The ancient land, the birthplace of human race...

At this time, an aura exclusive to the middle stage of immortality burst out from Bi Yun's body and shot straight into the sky!

"How is this going?"

"The aura of the Holy Master is so terrifying!"

"Is this what is called spiritual practice?"


Thousands of people noticed Bi Yun's anomaly immediately, and they all exclaimed.

They don't know how to practice.

At this moment, feeling the coercion coming from Bi Yun, he felt that his body was instinctively afraid and was being suppressed uncontrollably.

It also stimulated their impulse to learn the way of spiritual practice....

What they didn't expect was.

The aura on Bi Yun's body has not disappeared because of the passage of time!

On the contrary, it becomes more and more powerful! one day later... boom!

I saw a surge of momentum that was even greater than before burst out.

Powerful fluctuations oscillated out from Bi Yun as the center.

It directly pushed ten thousand human beings thousands of miles away again, and the land beneath Bi Yun sank by as much as ten feet!

Countless sand and dust billowed up, and everything was covered in gray....

At this time, Bi Yun's cultivation level has already broken through again, and he has entered the realm of the late immortal state..........

In chaos, in front of Wa Palace


"Yun'er actually broke through again!"

"How is this going?"

"Did he use the power of merit to improve his cultivation?"

"But even with the power of merit, it is impossible to be so fast!"

Empress Nuwa looked at the spiritual mirror suspended in front of her, with the power of the saint condensed, and she exclaimed again and again.

No wonder she was so surprised.

You know, cultivation requires talent.

And since enlightening Biyun, Nuwa has Wa is very aware of Biyun's talent.

In her opinion, Biyun's cultivation talent can only be said to be ordinary.

Even though she has taught him for so many years, he is still in the early stage of the immortal realm.

At this time, he suddenly breaks through. The two small realms naturally surprised her.

She also flashed the idea that the other party was practicing with the power of merit, but with her cultivation, she clearly found that the other party was actually making a breakthrough, rather than catching the power of merit....

This naturally surprised her...

Is it a matter of accumulation?

At this time, she can only return to this.........

However, Nuwa's surprise did not end there.

Because she discovered that the aura on Bi Yun's body was not stable at all.

Instead, we are still climbing!

Ten days later!

A more powerful aura burst out from the spiritual mirror.

Empress Nuwa slightly pulls her dress with her slender hands

"The immortal is at the peak of the realm of Yuanshen!"

"Only ten days!"

Nuwa murmured to herself...

Because she felt that Bi Yun didn't mean to end it yet!

"Could it be that Yun'er still wants to break through the bottleneck of the Immortal?"

Nu Wa said, her tone full of disbelief.

You know, the bottlenecks of the big realm are different from those of the small realm!

The difficulty is countless times greater!

Some people even get stuck in the peak period for a lifetime. Unable to move forward.

And what about Bi Yun now?

He has broken through three realms in ten days!

From the early stage of immortality to the peak of immortality , it has already surpassed the cultivation time of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years for others.

It took a thousand years to break through from the early stage of Tianxian to the peak of Tianxian. He was already at the top of the ancient world! Could it be that he still wanted to break through to the Xuanxian realm in one go?

I have some small expectations...........

Nuwa was not disappointed. a month later...

A breath unique to the realm of Xuanxian suddenly burst out from the spiritual mirror.

At this point, Bi Yun entered the realm of Xuanxian.

It took more than a month to complete a big realm....

At this time, Empress Nuwa looked at the spiritual mirror in front of her.

The whole person was stunned, frozen in place and motionless....

It can be said that her mentality is completely broken!

As the second saint in prehistoric history.

Also deeply affected...

One thousand years corresponds to one month.

The results of the comparison are quite obvious.

It was not until a few breaths later that Empress Nuwa was sure that the aura on Bi Yun's body had begun to stay firmly at the early stage of Xuanxian and no longer move forward that she breathed a sigh of relief.

"call...If Yuner continues to make breakthroughs..."

"That would really scare me to death...."

"This Yun'er, what else do I don't know?..."

Empress Nuwa said to herself, and then she looked at Bi Yun in the spiritual mirror with interest.

To be honest, after a series of surprises.

She quickly calmed down.

At this time, she was in the realm of a saint.

Not to mention a Xuanxian, even Daluo Jinxian and Quasi-Sage would not be able to move her in the slightest.

But at this moment, she was a little worried.

What should I do if I'm worried that this fairy boy will be snatched away?...........

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