I am cultivating immortality in the chaotic world

Chapter 38 Heavenly Treasures and Earthly Storehouses.

Chapter 38 "Tianbao Jizo".


Chen Yuan let out a long breath. Although he had not slept all night, he did not feel tired at all. After reaching the foundation stage of cultivation, although he could not live fast, his energy improved a lot, and he felt many years younger.

Walking out of the guest room, Fei Long was waiting outside the guest room early as he did yesterday.

The two of them walked out of Wentianfang City together and saw the two scholars at their old place. The scholar was sitting cross-legged, knocking melon seeds and reading the little book in his arms as usual. The bearded man was no longer receiving guests at the foot of the mountain today, but stood beside the scholar. Beside him was as silent as a rock.

"Go to the wasteland the day before yesterday and try your methods."


After a simple conversation, the four of them came to the wilderness again the day before yesterday.

After Chen Yuan took a deep breath, he closed his eyes tightly with some anxiety. After a moment, his eyes suddenly opened.


Three lightning bolts as thick as wrists appeared out of thin air, and then struck the dry ground in the distance like an aurora. Countless dust was blown up into the air. After the dust dispersed, only three washbasin-sized balls were left. Shallow pit.

See this scene.

Chen Yuan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and looked down at his right hand. Is this what it feels like to use a spell? This is the first time he has used a spell, and it feels very good. If he uses this method to chop wood, he will definitely be able to chop down a lot of trees at one time.


He shook his head to get rid of the strange thoughts that suddenly appeared in his mind, and then looked inside his body towards the foundation. At this time, the foundation was finally full of spiritual energy last night, and the three thunder-inducing skills hit it again. About 30% is left.

Although this spell is powerful, it consumes too much spiritual energy.

But he proved one thing, that is, as long as he has enough spiritual energy, he can use "Thunder Drawing Technique" several times at once.

"Mr. Chen."

The scholar sitting cross-legged beside him hesitated for a long time before he hesitated and said: "You can't fight the enemy like this. The spell Mr. Chen cast should be the mid-level spell of the Foundation Establishment Stage "Leading Thunder Jue". It seems to have reached the level of Dacheng. "

"Although the power is not weak, it consumes a little too much spiritual energy. A normal first-level monk in the foundation building stage can use it four or five times at most, and the spiritual energy in the foundation will be exhausted. Once the spiritual energy is exhausted, he will fall into an extremely dangerous situation. Condition."

"So normally speaking, when the monks in the early stage of foundation building defend the enemy, they will pour spiritual energy into the spiritual soldiers. This can save spiritual energy while maximizing the power of the foundation building monks, and then find out whether the opponent's spiritual energy is exhausted or leaking. At the moment of vulnerability, the spell was released to deliver a fatal blow!"

"If you hit a few spells when you meet, and if the opponent dodges or blocks it with some protective talisman, then with insufficient spiritual energy, Mr. Chen, you will always be at a disadvantage in the rest of the battle. ”


Chen Yang nodded lightly, indicating that he understood that he was just looking at the effect. As for if he really encountered a disaster, he would definitely not do it like this. After all, he still had 100 cards in his storage ring that were equivalent to the full strength of the foundation period. Where is the one-hit talisman.

When the width of his Dao base is not wide enough, the talisman is much easier to use than his spells.

at this time--

The ground shook slightly.

A scarlet stone pillar grew out of the ground as several people watched. The extending stone pillar stopped growing when it was four feet above the ground. At the same time, two lines of scarlet fonts formed by spiritual energy floated above the stone pillar.

"Tianbao Jizo."

"Those who are destined will come naturally."

"This is."

Fei Long looked blankly at the scarlet stone pillar that pierced the ground and was exposed in mid-air a few feet away. He was confused for a moment and subconsciously took a step back. According to his experience in the past few months, this kind of inexplicable existence is often accompanied by crisis.

"It's Tianbao Jizo!"

When the scholar who was sitting cross-legged saw this scene, he couldn't help being shocked and said: "Mr. Chen, you are indeed a man of great luck. Tianbao Jizo is a random chance in the world of immortality."

"There is no warning, it appears randomly, and each appearance only lasts for a cup of tea."

"Over the years, I have often heard of lucky people meeting them, but I have never met them myself. Today is the first time I met them. There are many good treasures on the scarlet stone pillar, and many of them are extremely rare and can only be found in the secret realm of heaven. There is a chance of producing a baby.”

"Each baby will have a price tag, but there are different discounts. As long as you have enough spiritual stones, you can exchange the spiritual stones for this baby."

Although he was once a golden elixir stage monk, he has never encountered an opportunity like "Tianbao Ksitigarbha". There are so many opportunities in the world of immortal cultivation. Who can guarantee that he will meet every opportunity?

An opportunity like "Tianbao Ksitigarbha", if you are not very lucky, you will never have the chance to meet it, but even if you meet it, if you happen to have few spiritual stones in your pocket, you can only watch the opportunity missed, which means you are also Not a very lucky person.

But since Mr. Chen can give him 3100 spirit stones, he must not be short of spirit stones in his pocket.


Hearing that this "Tianbao Ksitigarbha" only lasted for a cup of tea, Chen Yuan didn't dare to delay any longer. He immediately strode over quickly. When he got closer, he discovered that the surface of the scarlet stone pillar was seven feet wide. Seven feet long.

The surface is a square.

On the square surface that is seven feet wide and seven feet long, six square grids are divided into six square grids in a standard manner. An item is placed in each grid, and there are small words next to the item detailing the name and effect of the item.

There is a layer of translucent film above the items. Just by using the divine sense to probe and perceive, one can sense the power of heaven on this film. It is definitely not advisable to use force.

The film above each item is marked with the name and price of the item.

For example, there are ten talismans stacked together in the first grid.

"10 mid-level spiritual absorption talismans for the foundation-building period."

"It can make you absorb spiritual energy 10 times faster and last for one hour."

"10 spiritual stones"

"10% discount."

The scholar, who was worried that Master Chen didn't know the market price, asked his brother to carry him on his shoulders, and then looked down at the six squares on the scarlet stone pillar and explained: "A mid-level spiritual absorption talisman for the foundation-building period is a common talisman that can be used together with the spiritual replenishing pill."

"During the battle, this talisman can help you quickly replenish the spiritual energy in your foundation, so that you have more spiritual energy to use to defend against the enemy."

"The market price of a mid-level spiritual absorption talisman for the foundation-building period is 10 spiritual stones, and here 10 pieces are only 10 spiritual stones, which is very cost-effective. Whether you use it yourself or sell it on the market, it is very profitable."

"Although this grid can make a little money, it can't make much. Master Chen, look at the "spiritual beast circle" in the second grid. There is a certain probability that the monster beasts with a cultivation level below the sixth level of the foundation-building period in the seriously injured period will recognize you as their master and regard you as a major combat force. "

"Although it is not as spiritual as the monsters that have been raised since childhood, and it does not have the tacit understanding between the master and the pet, it is not bad. The most important thing is that it only costs 50 spirit stones."

"The market price is 200 spirit stones."

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