This morning, Yang Tian slept fiercely. Because he won’t be at work until six o’clock tonight, or the night shift.

In the afternoon, I played games at home for another afternoon, ate dinner, and came to the hospital to clock in at the time of work.

The interns who worked with him on the night shift today were Song Jie and Wu Junhua.

“Oh~ it’s the damn night shift again, I’m going to go bald sooner or later!” Song Jie complained.

“Haha… I also hate night shifts. The night shift is not only busy, but also stays up late, hurting the liver. Wu Junhua also spread his hands helplessly.

In a large hospital like theirs, the night shift is also very busy, you think, in addition to the emergency room, there are basically only one or two people left in other departments during the night shift. Everyone went home from work and went to sleep.

Only the emergency room is open 24 hours a day!

So, when you see those doctors are bald, eight out of ten are definitely in the emergency room.

“Well, don’t complain, work hard, strive to become a leader as soon as possible, and then there will be no need to work the night shift.” Or you can transfer to a department that doesn’t need to be on night shift…” said Yang Tian with a smile. With his five-fold physique, he felt that baldness should have nothing to do with him.

“You think it’s so easy to climb up.” Song Jie was speechless.

Also, a large hospital like this is full of talents, and it is not easy for you to climb up.

By six o’clock, there were not many patients in the surgical emergency room. But by seven o’clock, the number of patients gradually increased.

Fortunately, the emergency room is crowded and does not seem very busy.

At this time, a TV news in the emergency room lobby attracted the attention of many people.

On TV, the female host had just finished broadcasting a piece of news, and suddenly said in a serious tone: “Dear audience friends, now insert a news.” Five minutes earlier, a gas explosion broke out in a cafeteria in the city, causing a fire. The number of injured is uncertain at the moment… We are currently conducting a rapid rescue…”

“An explosion in the cafeteria?” Yang Tian looked at the name of the restaurant, and he knew that this restaurant was not very far from their hospital. At that time, those injured will definitely be sent to the nearest hospital for treatment on the principle of proximity.

“It seems that some are busy!”

Sure enough, half a minute later, Yang Jinrong hurriedly walked in front of everyone and beckoned to the doctors and nurses: “Listen to me, a gas explosion occurred in a cafeteria in the city just now, and a fire was triggered. It is estimated that there were more than thirty people injured to varying degrees. Our hospital and Jiangbei Second People’s Hospital are close. At that time, we will have a dozen or twenty patients! Most of these patients should have burns. Everyone get ready immediately. ”

“Dr. Mei, Dr. Li, Dr. Wang, you three and I immediately went to the scene for rapid rescue. I heard that seven or eight of them are very seriously ill! Yang Jinrong said to the doctors.


Suddenly, the entire surgical emergency room was busy, the home visit, the preparation.

Less than ten minutes.

The sound of an ambulance braking sharply sounded outside.

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight patients were brought in, all of them with extensive burns and more serious conditions. In addition, five or six were helped in, and it is estimated that they were only slightly injured.

“Yang Tian, you lead Song Jie and a few people to treat these five or six patients with abrasions and small burns. Do they have any other questions? Zhang Zongrong ordered Yang Tian.

“Just fine.”

Yang Tian, Song Jie and the others quickly checked the patients.

“How’s that, are there any other discomforts?” Yang Tian asked to a young man. The young man had a small area of burns on his arm, which was not serious.

“No, it’s just that the wound on my arm hurts hotly.” The youth grinned.

“It’s okay, your burn is not serious, you don’t need surgery, you don’t need to remove your dead skin, you just need to disinfect and bandage it to prevent infection.” However, it hurts when you clean the wound later. There is also some medicine to prevent infection. Yang Tiandao.

“Now grab an ice pack and put it on.”

“Thank you doctor.”

After checking several times in a row, the problem was not big, and there was no other discomfort.

There is no need for surgery, just clean the wound, bandage it, take some medicine or infuse some medicine to prevent infection.

While everyone was busy, a nurse at the front desk said to Zhang Zongrong: “Doctor Zhang, there was a serious bus accident on the Jiangbei Bridge, and the injured people are estimated to be more than 20 people. Now the other side has asked to send two doctors to the rescue, and four or five are in serious condition…”

“What? How come it all together! Zhang Zongrong made a bitter face. Just now I went to the restaurant where the gas exploded, I sent four doctors, and now there are more than 20 patients in the emergency room.

Now two more doctors will be sent.

Then there is only 1 doctor left in the hospital in the end, and it is simply too busy!

“Doctor Zhang, how many doctors from the inpatient department to borrow?” Dr. Chen said to Zhang Zongrong.

“That’s it.”

“Doctor Chen, you and Dr. Zhao go to deal with the bus accident, let me sit here.” Zhang Zongrong shook his head. Tonight, I am destined to be busy to the ground.

“Okay, then I’m going.”

Soon, 2 doctors came over from the inpatient department, and they were still not busy enough.

Even Yang Tian and a few of them were busy and dizzy.

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