(Seventh more delivered, ask for subscription, flowers, tips)

Six o’clock sharp.

Many doctors and nurses in the emergency room who work day shifts are leaving work one after another. Night shift doctors and nurses also came, handover handover.

Today Liang Ying and Yang Tian are both working day shifts, so they can leave work.

“Would you like to go to my house and see the environment first?” Yang Tian and Liang Ying asked as they walked out of the emergency room door.

“Anyway, it’s okay, you can go and see.” Liang Ying readily agreed.

“Well, but wait until a friend comes to me, I’ll see what she is looking for me, and we’ll go over.”


Before the words were finished, the throttle of a sports car roared outside the entrance of the hospital, and there was more than one! Rather, several.


A red Ferrari Farah suddenly rushed over, and suddenly braked sharply and stopped not far from Yang Tian.

Then, another Porsche 918 came to a stop behind the Ferrari.

Then another Lamborghini stopped behind the Porsche 918.

Three sports cars drove in at once, stopped here, and instantly attracted the attention of countless people, first of all, Ferrari Farah needless to say, more than twenty million, Porsche 918 more than ten million, even the Lamborghini is eight or nine million.


At this moment, the doctors and nurses who were leaving work, as well as the scattered patients around them, saw that the three sports cars were all looking sideways one by one.

“Lying groove, these three sports cars add up to forty or fifty million, right?”

“Who, so pulling the wind.”

“Who the hell is it?”

“A group of rich second-generation teams to see a doctor?”

Soon, Yang Tian recognized, isn’t this Ferrari Farah car Liu Piaopiao? Well, it should be Liu Si Sikai now.

Sure enough, the next moment I saw Lyuslaly Farah walking down, and today she has changed a lot from before, well, her figure is super hot.

At the same time, two beautiful women also walked down from the other two cars, both beautiful women of Miaoling, dressed stylishly, and all kinds of famous brands on their bodies.

“Yang Tian!” Liu Sisi walked over to Yang Tian, and while saying hello, the other two girls followed behind, looking at Yang Tian with a smile. It’s like, it’s like rice.

This made Yang Tian a little puzzled, he didn’t seem to know these two girls.

“Yang Tian, a group of rich women are coming to you!” Liang Ying, who was standing next to her, teased in a low voice.

“Ahem… Friends, friends. Yang Tian touched his nose.

Damn, this pomp is indeed a little too eye-catching.

At this time, many doctors and patients took out their mobile phones to take pictures from a distance, of course, the three sports cars.

“Liu Sisi, what’s the matter with you coming to me?” Yang Tian asked.

“Hee-hee… One is to come to you and invite you to dinner and thank you well, and second, my two girlfriends also want to find you, well, talk. Liu Sisi pointed to the two girlfriends beside him and continued: “This is called Gu Yuxuan, I’m young.” This is Han Wenwen, my junior high school classmate and best friend. This is the Yang Tian I told you, Doctor Yang! “

“Hello Dr. Yang!” The two women greeted Yang Tian sweetly.

“Doctor Yang, you are so handsome!” Gu Yuxuan said coquettishly.

“I didn’t expect Dr. Yang to be so young!” Han Wenwen frowned.

“Two beautiful women are good.”

“That… Are you going to treat me to dinner? Yang Tian looked at Liang Ying beside him and said to Liu Sisi. Just now, he promised Liang Ying to go to his rental house to see.

“yes, you should be free, right?” Liu Sisi blinked and glanced at Liang Ying. She was guessing in her heart at the moment whether this girl was Yang Tian’s girlfriend?

“Yes, but I’ll take her, her name is Liang Ying, don’t you mind?” Yang Tian said with a smile.

“Of course I don’t mind! By the way, this is your girlfriend? ”

“No, it’s a colleague.”

“Yang Tian, I’m not going.” Liang Ying didn’t know them, so she was embarrassed to follow them.

“Anyway, you have to eat, go with you, anyway, she is a rich woman, let’s go eat a big meal for free!” We’ll talk about it when the time comes to finish eating. Yang Tian said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, several women giggled.

“Liang Ying come together, there are many people.” Liu Sisi didn’t mind Yang Tian calling her rich.

“Okay then.” Liang Ying saw that the other party warmly invited Liang like this, and she no longer twisted.

“Yang Tian, will you take my car or?” Liu Sisi asked.

“I’ll drive my own car, you guys go first, I’ll follow behind, don’t step on the accelerator so hard, I won’t be able to keep up later.”

“Cluck… Got it. The women laughed again.

In the garage, when Liang Ying saw that Yang Tian was driving a Mercedes, she was surprised: “Yang Tian, when did you buy a car?” No wonder you don’t need me to pay rent, it turns out that you are also a local tycoon! ”

“Hey, hey… You regret it now…” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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