After this sect completely belonged to him, this sword bone naturally also belonged to him completely. This is a good thing. As long as you touch the sword bone, you will increase your understanding of the sword skills you have learned to a certain extent.

Although it is of no use to him at present.

But it is fatally attractive to sword cultivators. When he becomes stronger in the future, he can trade it for some things that are more suitable for magic cultivation.

In addition to the sword bone, there are two weapon spirits left for him.

Originally, there were many weapon spirits alive in Chaotian Sect, and there was one weapon spirit in each of the seven levels, but with the passage of time, many weapon spirits gradually lost their spirituality and turned into ordinary things again.

Only the weapon spirits in the first level Zhan Shi Nian and the fourth level Jian Ge are still alive.

These two weapon spirits have now fallen into a deep sleep again. It seems that the previous level trial should have caused a lot of damage to them. If you want to quickly restore these two weapon spirits, the method is also very simple. You only need to provide some spirit stones.

In this regard,

his choice is, you guys continue to sleep for a while.

It’s so annoying. Everything costs money.

After he finishes the work at hand, he will spend some spirit stones to awaken the spirit of the fourth level and inquire about why Chaotian Sect suddenly perished, and some things in ancient times. As the spirit of the fourth level, he must know more than the spirit of the first level.

He originally thought that since the rewards can be issued after passing the level, it means that there must be some stocks in the sect, right?

In the end, it was empty, and those rewards were not from the sect, but the rewards for passing the level directly given by the heaven. Now Chaotian Sect is just an empty shell.

And it was about half a cup of tea when Chen Yu successfully succeeded the position of the head of Chaotian Sect.

All the cultivators in the small world suddenly felt an extremely strong repulsion wrapping them in it. With the ethereal and hoarse voice from the sky, many people looked at the depths of the sect with some complexity.

Someone passed the seventh level.

I don’t know what the reward for passing the seventh level is, but I don’t know who can pass the seventh level so quickly.

They didn’t have much time to think.

A dizzy feeling came over them instantly. When they regained their sight, they had returned to the original entrance to the secret realm beside the stream in Fufeng City. There was no white vortex at this time.

Many people looked up at the top of their heads almost immediately.

The sky was fine before entering the secret realm, but how come after coming out, the sky was like the previous few days, with dark clouds pressing down on the top? And I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but it feels like the dark clouds are even lower this time.

It gives people the illusion that the sky is about to collapse.

Those dense and extremely oppressive black clouds seem to be about to fall down at any time.

After they looked at each other.

There was no hesitation.

Everyone activated their body skills or flew their swords to disperse in all directions, but in almost a few breaths, all the cultivators who were running around, three of them fled back at a faster speed and rushed straight to Fufeng City.

And their faces were full of fear.

Especially Zhao Yishi, who stood high and saw far, had just come out of the small world, and he did not hesitate at all. He raised his legs and lowered his head, and ran towards Fufeng City with his feet on the lotus leaves. The speed and the huge body formed a strong contrast.

After meeting Feilong, Chen Yu did not dare to delay any longer. After sticking talismans on the two of them, he ran towards Fufeng City.

"I have to learn a body technique and fly with a sword."

On the way, Chen Yu looked back at the black cloud behind him that was like a demonic aura rising to the sky, and whispered softly.

Only when the tide recedes can you see who is swimming naked.

This is not known until you compare it. Even if he is covered with light wind talismans, his speed is almost the slowest. The cultivators around him look ordinary, but it must be said that everyone should have practiced body techniques hard on weekdays.

That speed

is really not slow.

To go out and venture into the world, you must first practice a certain body technique to perfection, so that you can have some confidence to venture out.

In the foundation building stage, the speed of the body movement is much faster than that of the sword, but the maintenance time is shorter and the spiritual energy consumption is greater. Generally speaking, it is not used for traveling, but is used in the process of fighting.

Of course, when encountering such a situation where one needs to escape, naturally no one will consider things like consuming spiritual energy.

Chen Yu even smelled the stench emitted by the roars of the large number of monsters behind him. The monster energy is so strong that it even forms a real black cloud of beasts. There must be high-level monsters with spiritual intelligence in it!

Escape to Fufeng City first.

As long as they meet up with the scholar, these beasts should not be able to stop them.

At this time, Fufeng City is on alert, no one goes in and out, and every city gate is closed, leaving only some small gates for people who are fleeing from the surroundings to enter the city for refuge.


After Chen Yu rushed into the city gate among the crowd, he breathed a sigh of relief. After entering the city gate, he turned around and took a closer look. He saw tens of thousands of monsters whose faces could not be seen behind him roaring together, stepping on the dust and rushing straight towards Fufeng City under the black cloud!

It seemed like they were going to smash the city wall with their heads.

And countless array patterns appeared on the walls of Fufeng City at some point, and they were constantly flashing. Even the blue brick main road on the ground of Fufeng City, which was usually ordinary, had countless white lines composed of spiritual energy that kept shining.

The city defense array has been opened!

Although Fufeng City is a mortal city, since it is one of the main cities of Daxia, it naturally has no defense means. Moreover, Fufeng City is located in a remote corner of Daxia territory. It is said that monsters attacked the city a few years ago.

I have experience in dealing with it.

It should not be the first time.

However, the moment he entered the city, he was pulled into a small alley by a bearded man who had been waiting on the side. After seeing Chen Lu and the other two finally entered the city, the scholar who was sitting cross-legged on the ground breathed a sigh of relief, holding the sword formula with one hand and said anxiously.

"You finally entered the city, there is no time to say more, leave first!"

"Something big happened!"

"Someone wants to sacrifice all the millions of lives in Fufeng City!"

After that, as usual, he said in a serious and hurried voice: "Knock!"


This time.

The sword in the scholar's sleeve did not turn into a stream of light and shoot into the distance as usual. The sword body trembled wildly and sensed something but did not come out of the sleeve. The scholar's face was ugly and a trace of haze flashed in his eyes. He cast a spell several times again with some disbelief.

But the sword in the sleeve trembled more violently, but did not come out of the sleeve.

After several attempts.

The scholar finally gave up, his face gradually calmed down, and after a few breaths of silence, he whispered: "It's too late to leave. Before you came, I tried to leave. You entered the city a little late."

"It's a pity that the sound transmission talisman and spiritual sense sensing have been cut off by the formation, otherwise I can also go out of the city to find your location."

"I can't find your location, I can only wait for you to enter the city at the west gate."

"I only regret it."

"If my cultivation is still there, this kind of confinement should be broken with one sword."

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