I am cultivating immortality in the chaotic world

Chapter 273 A butcher knife is only good when used to kill chickens.

Master Chen.

In Qitian Continent, calling someone a teacher is a very respectful title, and their level is even higher than that of a senior. Calling someone a senior is because that person is older than oneself, or has a cultivation level much higher than one's own.

But calling him a teacher means that he is like a student in front of him, and he still has a lot to learn, and he admires him greatly.

If others heard that the head of the top power in the Qitian Continent would actually call a junior in the integration stage his master, their jaws would definitely drop. This is really inconsistent. In fact, the head of the Bai family called Master Chen. It's not very smooth. He hasn't used this title for many years. It's too far away. Since he became the head of the Bai family, there are not many people in Qitian Continent who are worthy of his words.


Chen Yuan, who was about to leave, hung in the air and glanced at the middle-aged man behind him who was wearing a white robe with gold thread embroidered on the sleeves and said casually: "Is there anything wrong with this fellow Taoist?"

Although he didn't know how the other party knew his surname and first name, he wasn't surprised at all. After all, his name rang out in the edicts of heaven from time to time, and his name already rang out in countless continents. In this case, it seems normal for someone from a higher-ranking continent to know his name.

"Master Chen."

The head of the Bai family took a deep breath, and the call Master Chen made was smoother. He immediately shot towards Chen Yuan, and after stopping in a safe position, he spoke faster: "I am Bai." Head of the family, this is what happened.”

After dozens of eloquent words, Chen Yuan nodded, paused for a moment and then said softly: "I understand, it means that there is a guy from the fourth-grade continent who feels that I have robbed him of his opportunity and is unhappy with me, so he activated "Void" "Seek the enemy" is this colorful entry launching a dimensionality reduction attack on me? "

This can really be regarded as a disaster from heaven.

Ling Shiqi.

He knew this person's name for the first time today. He didn't know this person's name at all before. Who knew when he snatched this person's Heavenly Edict. Besides, you didn't choose the Heavenly Edict immediately just to show off. I had to send the invitation first. Can you blame him for this?


Chen Yuan frowned slightly and said nothing. He was a top power in the fourth-grade continent, and the strongest person in his family was a person at the peak of the Tribulation. A strong person with this kind of cultivation had crushed him more than a little bit.

This means that if he provokes this force, he is likely to face endless pursuits by people with this level of cultivation. To be honest, he does not really want to provoke this level of force in a short time. He just wants to live in peace and quiet. Practice until you slowly grow to the peak.

But sometimes, just because he doesn't want to provoke someone doesn't mean that the other person is willing to develop peacefully with him.

After the head of the Bai family took a deep breath again, he rolled up a photo stone with spiritual energy and sent it to Chen Yuan. He said seriously: "Master Chen, this photo stone contains the true face of Ling Qi. This is also Compared with the sincerity of the Bai family, I think Master Chen can go further."

"The first-grade continent, the second-grade continent, and the third-grade continent are collectively called the first-grade continent."

"The fourth-grade continent, the fifth-grade continent, and the sixth-grade continent are collectively called the middle-grade continent."

"There are shackles of heaven between every continent, and the shackles between the first-grade continent and the middle-grade continent are even stronger. Ling Qiqi could freely travel to the lower continents before, all because of the title of "Heavenly King" , now without the title of Heavenly King, it is difficult for Lingge to pass through the shackles of heaven with the strength of Lingge, and go to the lower continent to find Master Chen. However, when he learns that Master Chen is still alive, he may launch a more violent attack from a distance. attack. "

"Of course, this is a misunderstanding after all. If Master Chen wants to communicate with Ling Ge to eliminate this misunderstanding, Bai can also be the intermediary. After all, "Jiang Taiping Continent" is the upper continent of Qitian Continent, and it is also Master Chen. Where you want to go in the future. "

"Being enmity with this continent's top power in advance will inevitably lead to frustration when Master Chen goes to "Jiang Taiping Continent" in the future. "


Chen Yang nodded lightly and played with the image stone in his hand. This matter sounded really troublesome, but in fact it was very simple to deal with. He didn't want to worry about the consequences, and he didn't want to worry about the top forces in the Fourth-Rank Continent. How powerful it was, all he knew was that someone slapped him inexplicably.

Then if he doesn't return the slap.

The heart is uneasy.

The next moment——

The image stone in his hand was suddenly crushed into pieces, and then a violent storm suddenly broke out between the sky and the earth. Dark clouds once again enveloped the entire world in an instant, and bursts of thunder roared again.


These thunder and lightning flashed across the sky and earth with their majestic and threatening power, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. However, Chen Yuan looked at the horizon with a calm expression, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. He could vaguely feel that these of his The attack is quickly traveling through space to an unknown place.

Is this how high-level monks fight?

The two of them were separated by countless millions of miles, but they could still fight each other. Without seeing the person, they could only see the method. It was interesting, and he liked it very much.

He originally wanted to hit another one, but unfortunately, he found that although the colorful entry "Void Searching for Enemies" did not explicitly state it, it actually had a restriction, that is, he could only launch a distance-ignoring long-range attack against one person per day.


If this person named Ling Qi can survive this blow, he will strike again tomorrow. Anyway, he has a lot of time and has nothing to do. He doesn't mind taking a strike on time every day.

The head of the Bai family felt the power of heaven and earth and the violent storm in front of him. He froze in place and didn't know what to say. Only by experiencing this power up close can he feel the horror brought by this power. fear.

This. How is this possible!

Admittedly, he felt that Chen Hong's cultivation was not at the early stage of integration, but at the fourth level of integration. This cultivation speed was simply unheard of, but with such a terrifying killing move, this cultivation speed no longer seemed very high. Eye-catching.

He is a late-stage Mahayana practitioner!

He is almost the strongest being on the Qitian Continent, but he can be almost sure of one thing, that is, he cannot block the blow at all and can only escape. If he wants to take the blow forcefully, he will only die.


This is completely unreasonable. He is a late-stage Mahayana practitioner, and is several levels higher than Chen Yuan.


Chen Yang glanced at the head of the Bai family and said nothing. When the other party approached, he immediately spent 100,000 merit points to check the entries on his body. How should I put it, almost most of the entries were some that made the body Entries that undergo mutation.

Although this kind of entry can enhance a lot of combat power, it is not the right way. When the cultivation level is low, the improvement may be very fast, but when the cultivation level is higher, this kind of entry will bring a disadvantage to the combat power. The bonus is very small.

In other words, although he could clearly sense that this person's cultivation level was much higher than his own, the other person's entries were poorly matched, resulting in a much lower overall strength. This was not just the case for the head of the Bai family.

But the entire Qitian Continent is like this. The combat effectiveness of most monks in the entire Qitian Continent is far lower than that of the normal continent. This is a polluted continent, and it is also an abnormal continent.

"Thanks, see you later."

Chen Yuan waved his hand, and after thanking the head of the Bai family for sending him the photo stone, he took Fei Long and others to leave and return to the vast continent. As for whether Ling Qi Qi was dead or not, he couldn't feel it now, but tomorrow You can feel it.

If he can launch the Void Search for Enemy on it tomorrow, it means it is not dead, otherwise it means it is already dead.

It's a pity that he didn't know the true faces and names of the people around Ling Qiyi, otherwise he would have hit them with the same method of searching for enemies in the void, and hit them with six or seven ninety-two-level combined killing moves, even if they couldn't be killed. Ling Shiqi can also cause serious injuries.


The group of people had returned to Xuantian Prefecture and settled down in the Tiangong again. They released the disciples of the Mootian Sect from the small world again. Standing at the entrance of the Tiangong, Fei Long stretched out and thought deeply. Said: "Jiang Taiping Continent? Jiang Taiping sounds the same as a person's name. Is this continent named after a certain person?"


The scholar standing aside said thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, I am also a little curious. Who gave the names of these continents? Vast Continent, Pingxi Continent, Xuantian Continent, Qitian Continent, these names. Who started it, and there is no origin that has been passed down. It seems that it has been called this since ancient times. "

"have no idea."

Fei Long shook his head, and then he didn't want to think more: "Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore. There are so many things that I can't figure out, and there's no point in thinking about them."

Just then——

Xiong Gao suddenly ran over with a panicked look on his face, and said in a slightly urgent tone: "Master, one of your maids died suddenly."


Chen Yuan frowned slightly: "Which maid is dead? Someone secretly murdered her? Or was it a natural or man-made disaster? Let's go and see."


With Xiong Gao leading the way, the group came to the back of the Tiangong. There were several exquisite small houses built at an unknown time, which were specially used for the daily washing and sleeping of Chen Si's maid, and Chen Si's septuplet maids were here. Shi was running back and forth with a panicked look on his face.

In front of a bed, Chen Yuan saw a woman lying on the bed. A woman who looked pretty good, but she was no longer breathing, her soul was dead, she could no longer die, and her face looked extremely pale.

Divine consciousness enveloped the past.

There was no wound on the whole body, and there was no sign of bleeding. There was no violent struggle before death, and the sea of ​​consciousness was not invaded. It was like he was sleeping, but suddenly died while sleeping. .

The death was inexplicable.

He had a general impression of this woman. She was a direct disciple of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. She didn't know when she became his maid, and he didn't even know about it.


Xiong Gao, who was standing aside, carefully explained: "During the last celebration banquet, I thought you took one more look at this woman and thought about it."


Chen Yang nodded, narrowed his eyes slightly, waved his hand to signal Xiong Gao and others to leave the room, then pulled out a sword from his arms and cut off all the clothes of the woman's corpse.

A pale female body appeared on the bed.

And in the places where these clothes were covered, large tracts of extremely dark runes emerged. They were somewhat similar to Buddhist inscriptions, but different from Buddhist inscriptions. They had a strange aura. He couldn't understand these runes at all. What does it mean? My spiritual consciousness searched the past and found nothing.

But it was obvious that this rune was the cause of death of this direct disciple of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

In the arms of this woman, there was an orange cat lying, which was exactly the one he met at the celebration banquet. After all the body hair was removed, large areas of dark runes could be seen on the surface of the skin. It was impossible to die. Die again.

He had seen countless kinds of death, but this was the first time he encountered such a strange way of death.

He deliberately wanted to use the image stone to collect these runes, but found that no matter what grade the image stone was, it would explode as soon as it came into contact with these runes. These image stones could not withstand the existence of this level. He wanted to excerpt When he came down, he found that he could only draw a rough outline, just like drawing a tiger from a cat, only its shape but not its meaning.

After thinking for a long time.

Still frowning, he carefully cut off a piece of fur with this black rune engraved on the abdomen of an orange cat. He was going to ask anyone who knew. He didn't even know if it was a homicide.

If it was him who killed her, who would kill a maid using such a method that even he couldn't understand?

If it was suicide, would a true disciple of the First-Rank Continent really have such a secret in his body?

After doing all this, he buried the maid and the orange cat together in the back mountain of Mootian Sect, and told Xiaolang that this grave could not be dug, let alone eaten, and then he called Xiong Gao over and spoke. asked.

"Tell me about the specific process in detail. When did this disciple of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect discover his death?"

Xiong Gao nodded and said hurriedly: "When we left Xuantian State to visit Qitian Continent, we took away all the Chaotian Sect disciples including the maids and Tiangong. When we were in Qitian Continent, your seven The maid is also taking this new maid to play. "

"After my inquiry just now, everything was normal. The new maid was also having a good time. She didn't say she was uncomfortable or suddenly felt a little uncomfortable during the whole process. It's normal. She is in very good condition."

"Afterwards, when we were preparing to return, we all returned to the small world again and settled everyone near the Tiangong again. I took care of the whole process. At this time, the master's new maid was still normal, there was nothing special about her, but Not long after, a maid came to me and said that there was black air coming from the room where this disciple of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect was sleeping. After I knocked on the door and no one answered for a while, I opened the door and went in to check, and then I saw This girl is bedridden and lifeless."


Chen Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, which meant that there were no signs from beginning to end. The person died suddenly. If there was any external stimulus, it was a trip to Qitian Continent.

When his consciousness swept over the body of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect disciple just now, he could clearly feel that the dark and rusty runes were emanating from the inside out, which meant that the possibility of killing him was almost zero. It's that this true disciple of Ten Thousand Beasts Sect carries a certain kind of curse. This kind of curse may not have any reaction at ordinary times, but when stimulated by some external factors, such as going to Qitian Continent, it will suddenly explode.

Let him die without a burial place.

The possibility of this kind of speculation is not low. The only thing that doesn't make sense is that this rune feels like it gives him a very high level. Who would put such a level of curse on a true disciple of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect?

Is it worthy?

"Nothing is unworthy."

At the back mountain of Ling Pavilion in Jiang Taiping Continent, Ling Qiqi stood by the spring, overlooking several small ants on the ground. With a calm expression, he took out a god-level talisman from his arms and smashed it down. With the dust flying, these Naturally, the little ant died long ago.

"Just like these ants, they would rather die than believe that someone would use a god-level talisman to attack them. After all, their lives are far less than this god-level talisman."

"But in fact, for me, the god-level talisman has no value. As long as I like it, it's fine. Ants often think that those strong people can't kill chickens with a bull's sword, but in fact, what the strong like to do most is to kill a chicken with a bull's sword. Chop the chicken.”

"Now that I have taken action, I will naturally not be merciful. Since Chen Yuan has taken my opportunity, he must be prepared to become my enemy. Isn't this the law of all things in this world?"

His friend who was standing aside sighed with emotion: "Brother Qi, this Chen Yang really deserves to die. It was obviously you, Brother Qi, who got this opportunity first. In the end, he had to take advantage of it first. It's just that he is a native of the second-grade continent. He has to bear the consequences of Qi Brother." Brother, your thunderous and angry attack should be far beyond the standard for this native."

"That's fine."

Ling Qiyi put his hands behind his back, looked at the horizon and whispered softly: "A long time ago, there was an ancient strong man on the upper continent. He said a very famous saying, anything that can't kill me will make me stronger. This sentence inspired me Countless people move forward despite setbacks.”

"For me, it's the same. It's just a small setback and I don't take it to heart."

"It's time to wait here"

Before Ling Qi Qi finished speaking, his friend suddenly interrupted: "What, Brother Qi, I have to go home for dinner. I don't know why, but my grandpa suddenly urged me to go home for dinner immediately. It seemed like What’s the important banquet?”

Ling Shiqi, who was narrating his emotions, lost the desire to continue talking after being interrupted. He just waved his hand to indicate that his friend could leave, and he continued to sigh here for a while.

Not long after his friend left.

Endless black clouds enveloped the entire mountain behind Ling Pavilion, violent storms roared, thunder rolled, and even though it was night, it felt like day.

That night!

Everyone near Ling Pavilion realized what real day was, and they all saw that they might encounter the most powerful thunderstorm in their lives. How to describe this scene, endless thunderstorms carrying terrifying pressure, The sky-breaking smash hit the sky above Ling Pavilion.

Its intensity is even greater than that of a violent storm.

There is no stopping, one wave comes after another.

If this scene can be used as a spectacle to sell tickets, it will definitely become the most cheering spectacle among the people, and it is full of viewing pleasure.


Ling Shiqi's friend, who had just left Ling Pavilion not far away, felt the movement coming from the mountain behind Ling Pavilion. He froze on the spot, turned his head to look, and his mouth slowly opened wide. After a while, he was stunned in disbelief for a long time. Silent.

And his grandfather, who had been urgently urging him to go home immediately, suddenly had no news and stopped urging him.

Just sent a sentence.

"Are you still alive?"


Why does my grandfather feel like he knows a lot of things?

Half a day later.

This good friend of Ling Qi's was named "Taoli", an extremely rare surname. Although his family's power was not as powerful as Ling Ge's, it was still a powerful force with considerable prestige in the Fourth-Rank Continent.

A tall young man with fair skin and red lips, who looks a bit girly and looks very beautiful.

Generally speaking, men rarely use beauty to describe them, but this boy looks very beautiful. He is not deliberately dressing up to be girly, but he is born that way.

After half a day.

He came to Lingge again, this time he was invited again. The atmosphere in Lingge seemed extremely depressing. There were white cloths and mourning couplets hanging everywhere. Every Lingge clan member had a white cloth tied on his head and his eyes were red.

Yes, the last time I was invited was a wedding and this time it was a funeral.


Taoli looked at the entrance of Ling Pavilion. The middle-aged man sitting at the entrance with the account book in front of him sighed softly, then took out a storage bag from the bag and sent it over. He hadn't set up the stick yet, and now My expenses are all provided by my family. Who can bear the burden of collecting money for such frequent errands?

And it will most likely be difficult to get the money back.

A wedding banquet was held one day, and a funeral banquet was held the next day. It’s all like this, and I didn’t forget to collect the gift money. I wonder if your Lingge can be the top power in Jiang Taiping Continent. Who can compare with you.

The guests who came were basically the same as those of the previous day, but today everyone put on black robes and had large white flowers on their chests. In the courtyard of Ling Pavilion, a group of guests were holding white flowers and came forward one by one to present them. Ling Qi’s last appearance.

In front of the tombstone, there are already piles of white flowers.

"Have a good trip."

Ling Qi's father looked gloomy and said hoarsely with red eyes: "Don't worry, son, Ling Ge will definitely use the strength of the entire clan to hunt him down to the ends of the earth!"

"It's all my father's fault. It's all my father's fault for not giving you such an opinion at that time."

Later, as Ling Qiyi's father stepped aside, other guests came forward one after another to say goodbye to Ling Qiyi for the last time.

"Seventh brother."

Taoli took a step forward with flowers in hand and stood in front of Ling Qi's tombstone: "Yesterday, we two brothers were talking about the future together. Why are one of us underground and the other underground today?"

"Actually, every time you say that, I want to refute you."

"That is, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but what if it does?"

"Now it seems there is no need to say this. You are already lying here."

"Yesterday you were holding a set of Tiandao entries, and you were so high-spirited that you would become the strongest talent in the continent of all levels in history. Today, you suddenly lay on the ground without saying a word. To be honest, the contrast is actually a bit big. How should I put it? A feeling that you could die so easily."

"Then Chen Yuan's full blow, with your cultivation level, can't you withstand it?"

After saying that, he also placed the flowers in his hand in front of the tombstone and then withdrew to the side.

And in the crowd.

A guest with a calm face was secretly pointing the photo stone at all the guests and recording their faces one by one. This person was none other than the head of the Bai family.

He was also invited to attend Ling Qi's funeral.

This was the happiest time he had ever received an invitation from Ling Ge.

With this perfect start, he can't wait to record the real faces of everyone present. No matter whether it can be used now or not, it will be useful in the future.

Of course, he would not dare to record someone with too high a level of cultivation, such as the master of the Ling Pavilion. Such a small move would alarm the other party.


It was his turn to step forward and see Ling Qiyi off for the last time.

He took a deep breath, took out the white bouquet in his hand, strode forward with a sad look on his face, stood in front of the tombstone, and said hoarsely with some pain: "Young Master Ling, for your kindness to me, I Never forget it!”

"If there is a next life, I am willing to continue to work for you."

Then he put down the white bouquet of flowers in his hand, which consisted of five white flowers.


Taoli was sitting at the guest table, waiting for the banquet to begin, while looking around a little bored. His only friend died, and no one played with him for a while, which made him feel a little bored.

Perhaps his definition of friends is a bit strange.

Or maybe it's because he has a weird personality.

Regarding Ling Shiqi's death, he didn't feel sad at all. Instead, he found it quite interesting. It was like the sudden and dramatic ending of the villain in a play. It was very interesting, but of course it was not easy for him to express this emotion. That’s it.

It's just that he is very curious about his grandfather now.

After returning home that day, he carefully questioned his grandfather about how he knew that Ling Shiqi was about to suffer a disaster. His grandfather did not speak, but just shook his head and kept silent. He then asked his grandfather, since he knew that Ling Shiqi was about to suffer a disaster.

Why didn't he tell Ling Shiqi? Helping Ling Shiqi out of trouble might gain him generous rewards and friendship from Lingge.

This time, his grandfather did not shake his head, but just rolled his eyes at him.

It was obvious.

His grandfather knew something, but he just didn't tell him. Taoli sighed and glanced around, then leaned back on the chair helplessly again. Why haven't the dishes been served yet? Ling Shiqi's father was still talking about Ling Shiqi's excellence when he was alive.

What's the point of talking about these now? If you are truly excellent, you won't die.

If you can die, it means you are still not excellent enough.

He just wondered why the dishes haven't been served yet. Didn't everyone come to the funeral banquet just to eat this meal? It's not that they lack this meal, but this is the last meal their friends invited them to.

Oh, although it was still his money.

At this moment——

He suddenly realized a problem. It was normal for Chen Yu to have the seven-color entry of Void Search, but how did Chen Yu know the true face of Ling Shiqi? It was almost impossible for a person from the second-grade continent to know the specific information of someone from the fourth-grade continent.

The next moment!

A formation suddenly enveloped the entire Ling Pavilion. The Pavilion Master of Ling Pavilion stood on the high platform, with a gloomy face and red eyes. He scanned everyone present one by one, and said in a hoarse voice: "The mourning is over, and there are still some things that require the cooperation of all guests."

"Those who don't cooperate will be killed."

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