. "

"And these are all classified as non-grade heavenly tribulations. "

"Above are the first-grade heavenly tribulations, the second-grade heavenly tribulations, the third-grade heavenly tribulations, etc. "

"According to the records of the dragon clan, this kind of graded heavenly tribulation basically does not appear in the low-grade continents of the first, second and third grades. This kind of graded heavenly tribulation can only be encountered after the cultivation is extremely high. "

"And heavenly tribulations under special circumstances. "

"For example. Race transfer, continent upgrade, etc. "

"The continent is upgraded?" Fei Long on the side suddenly caught the key point in Ao Tian's words and frowned: "You mean the continent can still be upgraded."


Ao Tian said with a complicated expression: "Of course it can be, otherwise where did these second-grade and third-grade continents come from? They are naturally upgraded from the first-grade continents, and every time the continent is upgraded, it will face this extremely terrifying grade thunder tribulation."

"It's just that this happened many years ago, and I don't know how many years it has been. The time scale has been lost in the inheritance. I only know that the continent has not been upgraded for a long time, and even the conditions for the continent to upgrade have been lost."

"It's not just the vast continent and Xuantian continent."

"According to the fragmentary information in the dragon race inheritance, all continents have basically experienced two historical faults, one was 30,000 years ago, and the other was 30,000 years earlier, but I don't know how many years ago it was."

The leader of the Tianfu Sect on the side nodded thoughtfully. It was true. A lot of information on the vast continent was cut off after 30,000 years.

In a few breaths——

Fei Long had already arrived at the place where Brother Lu was crossing the thunder tribulation. He saw that the original wilderness had turned into a huge charred pit.

And Chen Lu was lying in the middle of the pit with blood all over his body, his eyes closed and unconscious, and he fell into a coma. Even though he had fainted, he still held tightly in his hand a tattered Tianji umbrella. His injuries looked so serious that he was on the verge of death.

His whole body was full of holes, unbearable to look at, and extremely tragic.

Beside him, there were also several broken little Yuanyings scattered.

Countless spiritual treasure fragments slowly fell from the sky accompanied by violent winds and rainstorms. Chen Lu was directly hit by the ninth thunder tribulation and fell to the ground. The speed at which he reached the ground was naturally a little faster than the speed of these free-falling spiritual treasure fragments.

They rarely saw Brother Lu using spiritual treasures. Basically, he had not used other spiritual treasures except the Tianji Umbrella. At this time, the spiritual treasure fragments that were enough to cover the sky and the sun proved that Brother Lu had activated at least thousands of spiritual treasures at the same time.

Some of the spiritual treasure fragments were not body-protecting spiritual treasures at all.

The wind whistled past, and the atmosphere seemed quite dead.

ps: I will add another chapter at midnight today, come on! (Come on, I said to myself.)

I will post the typos first and correct them later, please give me some monthly votes~

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