Blue Star.

It has been more than half a month since the last live broadcast of Bi Yun ended.

In the past half month, because of the harsh measures taken by relevant departments.

The turmoil caused by the Spirit Gathering Array has calmed down.

At least, it seemed to be calm.

Because Chinese people have resumed their previous lives, it is time to go to work and it is time to sleep.

Of course, some mutual discussions are indispensable.

This is a curiosity unique to human nature and is quite normal.

After all, the emergence of the Spirit Gathering Array also gave birth to some new species.

In this era where animals are extinct at every turn, the emergence of new species is naturally a very novel thing.

However, even if various prohibitions and statements are issued.

There are still people who, because of these curiosity and greed, privately arrange the spirit gathering array from time to time, causing various accidents.

Fortunately, the relevant departments attach great importance to this matter.

Countless experiments in various major research institutes have shown that nothing wrong with the Spirit Gathering Array has been found so far, and on the contrary, it has great magical effects.

Relevant departments allocated huge sums of money.

Relevant bureaus have been set up in various places, called spiritual management bureaus.

The personnel among them are elites selected from various places and have extremely fast mobility.

The Spirit Management Bureau is even equipped with spirit energy detectors that have just been developed by the country.

This aura detector combines various advanced high-tech principles.

It can be regarded as the first instrument developed by humans using high technology combined with spiritual energy after the spiritual energy gradually recovered.

With this spiritual energy detector, you can quickly scan out the fluctuations of the spirit gathering array.

So that the Spiritual Administration Bureau can deal with it quickly!

This is also the reason why once someone sets up the spirit gathering array privately, they will be discovered in a very short period of time.

From issuing various bans and statements...

Set up in local spiritual management bureaus... to fully study the spiritual energy detector...

These actions are visible.

The Yanhuang Kingdom already attaches great importance to the Spirit Gathering Formation!

The emergence of the Spirit Gathering Formation has also made many Chinese people feel that this will be the beginning of the next era!

Maybe cultivating immortality really isn’t a dream!

However, monitoring the actions of Douyin Platform never stopped for a moment.

Both ordinary people and people from the Spirit Management Bureau are very curious.

Who is this person who is broadcasting live to cultivate immortality?

Why do you know about the Spirit Gathering Array?

Is everything in the live broadcast true?

Is this anchor really not in Blue Star, but in another world?

Does the prehistoric world really exist?

Will there be other worlds?

Where are these worlds?

Outside the universe?

Will Blue Star be discovered and coveted by other worlds?.......

The same, countless questions are increasing every day.

Because if this is true, then many scientific theories can be overturned!

Then human life will undergo earth-shaking changes!

However, as these questions piled up, half a month passed.

Bi Yun still hasn't appeared...

Some ordinary people even forget about this and still go to work with their heads covered.

After all, no matter how life changes, they have to face life.......... this day.

Capital City Spiritual Administration Bureau.

A rapid alarm sounded suddenly!

All the staff of the Spirit Management Bureau were shocked.

One by one, they gathered in the lobby of the Spiritual Administration Bureau.

Immediately, I saw the Douyin live broadcast room platform popping up on the huge screen hanging high in the lobby!

The live broadcast room account [Biyun Fairy Boy] displayed in the upper left corner is extremely eye-catching.

Let every staff member of the Spiritual Management Bureau who rushes to the lobby and sees this scene be extremely excited!

"what happened!"

"Why does the siren sound?"

At this time, a roar came from outside the lobby door.

The next second, a middle-aged man with a majestic face strode in from outside.

He was the first director of the Capital Spirit Management Bureau, named Hong Hua, with the rank of major general!

When he was appointed to this position, he didn't take it seriously, and he was even speechless. He didn't think there was anything ridiculous about it! It wasn't until he took office that he would be better off fighting overseas!

, the Research Department of the Capital Spiritual Management Bureau showed some mutated creatures and plants seized from various places.

Hong Hua was extremely excited!

This position is guaranteed to me. If anyone dares to compete with me, I will kill him!

"Director! The guy finally showed up!"

"Director! The anchor who broadcasts the Spirit Gathering Formation is online!"

After seeing the appearance of Hong Hua, director of the Capital Spiritual Management Bureau, the first staff member to react immediately said to the man, his tone full of excitement.

You know, they have been waiting for half a month.!

Since taking over the Douyin live broadcast platform half a month ago, they have been trying to crack the authority of Biyun's account.

The result is obvious, no matter whether it is the top network experts in the country or the world's top network experts hired from abroad.

No one can crack the authority of Biyun's account, let alone get a little bit of useful information.

But who doesn't know this information?

Therefore, they have no choice but to change their strategy..

From the original intention to breach the account permissions, it has been half a month since then! How could they not monitor Bi Yun's Douyin account every minute



It's like the long-awaited answer is about to be revealed!

"Special grandma's!"

"quick! Let the people from the supervision department come over!"

"Find out this person's location for me immediately!"

"I would like to take a look! Is this person a human, a ghost, or a real immortal?"

Hong Hua was overjoyed and laughed directly!

You know, after their research found that the spirit gathering array can really gather a super-powerful energy that is very similar to the legendary spiritual energy.

How excited they were!

The higher-ups paid even more attention to it. , because it may bring about a new era of development! However

, they are still troubled by the inability to use this energy.

Even if all the research institutes work around the clock, they cannot develop the legendary cultivation technique that can control spiritual energy.

, their spiritual management bureau put all their hopes on Bi Yun.

Now that Bi Yun finally appeared, Hong Hua was naturally very happy!........ at the same time.

A pop-up window popped up on the mobile phones of all fans of Biyun’s live broadcast room.

【We haven’t seen each other for more than two hundred years. Let’s get together in the live broadcast room. This fairy boy invites you to watch the tribulation together!】........

【ps: I am soliciting all kinds of opinions and will improve it in the future. Thank you for your support! 】

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