Everyone should have heard this sentence.

Curiosity killed the cat.

In this sentence, the focus is not on the cat, but on curiosity.

So, can curiosity really kill people?

At this time, the ketchup expressed dissatisfaction!

Because she is curious! Very curious! Super curious!

Others don't know, only she herself knows it very well.

It is impossible for such a thing to happen to her.

It’s even more impossible to face so many people cheating on live broadcast!

Who is she ketchup?

She is a...Great mother!

The child is still learning in the womb, how dare you teach the child a bad lesson!

She knew it best, it was all happening right in front of her eyes.

Not to mention Cherry's mutation, even this live broadcast was an idea that came to her suddenly.

Therefore, she knew very well that this was true!

There are really many magical and unknown things in this world!

The cherry as big as a watermelon in front of her is the best proof!

Moreover, standing in front of this cherry, she actually felt an extremely strange fragrance coming from her nose!

This smell has a damn, charming magic, smelling it is like being in a fruit forest.

The whole body is surrounded by the fragrance of fragrant grass. otherwise? Try taking a bite?

There should be no problem, right?

After all, this is the cherry I just bought...

And it’s not me who wants to eat, it’s the baby in my belly who wants to eat....

Just try one for the sake of your baby?

This idea kept breeding, growing, and flourishing in Ketchup's mind...

Finally, she slowly walked outside the small spirit gathering array and was about to reach out to touch the mutated cherry.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy!

【No! Is this true or false?】

【You can't touch it, Jiangjiang! I'm afraid it's something scary!】

【stop it! Will there be a lot of bugs in there, just like the Ironworm movie?....】

【Damn it, I think it’s scary to think about it, this is impossible! Gives me goosebumps!】

【We believe it! We believe it! Jiangjiang, don’t touch it yet!】

【They all say it’s fake, are you stupid? What can happen? Isn't it just a watermelon painted like a cherry?】


These barrages are filled with a lot of emotions.

However, across the Internet, Ketchup didn’t feel a trace of it!

She didn't go to any live broadcast room at this time.

Instead, he raised his hand and entered the small spirit gathering array.

As soon as her hand entered, her eyes suddenly lit up!

Because she could clearly feel that there was an inexplicable, invisible substance wandering around her palm, caressing it gently.

Make her feel so comfortable!

"Could this be...Is it aura?"

"Is it really possible to cultivate immortality in this world?"

Ketchup was shocked. She felt that a lot of the knowledge she had learned was being re-cleaned and covered....

Therefore, she was even more sure that there was nothing wrong with it, so she grabbed the cherry and pulled it directly out of the spirit gathering array!

When she held it, she felt heavy, as if she were really holding a watermelon.

And as soon as you get closer, the strange fragrant fragrance of grass becomes even more intense!

The next second, she discovered a strange phenomenon!

Although it was only slightly, she clearly noticed that this huge cherry was gradually getting smaller!

That process is just like the opposite in the Spirit Gathering Formation!

"Could it be that without the aura, the cherry will turn back?"

"That won't work! That has no effect!"

Ketchup thought in her mind, her logic was extremely clear.

Then, looking at the shrinking cherry, she felt anxious and took it directly to her mouth. Without saying a word, she took a bite!...,.,,

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room really panicked!

【I wipe, I wipe! It really bites!】

【The person who just encouraged Jiangjiang to eat this thing! If something happens to Jiangjiang, you can't run away!】

【Damn it! I'll contact Jiangjiang's company now!】

【Hurry, hurry, hurry!】

【Oh my God! How is this going? This cherry is so strange!!!】

【yes! Why are the cherries deflated? ? ? Is it full of juice? 】

Seeing the ketchup, I took a bite of the mutated cherry.

The audience was naturally afraid that something might happen, and some were so anxious that they called the ketchup company directly!

And the next second.

Everyone discovered that a strange scene had occurred!

I saw that the cherry in the tomato sauce hand was like a balloon, deflated! Deflated! Got it!

What exactly is going on?

Is it really weird?!

But they don't know.

At this time, the surprise in Ketchup's heart was ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times greater than theirs!

Originally she just wanted to take a bite, but this mutated cherry actually melted in her mouth!

It's like the whole cherry is filled with juice!

She just took a bite, and the sweet juice in the whole cherry flowed directly to her, and she swallowed it all!

In just three seconds, a cherry as big as a watermelon deflated into a small balloon.

And at this time, feeling the cherry juice flow like a warm current in his body, Tomato's expression changed drastically!

"not good!!! I'm giving birth!!!"........

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