In the eastern part of the prehistoric period, beneath a certain mountain range.

Bi Yun's face was full of shock at this time.

What did he see?

A large spiritual pool with a radius of ten feet was formed from the rich spiritual energy that turned into spiritual liquid, and then the spiritual liquid gathered together!

A tree of enlightenment that is three feet tall and exudes the aura of innate spiritual roots!

A phoenix egg that is one foot tall and still exudes powerful vitality!

Each of these things can cause many powerful powers to compete!

But at this time, it appeared in front of him alive!

The reason why this spiritual root can be recognized is that it is the tree of enlightenment.

But it's because the shape of this spiritual root is very strange!

I saw that the branches of this spiritual root were all green and verdant, and the petals were glowing with colorful colors, making the entire spiritual root shine with colorful light.

There are nine more fruits on the tree!

Each fruit is only about the size of a thumb.

They are all flowing with colorful light, and a word"Tao" appears and disappears among these fruits.

This is the tree of enlightenment that has already produced the fruit of enlightenment!

Enlightenment Tree and Enlightenment Fruit, as the name suggests, if you can take the Enlightenment Fruit, you can increase the effect and speed of enlightenment.

The growth period of this Enlightenment Tree is similar to that of other top-grade innate spiritual roots.

It blooms every three thousand years, bears fruit every three thousand years, and matures every three thousand years.

In other words, nine fruits will be obtained in nine thousand years.

What's even more amazing is that if this fruit is not picked within a thousand years after it matures, all nine fruits will fall to the ground and turn into mud, feeding the tree of enlightenment again.

In other words, Bi Yun came at the right time.

Just in the thousand years when it will bear fruit

"Hahaha! I knew there was a treasure in heaven and earth"

"Such a large spiritual pool and the fruits of the Enlightenment Tree are enough for me to practice!"

"It's really not in vain that I spent twenty years deducing the formation!"

Bi Yun burst into laughter.

You know, he was originally looking for a treasure land for cultivation.

At this time, what he got in the cave was the Lingtan and the Enlightenment Tree. Isn't that just what he needs?

In the Lingtan The spiritual liquid can support his practice.

The Enlightenment Fruit can even increase the speed and effectiveness of his practice!

This is simply the treasure he needs most!

As for the phoenix egg,

Bi Yun didn't want to care about it at this time. After all , this phoenix egg seems to have been here for a long time.

It should have been laid here by some phoenix a long time ago.

Although it has vitality, it should not change for a while.


Thinking about it, he no longer hesitated and crossed his legs directly under the Enlightenment Tree. With a move of his right hand, a fruit from the tree immediately fell off and flew directly into Bi Yun's hand.

"Just try how amazing this fruit is."

Bi Yun murmured softly, and then threw the Enlightenment Fruit into his mouth.

Immediately, he felt that the Enlightenment Fruit melted in his mouth, directly turning into a trace of fluid that fell down his esophagus and entered his body.

The next moment , he felt very clear in his mind. He closed his eyes slightly and started to run the Heart Sutra, and countless artistic conceptions of the five elements of heaven and earth flashed through his mind!...

There are two ways of yin and yang...

In an instant, he entered an unprecedented emptiness and darkness.

Originally, with the blessing of the Hunyuan Taoist body, his understanding and cultivation speed were already so fast that even Nuwa would be shocked when she saw him.

However, at this moment, with the blessing of the Fruit of Enlightenment and the support of the spiritual liquid from the spiritual liquid pool.

Bi Yun's cultivation speed has indeed reached a new level!

Many things that could not be fully understood before are now fully realized and suddenly understood!

Once he has a thorough understanding of Taoism, there will be no obstacle to his improvement in cultivation level!

I saw him already immersed in cultivation.

He smiled for a while and frowned for a while.

As his understanding deepened.

The Hunyuan aura couldn't help but emanate from his body.

His cultivation also began to grow crazily!

Time flies by like crazy.

A month passed quickly.

The aura on Bi Yun's body suddenly changed, and a terrifying aura suddenly formed!

But he broke through the early stage of Xuanxian and entered the middle stage of Xuanxian!

However, this breath of climbing has no intention of stopping at all....

Late Xuanxian...

Xuanxian peak.........

Five years later.

Bi Yun took the third Enlightenment Fruit.

His aura suddenly changed, and a more powerful aura burst out!

And he has no intention of stopping and continues to explode...

Early stage of true immortality...

Middle stage of true immortality...

Late stage of true immortality...

The pinnacle of true immortality.........

Twenty years later.

Bi Yun took the fifth fruit.

The spiritual liquid in the spiritual pool turned into a water column and poured towards the top of his head.

And his aura continues to grow!

Early Golden Immortal Period...

Mid-Golden Immortal Period...

Late Golden Immortal Period...

Golden Immortal Peak..........

One hundred years later.

There are no fruits on the trees anymore.

The spiritual liquid in the spiritual pool has bottomed out.

And the aura on Bi Yun's body has already reached the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal!

However, because the spiritual liquid is exhausted, because there is no more enlightenment fruit.

Bi Yun's cultivation level has not improved further, but has steadily stopped at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal....

Also at this time.

Still practicing with his eyes closed, he didn't notice that the phoenix egg next to him suddenly trembled slightly....

A colorful ray of light passed through the eggshell..........

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