After being prompted by the system, Bi Yun also realized this problem.

The concepts of time in the two worlds are completely different!

"The prehistoric times do not remember years."

When Bi Yun was reading novels in his previous life, he always felt that there was something wrong with this sentence.

Not remembering the year? How do you know how long the time has passed?

Isn't this inconsistent?

But after absorbing Bi Yun's memory, and then being in this world.

He just Understand, the fact that the prehistoric world does not remember years does not mean that there is no unit for measuring time, but that the creatures in the prehistoric world are immersed in cultivation and do not care about the past years.

So at this time, the system reminded him that if he did not let Nuwa Queen earlier. How long will this live broadcast last?

Nuwa thought it would take ten thousand years!

"no! We must let Empress Nuwa create humans as soon as possible!"

"But I only remember that Nuwa used colorful gourd vines and nine-day soil to create humans!"

"How to create a human being...I have no idea at all!"

"Why! Got it! Bi

Yun thought of this and had a flash of inspiration.

He turned around and looked at the Mirror of Reality, and found that the number of fans was soaring.

It had already skyrocketed to 500 online viewers!

And among the barrage, there were also those who were crazy about Nuwa Empress....

Bi Yun smiled helplessly. Sure enough, the goddess was a sight to behold wherever she went, even in the live broadcast.

Could it be that in previous lives there were always women who made a lot of money live streaming some interesting things?.........

Stop thinking about these things.

Bi Yun then opened his mouth and said:

"New Taoist friends, please pay attention so as not to get lost!"

"I have already said, this is Empress Nuwa!"

"If you don’t believe me, there’s nothing I can do about it!"

"How about this! Empress Nuwa is still thinking hard about how to create humans. You can come up with some ideas."

Yes, this is Bi Yun's method.

Since ancient times, netizens have produced talents. In his opinion, these netizens must know how Nuwa created humans.

Even if it doesn't work, they can also read the prehistoric novels of previous lives.

And graduates As soon as the words were spoken, the barrage became smaller.

Three seconds later, the content of the barrage finally changed:

【Also said that this goddess is Nuwa? Anchor, you are a drama queen, right?】

【Anchor! I believe it! As long as you give me the contact information of the goddess, I will believe whatever you say!】

【Nuwa created humans? Isn't it just using the whip of creation and the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil?】

【I just finished reading a novel. It said that when Nuwa created a human being, she first asked her to knead the mud and then used the whip to create the human being.】

【Some people actually take it seriously, 666...】

【yes! Let the goddess squeeze the mud first!】

【No pinching, nothing! Just pinch it and you might have everything!】

【They are all veteran drivers...】......

Watch the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Bi Yun's mouth twitched slightly, what is all this?

What about trust between people?

However, he was also awakened by netizens.

Many things in life are actually not difficult to solve.

The difficulty lies in your hesitation before doing this.

It’s better to start directly. In the end, you will find that things are actually very simple....

Thinking of this, Bi Yun said to the live broadcast room:

"I understand, let Nuwa empress create humans now!"

"But let’s talk it over first, I won’t be able to talk to you later!"

"If you have any opinions, you can continue to post comments!"

"Otherwise, I’ll be in trouble if my empress discovers that I’m live streaming!"

【The anchor is really good at acting...】

【OK, OK! As long as you let the goddess squeeze the mud, anything will work!】

【Please start your show!】......

Ignore the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Bi Yun took a deep breath, and then came to Nuwa Empress, followed closely by the Eye of Nothingness.

Bi Yun's heart trembled slightly as he looked at the face of Empress Nuwa in front of her that was so exquisite that words could not describe it.

I really don’t blame the netizens in the live broadcast room....

With such a face, neither black nor flattering, who wouldn’t be tempted?

【Come on! Don't be a coward, host!】

【Why are you hesitating? Hurry up and ask the goddess to pinch the mud!】

【If the goddess starts pinching mud, I will buy gifts immediately!】

【Damn it! Boss...】......

Without looking at the wildly flashing barrage, Bi Yun's mind was united, and the mana in his chest resonated, and he spoke slightly:"Empress?"

"Um?"Empress Nuwa felt the fluctuation of magic power and couldn't help but open her eyes slightly.

The displeasure in her eyes flashed past, but when she saw that it was her fairy boy who interrupted her thoughts, her expression straightened slightly.

"What's wrong? Yuner?"Nuwa Empress said gently, her voice was as soft as fine water, and after being passed into the ears, it was like a stream flowing into the heart, making people forget to leave....

【Damn it! Open your mouth and kneel!】

【What kind of goddess voice is this?】

【I'm done with it! It sounds so nice! There is such a woman in the world!】......

The real world behind Nuwa kept flashing, but the barrage was drawn out crazily....

However, Nuwa did not discover the existence of this mirror.

She also didn’t know that humans in another world were already discussing her...

Although Bi Yun saw it, he had no idea at this time.

"Queen, I know how to create new creatures..."

Bi Yun said softly, the dark eyes on his childish face blinking at Nuwa...........

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