"Fellow Taoists"

"I was so preoccupied with having barbecue just now that I forgot to interact with you!"

"I'm so sorry!"

"In order to compensate you, I will teach you magic here!"

"Get gifts! Just tell me what spells you want to learn!"

Somewhere in the wilderness.

In a big formation the day after tomorrow.

Bi Yun said to the live broadcast room.

I saw a smile on his face, which made people feel like spring breeze!

However, listen to his words clearly.

Blue Star's side Netizens were a little confused

【To prove that I am not hallucinating, please host again!】

【I think the anchor is crazy about money, right?】

【Teaching magic, right? Then let’s teach you how to light a fire first. The lighters used for smoking these days are enough to buy a Porsche.】

【The one in front! I feel it deeply! My lighters are usually borrowed and never returned, but they cost a lot of money!】

【I said do you have ambitions? The anchor wants to teach magic! Look at your potential! Still smoking...】

【I am a great person. I want to learn wood-attribute spells and turn the desert green!】

【brother! The desert doesn't need you. I think you need a little green on your head. I can help you!】

【I want to learn to fly!】

【I want to learn how to escape from the ground!】

【I just want to know, how do you make the account permissions completely your own? I am Douyin Chaoguan, there is a problem with your account! Please contact me yourself as soon as possible!】


After hearing Bi Yun's words.

Many netizens have only one thought in their minds.

That means this anchor is joking!

Just kidding for a reward!

That's right, even netizens who have watched Bi Yun's three live broadcasts don't believe Bi Yun is really in the prehistoric world.

Instead, it felt like he was in a studio.

Everything is actors and special effects.

Only this fact is consistent with their three views.

They would rather believe that Bi Yun has mastered brand-new special effects technology and photography technology!

Photography and special effects technology that can play the most advanced special effects in live broadcasts!

The reason why is so.

It is indeed a very normal thing!

No matter who encounters such a thing, they won’t believe it, right?

They will all explain themselves within the scope of their own cognition, right?

Furthermore, let’s talk about whether the power in this live broadcast really exists.

Then why when these great powers exploded in momentum, none of the netizens on Blue Star felt the slightest impact?

These are added together.

Only then would the netizens of Blue Star not believe in the real existence of the prehistoric world.

Even those netizens who are extremely aggressive in giving rewards.

For them, it is just to have an eye-opening experience in this live broadcast room and learn some novel things in this live broadcast room.

Throw money at rewards? This is also an extremely normal operation.

After all, you don’t understand the life of rich people.

You don’t understand what other people think.

You are not a fish, how can you know the happiness of fish?

That's the truth.

To sum up, all the netizens of Blue Star have not believed in the existence of prehistoric times for so long.

Don’t believe that everything Bi Yun encountered is true!

I don’t believe there are cultivators in this world!........

And after seeing the barrages appearing in these live broadcast rooms.

Bi Yun was also slightly startled.

Then, he shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

Also, for so long, netizens have not believed what happened to them. This is indeed normal.

If you believe it after just three live broadcasts, will you change your three views? That is impossible!

However, Bi Yun found a way to convince Blue Star netizens!

This is why he will tell netizens today that he will teach the people of Blue Star how to practice.

The idea of teaching Blue Star how to practice was not an idea that suddenly popped up for no reason.

It all happens for a reason.

Bi Yun knew that his live broadcast had already had a great impact.

It can be said that it has reached a peak!

No matter how novel or cool it is, you will get tired of looking at it too much.

How can he gain popularity points by then?

If no one rewards him, then what’s the use of his system?

Therefore, for the sake of the future, Bi Yun decided to let Blue Star's compatriots cultivate immortality!

The road to cultivating immortality is long, and he believes that as long as he can teach his compatriots on the Blue Star side to take the first step in cultivation.

Needless to say about what happens next.

After tasting the sweetness of spiritual practice, watching his live broadcast is no longer just for novelty or for eye candy.

But for practice, for longevity, for strength!

In this way, the compatriots of Blue Star cannot live without him, so will his popularity be reduced?

It is estimated that the whole world will watch his live broadcast and reward him together, right?!

Bi Yun felt a little excited at the thought of being able to lead Blue Star to practice cultivation!

Lead the rise of an era by yourself!

This is something I couldn’t even imagine in my previous life!

Of course, it is not easy to get all the people to cultivate immortality!

The reason is simple, Bi Yun already knew it from the system.

That is, Blue Star’s spiritual energy is too rare!

Therefore, the first step for Bi Yun to lead Blue Star in the great era of cultivating immortals is to...

Teach the spirit gathering formation!.......

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