Weak creatures.

No matter in any world, the first problem we have to face is food, cultivation, transportation, and housing.

What is eating, cultivating, traveling and living?

As the name suggests

【Eating] means taking food to maintain vitality. This is essential and primary for survival.

In Blue Star, humans are at the top of the food chain, and the Yanhuang Kingdom can eat invasive alien species to extinction.

In the prehistoric times, it was quite normal for all races to devour each other.

The ancient world also had its own food chain, and it was very simple.

No matter what race you belong to, as long as your cultivation level is low, you will face the consequences of being eaten....

【Cultivation], that is, practicing with exercises when the vitality is normal, and breathing in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to strengthen oneself.

If you want to avoid being devoured by other races, you have to practice hard.

The other three are even simpler. To wear them, you need to have clothes to cover your body, cover your shameful parts, and also protect against the cold....

【[Travel], the ancient land is vast and boundless. If you want to walk on the ancient land and explore unknown areas, you can only use your body and magical powers, or ride on a horse....

Mortal spirits can conquer creatures that are good at running but have low cultivation level and become mounts....

Practitioners practice physical skills and magical powers, or conquer the spiritual beasts of heaven and earth....

【Live], no matter what race you are, whether you are a spirit or a practitioner, you need to face this problem.

All spirits need shelter to protect themselves from the wind and rain...

Practitioners need a cave as a place for practice, and with the blessing of formations, the cave is like spring all year round, and the spiritual energy is rich..........

And at this moment.

In front of Bi Yun, ten thousand people raised these questions that they must face.

In response, Bi Yun nodded slightly and began to think.

Not long after, under the hopeful gaze of thousands of human beings.

Bi Yun finally thought of a solution.

He returned to the popular mall in the system and quickly found an item that needed to be exchanged.

【Spiritual Valley Seeds]

Quantity: 10,000.

Price: 500,000 popularity value.

Note: As long as there is enough spiritual energy, it can grow and mature quickly and form a spiritual valley.

"This is it!"

Bi Yun was overjoyed. The system was really powerful.

He did not hesitate and redeemed it directly.

The next second, he turned his right hand and saw a small bag suddenly appeared in his hand. As soon as the bag came out, it actually radiated A scent of fragrance.

Smelling this fragrance, thousands of people's eyes lit up, and they felt that their stomachs were being stimulated more and more, and their hunger became more obvious!

"What's this?"

"smell good! Is it food?"

"Smelling this smell makes me even hungrier!"

"But such a small bag? Is it enough to feed ten thousand of us?"

"Don't panic! The Holy Master must have his own method..."


Thousands of human beings spoke one after another, staring at the small bag in Bi Yun's hand with hopeful eyes, full of expectation.

"Now, I will answer your questions one by one"

"Please take a look!"

Bi Yun smiled upon seeing this and stopped pretending to be mysterious.

He saw the clouds and mist rising under his feet, lifting him into the air. Then he waved his right hand and threw the small bag in his hand to the sky.

Suddenly, Wan The celebrity tribe saw tiny pieces of grain spilling out of the small bag, and the golden spirit grain seeds fell neatly onto an open space by the lake. The next second, something strange happened.

After the Helinggu seeds fell into the ground, they immediately absorbed the spiritual energy of the world and began to sprout rapidly.

After one breath, the green seedlings suddenly emerged from the ground, and after three breaths, the seedlings grew and bloomed. Flowers.

Six breaths thick, the flowers are ripening, and they have grown into golden and plump grains.

Looking around, there is a rich golden fragrance wafting out, reaching the nostrils of all the people present. among...

The eyes of all the people were shining brightly, and their hunger became more and more intense.

At this time, Bi Yun said:"This is the spirit grain, and the fruit is the seed. As for its function, it is to solve your hunger."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and dozens of golden spirit grains fell off. , flew into his hand

"If you are hungry, take it off and eat."

After Bi Yun finished speaking, he took the lead in demonstrating and threw the spirit grain in his hand into his mouth.

Not to mention, after dozens of spirit grains were taken in, Bi Yun felt full, and the fragrance of spirit grain reverberated. It is extremely comfortable in the stomach and intestines.

Of course, there are no other advantages....

After eating these spiritual grains, Bi Yun couldn't help but smile as he looked at the thousands of eager human beings.

With a wave of his right hand, countless spiritual grains rose into the sky one after another, dozens of them in groups, and they all fell into the hands of every human race....

"Eat, it's easy to work when you're full..."

Bi Yun smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden shock in the sky!

Everyone couldn't help but look up, and immediately discovered that the entire sky was rendered black and yellow again....

"No way..."

Bi Yun looked surprised and murmured to himself.........

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