Earth blue star.

In the Xiuxian live broadcast room.

At this time, there was only a golden glow in the live broadcast room, but it could not resist the enthusiasm of the audience.

【I love my family: reward Douyin sports car*10...】

【Delicious bean curd; reward Douyin Rocket*6...】

【Burning Sky: Reward Douyin Hot Wheels*10...】......

One gift after another was picked up by netizens who were excited to see it.

In an instant, netizens attracted by the gifts came in one after another.

The online audience soon reached 300,000!

When I saw the title of this live broadcast room, there was only a golden live broadcast room on the screen.

These new viewers are confused...

【Digging? What's going on? Are the rich collectively going crazy?】

【What the hell? It's golden with nothing!】

【Is this live broadcast of cultivating immortality? The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds!】

【Come in confused, leave confused...】

Such barrages abound.

Soon, some old viewers began to puzzle over these newcomers:

【New here, I like your new-to-the-world look!】

【Do you think rich people are all idiots? Did you know that a blockbuster movie was just being staged in the live broadcast room?】

【You are simply wrong! Do you know that Nuwa created humans? Labor and management just saw the whole process! 】

As the barrage from the old viewers came out, the new viewers also understood what had just happened in this live broadcast room.

Everyone also knows that there are two anchors, a young fairy boy and a beautiful goddess.

I also learned that this live broadcast room has super realistic special effects!

Can't help but look forward to it...

However, time passes by minute by second...

【What's going on in this live broadcast room? What about the anchor? going offline? 】

I don’t know which netizen sent this barrage.

The next second, the live broadcast room suddenly flashed as if it was sensing something, and then...

【The anchor's line: Five big characters appeared in the center of the live broadcast room.

For a moment, the entire live broadcast room was quiet for two seconds....

Two seconds passed, and barrages flashed out one after another:

【I'm so excited! Why did it go offline!】

【Damn it! Who just said that the anchor was offline? Crow's mouth!】

【Where is the goddess sister you promised?!!】

【I declare! The anchor ran away!】

【I just rewarded you, and the young lady ran away?】

【Speechless, please pay attention first...】......

Not to mention the complaints from countless viewers in Blue Star World.

Let’s talk about prehistoric times.

At this time, the Hongmeng purple energy on Nuwa's body appeared.

He was very consciously entangled with Nuwa's remaining merit power.

In an instant.

Purple clouds appeared on the sky.

Golden lotuses sprouted from the earth.

With her eyes slightly closed, Nuwa's feet were off the ground, suspended between the two, making her look extremely sacred....


Suddenly, a medium-sized voice sounded from Nuwa's body!

The sound was like a shackle being broken.

As soon as the voice fell, the ancient purple energy above the sky suddenly flashed and fell directly between Nuwa's eyebrows.

In an instant, it turned into a Tao Fruit exclusively for her in Nuwa's body!

Once the Dao Fruit is completed, the power of the saint emerges spontaneously, directly covering the entire prehistoric world....

All the creatures in the wild, including the monks, felt this aura, and their expressions changed drastically!

The next moment, Nuwa's voice resounded across the entire prehistoric continent.

"I am Nuwa, and today I create a new race of creatures called [human beings].】!"

"The merits have been perfected and the creation has become holy!"

As soon as these words came out, Nuwa's new identity was directly established!

Honghuang, the second saint!

In an instant, all the creatures fell to their knees on the ground!

In an instant, all the monks bowed and saluted!

"We pay our respects to the saint Nuwa!"

"We congratulate Saint Nuwa for achieving Taoism and fruition!"

"We wish Nuwa Queen to enjoy eternal blessings and live as long as heaven!".......

At this time, five other Xuanmen disciples used their magical powers to transmit sounds and left!

Taoist Laozi:"Congratulations to Saint Nuwa for achieving the Dao Fruit and attaining the divine destiny!"

Yuanshi Taoist:"Congratulations to Saint Nuwa for attaining the Dao Fruit and attaining the divine destiny!"

Taoist Tongtian:"Congratulations to the Saint Nuwa for achieving the Dao Fruit. , received the blessing of destiny and became a saint!"

Taoist Huiyin said:"Congratulations to Saint Nuwa for your merits!"

Taoist Zhunti said:"Congratulations to Saint Nuwa for your merits!"

As the saying goes, all saints are ants.

Even though Nuwa is their fellow senior brother and sister.

But now Nuwa has become a saint.

They no longer dare to call Nuwa by her first name!

The reason is very simple. A successful saint is already transcending the way of heaven and standing side by side with the way of heaven.

If they don't even respect the saints.

Then there is no need for saints to show their power, the law of heaven will send down the punishment on its own!

Therefore, even the Sanqing people would not dare to be disrespectful to Nuwa before becoming a saint....

This is the rule, the prehistoric rule.

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